Gc ,1- 942.7401 ^' '— F81p v,2 1242351 GENEALOGY COLLECTION 3 1833 01941 3043 PEDIGREES YORKSHIRE FAMILIES. PEDIGREES THE COUNTY FAMILIES YORKSHIRE JOSEPH FOSTER AND AUTIIRNTICATRD BY THE MEMBERS Of EACH FAMIL\ VOL. II.—WEST RIDING LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE COMPILER BY W. WILFRED HEAD, P L O U O H COURT, FETTER LANE, E.G. 1874. 1242351 LIST OF PEDIGREES IN VOL. II. small type refer to fa Hies introduced into the Pedigrees, the second name being the Pedis the former appears: 'hus, Marriott will be found on reference to the Maude Pedigree. MARKHAM, of Cufforth Hall, forjierlv Becca. Nooth—Vavasour. Marriott—Maude. Norcliffe- Dalton. Marshall, of Ne\vton Kyme and Laughton— Hatfeild. North—Rockley. Martin—Edmunds. NORTON (Baron Gr.antley), of Gk.vntlev i MAUDE, OF Alverthorpe, Wakefield, &c. GATES, OF Nether Denby, and Raw'.marsh. Maude—Tempest GATES, OF Meanwoodside. Mauleverer—Laughton. Ogden—Maude. Maxwell—Midelton. Oliver—Gascoigne. Maynard—Sherd, Westby. Ormston—Aldam Melvill— Lister. Owen—Radclyffe, Rodgers. Metcalfe—More. Palmer—Roundell, Meynell—Ingram. PARKER, LATE OF WoodjWiorpe, MICKLETHWAITE, OF INGBIRCHWORTH, .\rdslev Parker—Lister, Walker. HOUSE, &C. (jft'Vol. 3.) St. Paul—Bosvile. MIDDELTON, of Stockeld a.\d Miiuielto.N' Lodge. Pease—Aldam. Milbanke—Wentworth, Nos. i and 2. Pedwardyn— Savile of Thornhill. MILNER, of Burton Grange. Pemberton—Stapleton. MILNER, of Pudsev, now of Nun Arpleto.n. Perceval—Westby. MlLNESj of Wakefield and (Baron Houghton) Percy—Foljambe, Heber. Fryston. Pickford-Radcliffe. Montagu—Wortley. Pickford, of Macclesfield—Radclyffe. Moore, of Frampton—More, of Barnborough. Pigot—Wood, of Hickleton. Moore—Foljambe. Pigott— Fairfax Moorsome —Maude. PILKINGTON, of Chevet Park, \-c. MORE, of Barnborough Hall. Pilkington—Wentworth, No. i More—Foljambe. Pitchforth—Hanson of Rastrick. Morley—Radcliffe, Tancred. Plumbe—Tempest. Mountaigne—Foljambe. PLUMPTON, of Plumpton. Mowbray—Howard, Nos. i and 2. De La Pole—Foljambe. Moyle Copley. — PORTINGTON, OF Portingtox, and S.awci Myers—Lister. PORTINGTON, of Barnby-upon-Don. Nessfield—H ungate. Portman—Fitzwilliam, Wentworth, No. i. NEVILE, OF Chevet. PUDSEY, OF Bolton. Nevile —Foljambe, Wentworth, .\o. i. PYEMONT, of Lofthouse. Newby Copley. — Raby, Lords of—Nevile. Newcomen Wortley. — RADCLIFFE, of Rudding Park, &c. Newsome Yarborough. — Raleigh—Hoyle of Hooton. Noel— Wentworth, No. 2. RAMSDEN, of Longley Hall, and Byrom, . List of Pedigrees. R,-\MSDEX, of Crowstone—Fawkes. Stapleton— Hopton. RAWDON, OF R-4WD0X. Staveley—Sherd. RAWSON, OF NiDD. STOURTON (Baron), of Stourtox. RAWSON, OF Mill House. Stourton—Vavasour. Redfearne—Hoyle of Hooton. Stringer—Norton Revell—Woodyeare. Stuart—Wortley. REYGATE, of Steetox. Sturgeon—Wentworth, No. i. RHODES, of Kipp.ivx. Sumner—Wilberforce. RICHARDSON, of Bierlev. SWIRE, OF LlTTLETHORPE. Richardson—Wilson of Ashton. TALBOT, OF Bashall, and Thorxtox-le-Street. Ridgway—Akroyd. TANCRED, OF Boroughp.ridge, Whixlev, axd RniMINGTOX-WlLSOX, of Broomhead—Wilson, of Brink- Ardex. cliffe. Tasburgh—Anne. ROBINSON, THE Most Noble the Marquess of Ripox. TEMPEST, OF ToxG H.all, and Bkuughiux. Robinson—Nevile. Tempest—Carr. ROCKLEY, OF