September 23, 1974 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 32247 Osamu H. Matsutani Harvey B. Pollard Wayne E. Mohler Paul S. Ruggera James C. Myers Donald C. Thelen Michael S. Matteson Steven K. Shama John M. Moore Paul E. Sikkink Dennis A. Philipp Robert J. Tonell1 Thomas H. Dennis L. Zllavy Ph111p C. Nyberg Gene W. Smith Eugene B. Smith, ~. John M. Twitty McGlashan Wayne R. Ott Hary F. D. Smith, Jr. To be assistant pharmacists To be senior dental surgeon Billy H. Reid Wllliam H. Stroup Ronald A. Robinson Ray L. Walchle David Barash James R. McKnight Orlen N. Johnson David D. Royston Robert D. Willson John A. Boren Merle E. Milburn, Jr. Ralph E. Causey Paul F. Nelson To be dental surgeon To be assistant sanitary engineers Leopold J. Sollazzo Robert DeChristoforo Robert M. Shelley Paul S. Arell Christopher L. William R. Durbin, Jr. Edward D. Westmore- To be senior assistant dental surgeons Stanley M. Blacker Christman James E. Edge land Joseph v. Bean Paul E. Lovdahl Robert A. Dange: Rolley E. Johnson Patrick C. Blake Philip J. Mosen To be senior assistant scientists To be dietitian James A. Clark Roger A. Novak Stephen .P. Berardi- Jack E. McCracken Mar jorie B. Myrlanthopoulos William L. Cloud, Jr. David C. Pardo nelll Bradford G. Perry To be assistant therapist s Philip L. Graitcer DanielL. Pinson David L. Conover Michael Weisberg James c. Hamilton Roger J. Smith Richard A. Lasco Harold W. Egbert Howard L. Kelly Ray P. Vanderhook Francis W. Levy, Jr. Woodrow B. Lackey To be sanitarian Roy A. Taylor George A. Adams To be nw-se officers To be health services officers To be senior assistant sani tarians Bertha E. Bryant Jean A. McCollum Thomas R. Fewell Ruth B. Cleary Ellen I . McDonald Richard E. Gross Edwn.rd M. Hawkley Tanya T. Crow Annettl McLemore Richard A. Lemen Pettie A. Kwon Thomas P. Phillips Michael J. Sacoman To be senior assistant health .services officers Janet L. Lunceford Wanda L. Richardson To be senior veterinary officer Gerald G. Akland Brian W. Flynn To be senior LLSsistant nurse officers Norbert P. Page Harlan E. Amandus John H. Haire John D. Boice, Jr. Donald A . Hensel John P. Crowley To be veterinary officer AnneE.Gray James H. Brannon, Jr. Paul J. O'Donnell, Jr. Wi.lliam F. Cornett III Roger W. Broseus Thomas R. Ohlaber To be assistant nurse officer To be senior assistant veterinary officers Bascom W. Carlton, Robert D. Riesenberg Caroline A. Hager John D. Bacher Jr. Lary S. Schneiderman To be sanitary engineer Roscoe M. Moore, Jr. Joseph M. Cummings Charles K. Showalter Robert E. Rosensteel Richard :t,;. Race Charles W. DeBree Thomas C. Voskuhl To be senior -assistant sanitary engineers To be pharmacist Paul A. Dickson Thomas J. Withrow George L. Allen, Jr. Marius J. Gedgaudas Charles P. Veach John H. Eilert, Jr. Robert A. Zoon Allen Berkowitz Jerome J. Healey To be senior assistant pharmacisb Paul A. Feller Mark A. Brumbaugh P.eter C. Karalekas, Jr. Frederick J. Abramek Barry R. Gordon To be assistant health services offi:cers David J. Burton Howard B. Kelly Thomas A. Alpert Richard N. Herrier William M. Chapin, Howard C. Lerner Bruce T. Ferris Imants Krese Robert W. Brown Lawrence S. Ishii Jr. C. Bruce Smith C. Lewis Fox, Jr. JeffreyS. Lee Roger D. Eastep Gordon H. Jensen Bryan D. Hardin Peter D. Stead Bernard J. Gajewski Nelson A. Leidel Wyman M. Ford Stephen A. Maurer Bruce Immerman Gary B. Utter EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PHILIP W. BUCHEN Yet 1.! the gentle, white-haired lawyer from strenuous staircase, he flops down uncere­ Grand Rapids seems securely installed at the moniously on the seat of his pants and shin­ center of power, he brooks no comparison nies up a step at a time. HON. WILLIAM A. STEIGER with departed Whlte House majordomo H. R. But as cautious as he has learned to be. OF WISCONSIN Haldeman. ••I provide only legal service,.. he there are tlmes when his legs simply betray IN THE HOUSE OF' REPRESENTATIVES emphasizes with a wry smile. "And I'm not him. Over the years, he has broken his knee the John Dean Gf the Ford administration three times in falls, and a Grand Rapids Monday, September 23, 1974 either." friend, the Rev. Duncan Llttlefair, recalls an Mr. STEIGER ot Wisconsin. Mr. In fact, the calm. philosophical Buchen, 58, incident in which he barely escaped serious Speaker, the new White House counsel seems very much an original in the White injury. Vacationing in Mexico, Buchen was House. The son of a Sheboygan, Wis. attorney hauling himself ,out of a cab when the driver is a native of Sheboygan, Wis., and the and his wife, he was stricken with what was pulled away without warning, throwing h im son of a renowned State senator in Wis­ then called infantile paralysis while a junior to the ground. "Phil didn't get angry,'' re­ consin. in