ISSN0535-1405 No. 506 July 31, 2021 Published by International Medical Society of Japan, Chairman, Board of Directors: Kenichi Ishibashi, MD, PhD Editors: K. Ito, MD, PhD, T. Kondo, MD, PhD, K. Ichihashi, MD, PhD, T. Murakami, PhD, R.Nagai, MD, PhD, I. Taniguchi, MD, PhD, and T. Yamazaki, MD, PhD 3F MK Sangenjaya Building, 1-15-3 Kamiuma, Setagaya-ku,Tokyo154-0011,Japan. TEL 03(5486)0601 FAX 03(5486)0599 E-mail: [email protected] https://www.imsj.or.jp/ The 449th International Symposium on Therapy The 449th International Symposium on Therapy was systems and infrastructure, and Dr. Yamamoto has held by the Zoom Webinar on May 27, 2021. Dr. Taro been involved in developing human resources Kondo, Managing Director of the International related to medical care and management for the Medical Society of Japan (IMSJ), presided over the past 10 years. meeting. I had them in mind while planning this meeting, and I wanted to hear about their recent activities, so I Utilization of ICT and AI in healthcare invited them. I am happy and excited for the opportunity to listen their lectures together with all Introductory Message from the Chair of you. Taro Kondo, MD, PhD LectureⅠ Managing Director, IMSJ Health-tech innovation for making our This time, the theme of the meeting is the "Utilization healthcare and society sustainable of ICT and AI in healthcare". We would like to think Yohsuke Takasaki, MD, PhD, ScM, MPA about the future of healthcare. President In the first part, each person from London and Tokyo Institute for Sustainable Society (ISS) will give a lecture. Since this is an online meeting, the audience can participate and view the lectures from anywhere, and even those who are currently Institute for Sustainable Society (ISS) connects the active overseas can participate as presenters. passion and wisdom of front-runners in wide-ranged In Lecture I, Yosuke Takasaki, who is a medical areas related to sustainability and translates them doctor and President of the Institute for Sustainable into concrete innovative actions to make our soci- Society (ISS), will give a talk titled "Health-tech ety inclusive, resilient, and sustainable for everyone innovation for making our healthcare and society without boundaries. Based on those missions, the ISS sustainable". engages in projects for creating a sustainable soci- In Lecture II, Yuji Yamamoto, who is a medical ety with a particular focus on the SDGs. The ISS’s val- doctor and CEO of MinaCare Co., Ltd. will give a ue proposition is “Life,” a time to spend with loved talk titled " Value-based healthcare and its strategies ones, a time to be moved by beautiful scenery, and ". Dr. Takasaki has been actively involved in building a time to enjoy with your friends. Page 7 International Medical News The achievement of the SDGs has been jeopar- hort studies, etc., needs to rely on mass data con- dized due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To over- sisting of anonymized individual data. Handling per- come this formidable challenge, we need non-lin- sonal data in such science is technically tricky, such ear and non-contiguous evolution to accelerate as data gathering and analytics. Moreover, re- our efforts in a back-casting manner. We should not searches using mass data have a theoretical limita- let COVID-19 be just a tragedy; instead, we should tion: mass data cannot give us an individual effect translate this pandemic into an opportunity to up- specifically, which is called ATE: Average Treatment grade our society. Effect of Rubin Causal Model (RCM). However, Meanwhile, population aging leads to increased analysis of time-series personal data can demon- non-communicable diseases, or NCDs (e.g., diabe- strate causal inference, namely ITE (Individual Treat- tes, hypertension, cancer, etc.) and subsequent tre- ment Effect). The individual causal inference will tell mendous financial burdens. It is expected that Jap- us about the most suitable treatment and the best anese total medical and long-term care expendi- health advice. In fact, a similar concept is already ture would be doubled from 50T JPY in 2018 to 100T available in cancer treatment, which is individual JPY in 2040. Under such situation, we cannot hand cancer genome sequence is used to determine the over our society to the next generation. corresponding anticancer drug, a.k.a. “Precision Innovation has helped our society be a better Medicine.” Our approach is to ‘nudge’ people to- place. The ISS’s most important mission is R&D, in- ward a healthier way and propose the most effec- cluding creating intellectual properties named tive and suitable treatment depending on the pa- “Formula of Life”; personalized AI is trained by indi- tients’ condition by AI-maximized personalized in- vidual data and can propose individually best-suit- formation. We name them “Precision Health,” “Su- ed treatment empowered by behavioral econom- per Precision Medicine,” and “Information as a ics technique, nowadays so-called a “deep tech.” Medicine (IaaM),” respectively. Many social networking services, or SNSs, provide This new AI modeling with individual cognitive and highly addictive contents to stick users with person- physical reactions will be a game-changer. Rönt- alized services based on their needs and preferenc- gen, who invented X-ray imaging, refused to take es. Likewise, if we could collect individual health/ out its patents, as he wanted society as a whole to medical data and customize health-related advice benefit from it. Our “Formula of Life (Personalized to maximize the effects, we can change users’ be- AI)” could be used as a fundamental methodology haviors toward healthier ways. Thus, we are devel- to promote open innovation and achieve the SDGs. oping personalized AI modeling technology with “Formula of Life” is, so to speak, 21 century’s X-ray. individual data generated from smartphones, The world will become older and older without ex- smartwatches, etc. For instance, the root causes of ception, which means the world will suffer from NCDs are lifestyle, such as unhealthy diet, excess al- more NCDs. We hope to safeguard the future by cohol consumption, smoking, etc., which cannot “Formula of Life,” believing it is “our responsibility” be directly modified by contemporary medicine or that we keep our society sustainable and resilient surgery. These unhealthy habits come from our cog- for the next generation. nitive biases and tendencies. The latest evidence shows that some cutting-edge behavioral econom- ics techniques, like “nudge,” can alter these habits unknowingly and effortlessly. We believe that per- sonalized AI tailored by own individual data can ef- fectively modify users’ behaviors into a healthier way. Moreover, we are confident that our personalized AI has the potential to transform current medical science and practice completely. Conventional medical science, i.e., randomized control trials, co- International Medical News Page 8 LectureⅡ way of medical institutions (arrangement of clinical departments, design of care services, etc.), and the Value-based healthcare and its strategies industrial base is, for example, health insurance and Yuji Yamamoto, MD, MBA medical fee system. In the current health care system in Japan, in princi- Founder and CEO ple, insured medical care, which occupies the main MinaCare Co., Ltd. part, is provided by a professional at a medical insti- tution after the onset of illness. And the fee is to be The knowledge and technology of health care are paid accordingly. However, in view of the evolution evolving day by day, and now that we are in the of health care knowledge and technology, and the age of 100 years, the expectations and demands of expectations and demands of society, I think that society for health care are diversifying. Under such health care can play its role even before it becomes pressure, medical care continues to change ac- a disease and in an environment not limited to cordingly. For example, the place of medical care medical institutions. We have named this concept has expanded from advanced medical institutions of health care as "investment-type medical care" to clinics, homes, and even into daily life. In addi- because it aims to invest in health rather than deal- tion, the medical evidence has increased from be- ing with illness, and have promoted this concept as ing based on clinical experience to being able to a widespread business. This business is now expand- grasp the etiology more accurately. Furthermore, ing health care to become more "care-giving" one the medical care model has changed from a pat- by utilizing data and ICT. ternistic one-to-one relationship between profes- In this lecture, I will introduce the theoretical back- sionals and patients at medical institutions to medi- ground of "investment-type medical care", its ex- cal care that is tackled by the community, regard- amples, and our achievements. less of whether or not care givers have professional license. Health and productivity management pro- moted by the government is also supporting this Discourse transition. Introduction of the speaker of discourse In this way, clinical practice is being pulled by the Taro Kondo, MD, PhD seemingly contradictory forces of technological so- phistication and complexity and the fusion of ser- Managing Director, IMSJ vices into daily life. However, it has been pointed out that the evolution of the health care system and Norishige Morimoto, IBM Japan Vice President and the organization of the provider has not caught up Chief Technology Officer, IBM Research & Develop- with these changes on the field side. It is pointed out ment - Japan, will give a lecture titled "The Future of that the already complex medical field makes it Computing". He will talk about the future aspects of even more difficult to solve the problem because quantum computers. the medical care provision system and the medical fee framework are not evolving at a sufficient pace.
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