ojo'l(I)cerco 0609 oto,o(ruc cucn'lrnootC" rnrcoe(Tlo mas@ Jlomdlscoo o.orcBlo oo.2872 18.06.20t9 ci og.trdlo- oas crfloo,ccee oemDercploet oocad U(l|m)'laeos cjl6oc5rp o{cococr'l oolCfjlo oqoldl gil.dl.o6.cocood amlko qgilCl.crgocaori (ooJcgo@co@o oClcngco<oo oaql o@'l) ("O) 2018-19 cf, o6s colcconea (og), oemlerorofln$ o<rcpacocooro' (6nil) orc,d €ao6mCcrdooil cocflalcor g og"rdl rsrdc66 mDoccot cotdmcro. cocnricru- oJlecco<oroflcri 61Clcfl(m->l) oJ(tscm g<lordle,qos crfldmcem .{coccn<oil o[6rooc6ccaq (6nil) 2018-19 mrccrurodla ord.so oas cn'lccorcsooem-usrooi}d crilcroo oiloilcu oocrocrrSl4 ".ro.urola,gilqos gq<oofleqos olltor:c"tosnuA olj6rooc6cGocr (mD 6ggcolrorotlocQ reccnaccol cago.rcgocrE mr"raoll4 aomlsroroilos cocruJoeos cnollooemo .g<trwollcorcolcojlgcene+ P<Oflcnccol oO(@| @"r o.reLcrrd4; 6qqooileqos oikoec"coesosd erGpc@ccoc? .)u' orueood oc".dm:td , (6rd(T)) 5Drff\uo 2o€-l9 cS oors crilccocBo, o6m!eJor6ilci ooJc(olococo(drd)'orel.:i13.o6rDcmla(6il cDCf 61@) .O Uqmlagos cnldeocem ":lcoco<o1 <ocoe oacslo]aDl. ols E4 tc0u tA. ood 1e,rogollo3os c"td dl.a adlolos 6.1 laatodl ;/R 2or8-r9 Construction of slde protection riatL h km 5/300 of Angadippwam - Valambu - 90 % q.lpra 8 "redGo16ol4l. 1 road (2018/404D 0/R 2018-19 Construction of drain & side protection wall be[ween km 9/lo0 - 9/600 in 10 dd(mlaolde. Ihirurkkad - Anakkayam road (2ola/4o471 works 2018-19 - Pothole stripped BT works due to flood damages on SLIF filling & 20 .l3domlaol4e. Ihirurkkad - Anakkayam rcad km 0/000 to 13,140 (2018/6562) iLTF Work 2018-19 : lmprovements by providing interlock concrete tiles at ;everly damaged ponion of Perumpilavu - Nilambur Road between km 4y300 and .J30(uo1ao1dl. 15/425 (near fish market, Pooppalam) (2018/6189) SLIF works 201&19- SR{onstruction of retaining wall and berm concrete at land lide portion in between km 10/800 to 1U500 of ThirurkadAnakloym road 22 90 % .rld(uola61dl. '20181/5381) 5 BT Work due to flood damages on SLTF works 2018-19- Pothole filling & stipped 5 (2018/6192) "rldonla614e. o Mankada - Paftikkad road kn 4/500-7/000 Urgent Removal of Landslide earth iocluding boulders , cutting and removing fallen trees and trees tl[eaten to traffic etc at km 3/400 - 4/000 ofAngadippuram - 1.1 radmlaGldt. Valambur -Aripra Road (2018/7961) 7 Urgent Flood damage patch Repairs to AngadiPpuam - valambur - Aripra Road km A l/000 to t815 (2018/8901) "Jldorolac'l41. 8 Angadippuram - Valambur - Aripra Construction of Toe wall at landslide area of 25 8o % .radon16o143. (2018/673a) 9 Road Providing drainage facilities to Thirurltad - Anakkayam Road in between km 4/200 . "rldomla,6l4e. 10 4/600 -Anal*ayam Road in between SLIF 201&19 Construction of drain on Thirurl'*ad 6.4 60 % d3donlaol4a.l. - 2y100 11 km 1/700 SLTF 2018 -19 Flood providing &ainage facilities in Reconstruction of Damaged double span Culven and T7 osrdrurE o!rcio1 7 - in Thirurltad - Anakkayam Road 12 b/w Km /980 &350 - StitF 2018-19 Flood damage - Providbg dainage at Kadaruumanna of Thirurkkad osc6o.D6 od(o)"(o] l3 Anakkayam road (near Panchayath office) SLTF 2018-l$Junction improvement at Onapuda Junction inAngadippuram