Articles Indian Journal o f C hemical Techn ology Vo l. 9. Se pt ember 2002. pp. 432-437 . / \. Chromatographi c behaviour of some sy nthetic dyes O!1 unconventional layers , I . " Ad il ya K Misra *, Pankaj SjSaxena & Upasana,Gupta _ ,_ Departmcnt ll r C hc lll istry. NMSN Dass (PC) Co ll ege. l3udalln 243 nO_I. In dia Receil'erl 20 Jill\' 200 1; reel'il'erl rel'ised 13 Mllrell 2002; lI("cepled 15 Mil\, 2002 tt:he thin layer chromatographic behaviour of some synthetic dyes has been studied on egg ~ h e ll layers in various organic solvents and inOJ-gani c salt solutions. The mobility of the dyes was found to depend on the polarity of the solvents. ~etones gave compact spots of dyes_ A large number of difficult separation of analytical interest have been achieved on the basis of R-r-RL value_ The results al-e compared with the chromatographic behaviour of phenols to establi sh the separation potential of the egg shell laye l- in pollution studies. \ - 'O Thin lay er chromatograph y (TLC) I S reliabl e, ammonium molybdate and copper sulphate , zinc ll l 2 inexpensive, portabl e and easil y performed by sulphate , nickel chloride , detergents') and nontec hnical operators. A great va ri ety of so l ve nts inorga nic ion exchanger l 4 ha ve been used to ach ieve can be used as mobile phases for TLC and several th e better and ef"fecti ve reso l uti on of sy ntheti c dyes . samples ca n be developed. TLC has grown rapidly in Micellar reverse phase TLC '5 has also bee n last two decades and is now widely accepted as a performed for th e same purpose. Some sta tionary rapid and efficient analytical tec hn ique, its sui tab i I ity phases like polyamide, ce llulose derivatives, ch itin, to th e analysis of organi c and inorganic substances chitocin, am inoplas t, polyacriloni trile, ion have been \vell documented in many papers and exchangers, chemically mod i fi ed and impreg nated 5 rev iews '- TLC in combinati on with modern hydrous so l ids have also been developed to ach ieve in strumentation such as spectrophotometry, the better separations and reproduci bi I i ty for va ri ous densi tometry , atomic absorption spectrophotometry organic and inorgani c compounds. Mohammad el 0/. (AAS) has been used for th e analysis of biologica l, have shown the high potential of th e chicken egg shell pharmaceutical, biomedical and environmental powder as TLC coating material for th e analysis o f l ' 7 samples . TLC has al so rep laced the paper metal chlorosu lphates (" amines and ph enols T hi s chromatography in dyes, amino acids and pes ti cide report is an attempt to use this material in th e anal ys is res idues analysis because of its higher reso lution and of synthetic dyes. The res ults have bee n compared shorter development time. with chromatographic behaviour of phenols, as The synthetic dyes are most widely used in toys, ph enols are also sel f visualized coloured compounds. food stuffs, cosmetics and drugs th e slight excess of the egg she ll is avai lable in abundance as waste which cau se acule hea lth hazard. So th eir separation, material after the use of protein matter all over th e identificati on and quantitation ha ve great importance world and being white in color has large number o f" in the fi eld of separation sc ience. The literature poss ibilities for Li se as an inexpensi ve adsorbent in avai lable up to June 2000 revea ls that the TLC. There is still a need to develop a simple, conve ntional layer materi als such as alumina, inex pensive, reproducible meth d to ac hieve better ce llulose, keiselguhr and silica gel have been widely se parations of synthetic dyes and th e proposed used as stationary phases . The separation of dyes is methods have better separation poss ibilities for difficult because of spots tailing and close IiRr va lue. sy ntheti c dyes. T o encounter this problem organic ion exc ange 6 materi als , silica gel impregnated with organic Experimental Procedure 7 compoun d , Sl'1 vel' nitr. ate,8 ca d'mlum acetate,9 Chemicals and Reagents Ethy l alcohol, methyl alcohol, propanol ethy l " For correspo nde nce: 20. Salldagaran, Bareill y 243 003, In dia acetate, acetone, hexane, ethyl methyl ketone and (E-mai l: akmisra 1234 @hotll1ail.eom; Fax: 550091) carbon tetrachloride, sodi