Prof.Prof. BrunoBruno PierriPierri HistoryHistory ofof ItalianItalian ForeignForeign PolicyPolicy FascistFascist ItalyItaly andand thethe MiddleMiddle EastEast :: FromFrom thethe TreatyTreaty ofof LondonLondon toto thethe firstfirst FascistFascist DecadeDecade FebruaryFebruary 11th,11th, 20142014 TreatyTreaty ofof LondonLondon ► Middle East played good part in Italian decision to join war ► French and British bombed Dardanelles : Italy believed it could become too late to take part in partition of Turkey ► Telegram to Italian Ambassador to London : «Italian Govt , for reasons of loyalty to Austria and Germany , wish to keep scrict neutrality , but in light of threats which may derive from a changed territorial asset in the Balkans , Adriatic , and in general European and Mediterranean area, as well as the threat coming from German and Austrian resentment due to Italian neutrality , think it possible to join British , French and Russian war effort . However , for economic reasons this option must be necessarily followed by a series of guarantees ... » ► 26.04.1915 Italy to join war within a month with Entente , in exchange of, in case of victory , Trentino, Southern Tirol , Venezia Giulia, Istria except Fiume, part of Dalmatia , several isles in Adriatic , Vlona and Saseno in Albania, coal fields in Turkey . Territorial compensations in Africa to detriment of German colonies . Italian committemnt to fight with Britain , France and Russia aganinst all of their enemies TreatyTreaty ofof LondonLondon –– MiddleMiddle EastEast andand AfricaAfrica ► ARTICLEARTICLE 8.8. ItalyItaly shallshall receivereceive entireentire sovereigntysovereignty overover thethe DodecaneseDodecanese IslandsIslands whichwhich sheshe isis atat presentpresent occupyingoccupying ► ARTICLEARTICLE 9.9. France,France, GreatGreat Britain,Britain, andand RussiaRussia recogniserecognise that,...that,... inin thethe eventevent ofof totaltotal oror partialpartial partitionpartition ofof TurkeyTurkey inin Asia,Asia, sheshe [Italy][Italy] oughtought toto obtainobtain aa justjust shareshare ofof thethe MediterraneanMediterranean regionregion adjacentadjacent toto thethe provinceprovince ofof AdaliaAdalia........ ► ARTICLEARTICLE 13.13. InIn thethe eventevent ofof FranceFrance andand GreatGreat BritainBritain increasingincreasing theirtheir colonialcolonial territoriesterritories inin AfricaAfrica atat thethe expenseexpense ofof Germany,Germany, thosethose twotwo PowersPowers agreeagree inin principleprinciple thatthat ItalyItaly maymay claimclaim somesome equitableequitable compensation....compensation.... SykesSykes––PicotPicot AgreementAgreement ► 1616 MayMay 1916:1916: SecretSecret agreementagreement betweenbetween BritainBritain andand FranceFrance,, withwith thethe assentassent ofof Russia,Russia, definingdefining spheresspheres ofof influenceinfluence andand controlcontrol inin MiddleMiddle EastEast inin casecase ofof defeatdefeat ofof OttomanOttoman EmpireEmpire ► TheThe agreementagreement effectivelyeffectively divideddivided ArabArab provincesprovinces ofof thethe OttomanOttoman EmpireEmpire outsideoutside thethe ArabianArabian peninsulapeninsula intointo areasareas ofof futurefuture BritishBritish andand FrenchFrench controlcontrol oror influenceinfluence ► ForeignForeign MinisterMinister SonninoSonnino claimedclaimed ItalianItalian participationparticipation andand informationinformation ofof anyany agreementsagreements dealingdealing withwith holyholy placesplaces inin Arabia,Arabia, sincesince manymany ItalianItalian subjectssubjects werewere MuslimMuslim.. ItalyItaly claimedclaimed toto bebe aa MuslimMuslim powerpower FrancescoFrancesco SaverioSaverio NittiNitti ►►AfterAfter thethe war,war, NittiNitti believedbelieved colonialcolonial adventuresadventures wouldwould involveinvolve ItalyItaly inin economiceconomic ruinruin andand catastrophiccatastrophic militarymilitary consequencesconsequences ►►FollowingFollowing KemalKemal ’’ss rise,rise, ItayItay decideddecided toto withdrawwithdraw troopstroops andand establishestablish friendlyfriendly relationsrelations withwith TurkeyTurkey YoungYoung MussoliniMussolini ►►CulturalCultural heritageheritage:: ImpressedImpressed byby orientalismorientalism ►►SenseSense ofof superioritysuperiority andand generalizationgeneralization aboutabout ArabsArabs:: avoidavoid sexualsexual relationsrelations amongamong racesraces ►►SupportSupport ofof MiddleMiddle EasternEastern countriescountries’’ independenceindependence fromfrom FranceFrance andand BritainBritain:: expansionexpansion notnot onlyonly inin termsterms ofof territorialterritorial conquestsconquests ►►MiddleMiddle EastEast asas aa greatgreat opportunityopportunity forfor ItalyItaly.. LargeLarge countriescountries withwith scarcescarce populationpopulation PrePre--MarchMarch onon RomeRome