PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862--VOL, IS PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 31,1883. PRICE THREE CENTS. It..OOci lb .l<> ■PKL1AJ. NOTICSa. FOR SALE. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. steam elevators iu acccr lance with specifica- /ainous earthquake which devastated and de- THE S1ARANOCOOK MEETINQ. Turkeys, *> Tub, *> TWO LARGE FAILURES. Chicken# IHerces 94a® 9% afterwards decided to Callao in 1782, continued at inter- .25a3»>«*! Published every excepted) tions, whereas it was populated Fowi day (Sundays hythe It took but three minutes Hon. Jostah H. Drummond on the Pro- .18l20o| PaiJ.9VsllO PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, ase hydraulic elevators without giving Crane vals for four years. Butter. FOR At au to in another bid. an to make the entire of Amendment SALE. 97 Exchange st„ Portland, me. opportunity put Otber lor earthquake city hibitory Creamery ••• 24®2.^. Needs-. GARMENTS Terms: Eight Dollars a Year. To mail subscrib- correspondence was introduced as tending to Fort Royal, Jamaica, a complete wreck in Gilt Edge Vex ..22a23c Red Top 4 26®4 60 ers. Seven Dollars a Tan- of all kinds Year, If paid In advance. Suspension o/ F. Shaw & Co. show that Hale & Co. bad a monopoly of the 1692, and even less time for the destrnction of Among the speakers at the Maranocook Choice 17®18e.Timothy. 2 16®2 35 Homestead of the late Oliver Dow, situated Kates of Advertising ; One inch of space, the In the West March Good 13® 15c Clover .15Va®16 elevator business for the government under 8an Salvador, Indies, 19, on was the Hon. Jostah H. THEat West Buxton on the Saco River: length of column, constitutes a "square.” ners meeting Sunday Store ..10®12c Raisin*. Village, the present supervising architect. 1873. The city of Mendoza, in the Argentine acres two cents ... 40 Dry Cleansed, Steam containing fifty exeellent land, story $1.DO per square.dally first week; 76 [.er was Drummond of Portland. In the coarse of his Muscatel. 1 70®2 ice week A spirited up at this destroyed and 12,000 brick bourn aud “L,” bari wood bouse, after; three insertions or lt«j, $1.00, continu- colloquy sprang point Republic, people< Vermont — 10@12 London Lay’r 2 20®2 30 home between was killed a shock of but a moment’s duration to the Lewiston Journal, he Scoured or Dyed In.use, sheds Jtc.. very l. ijHk u country ing every other day after first week, 60 cents. counsel. Mr. Crane of Chicago by address, according N V Fact’y.. 10al2 OnduraVal 9»/4®ll For terms &c F DAVIS, Half square, three Insertions or less. 76 one then examined Mr. Coleman. His firm bid In March, 1881. apply to^^^^B cents; by _ said: Apple-. Orange-. and Pressed jy2Sdtt Maine. ! woek, $1.00; $60 cents per week after. And the Boot and Shoe Firm of C- for the Chicago building elevators, but did not Rating p bbl.. 4 60®5 001 Valencia 10 00® 13 00 ^^^^^Buxton, We propose to a constitutional prohibi- Special Notices, one-thl d additional. get the contract. He narrated all the circum- FOREIGN. pnt Evaporatedtb 16 *4 ® 18 Vi Florida...O 0C%O OO BY TAILOR S P Under head of and ‘‘Auction tory amendment into the State. It contains Dried 00 EJSSMLEN “Amusements” Copeland & Co. stances attending the rejection of his hid and Apples....9Vt@10 iMessina.7 00®8 Job for Sale. Sales," $2.00 per square per week; three insertions the prohibtory There is no need to OTreo the of Hale '& principle. Sliced ... Palermo.0 60®7 50 AT Printing or acceptance Co’s, He appeared 10® 10Mi | less, $1.60. state it. The question that we are to discuss r. I if uio u—. Jnb Office, containing 1 before the committee of experts and explained Informer Carey Shot Dead on Ship- Siimi ! Printing then Is this in the constitution. No, Granulated — 1 Messitfa.4 00 and suita- THE MAINE STATE PRESS. bla bid und machinery. The committee, how- principle p lb 9*4 5(>®6 eighth "Piouty”press, type board. that is not the We hare gone past Extra C.884 Palermo.4 50®6 00 FOSTER'S Published every Thursday at a 30.