
I2iv« '• TPJm^ t>' >>.•:• ^^MIV^^^ ^^»BIB^^3 pt w, NO. 3a CRANFORD. N. J., TfJimfrDAY. SBPTBMBBR 24? 1908, • _ X .... i . _.. v. ^ 't V * . A. BARNETT r^^^^S'1 .. ^-« 4 r arriageaAutomobilc^dBicyc^ftcpairslj^sr,^^ rf " Ruaacn TIRES ron C^RRIAOES A SPECIALTY IWI fail tb*m*fi'a» fallowing ttMav Iwa pnaant: Ul ' 1 s •ni Aiftwa*, Only. Pay. itmm. Km», Mauiw f. * KoJjwauo.Kamh.Hi.pb- &&&** * ^=.-^..« "^*r. WilUur. r^ 1 * i 09 nolmof rnwbbkW O«d» it - X •* toCi, r i ; 1'unnutii to your iuknus r rflR p«r U* lln. orri* HMui from il» lUnnoek ., ^Jaoaa. In —, optabo, imwadiat* r*palrt aboitid b* «ad* to tb* road *» Ui* fullowlng Hamad *a«nt:forth» PULLMAN and FORD Auto». r*pn*M««tiinM from all - Milbum Rotd, oaw ^ QeneralJtbbing Uutal, aoutliaaatarlT to th« 8tam.a«dHtkm Ituad. r at 400 r**lw*St COMPLBTB »TOOK OK ^^tbaaalarly to tb* Iniddltiuo uri **^ 1 daWthptfUfL >Villwiii HmfMxUhl. O... (1, -15th N IN TAN BLACK AND PATENT CQLT <|SATMER5 JKRSi , lio. lU'Jlh N. J. (of wlUi wMuOtiva, and mllwl , a» M to-li<4J lha wqtlt Hint »«i>i«aT«ii*, Atl»oMeO»»Vff • -— For Ladies nis»es and Children In tiUftUBtLta hartnf )b* w-oowmlioo await your inspection at . of th. X. J. tiUuvZvf. w^?LS — .Adjutant." 3ar iS*^!1!".0 .?•.*'••»•!""«•' U«an*,.r*. on Morri. artnua. from th* JJu,,,«,«,!,, imrthwMtarly Ui th* OoUnty Una at It.. raaaala Iti»*r. ha* bami iolurad and par- 'I raio'a, •> Ef?|li aairA«i*"Vr •••-Adrooau 1 U.,I,,I,. ^ Ca.r*IL.W, I wry K. \Volf.i,,-.| ilft. iler In Hardware & Housefurmshlng Goods. to r» d*r; tha Zvio^ ^ n .... will h* a.aaring to thl* II: Uwr»tic», HburitT .GARDEN TOOLS, LAWN MOWERS, ridfa oHHit klnUM ha Count; of urtiral tliouaand dollar*, ta ftwa bait CROCKERY, rtjrjr«,r»pkl, utronit In POOLTBY-fifEWINO, ) d Id l OLA88\VARE a«uajB.>t»» TIBWABE. - AOATB VABB.— b*"'ll|J "t»iniii»n( MECHANIC'S TOOLS. , knowini that tin of .Klf# ToutMad Uol The 'for UiLtf f ymant i»f auoh rapwra. Wmi tr B> before bUTJIW 19. K. A Dim. "" ' * BV;%19rM CHRONICLEJJLOCK, CRANFORB, • _ Cranford eooa&l«r«it<Si( bMlliomaiaabtiaartotlia DfEDRJC]LKRIlE^Carperiterj and Builder, kdwsrd d HU»b, 1'. J ••••: iiiKtyiilnalalliwr*lll . i .{ 'a • » •' >' > *> On motion irf Krwlmldur Krouaa, n^ o»n-«d and r»f«rr«l tu th* oommltlwt on • -, -li»CoinruUtMonfJall In F;»al8UtI|id ; To la* Hoard of Ohdwiii Kr«k! ,'>Th* .. Ih. Oiuuty i.f Ujilnn. N, J. •od raid: , • •Mitlanwn: VoutlOooiiiilttwi <.n ,lalt- CRANFORD. h. 4. To IK* Hon«rabl«-Hoard of Kreabold.™ Inapaoliun would ri^ipwlftilly rwkiurt OltNER OF lk>ULEVARf> 1/' "J)'; i,_ _ _^ i^ «, m, , • ui Union County: ti>»t It h*s ragiilarly ioaiuxiUd Hi. Jail iD'i'WBNTIfifHSTBEET AtBOj I WOPCfZ, Jl. cl. eotirown: I'laiuM «c<W|jt harawith and alikjab. buoki.uf Ilia W.rdan and fornwl application fo'rjlia riailtioD of llml th* jail |.n a olwin and aftnltary i«in _ Utudar nl th* iu» bndva at ikiulh ditlon; 123 priaiin.n ban Uu n.mlliln.1 K Coantr^ Large, —r OFFICERS. rat 8tr*at. BliMheth, tmiting that duriog Hi. month of Auguat; 71 txim- nn and batli; o fa«nr»iiljr mi IIIIIIIKI; numtmr of da;a Uw'd I»JD. flrnlT eleotwp'lif[ht;,»tcara heatj . .._... _. lOS. A. SPERftY; Prwldent. daily nv*ragaG9-2|..'It: traalwl by iihy. -J* r m B • , - .loUH •loluu II,- '..''