high school. Though he was eventually members Dr. Littlefair. "He didn't cry or This week's People magazine carries able to walk agai_n, with difficulty and the bitch. It was just one of those mistakes, and an article about Phil Buchen which will, aid of a cane, he turned his energies to seri­ he got up and carried on with no fuss. That I know, be of interest to my colleagues ous scholarship. Graduating Phi Beta Kappa is the characteristic quality of the man." from the University of Michigan, he went on Though polio has compromised Buchen's and I urge them to get to know better to become editor of the law review. and in this outstanding counselor~ physical independence. he otherwise dtsplays 1941 set u.p a law office with Ford. The part­ a serene self-reliance. A voracious reader THE GENTLE CRIPPLED MAN THAT JERRY FORD nership was temporarily dissolved by World whose Grand Rapids home is Uned with shelf TRUSTfl War II, but Buchen's career was already upon shelf of books, he exercises his mtnd in Physically, the contrast is startling. Presi­ launched. "Phil came to Grand Rapids as a ways denied to his body. Explains his br.other ­ dent Gerald Ford is a broad-shouldered pow­ stranger," says the President's younger tn-law George Loomis: "If we go to play golf erhouse of a man. His Whitt: House counsel, brother Tom. "But a short time after Jerry or tennis, he'll take his briefcase to the club Phlllp W. Buchen, crippled by polio at the joined the Navy, Phil was asked to join the and read or go swimming. Maybe because of age of 16, is cerebral and visibly frail. Yet ever city's most prestigious law firm. By the time the charm he bas, he always manages to con­ since the two men met--during a University Jerry got back from the war, it was Amberg, vince us that he has a dozen things he enjoys of Michigan summer session in 1938--their Law and Buchen." as much as w.e enjoy golt.. He never makes friendship has been constant and close. It A compulsive worker, who until recently you feel uncomfortable that you're doing was Buchen who, withoat being explicitly shuttled back and forth between Grand something he can •t." asked, took on the ticklish task of planning Rapids and Washington with no visible sign An unapologetic intellectual, with a con­ an orderly White House transition long be­ of fatigue, he sometimes seems more robust suming interest In philosophy and religion, fore President Nixon considered resigning. than he ts. Unable to walk long distances without assistance, he occasionally resorts Buchen cultivates the simple pleasures as And it was the scholarly Buchen, moving well. He smokes a pipe regularly, and Grand quietly behind the scenes, who helped engi­ to a wheelchair and often needs help to climb stairs. "One of the most remarkable things Rapids friends say his favorite before-dinner neer the controversial pardon .of the former drink is a martini. He is not, all agree, a fussy President (Buchen argues that Nixon's state­ is the way he never lets tt turn him sour," eater. He is an ardent Detroit Tigers fan and ment of his Watergate failures constitutes an observes a fellow Ford aide. "It's very difficult also has a weakness for automobiles. One of admission of guilt. "Failure to act forth­ for him to move up stairs, but he doesn't his favorites was a tiny German-made Isetta, rightly when legal proceedings are in prog­ make a problem for you. He takes your arm which he outfitted with a special hand-oper­ ress,"Buchen says, "is a pretty strong ad­ matter of factly, making it a natural kind of ated clutch. A keen bridge and Scrabble mission of obstruction of justice"). thing." Sometimes, to negotiate an especially player, he is less acute when it comes to 32248 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 23, 1974 music. A standing joke in the family is that forward. But before we look ahead, again, NEWSLETTER BY MR. ESHLEMAN Buchen can recognize only two melodies, let us mourn his passing, man and editor, if Tiptoe Through the Tulips With Me and Ah only briefly. Sweet Mystery of Life. On a good day, claims Perhaps the most appropriate tribute to his son Rod, a 26-year-old Michigan State the memory of this good man is to recall HON. EDWIN D. ESHLEMAN graduate student, he might also identify Tea that he took the position of editor of a news­ OF PENNSYLVANIA jor Two. Otherwise, says Rod, "my dad thinks paper committed to "independence of clique IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that all music is just a derivation of those or faction," as The Bee's salutatory editorial two basic tunes." put it in its founding year, 1857, that Jones Monday, September 23, 1974 A high school athlete in football and base­ passes on that editorship-still free from Mr.
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