-The firm of F. Shaw & ever, in favor of hydraulic elevator’s question. ble fer mercantile Rare Mornixo, $2.50 Boston, July reported that. We have started to it In. It has doing printing. year; if paid In $2.00 a and in favor Sc Co’s pnt one to en- advance, year. 268 Purchase the tanutug of Hale contract. His •pportnnlty for any desiring Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State Bros,, street, largest come where we mast vote upon it. The ques- Ferrisn Import*. Forest House firm built hydraulic elevators as well as steam City Dye in the business. Satis- Press iwhich has a circulation In concern In the an assign- Nortlicote’a Suez Canal Motion Defeated tion is as to votes. That is the I PR. Sehr Anne Cecilia-417 hhds gage job printing large every part world, to-day made and would have bid for elevators questieu. HUMACOA, IS Preble Preble House for Terms cash »f the Slate) for $' .00 for first insertion hydranllo am here to talk as to duties as to 50 bbls to Geo S Hunt & Co. St.opp. factory reasons selling. per square ment to F. A. The cause of the sus- had It yonr votes, sugar lyia sneorttf and 60 cents for each inser- Wyman. not been for mlspreseutations. Mr. In the Commons. and Ter? metlera'e. per square subsequent not only to yon men bat to the women who di- ST JOHN, NB. Sehr Julia S-l00,000 ft boards tion. pension is the fact that the immeuse assets of Hill paid Hale & Co. 100 per cent, more for Address PRINTER. Press Office. rect and tell ub how to vote. to Mark P Emery. Address all communications to he putting elevators In the Chicago custom house the firm are so involved that they 0»nn"t Carey, the Informer, Shot Dead. I did—yes I will say something about it Jygfidlw _ POKTLAND PUBLISHING CO. than they were paid for elevators for the coun- Cure to An Im- though I thought I wouldn't. I did hear Railroad Receipt Your Corns utilized oauoel present liabilities. ty buildings in Chicago. Londok, Jnly 30—Intelligence has just been BY USING For Sale. doubts at the beginning aB to whether this 30. mediate cause of the Buspeusion is the failure The commiltee adjourned until tomorrow received that, James Carey, the informer, was Portland, July Sfyperioa .80S tons Register, rate Hi. lu METEOROLOGICAL. amendment was best. 1 thought that the Received by Maine Central Railroad, for Portland re morning when witnesses will be examined in shot dead yesterday on the steamship Melrose gaud elder. For particulars Inquire of of C. W. Copeland & Co. Messrs. Shu' coaid safely be left to the people of 39 cars miscellaneous inerch«n >ise; for connecting SOHLOTTERBECK’S BRIG INDICATIONS FOB THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR regard to the iu the custom while she was between Cape Town and Port question jfllfdsf B. J. W11.LABI). Brothers are creditors of the former firm to the sealing apparatus the grand old State of Maine. I do not think roads, 62 cars miscellaneous merchandise. house. Elizabeth. The deed was committed by a HOCKS. it best now we are destined to have the battle. Wart & Bunion Solvent. amount of about 8100,000. The firm of F. fellow named O’Donnell. Corn, FOR SALE OK RENIT. War Dep’t Office Chief Signal passenger I think the time has been chosen none too Or* 4*oo<i* Whole*ale liarket. Entirely harmless; is not a caustic. J Shaw & Bros, is rated at and O’Donnell took passage here Donald Cur- D. about 85,000,000. KUKLUX AGAIN. by pone too late. It is a serious The are wholesale and It removes Warts, Bunions and Callous The House & corner Officer, Washington, C. j early, question following quotations prices Corns, Lot of rie & Co’s mail steamship Kminerms Castle, -virrocted Stcrer Bros. & without a bleu isb. 1 A. M. the assets will reach that amount. Cred- to meet. If it is established now, it is estab- daily by Go. Dry Goods, leaving aud Male street, for sale July 31, , fully which left Diatroth on the 6th lust, for Cape Brush for applying in each bottle. Drering lished for all time, if lost then the work of Woolen# and Fancy Goods, 144 to 152 Middlestreeti at $ UOO and taxes for 1883. Or For Mew England, itors may reasonably expect settlement in full, Town, where she transferred her passengers cure is Some of Their Recent Operat ions in Geor twenty, thirty, forty years must be done over N iLKACHKD OOTTONS. guaranteed.^ iu and Fait weather in the southern portion, aud it is that the embarrassed firm will who were destined to Port Elizabeth, Natal put thorough repair rent- partly hoped It is for me to to every man with 36 in. 7 Vi® 8Va Fine 7-4.14® 17 Prior 25 cents* For sale by all Druggists. clearing weather and local rains in the north- Bla. and other coast ports to steamer Melrose. The again. say Heavy ed for $800 per annum. Inquire soon resume on its former solid basis. for the church, for morals or Mod. 38 in. 8Vi® Fine 8-1.18®22 Try it and you will be convinced like thousands ern or ris- Gainksvilub, Ga., July 30.—There are sev- of the of caused intense any regard public 7Vi| •f portion, westerly winds, stationary report shooting Carey to come 38 in.
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