.'.', •••! ' / 1 all oouvoniencos; coiuurvatoricn; car- W,W.BMK1EX. -j'ft* for^gdinii wara •>•!• |{*apaotfu|l; *ubniltt«d, ^ riage house; grounds are linnd«ome!y laid:' ' Q.M. viwwa of T.; H, fci,,,, Cb,,!,, j|. K, K. AuiMH. / Special oonvuniences for riding and driving : Moor»,D 1'. MuOoiwrn and Iwenlyfo ir J. llHHV>r l>'..»-/ . parties for iiuppeni, cto.••• .'"v" '..'•' olbcra andonad tli> abovit application. OtRCCTORS- On motion <rf ]t"ra«holdar Plpraon ra- —CUISINE AND SERVICE, UNEXCELLED.— Mifed aid nbrrad. to the Oornoillta*tin On motioo of KrwbiJflr r", g ' riratnlnat ilrldga. • •-••',•• oaitaij aiid, placed on Ilia,' -•' W. -r W~^ +,)oyj Jojj^f .|. J By Oaianiitta* on ll.ilowood av.nu. 0 1 K K T|K)In lma rk O |tr4dj ,Jl b » . / , iJT" T' " Adam* IIJ.WS. and tddrMNwdito FrwHuiam W t w y •"•ybttrB I'ay Aonounl W H .(. .'UBIM,:- rd Perry, a ooJwnuoiiStion r».' fo tfca U<mrd of Cbo*»n4v«,bold»r*; Uanllaiuan; Vour Oommitt** orflaV W. O. Daenw, SJ B. IWEKJHEK,; 1 0 M • i.im »/." «>«*>ir*^|(?r na¥ UllUjIPtt ^ -~ • ^"fT! AT "* 'Wga,4tahw»y, H: JJ, (l«o,P, TATUJI, •' . •. 1'6 Uw Mayor and Oounoil of l|i*OIt» of lad thai tba atnoum aak«l for at th. , thm J-J'l aat maalliiK of tha Hoard la not aufUo- - lierawltb call your alUntion U> tbalant to liir. iba «rurk don.j lh.r*rura rtio 1 oMuilho of th* gutter in front at my •» & ]'« . «»l •» additional amount I radfor.1 Jt,am »s«. Bf.ton Darby rw Jitiuao, corner of llarnaon aranua IDJ of Kf*w Ilundiwi JAillara ha appropriated tuxew. May»atr«*t. In iilaii* of a gu'lafyoo to li*v* |lja,brldga ranalrad. will hod a deep diloh into whiob car- „>. -JOHIFII, HrtruAH, riag«*_ drawn io front of.th* lioua* ara . \ Hunan I)<*ar, t JoFlV to lay pip«* a'od ooonaot «IUi-lh*oii' , Oouifuitta* wt uniW HarrMoa areuue. Will Joo Fr**bulil*r Wilbur worad that th. ra- Hurrognta Aoouunt ijtli.l Ililk kiudly look into tbainiltar and*** what pi»rt be raoalnd and r*oonniiMidation Can b» done to pot-^ft In proper condit- adopud, nrbwli wan an ordarad on roll ao T ftrrul, Murrogal* »|M ;n ion, and vary much oblige. call by an unaolntoui rot*. , Your, raapactfully, \\ NKW UVHltMHH. 1i kw , Fataii IK iimut*. By Kraiholder JOOIB; il km waa cuirruMj. > 110 Lawrao* Ara. That tb* Collector beau- Xlia Dlraotui- daolanid lb* lkMrd a.1- Knwboldar I'erry naorad that iba. mat- vt&xe-idmnaL-^nT^mMl ^uuirttaj*- of tlira* which waa to ordirwl. ' Tha IH~ rw-Uir appoinUd aa tb* aaid ammiXUm, vfliaga, ww ifor -' amouating »*P-. • \. »J T&W U olll hlo 1 1 our ur tiUqo. aodopn.1^loaljTwi. •?"• • « « "-'•"Choi/ ^' . ^'M '^ "'"»*>a-l nAoJtwniat,adopt*!. "" «booe tba pad of Dr. Thomaa Ilrowoa, -ri WU k»Krad«;ick iWpla>. ooDaiavj JJj'KratboldtrOBd/: - wbft Urine UMocMaafuUy courtad • ,'?