za oso8(\rd o-olQrtoi L4 Valancheri road at Km 7/900. SLTF 2018-19-Urgent BT Surfacing and Reconstruction of culven and Drainage work in Makkaraparamba Mankada Road in b/w 1/500 to U800 near Kalavu in 10 oso0tu)6 odo)lo) LAC. 15 Mankada os(6o.Dd SLTF 2018-19 Uryent stripped BT work to Kotathur \4llagepadi Thekkekara ms.Jsl6so Edayur road between km 2/000 to 4/200 (workin orlc(oc(r)oil6)].m) _to SLTF 2018-19-Flood damage repair for Dlairlage Angadippuam Cherukulanbu 8 oscdnDd 6)d(o)io] Road Km 3/700 to y900 (near Puzhakkattiry) in Mankada LAC' t7 SLTF 2018 -19 - Flood Damage - ReconstructioD of Drainage vrork due to flood damage in Kolathur Pang Kadlnnammutty Road in b/w U500 to 2200 in Mankad 19 oscd(\.|d odo)td)] 18 LAC 201&19-Flood damage Construction of Retaining wall at Km 3/500 of iLTF I osc6(u)d o-oroioi Pang Kadannamutti Road (Balance Ponion) 19 Kolathur osc6c.Dd SLTF 2018-Ig-Providing BM and BC works b/w kn 6/400 to 7/500 in vengad 80 iDSoISIEUE Shemmelasseri Road in Mankada LAC . lcocodl6)(ml 20 osc6oJd to SLTF 2018 -19 Re Construction of damaged Drainage works in between kn 1/000 20 mS.!Sl6Ua U300 of Kulathur Malppuram Road in Manakada LA Constituency. 2L or)crdca)al6)(m) 2018-19- Providing Drainage with foot slab work in b/w 15/600 to 15/800 in d3domlao1 SLTF 12 t"r(Iuool Veftichira Kadampuzha road (Kuruva central) in Mankada LAC 4t. 201&19 Constluction of Culvert Extensiol on Angadippuram Valaocheri road Jec6loa1430r SLIF 8 L.lou(mil 23 rt km fl000 in Mankada LAC oama. OR 2018-19 Consfuction of &ain and retair[ng wall at km 0/400 of Panagangara 2 [.rolj{uol dldorolardldi 24 -Puzhakkattiri -Puthanangady Road. Patch repaiE and Stdpped BT Works due to flood damages on SLTF 2018-19- BT 3.994 dldo0laol4a. Kolathur -\,illegpadi-TheL:lckara -Edayoor road 0/000 4/000 (20181/8028) 25 and pped BT works due to flood damages on iLTF 201&19- BT Patch repairs St 3.998 dldmlaol4a. Pariyapuam- Angadippuram Railway Gate Valambur road 0/000-2700. (2018i/8031) 26 SLTF Works 2018-19- Urgent BT Patch repaiE and St pped BT works due to flood lamages in Kachiniktrad vetlita road in km (0/000 to 2000 and Chozhy bridge 2.995 dPomlao'ldj. road in Mnakada LAC.(2018/8050) 27 rpproach 2018-19- BT Patch repairs and Stripped BT works due tp flood damages on SLTF 3.991 .lldon 160143. (201€y8029) 28 Ummathur -Kuruva road 0/000- 3/160 BT works due to flood damages on SLTF 2018-19- BT Patch repairs and Stripped 2.997 dd{on16rd14a. road 6/400 - 7/950 (2018/8026) 29 Vengad -Chemmalassery Patch repairs and StripPed BT Work due to flood damages on iLTF 2018-19- BT 5 .rldoDl6oldJ. (2018/8123) 30 Pulamanthole Kulathur road 0/000- 6/960 to flood SLTF 201&19- Urgent BT Patch repairs and Stripped BT Works due t5 .rldoo1ard]4e. - valanchery road km 0/000 to 13/660 31 lamages on Angadippuram 2018-19- Urgent BT Patch repairs and StriPped BT Work due to flood SLTF 10 t rolJool .l3donlaol4l Camages on Kolathur - Malappumm road 0/000 to 10/000 SLTF 201&19- SR - U€ent construction of drainage and retainiDg wall work in T2 Angadippuram - Cherukulamba road near kadungapuram Village Padi road in [.Jolnrnl "iJdoo)16c14i 33 Mankada LAC BT Patch rcpairs due to flood damages on Vettichira - Kadampuzha - Koonilangadi 9.98 l"rolJooil .rldoolaGl4a Road km 06/000 to 171400 (working Chainage-6/800 to 7/300 & 7/800 to 17400) 5+ Urgent Stdpped BT work to Panampattachala-vennakkode-vellila road KM .rli([olsd4a. 5) )etween 3/200 to 8/875 Collaspsed side protection works Panampattachala' Urgent Restoration of 10 d:domlodl4t . 