The Chronicle Index Vol. V, 1942. Alabama Baptist Historical So­ Latourette: Unquench­ ciety able Light, 143 James H. Chapman, 39 Living Christ in the Life of American Baptist Historical So­ Today, 47 ciety McNutt: Worship in the Churches, 46 Librarian's Report, 47, 144, 190 Paton: Church and the New Attitude of American Baptists to Order, 187 Church Holy Days Payne: Church Awakes, 187 R. E. E. Harkness, 49 Poteat: These Shared His Australia. Pledge of Dedication, Cross, 95 81 Sharpe: Biography of Walter Background and Early History Rauschenbusch, 186 of Acadia University . Smith: Principles of Christian R. S. Longley, 125 Living, 189 Bahr, Dwight Moody Stifter: Every Man's Book, 95 Book Review Straton: Baptists: Their Mes­ Living Christ in the Life of sage and Mission, 45 Today, 47 Williams: Roman and a Jew, 94 Baptist Churches as Moral Courts Bowler, W. H. Harold W. Brown, 82 Pioneering, 155 Baptist Gift to Presbyterianism British Baptists in the National (Dr. Samuel Davies), 21 Life Baptist Sayings Charles B. Jewson, 4 Christian Chronicle, 185 Bronk, Mitchell Sewall S. Cutting, 148 John Leland, Pioneer Baptist W. H. Geistweit, 154 Evangelist of Massachu­ Roland D. Grant, 61 setts and Virginia, 172 Thomas Jefferson, 132 Brooks, Eleanor R. Henry M. King, 44 Pioneering . , 155 Standard, 189 Brown, Harold W. B. D. Thomas, 8, 44 Baptist Churches as Moral H. C. Vedder, 110 O. C. S. Wallace, 132 Courts, 82 Roger Williams, 141 Buffington, Willie L. Bicycle, 36 Clerical Titles Among Bap­ Book Reviews tists, 97 Alborn: Rhythms of Life, 45 Chaplain David Jones, 6 Backlund: Pioneer Trio. 186 Chapman, James H. Christian Worship: A Hym­ Alabama Baptist Historical So­ nal, 94 4 ciety, 39 Clapesattle: Doctots Mayo, 1 3 Christian Chronicle Fischbach: Squaring Up, 45 Fosdick: Living Under Ten­ Baptis'. Sayings, 185 sion, 46 Clerical Titles Among Baptists Goodspeed: History ot Early Willie L. Buffington, 97 Christian Literature, 188 Cutting, Sewall S. Holman: Getting Down to Baptist Sayings, 148 Cases, 143 Davidson, James A. Jones: Prophetic Patriotism, 45 Redstone Baptist Association Lambkin: Baptist Adult Union of Western Pennsylva­ Manual, 189 nia, 133 Davies, Samuel John Leland, Pioneer Baptist Baptist Gift to Presbyterian- Evangelist of Massachusetts ism, 21 and Virginia Mitchell Bronk, 172 DeBlois, Austen K, Education of the Layman, 149 Judson Letter Discovered, 7 Dickerson, J. S. Kettering, 145 Religious Controversy, 1 King, Henry M. Education of the Layman Baptist Sayings, 44 Austen K. DeBlois, 149 Longley, R. S. Erion, Fred Background and Early His­ Book Review tory of Acadia Univer­ Sharpe: Biography of Walter sity . , 125 Rauschenbusch, 186 McGraw, Bruce G. Book Review Fifty Years of Baptist History in Payne: Church Awakes, 187 Southern California William Carey and the Ameri­ Arthur W. Rider, 91, 111 can Mission Interest, 62 First Bible Printed in English in McKechnie, David R. America, 90 Book Reviews Alborn: Rhythms of Life, 45 Foreman, John L. Fischbach: Squaring Up, 45 Book Review Jones: Prophetic Patriotism, Backlund: Pioneer Trio, 186 45 Gates, John P. McNutt: Worship in the Book Review Churches, 46 Paton: Church and the New McNutt, William R. Order, 187 Book Review Geistweit, W. H. Poteat: These Shared His Baptist Sayings, 154 Cross, 95 Mother Berry, 141 Grant, Roland D. Ministerial Life Insurance, 166 Baptist Sayings, 61 Norton, Hal E. Hackworthy, H. G. Book