ROCKLEV. Thomas—Rodgers, Wrightson. Roddam—Spencer-Stanhope THORESBY, of Thoresby axd Leeds. De Rqdes, of Barlborough—Hatfeild. Thorne—Foljambe. RODGERS, OF Sheffield. Thornhaugh—Savile, of Thornhill. ROOKES, OF Rovdes H.all. THORNHILL, of Thorxhill, Fixby, axd Ridd ROUNDELL, OF Gledstone. worth. Roxby—Maude. THORNTON, OF Scarborough. SAVILE, OF Thornhill, Ruffokd, &c. THORNTON, of Birkin. SAVILE, Earl of Mexborough. Thorpe—Wheatley-Balme. De Sancta Maria—Clarell. Threlkeld—Lowther. Sawell—Sherd. Tibbets—Woodyeare. Sayle—Richardson. Towgood—Stansfeld. Scargill—Rodgers. Trafiord—Vavasour. Scholfield—Vavasour. Travels— Bosvile. Scot—Calverley. Trickett—Aldam. Scott—Rockley. Turbutt—Woodyeare Seymour, Marquess of Hertford— Ingram. Turner—Gascoigne, Talbot. Sharman—Parker. VAVASOUR, OF Hasleavood, Spaldixgeox, &c. SHERD, SHIRTE, axd SHIRT, of Rotherham, &c. Vavasour—Stourton SIMPSON, OF Castle Lodge. Vernon—Savile of Thornhill, Wentworth. No. i. Simpson—Wood, of Hickleton. VINCENT, OF Boston Lodge, and of He^lswo SLINGSBY, of Scrivex. Lane Ends. Smeatham—Maude. Vyner—Robinson. Smith—Dalton, Pyemont. Wailes—Fairbaim. SMYTH, OF He.-vth Hall. Waleis—Clarell. Sotheran—Sherd, Westby. WALKER, OF Masborough, Clifiox. &c. Southey—Thornton. Walker, of Mount St. John {sec Walker, of Mas SPENCER-STANHOPE, of Caxxox Hall. borough). Spencer—Maude. Wallace— Ingram Stanley—Radclyife. Warburton—Lister. STANSFELD, OF Field House, &c. Warde— F?>coz«// Dudley, and— Bosvile, Roundell. Stansfield, of Esholt— Rookes. Warner—Roundell. Stansfield—Busfeild. WATERHOUSE, of Halif.ax. STAPLETON (Baron Beau.mont), of Carletox. axii WATERTON, OF Walton Hall. Wentworth, No. i. STAPYLTON, of Wighill, Mvtox, Nortox, &< . WATSOX—Marquis of Rockingham— . List of PedipTees. VVENTWORTH, OF Wentworth Castle. WINN, of Nostel Priory, and WINN, of Bramham- WENTWORTH, OF WooLLEY Park. BiGGiN (Lord Headley.) Wentworth—Armytage De Winton—Rawson, of Mill House. Wescombe—Rockley. WOOD, OF HiCKXETON (ViSCOUNT HALIF.\X). West—More. WOOD, OF HOLLiN Hall. WESTBY, OF Westby, R,4venfield Park, &c WOODD, OF CONYNGHAM HALL. Wheatley—Wheatley- Balme Woodrove—Foljambe. Whitaker— Thornton, of Scarborough. WOODYEARE, OF Crookhill. White—Talbot. STUART-WORTLEY (Baron Wharncliffe), of Wort- WILBERFORCE, of Markington. ley Hall. Wilkinson—Maude. Wraith—Wheatley-Balme. Williamson—Winn. Wright—Sherd. WILSON, OF Brinkcliffe Tower. WRIGHTSON, of Cusworth Hall. WILSON, of Leeds. YARBURGH, OF Heslington, and YARBOROrOH, WILSON, of Eshton Hall. OF Campsmount (see also Cooke Pedigree). WiL.sox, of Dalham Tower—Smyth. Yates—Vavasour. Wilson— Pyemont. YORKE, of Beaverley Hall. hop of Wells. 1293 -1302 Km., killed at the battle non ( ? John) Margaret Mark leiress of Sir HAM. married t (k£ Talbot Sir Walter Pil Elizabeth, born ]86o. Elizabeth, daughter of the r. 1S38. married. 16 Rev. W. Mac- to Charles Bowen, Bean. M.A., «. ...J Canterbury Settle- rector of St. New Zealand. Tavy, rfBUDE Caroline Lucy. Peter. and took the 28 September. 