PAPE TWENTY- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri„ Sept. 15,1972 The Weather Maypr Disagrees □ear tonight, the low In the BQi. Andover With MPOA on SAM South Windsor ^ Sunday lunny, high in the SOi, (See Page Fourteen) ilatu:l|patpr Suptiing Mpralb with a 10 per cent chance of Hobby Workshops^ Planned Saturdays ihowen. MANCHESTER — A City o f Village Charm Citizens Press Rec Needs beans, hot rolls, cookies, sliced chocolate or vanilla cream pud­ Starting tomorrow,’- there will the stamps and to exchange infor­ peaches. ding. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1972 VOL. XCI, No. 296 FOURTEEN PAGES PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS be a series of Saturday morning mation and ideas. Tuesday: Orange juice, Thursday; Sioppy Joe Two citizens, Mrs. Nancy Caf- He told the board that many day and continue until three Miller, secretary; Mrs. Raymond workshops held for hobbyists,' Recreation. Director Gordon chicken-vegetable noodle soup, sandwiches, peas, goiden fruit. MacDonald said he is looking for fyn of Main St., and Donald areas are listed under the act groups of 25 children each are Trusch, treasurer. beginning collectors and other salami sandwiches, tuna fish Friday: Orange juice, other persons who have a hobby Marra of Dogwood La., this week including renovations. Last year enrolled. Mrs. Donald DaRos will be in interested persons at the Rham sandwiches, peanut butter and scrambied eggs, string beans, High School cafeteria from 9:30 or interest that they fell might be made two separate requests of the board approved relocating TTie series will be conducted on charge of the program com­ jelly sandwiches, tomtoes and choice of dessert. of interest to other persons. the Board of d u ratio n and both office space for the administra­ Wednesdays, Thursdays and mittee; Mrs. Warren WaLsh and to 11:30 a.m. cucumber chunks. Milk and bread and butter The workshops will be con­ Any persons who are willing to sandwiches are available at all Skyjack Saga matters have bearing on future tion but no application was on file Fridays beginning Oct. 11 and Mrs. Clifford Daugherty, Wednesday; Shephard’s pie, tinued as long as there is an lecture or share their particular meals. recreation expenses. for the maneuver reimburse­ will run for a ten-week duration. membership; Mrs. Donato corn, pineapple muffins. interest in proving the classes. hobby with others, are asked to Israelis Open Mrs. Caffyn requested that the, ment . The half-hour sessions will be Lauria, publicity; Mrs. Richard contact MiicDonald. board look into the inadequacies Using another form of com­ open to pre-school children with Balooni, baptismal robes; Mrs. The meetings are open to adults Ends with All and children alike, and to Bloodmobile of school playgrounds and cited munication, the mail, Mrs. Bar­ a minimum age of 3W years. Frank Lane, parliamentarian; residents of Andover, Hebron and Mrs. Carol MacKay, public DEPAimiEiiT store the Pleasant Valley Elementary bara Hill asked the board to look Parents must register their Mrs. Frank Wall, hospitality; n m Marlborough. relations person for Andover unit 700 BAST MIDDLB TPKB., MANCHB8TEIR School grounds as t^ing the most into still another means of solving children in person at the library. Mrs. Morland Berkman, fashion The first session will be of the Columbia chapter of the (acrosa from St. Bartholomew’s Church) Safe in Spain insufficient for the needs of the student overcrowding at the high No telephone registrations will be show; Mrs. Stewart Brown, ways OPEN WBD., THUR8., FRI. till • school by studying the possibility accepted. A detailed schedule of directed by Rev. Herbert Kelsey American Red Cross, said that Major Attack children for physical activities. and means, and Mrs. William of Hebron, who will lead four there will be one of the four She said she had done research of a four-day week which has the sessions may be picked up at Kelly, telephone. MADRID (AP) — Three gunmen freed all 83 passengers consecutive workshops dealing annual bloodmobiles held in the on what had become of an alloca­ been reported by Shrewsbury, the library. Church Women Get-together with stamps and stamp collec­ area on Tuesday. from a hijacked Swedish jetliner early today and flew across t tion of $32,000 in 1966 which was Mass . as a success. This town is Ladies Guild Guest Speaker The theme of the first meeting KNiniNG? CROCHETING ting. The bloodmobile will be held at Western Europe to a landing at Madrid Airport. set aside for construction of the comparable in size to South Guest speaker for the first of the Wapping Community A free set of stamps will be the Andover Congregational With the hijackers were six Croatian terrorists released Pleasant Valley and Eli Terry Windsor. meeting of the St. Margaret Mary Oiurch Women is “Getting to Church from 