um ch loride, sodium nitrate Mi sra el (fl.: Chrolllatog raph ic be ha viour of some sy nth etic dyes Articles were obtained from E. Merck (India), chicken egg usin g chicken egg shell powder as an effecti ve shell were collected from a natural source. All the sorbent layer for th e separati on of transitional metals, l 6 ' 7 dyes were of analytical grade from BDH (Poole) or E. rare earths , phenols and amines . The results Merck (Damstred). obtained were promisin g despite the limitation that egg shell powder is un stable under acidic medium . Test soiutiolls The spots at more than 3 cm has been treated as tai led The soluti ons of sy nthetic dyes ( I 0-3M) were spots. Atleast 1.5 cm di stance between th e RI. of one prepared in ethanol-water (4: I) ratio (v/v). Dyes are spot and RT of th e oth er spot has been used to resol ve sel f vis ual ized compounds. the dye. RT and RI. are th e rear and front limits of th e spot of dye respec ti vely. Preparatioll of tile chicken egg-shell powder Broken pi eces of egg shell were washed wi th RI. + RT 12 boiling water th en di still ed water and th en soaked in ----'-'------'----- and 10% aOH so lution for 20-30 h to remove th e protein 10 content. The cleaned egg shell pieces we re then washed several times with distilled water to ensure IiRr= Rrx lOO co mpl ete remova l of NaOH , dri ed at 100°C, ground and sieved to furni sh 250- 1SO mes h powder. The Table I represents the abbreviations and stru ctural res ulting egg she ll power was used to prepare slurry formu la of th e dyes. The results obtained have been for coatin g on to TLC plates with out addition of summari zed in Table 2 and Fi g.l. Table 2 shows th e bi nder. IiR r va lu es of 24 syn th etic dyes in different mobi le phases. Resu lts have been compared with th ose Preparation ofTLC plates obtained on conventi onal sili ca gel G layers Crable 3). Th e so rbent was mixed with demin erali zed water in very few separations are possible on such layers while ( I :3) rat io (11'Il\' ) with constant sha kin g to furnish on haematoxy Ii ne, bi smark brown, resorci nol bl ue. homogenous slurry. This slurry was app li ed to 3. 0x 1S cllrclllllin S, eri ochrome black T, indi gocarmine and CI11 glass plates as 0.25 mm layer by means of Sudan black show streak in both eth anol and Toshniwal (India) TLC app li cator. The plates we re methanol mobi le phases. Spots were large and dri ed at room temperature and than activated at hindered in th e separation on si li ca gel G layers. The IOS±2°C by hea tin g in an electricall y controll ed oven same problem has been seen on aluminium oxide for C(l I h. The activated plates were stored in a closed layers. On the basis of Rr - RL va lues, se veral chamber at room te mperature until used. important , clear and di llicult separations of analytical Procedure interest have been obtain ed as fo ll ows: The test so lu tions (500 ng) were appl ied to TLC The binary separa ti on of amid oswartz, curcu min S. plates C(f 1.5 cm above th e lower edge by means of a ali zarin red S and naphthol green B has been ac hi eved mi croppipette. The spots we re ai r dri ed and plates indi vidua ll y from crys tal violet, gen tia nt viol et. were developed with suitable mobiie phases by fusc hin basic, bri lliant gree n, safranill , methyl red and ascenc in g tech nique in Sx20 cm glass jars sudan blac k and ternary separation of naphthol green presaturatecl with th e mobile phase. The solve nt B - sudan black - and one or more of th e following ascent was fixed to 10 cm above th e po int of dyes: genti ant violet, fll sch in basic, brilli ant green. application. Arter development the plates were safranin , methyl red has been achieved in methan ol. removed from the jars, dri ed at room temperature The binary separati l) ns of resorcino l blu e and (25 °C) and rela tive humidity (65 %). The spots were amidoswartz from crys tal violet, genti ant vio let. se lf visualized. bismark brown, briliiant green. safrani n and The fo ll owing solvent systems were used: rhodamine B; eri ochrome black T and indi gocarmi ne (i) Meth ano l. (ii ) Ethanol, (iii ) Propanol, (iv) Acetone, from cry stal vio let, gentiant violet, bismark brown.
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