1842. mar- - name of Chftoa Dec, 1S68. to Lieut 3 Aug., 1869, Henry Clements, of Asli- in on succeeding to the estates of ^etiigrce of jUarfeijam, of Cuffortl) (formerly l^etta). y. 1565. admitied a Frances mark- 10 Thomas Water- sop Lodge, bom 1663. >erg, 12 February, GGiles's, Cripplegate, 3 F. Ion, Esq.. of Wal- CO. York, andly, ried EliEabeth, Griffin. ton, Stlfe' James I. at Bel- Charles of Markham, Isabe Godfrey Markmam, sewec daughter Ursula. voir Marmaduke Mary. Castle, in of Bottcsford, died Tohi Earl of Essex in Ireland, a 1603, married in 1635. leaving Tunstall, of ANNE. a Tev royalist was killed ii amy, Bridget, daughter daughter. Helen. Anne, Marshall. Wycliffe, CO. John' of Sir James who died at Sedge- thor She York,diedi670. Hanngton, Bart., brook, in 1636. MARY ler.dicd aged IS on 3 Jan., 1608.= Tied, andly, to Henry and died in Dec.. Richard. 17N0V, ANIEL MARKHAM,= Anne. George Mark- George Robert Markham. of Sedge! Frances Markham, Bassano, Esq., daugh- created a baronet •/r^ HAM. Mark- bom 1597, by bom oepiemDei m inc paruameniaryarmy, goven ter of Elizabeth, ham, i, 15 Aug., 1642, served at > Edward Hussey. 1598. married of Belvoir Castle for three yea William Catharine. bora on the royalist side, marrie of Hunnington, Neville, = Barbara, daughter of 1659. 1659 he was appointed commissio Esq.. of Derby, o. s. ton, by Margaret Cecil, of Holt. I He died on diedjiine;' 1664.' sister of Lord Burgh- Candlemas day. 1667. rr ofOlIerton Percy Markham Ursula Mark- f^aKHAM, Sir Robert Markham. = Mary, daughter of Sir Anthony Markham, Thomas Mark- Thorpe and Plum- M'^lliam Bart., of Sedgebrook. ThomasWiddrington, of colonel in the Guards, in 1703. toThos! er »f the bom 1644, married at Chesboume, co. North- bom March, 1646. >f Philip Constable, of Hough- on, and died in 1743. = Great Melior,MelIOR,-! LUgusi), 1690. daughter of Ferdinandt o ChristopherVi'll nCasi]e,co.Kent- = Sedgebrook, 7 Apri Broughton, of Longdon, c T^ m n Elizabeth Mark- George Markham. Thomas Mark /illiam Markham, Robert Mark- Christina Markham. a nui ham. married to of Ollerton, married Philip Marki diedj-fl. HAM, diedj.^. at Brages. Plumstead Magna, died in 1650, Peter Coppin, Mary, daughter of ried to Miss Bi obert, diedj./. Mark, died j. /. Mary Ursula MARKHA^ died Salvin. of s. where he died in Esq. ; she Bryan Thomas Mark 3HN, died i. Edward, died 17 married 27 October, 17^:1, t 1676, having married Plumslead Benedict Conquest, Esq., of leaving his estates to Kemptkorne India- ofMr. Crane, of Gee Imham, co. Lincoln ; her only Dr. Bernard Wilson, man, in the Bay ol child married the 8th Lord rector of Newark-upon- Bengal, 25 .'\ugust, Lord Protector, Arundell, of Wardour. Trent, and prebendary 1690. Frances Markham, John I Kilkenny, in 1686, major in the I d.iughter of Geo. ed, 22 July. 1776, to army, and served under Gene- Markham, of laduke Tunstall, Esq., 755, Sarah. ' daughter of Richard Cliv ral Stanhope, in Spain, and Worksop Lodge, daughters, Margaret of Wycliffe, died n October, Qive. She died MartRTHA, born in 1676. died in June, 1771, aged 85. married 1717. 1828. He d ; dean of Rochester, = SARAH, daughter ofJohn of York. 1776-1807, Goddard, Esq. I J November. 1807, . Markham. born = Elizabeth, daughter Oct., : John Markham. ne.=Hon. Maria William s Geobgina Markham, bom 23 ;. George Markham, ;. Robert Markham, bom arth.\ Honoria Georgin.
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