Reviews Tasmanian Baptists, 23 Christian Worship: A Hym­ Halbert, Walter P. nal, 94 Book Reviews Clapesattle: Doctors Mayo, Goodspeed: History of Early 143 Christian Literature, 188 Fosdick: Living Under Ten­ Lambkin: Baptist Adult sion, 46 Union Manual, 189 Holman: Getting Down to Smith: Principles of Chris­ Cases, 143 tian Living, 189 Latourette: Unquenchable Stifler: Every Man's Book, Light, 143 95 Notes from Scotland Straton: Baptists: Their Mes­ R. B. Hannen, 183 sage and Mission, 45 Pioneer Baptist in Mormon Ter­ Hannen, R. B. ritory Notes from Scotland, 183 Dwight Spencer Harkness, R. E. E. Attitude of American Ea,. '"ts Edited by Coe Hayne, 28 to Church Holy Days, *9 Pioneering . Heath, Otis R. Bowler, W. H. and Brooks, E. Henry Kalloch Rowe, 142 R., 155 Pledge cf Dedication. Australia, Jefferson, Thomas 81 Baptist Sayings, 132 Poteat, Edwin McNeill Jewson, Charles B. Book Review British Baptists in National Williams: Roman and a Jew, Life, 4 94 Redstone Baptist Association of Standard Western Pennsylvania Baptist Sayings, 189 James A. Davidson, 133 Tasmanian Baptists Religious Controversy H. G. Hackworthy, 23 J. S. Dickerson, 1 Things Worth Living For Are Worth Dying For. (Res­ Rider, Arthur W. olution Adopted by the Fifty Years of Baptist History Southern Baptist Con­ in Southern California, vention, May, 1941), 3 91, 111 Thomas, B. D. Rowe, Henry Kalloch Baptist Sayings, 8, 44 Otis R. Heath, 142 Trutza, Mrs. Peter Ship of State and a Ship at Sea Short History of Roumanian Roger Williams, 43 Baptists, 9 Short History of Roumanian Vedder, H. C. Baptists Baptist Sayings, 110 Mrs. Peter Trutza, 9 Wallace, O. C. S. Southern Baptist Convention. Baptist Sayings, 132 Resolution William Carey and the American Things Worth Living For Are Mission Interest Worth Dying For, 3 Bruce G. McGraw, 62 Spencer, Dwight Williams, Roger Pioneer Baptist in Mormon Baptist Sayings, 141 Territory, 28 Ship of State and Ship at Sea, 43 The Chronicle A Baptist Historical Quarterly Volume V January, 1942 Number 1 CONTENTS EDITORIAL BRITISH BAPTISTS IN THE NATIONAL LIFE pf" —T^ A SHORT HISTORY OF ROUMANIAN BAPTISTS A BAPTIST GIFT TO PRESBYTERIANISM THE TASMANIAN BAPTISTS A PIONEER BAPTIST IN MORMON TERRITORY THE BICYCLE ALABAMA BAPTIST HISTORICAL SOCIETY A SHIP OF STATE AND A SHIP AT SEA BOOK REVIEWS The Chronicle is published quarterly at 610-614 Walnut Avenue, Scottdale, Pennsylvania, by The American Baptist Historical Society. The Chronicle A Baptist Historical Quarterly Volume V April, 1942 Number 2 CONTENTS \ EDITORIAL ^ THE ATTITUDE OF AMERICAN BAPTISTS TO CHURCH HOLY DAYS WILLIAM CAREY AND THE AMERICAN MISSION INTEREST A PLEDGE OF DEDICATION *' BAPTIST CHURCHES AS MORAL COURTS FIRST BIBLE PRINTED IN ENGLISH IN AMERICA FIFTY YEARS OF BAPTIST HISTORY IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BOOK REVIEWS BAPTIST SAYINGS The Chronicle is published quarterly at 610-614 Walnut Avenue, Scottdale, Pennsylvania, by The American Baptist Historical Society. »in» The Chronicle A Baptist Historical Quarterly ff Volume V July, 1942 No. 3 f CONTENTS r CLERICAL TITLES AMONG BAPTISTS h FIFTY YEARS OF BAPTIST HISTORY IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA THE BACKGROUND AND EARLY HISTORY OF ACADIA UNIVERSITY, EDUCATIONAL CENTRE OF THE MARITIME BAPTISTS OF CANADA ; \ THE REDSTONE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA Ï MOTHER BERRY (1850-1942) HENRY KALLOCH ROWE, Ph.D., D.D. (1869-1941) BOOK REVIEWS LIBRARIAN'S REPORT The Chronicle is published quarterly at 610-614 Walnut Avenue, Scottdale, Pennsylvania, by The American Baptist Historical Society. The Cl ronicle Index Vol, VI, 1943 American Missions for Two Cen­ Christian Chronicle turies Baptist Sayings, 74 W. T. Whitley, 10 Church Without a Home Association as it affected Baptist Charles Boardman Jewson, 57 Polity in Colonial Ameri­ Condensed History of the First ca. Baptist Church, Hamburg, John P. Gates, 19 Iowa Attitude of the Baptists of the Ruth E. Hatten, 185 United States Toward the Crozer, John Price League of Nations. Robert E. Keighton, 49 Ira Durwood Hudgins, 64 Curr, H. S. Baptist Sayings, 161, 179 Spurgeon and Gladstone, 109 Andrew Fuller, 45 Davis, George W. Christian Chronicle, 74 Book Reviews From "Follow On," 2 Robinson : Redemption and J. R. C. Higman, 18 Revelation, 92 Roger Williams, 56, 63, 82, 103, Early Australian Baptist History 154 James Worboys, 104 Beaven, Albert William Editorial, 145 Russell Hawley Bishop, 91 Faint, George R. Bishop, Rüssel Hawley Brief History of the Founding Dr. Albert William Beaven, 91 and Growth of the First Book Reviews Baptist Church of Wilkes- Austin: Harvest of the Spirit, Barre, Pennnsylvania, 39 144 Finn, Albert H., 44 Dana : Lee Rutland Scarborough, "Follow On" 92 Baptist Sayings, 2 Dolloff: It can Happen Between Fuller, Andrew Sundays, 46 Baptist Sayings, 45 Hambdin : Baptist Training Un­ ion Manual, 92 Gates, John Parmer Horton : Our Eternal Contem­ Association as It Affected Bap­ porary, 95 tist Polity in Colonial A- Johnson : Crucifiers—Then and merica, 19 Now, 47 George Liele: A Pioneer Negro Latourette: Great Century, 94 Preacher, 118 Lord: Conquest of Death, 144 George Liele: A Pioneer Negro Nef : United States and Civiliza­ Preacher tion, 47 John Parmer Gates, 118 iParker: Which Shall I Believe? Germantown Bible of 1743 191 Dr. W. T. Whitley, 97 Robinson: Redemption and Rev­ Grigg, Jacob elation, 92 Howard G. Hartzeil, 83, 130 Willoughby : First Authorized Halbert, Walter iP. English Bible and the Book Reviews Cranmer Preface, 46 Dana : Lee Rutland Scar­ Yates : Preaching from the Pro­ borough, 92 phets, 94 Hambdin : Baptist Training Brief History of the Founding and Union Manual, 92 Growth of the First Bap­ Johnson : Crucifiers—Then and tist Church of Wilkes- Now, 47 Barre, Pennsylvania Hamburg, Iowa, First Baptist George R. Faint, 39 Church Chapel Cars—Their Origin and Ruth E. Hatten, 185 Ministry Hannen, Robert B. Coe Hayne, 32 Scottish Notes, 189 Harkness, R. E. E. Matthews, I. G. Book Review Book Review Willoughby: First Authorized Yates : Preaching from the English Bible and the Prophets, 94 Cranmer Preface, 46 Men for the Ministery, 43 Hartzell, Howard Grimshall Mueller, William A Jacob Grigg—Missionary and Some Unpublished Letters of Minister, 83, 130 Johann Gerhard Oncken, 155 Hatten, Ruth E. Norton, Hal Earl Condensed History of the First Book Review Baptist Church, Hamburg, Nef : United States and Civil­ Iowa, 185 ization, 47 Hayne, Coe Pankey, William Russell Chapel Cars—Their Origin and Historical Sketch of the Second Ministry, 32 Baptist Church, St. Louis, Higman, J. R. C. Missouri, 60 Baptist Sayings, 18 Payne, Ernest A Historical Sketch of the Second Ter jubilee Celebrations of the Baptist Church of St.
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