All the News of All the Pointes * * • Every Thursday Morning rosse ews COlnplete News Coverage, of All the 'Pointes Home oj the News VOLUME 23-NO. J 8 af~~e:e~O~sO~f~~~n~tg~~~SOlt~~~~~, GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, MAY 3, 1962 $J~l~~rC~~r 24 PAGES-lWO SECTIONS--SECTION J -----------------------_..:._--------------------_.----_.------------------------------------------------------------ ~-------------------~_._---------_._----------'------------------------~------------------------------------'!' Ilt:ADLINE~ Subdividers of the 10..Month Crime \VEEK JoiniJlg in As Compiled by the GrOHe Spree Nets Drug Big Program Pointe N~ws Surveys Being Made of Thursday. April 26 I Paves. Vvalks, Curbs~ Thp Unit('d Slates resumf'd! Addict $11,192 Total Cost Estimated nuclear testing in th£' ntrnos- I , S k h f rl~('r(' :vcst£'roay, :\n int('l'mpc!i- . i Confesses to 20 upermar et T e ts in Detroir Area At $350,000 at(' :vide! drvic£'. \\ith re,;ulting : Including One in Woods from Which He Took Th~ Woclds and subdivi- fallout less than that f!"Om am' , < i $3,385 After Three V~sits sian de\'elcpers will under- singl(' blast in last. Yl.'a1"~S()vi~t take a $351),000 street pav- Sf'ri('s. was dropped from a hi~h- ' , Chris Rakos, 36, no known address, who was arrested ing and re~urfacing and re- f1yln~ plan£' ane! C'xp!oded in I : by Livonia poli~e last January, confessed on Tuesday, pair progrc,m this summer, thE' ,'kini~y of C'hri~tmas Island ; April 24, that he had taken thousands of dollars from according to information in the Pac-ific-, This is the fir'st ' sapermarkets in the Detroit area, including a store in I d I.' C' A'" in a ful1-:,ca!(' 11l'0~I'am of t:. S. re ease oy Ity dmmlS- t('sts, annnunc'C'd b~' Pt'('sic!£'nt' ,the "lVoods.\ ".,---------- t raLor' Ch' e~;Ler Pe t erson on K('nnecy 0\'('1' s('\'('n \\'('('ks a£:o, : Woods Det. Sgt. Walter B la R b Monday, April 30. At th(' timr tlw t('sts \\'/'1'£,I ; O'Dell and Det. Leroy Tobian U. rg rs 0 The city administrator said orderecl. K('nn('d~' stat('o that; : disclosed on Monday, April 30. (hat the improvement program Am£'rlca stood reac1y to ranc-r! : : that they had received informa- Fu,rlns Store will also include repair of curb- hf'r test <;eri£,sat an~' timC', pro- ,lion from Det. Sgt. Paul Sass ing and sidewalks throughout \'iding Russia would agl'l'e to a : : ilnd Del. William Rugh of De- SIT Cl the city, tE'st-ban trE'ilty with "(lmpu!sory : troit's Holdup Bureau, that econc lme He said that the new paving intf'rnationa! insp('ction of sus- ' 'I{akos confessed to being re- in the subdivisions presently peC't('d "io!atioll', Thr Soviet! : sponsible for steallng $3.385 undcr development will be done l.:nion ha>,. up to now, rc,rusecl : : from Wrigley's Supermarket, Latest Loss Is 40 Suits by subdivision owners, and the consent to ~ll('h <l t1'('<lt~',eh,l1'.g-i i l\lack and Moross, in February resurfacing and repairing of ing that "ill!l'l'l1ational ('lllltrols" I ! and April of 1961. Valued at Approximately present public streets will be i~ merf'ly another name for: I The Woods officers said that $1,300, Says Manager done by the city. \"-E'st£'rn "r~pion;\~r." i ! according to information re- Conduc,ting Sun'l'YS . cci\'ed from the Detroit detec- Russia proposr,; t hilt thf' "na- : ,th'es, Rakos admitted commit. Fast m 0 v i n g thieves Petersen ~aid that the De- tional lll<;ppctioll" ~y"tc'll1 b(': ,.: smashed a wI'ndow of a partment of Public \Vorks is ' 'ling foU!' burglaries and was continuC'd, \\ it h ea('h siciP de-: Picture bv P:JUi Gaeh I responsible for the disappear- conducling a survey of the tectlng thE' other',; atmospheI'ie ; Officials of the Ii\'(.' C;rosse Pointe municipalities the l)roc1amation ceremony at a meeting of 'the club, c lot h i n g store Thursday streets needing repairs and re- tests as thc,\' do now, This sys- I han.' proclaimed that the week of May 6 will be Rotary were, left to right:-MA YOR WILLIAM CONNOLLY ancemarkets,of moneyincludingfromthe20 onesuper-in mor n 'Amg,. pn 'J 26 ' dscboope d surfacing, and is also surveyiag tern is unsati.;;faetol'\', from the I Antiques Week. The local branch of the international of the Farms, CHARLES HEISE, treasurer of the Park; the Woods. from .January 3, up 4 O SUits and fle efore curbing, gutters and sidewalks, l.:nit('ct Statcs' \"irwpoint-espe- Ii, serVIce orgamzaLlon... WI'II h 0 ld Its. sevent hIDannua E TA DBE, RAEotary Club president: L WRENC 1961 to October 9, 1961. The 10- police arrived at the scene. after which lJlans and specifica- ('ially as und£'rground explo- i ar.dqucs show at the \Var Memorial Center from May SAVAGE, manager of the City; and MAYOR KEN- month crime spree netted Rakos Entered was Hughes-Hatcher- tions will be prepared iO,r bids. sions ar£' almost impo,;sible to; h 1 11 f 1 10 h d P L a total of $11,192,23, it was Suffrin. 