SO it is essential that the sparse number of inbred iines already established in the Douglas fir region be carefully Two Douglas fir were inbred to the third generation ovef maintained and their identities ensured. a period of from 17 to 23 years. There was considerable variation in both the number of seed and germinants per The second objective should be further studies into the cone in different pollination years of the Same two Sl in- possibilities of single crossing where different inbred lines breds. No reduction in either size or number of seeds per are crossed to produce improved strains. The first single cone was found in the two S1 inbreds and X-ray photo- crosses with Douglas fir were made in 1962 (ORR-EWINGgraphs of the seed of both the SI and S, generations showed 1965) but they were only on a small scale without adequate very few seeds with abnormal embryos. Inbreeding to the controls as at that time, it was not possible to develop a third generation resulted in few viable seeds being produced single crossing and a racial crossing program simultane- but this could have been partly due to shortage of pollen. ously. This early study, however, is of interest as some of The S, seedlings were variable in both size and form but vigorous. The objectives and the importance of further the best single crosses have shown considerably vigour. inbreeding and single crossing are discussed. The two fourteen year old trees in the foreground in Fig- Key words: Racial crossing, inbreeding, S,,, S„ S„ S3 generation ure 11, for examgle, are the result of a cross between S1.2.12 self-pollination, single crossing. and S,.11.40. Their heights when photographed in 1976 were 8.66 and 8.84 metres with diameters at 1.4 metres of 15 and Zusammenfassung 15.1 centimetres respectively. Subsequent single crosses Im Verlauf von 17 bis 23 Jahren konnten zwei Douglasien between S, lines have also shown that yields as high as von der So bis zur S, mit jeweils eigenem Pollen bestäubt 60.4 germinants per cone can be obtained. Figure 12 shows werden. Bei den SI-Selbstungen wurden im Vergleich der Jahre lediglich Unterschiede in der Samenzahl und in der a six year tree from a second generation cross between Anzahl der keimfähigen Samen pro Zapfen gefunden. Die S,.2.26.4 and S,.11.32.6. This crass, however, took 18 years Samen zeigten im Röntgentest eine geringe Anzahl abnor- to make and unless some techniques can be developed to mer Embryols, ebenso diese aus den S,-Selbstungen. Aus drastically reduce the time element between generations, den S,-Selbstungen ging eine geringe Anzahl Samen und single crossing would have to be confined to the SI genera- Pflanzen hervor, was aber auch andere Gründe gehabt ha- ben könnte (Pollenangebot). Die &-Pflanzen waren kräftig, tion. The decision as to whether an extensive single cross- zeigten jedoch größere Unterschiede in der Pflanzenhöhe ing program would ever be implemented will ultimately und in der Wuchsform. depend on the outcome of the large tree improvement pro- grams now being initiated in the Douglas fir region. In the Literature Cited ORR-EWING,A. L.: Inbreeding and single crossing in Douglas fir. meantime, however, it is important that more inbred lines Fw. Sci. 11: 279-290 (1965). - ORR-EWINC,A. L.: The incidence of be established so that they can be available if required. dwarfing in Douglas fir. B.C. For. Serv. Res. Note 64, 1-25 (1974). Microsporogenesis and macrosporogenesis in Pseudolarix amabilis Pinchot Professor of Forestry Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies New Haven, Connecticut 06511, U.S.A. (Received September 1976) Introduction This morphological, anatomical and cytological study of the chronological development of microsporogenesis and Golden larch, Pseudolarix amabilis (NELs.)R EHD., occurs macrosporogenesis might aid future workers in elucidating as a monotypic species and its natural range is restricted to a limited area in the mountainous region of Eastern the evolutionary history of this monotypic species. China. This species has been introduced successfully as an ornamental tree in various parts of the United States. It Literature Review is a member of the Pinaceae, and is classified in REHDER'S MIYAKE and YASUI(1911) stated that the structure and Manual (1954) under the sub-family Abietineae. development of the gametophytes and the embrylogy of Several studies have been concerned with the relation- Pseudolarix are similar to those found in Abietineae. Later ship of Pseudolarix to the other members of the Pinaceae. studies also indicated that the early embryogeny of Pseudo- Gametophyte development, embryology, and some ana- larix amabilis was not unlike that of Pinus, except that the tomical characteristics suggest that this genus occupies a rosette tier does not form embryos and perishes undivided relatively high evolutionary position within the Abietineae. (JOHANSEN, 1950). This condition constitutes a unique and Bud periodicity and zonation in the shoot apex also extreme condition of cleavage polyembryony. The lowest resemble that of most genera within the Pinaceae. How- tier of four embryonal initials which becomes detached in ever, Pseudolarix, with a chromosome complement of Pinus to form separate embryos, remains united in Pseudo- n = 22, and 2n = 44, is a deviation from the basic number larix and becomes combined to produce a single embryo. of n = 12 that is common in the Pinaceae (MERGEN,1961). PEIRCE(1934) studied a number of anatomical characters Silvae Genetica 25, 5-6 (1976) .
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