1:45 to 6:30 p.m. All Instruction 2-Ply, 3-Ply & 4-Ply from Swedish prisons, $105,000 in ransom, two captive pilots Mrs. Margaret Rossi and Ver­ Ladies Guild this year will be Dr. given to all those persons who Over Lebanon School playgrounds. She said the Know You” and a pot luck sign up for the Tri-Town Stamp persons between the ages of 18 Books Wintuk and two stewardesses. amount had been part of the non Peterson, board members, Joseph Kristan, physician from supper will be served Monday at — where thousands of guerrillas Club. and 60 who are in good heath may Red Heart Worsted By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Munich massacre and two recent principal budget for three years, requested the two citizens' re­ Rockville, who will speak on 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Knitting are encamped — to Nabatiye, a Information on how to begin a be eligible to donate blood. Walk- Reporting the landing at 6:59 sabotage attacks on the Lebanese but learned that due to problems quests be placed on the next "You and Your Health.” The Women of the church are in-' Needles Israeli warplanes bombed commando headquarters which stamp collections will be in donors are encouraged. a.m. EDT, Spanish Air Ministry i- border. with,the contractor, a suggestion board agenda Sept. 26. meeting will be Monday at 8 p.m. vited and each is urged to bring a two bridges across Lebanon's also was bombed by Iiraell available, and there will be op­ Lunch Menus Crochet officials said they did not know if Six hours after the dawn raid was made by the Public Building Gaffney Will Guest in the church hall on Hayes Rd. friend. P O W Pickup Litani River and cut off Arab planes. portunities for collectors to sell, Luncheon menus at the An­ Hooks ONLY Madrid was the plane’s final began, the Tel Aviv spokesman Commission to place the $32,000 Republican State Chairman J. The new officers and executive The WeeW announces that the On the ground. Israeli tanks and swap stamps. dover I’lementary School this destination. guerrillas from their head­ said Israeli forces were 12 miles in the general fund to be used for Brian Gaffney will attend the board are: Mrs. Thomas Griffin, quilt at the Wapping Fair last for 4 Ounces and half-tracks swept through 13 It will provide an opportunity week art as follows: Cuts Bom bs After a night of tangled quarters amid a massive inside Lebanon, had suffered one short term improvements instead GOP testimonial dinner-dance president; Mrs. John Patrick, week went to Mrs. P'roderick for persons to learn more about Monda>: Macaronios, string negotiations the commandeered Israeli ground assault on Arab villages, destroying man killed, killed or captured of capital improvements when Sept. 23 honoring former South vice president; Mrs. Harry Kaeser of South Windsor. Scandinavian Airlines System Palestinian commandos "dozens ” of houses harboring "several guerrillas ”, and had the contractor was unable to Windsor Town Chairman Royal Near Hanoi guerrillas, a spokesman said. DC9 took off from Maimoe Air­ today, the Tel Aviv command clashed with the Lebanese army. fulfill the contract obligations. Cowles and former vice chairman port, near the Southern tip of The bombing of the bridges But he denied reports the said. She added that in visiting the Mrs. Robert Gorton. SAIGON (AP) - The im­ Sweden. was seen as a bid to block the Lebanese forces had managed to Pleasant Valley school The chairman of the event, mediate Hanoi area was placed Declaring that ”we had to yield The Elhardala and Aquiya guerrillas’ escape routes from the hold off the attackers. playground, if is evident to see State Representative Thomas off limits to U.S. fighter-bombers to blackmail’’ to save lives, bridges linked southern Lebanon Israelis, goaded into action by the '"Everything is going according the need as only one baseball Donnelly said other notables who today for the arrival of a group of Swedish Premier Olof Palme to plan,” he said. field is available and is situated in will be attending include U.S. Americans invited by North Viet­ predicted that no nation would Earlier, the spokesman named such a way as it interferes with Senator Lowell Weicker; Richard nam to pick up three captured accept the sky pirates. They were 10 villages hit. To this list he later property rights of the abutting Rittenband, candidate for pilots, U.S. military sources dis­ believed to be Croatian Utashi, a added Majdel Islim, Qabrikha homeowner. She further said Congress, and Anna Mae closed. group that supported the Nazis Special Session and Touline, indicating a swings and a climbing apparatus Switaski, GOP state central com­ Gen. John W. Vogt, com­ and the Fascists in World War If ^ northeastward thrust to the 6 are occasionally out of u.se after it mittee vice chairman.
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