50 Vennakkode-Vellila Road 1/600 to 2/750 Padijattumuri-Kanjirolepadi ofiDerosd cml$fld SLTF-2018-19 Urgent patch works to 6 06lsanroa 37 Muthavalioparamba road between 0/000 to 3/120 Urgeft BT patch work to Kolathur-Malappuram road between KM 12000 to 141000. "rldomladl4l. 38 Urgent side protection works to Panampaftachala-Vennaltode-Vellila road (Balanc€ o l.louool dlc{alodl4l0r work) between KM 0/000 to 3/000 oama. 39 Providing Chendy-Kadannamutty-Choonoorlndianoor road ofiDet60o6 cml$ort dninage work in 10 )erween KM 3/100 to 4/000 0a)slruDe 40 BT Patch repair due toFlood damages on vettichira - Kadampuzha Kootilangadi 1 dldorolardil4i. 4I rcad km 6/800 to 7/300 and 7/800to 17400 Urgent Restoration Collaspsed side protection works Panampattachala- of L5 dJdo0l66il4a. 42 Vennakkode-Vellila Road U600 to 2y750 Budger Work Budget Work 2018-19 Improvements and ploviding BM &BCwork to KachinikAad -Vellila road Km. 0/000 to 2y000 of Mankada LA Constituency in L70 irlr0doi6ol4a. 43 MalaDDuram Dist ct Budg€t 2ol&lglmprovemeDts and providing BM & BC renewal to Perumbilart- osaA(\Dd \ilambur road between km 4al000-4t500 (excluding 125m interlocking tile 130 O-olQr-Ol 44 roposal ponion) 2018- 10 oDl(n|mlaoado qes fitl.orlalifaDerqtld .O0f..Ort.rtl..Od, otot'3g' orlDoladilel:os on. 4on1 ootodlC tCoadttrollos ollogroocd otog o6tsl6lml. Ordinary Repairs Amount S/R 2018-19 Construction of side protection wall in km 5/300 ofAngadippuram - I 90 % .rldonia(tdt. - (2018/4041) 1 Valambur Aripra road protection wall between kln 9/100 - 9/600 )/R 2018-19 Construction of drain & side 10 dldoolad4e. n Thirurkkad - Anakkayam road (2018/40.17 BT due to flood damages on SLIF Work 2018-19 - Pothole filling & stripped work 20 olldml6014e. (2018/6562) 3 Ihirurkkad - Anakkayam road km 0/000 to 1y440 SLTF Works 2018-19 : lEprovemeDts by providing interlock concrete tiles at ;everly damaged ponion of Perumpilavu - NilaEbur Road b€tween km 49300 and dldm16olda. 4 4y425 (near lish market, Pooppalam) (2018/6189) 2018-19- Pothole filling & stripped BT Works due to flood damages on SLIF work 5 90 % dr3donDl6rr4a. (201816192) 5 Mankada - Pattill(ad road km 4/500-7/000 urgent Removal of Landslide earth including boulders , cutting and removing fallen rees and trees ttueten to Eaffic etc at km 3400 - 4/000 of Angadippuram - Valanbur 1.1 .rido|D16dl4e. .Aripra 6 Road (2018/7961) patch - Valambur - Aripra Road km Urgent Flood damage Repa s to Angadippuram 4 .lld0o16dl4t. Y000 to V815 (2018/8901) 7 Special Repairs SLTF Works 2018-19- SR-Construction of retaining wall and berm concrete at land ilide portion in between km 10/800 to 11/500 of ThirurkadAnal'4Gym road 22 .r3d[to16d43.
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