18920 Mack avenue,' Developers arc, \\'orkmg on monitor from a r1i>.tanC'(',ap-' trollS 1 . rom to p,m, eac ay. resent for NETH Mc EOD of the 'Woods. said. TI th' t k $1300 th f plans to pav(~ sec1lOns of Blair- peann,g on a far-off s('ismo-; • -------~, - ----'---- -~--.-----,-~ '----.---------.-.---------~--------,-~---- le leves o? ' war. 0 moor court. Edmonton drive, graph indistinguishable fl'om; D dIe D · CI I H p. Spent It on Dope Ivy League SUltS~rom a clothmg Canterburv road and sections of I ea IDe l-aWIlllY' osel- OltSe U1fllter Del. Lt. William Matson of rack near the wllldow, accord- M . "d d' P t earthquakE's, I[; the Holdup Bureau said that ing to Edmund Hacias of 19643 " ?drnmgSl e l"lve, e ersen Russia imnlC'diatC'1y Pl'Ot(,s,t£'d"B "g· A.:;;:,11t"ql'e CJ k dd' t h h sal American tc~t rf'SUmptlOn,' -- " -f;, For B10"· News Mlltt ShOW. Does D(lmage beenRa os,in aanddrugouta of lCprisonw 0 overas Spencer, Detroit, store manager. 'I'h'e Cl'ty \\'1'11 prepare plans warning that th(' Christmas: 81 t A. ,. ~ ' ~ 'a long period of time, confessed The burglary was the second to repair and, resurface Marter hland E'xp!osion has sounned i to' V 0 l( R. · CI M 11 S $1 384 to using most of the money to within less than two months, road, Ri\'er .'oad and pave new the bell in a new round of the 'I e!!lstratlonS ose ay : et at ~ purchase dope. and occurred under identical connecting roads south of the nuclear arms race. and anti- ~/Jelnor;lll L.l / The li.eutenant said that Ra- circumstances, The first robbery site of the Public Works garage, bomb demonstrations hwere 01'-II i 1'.l. It ,------,---- kos never broke l'nto safes, but took place on March 5, when it was disclo~;ed, ~anized throughout t e wor ( , : Ten Classes AvaHable wii'h limit of Two Classes Per Fear 0 f C onsequences f or only money boxes. He would tholeves too k 20 similar type, Checking Curbs, Walks the biggest in Tokyo and in. Entry; "Butch" Monro, Show's Oldest Veteran, ,Ruined Floor Leads to Acts force the locks, take whatever suits, values ranging from $49 to I The commIttee has ordered a London.' * * .. i Forty Percent of' Rotary." Will be Missed to Avoid Blame he eould grab, relock the box $79.50. complete block by block sur;vey .,.. 'Club's Proceeds from ~'-------- and leave undetected. In all Det. Sgt. George Van Tiem of curbing, gutters an~ side- Frida~', April ~ I I The deadline for registering for the 6th annual cases, except in the burglaries, said that because of the sil1lilar- walks throughout the entire Clty THE FIR S T [X T E RXA- : Annual Event to Go GROSSE POINTE NEWS Mutt Show is drawing near. Ronald J, Thomas, 32, of Rakos would wait in a store ity of the method of operatiGn, to c?eck tho5e that may need TlO:\AL S:\ TEL LIT E was' For Center Gift Friday, May 11, is the last day local youngsters, 14 and 1946 Dam man, Harper until there was no one in the it is believed that the same per- repair, , launched suecessfully yeslf'l"-' , under, may enter. their dogs in this sixth annual spring Woods, a 'pai~ter, spilled a manager's office, walk in, ex- sons committed both burglaries. Petersen s.ud th,at when the da\', An American-built spacc-: -~~~-- • ev~nt. can of pamt m a house he pertly spring the lock, take the The first burglary was com- survey, of strl'ets, sldewalks a~d cr~ft carrying Briti"h instm- i Grosse Pointe Rotary will ',I was painting and tried to money and leave, mitted at 2;12 a.m.; Thursday's curbs, IS completed, the commlt- ments. the 132-P?tllld p,addl?-; present its seventh annual Policelnen End 1,here ale 10 fun c:lasses fro~ I make it appear that vandals Managers of the stores were theft occurred at 4;20 a.m. In tee \nlll?ake a study, and ar~as whE'eled satelltte IS lhe first 111 whIch to choose.
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