* ^ ^*PP«>re of it if I tblok Kaaoirad, That tba auditing and *p- >*^7 >»d twtag duUltagad to drink to tbooM Mpihl or otbar* toWk roruwf bill, of tba Ju.Uo f iL bar. hUK ^ZX t J£»r_ : ,** "?j ">* "U*' '«««•. a* i Smllb'a j«*t at tb* npena* . «v bar* MpuMMd to your oomniitl**, the Mr*. Orou bad tb* Hit of malic* TV?9 "^"T — e0"**1 t«t W*r* In It Bb* mi fainad for 111 U*t« alajht, oe. of Ui* charnM war* for riait- lo flnm, and a* on* dcy *b* *w*pt by '•"•• "dOB" oorn«r oTrhoood areou* oidw Joora lb* I (Uon* atnNit, for tb* pttrpoMof (a «a «tr*ortlnary beaddrca* rjmllb witboot dlaaadt. polnt*l bur oat to « frtead, aaylng. B/KraabokJarBmitii: . "Tbat I* to* origin of tb* word 'gro- I(**ol**d, Thai tto-bill for '•mm.'" - - • - ' ; odlmr AtlfOl'SIK 190«, Kmr l *Ir*. Orou, bowvrtr, bad fan r*.' to* r*og«, HydMy Smith'* dao«nt*r -v- Jlil: rUd a Dr. flolUod. Wbtn to* !..„. '" '-aottMion* mentioned hi* " "-- — •—•»•# MWIIWUH, UV JVM «<J*«|a Lord 0OOa»o"* wtf«r atk*d to* Ibv DyJ'r-aboklai (*ototff. th MHk and Cream. • ,- ^ Choice Eggi and Che«se.: Dojrf afdNaU» toto «U«od UM cooraotioo •K*,- rmitad Mr*. Orot*. ms» ( off tbtb** AjaoctotatAjtotat Aslomobil* Club* of Holutodutod, wbOM MptUI hj«ydn»r.. M. J-.rtAUaaUaOty.oo (b*«Ui ioat- WBao UwtMrHMtMtatt OuDpbtiObil mar- «*4tMMaBtl ited M» fritod^xptalatd •••*• ' 5.U.; Jconrt tqr idttfau/ *b* ^^ffi£sS£i3S^ THE CEAHjFdEl) CITIZEN. I • nrtee, oaly u s •Mtt f padded trousers him. tm mi, ssaitef * aUMsi to BVMT « Or**, Jnrt Farm Topics J A\htiAtOltt And the, campaign tt If full.swing 1 -Boy KAfnr that Hory," fea tnUrV-4—. <— against the fllrs, Uon'l «lv Ihna 1 His OTHER eoaUmptaously, BAB* B0O8T& .. ~ any thing to irai'll In *imir >ltrd or •Boy tell it op.* ' ! - sjt chicks are Utt to boddl* toprtW for stveral witki, much dUttcaltjr wilt alley, nays the Mil»Mkt-f Sentinel. A PSVCHOJLOCICXt^NOVCL. •It was evident she mast cHange j heruetto*. -Did Boyklns see Ue big b* asiwrlcneMJlD teaching «»B<t to- 4. rodat when they are- old enough te V j Bald Ih* Governor «("South Csro- puff-p«Kt" she began afrasb. ''An- By 8AHAH GRAND. other big puff-puff Is coming directly. do so'. More especially la this the jtlna to the Governor of North f*ar«- Boykfu* must'est up at once, this ease with Rocks aod-~*Jl^tbo hta.iy jllna? ^^DK u« unnerve th« wnti-r very moment, and come to mummy, breads. One will fad enough trou- ble with the Leghorns aad kindred ". TZ£ EfVSS TO FAJTE. l»a[ii>H," qibotrs the R|irlr.>,n>lil II ' CJfA"l>TKK II a other Muse, which enabled h,er to par* else it will kill him dead, and mummy will have no little boy, and than what breeds, bnt all difficulty can be raut- M/B» Ui«r J*r* a !«•>» <rf wealth tfnibllrafl I "* XAhfit had b»roin> of him' sh»cetve for herself uometblnd she had (••s; *« •*•& fell* *«nK, ———— ., I only Ultimo heard of; nnd the n«w will she do?" lly obrUted If baby roosts ant pUe«f IT 3: >» >"n» XIK ld*n> clai IMPI'LSI.VE KA: inked hirnir.
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