rethoricrethoric ►►ClassicClassic imperialistimperialist tonestones:: MediterraneanMediterranean asas aa naturalnatural fieldfield forfor ItalyItaly andand doorwaydoorway toto AfricaAfrica ►►ItalyItaly neededneeded spacespace forfor existenceexistence andand hadhad civilizingcivilizing missionmission FirstFirst agreementsagreements withwith BritainBritain ►►JarabusJarabus oasisoasis andand JubalandJubaland cededceded toto ItalyItaly ►►ContinuityContinuity ofof CavourianCavourian policypolicy:: stepstep byby stepstep territorialterritorial gainsgains MandatesMandates ► AfterAfter realisingrealising thatthat MandatesMandates couldcould notnot bebe redistributedredistributed,, MussoliniMussolini turnedturned toto oldold policypolicy ofof advocatingadvocating weakweak independentindependent statesstates subjectsubject toto ItalianItalian influenceinfluence ► ByBy puttingputting pressurepressure fromfrom RedRed SeaSea shoresshores ,, ItalyItaly hopedhoped toto extendextend spheresphere ofof influenceinfluence andand establishestablish specialspecial relationsrelations onon ArabianArabian PeninsulaPeninsula,, startingstarting fromfrom YemenYemen ► 19231923--1926:1926: italianitalian economiceconomic andand culturalcultural penetrationpenetration inin YemenYemen:: buildingbuilding ofof infrastructuresinfrastructures andand tradetrade ofof oil:oil: firstfirst countrycountry toto recogniserecognise YemeniYemeni independenceindependence inin 19261926 ► InIn thethe samesame yearsyears ,, AbdAbd alal --AzizAziz alal --SaudSaud,, rulerruler ofof HijazHijaz ,, unitedunited thethe restrest ofof thethe peninsulapeninsula underunder hishis newnew kingdomkingdom ofof SaudiSaudi Arabia,Arabia, BritishBritish allyally RomeRome AgreementAgreement 19271927 ►►PreservePreserve peacepeace amongamong ArabArab rulersrulers ofof EasternEastern shoresshores ofof RedRed SeaSea ►►DespiteDespite thisthis,, BritishBritish thoughtthought ItaliansItalians werewere encouragingencouraging YemeniYemeni incursionincursion beyondbeyond frontierfrontier withwith AdenAden andand retaliatedretaliated withwith aerialaerial bombingsbombings RevoltRevolt inin LibyaLibya ► Emir Muhammad Idris fled to Egypt in 1922 ► From 1922 to 1928, Italian forces under Badoglio waged a punitive pacification campaign . Badoglio' s successor, Rodolfo Graziani , accepted the commission from Mussolini on the condition that he was allowed to crush Libyan resistance . ► Omar Mukhtar became leader of the uprising . ► Italian policy in Libya reached the level of full scale war. ► Soon afterwards , the colonial administration began wholesale deportation to deny the rebels the support of the local population ► After Al -Mukhtar' s capture September 15, 1931 and his execution , the resistance petered out. ► Italian fierce repression strongly criticized in Muslim countries ProPro--ArabArab andand MuslimMuslim PolicyPolicy ► 1933 -1934: Mussolini and Fascist hierachies aim at colonial gains in East Africa and Red Sea ► Shift in foreign policy : showing respect not only for Middle Eastern countries ’ independence , but also for Muslim religion ► Origins lay in quarrel with France : Italians believed that Paris was promoting anti -Italian propaganda in Muslim colonies for commercial reasons ► Rome decided to set secret centres of philo -Italian propaganda in Muslim countries and strengthen ties with leaders , such as Ibn Saud , as well as showing clemency in Cyrenaica ► Mar 18, 1934: address to Party Assembly 1) Italy as Western Power nearest to Africa and Asia 2) Natural expansion leading to collaboration with Middle East countries , both material and ideological ► Oct 31, 1933 Balbo appointed Governor of Libya : unification of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica with Tripoli as capital and building of facilities . Respect for Muslim traditions , construction and restructure of mosques , repatriation of Cyrenaican exiles ProPro--MuslimMuslim propagandapropaganda ► Arab press suffered from chronic lack of funds ► Italians offered financial incentives to several newspapers ► Arab press did not turn into fully fledged supporters ► Local Middle East press published pro -Italian as well as anti -Italian articles , in order not to antagonise anti - colonialist circles ► Great depression brought an image of decadent Western democracies and vigorous Italian authoritarian regime ► Crisis extended to Middle East and urban middle class and educated sectors of society suffered from hardships ► Boiling mix: economic sufferings , detachment from traditional ways of life, foreign occupation , frustration at corruption of local elites ► Fascist and Nazi attracted some adherents JewishJewish NationalismNationalism ► Ze ’ve (Vladimir) Jabotinsky admired Italian culture and
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