^ 'LiS ' -\ v . v-.rV T a t m u ia d Aftn m vm ■ 13,953 s^sr e<* <ss*s* V Mmehatttr...A City of VfOmgo Chorm . 5^ » < J ■ VOL. utxxm » no. i l l (TWlNTT PA61S) MANCHB8TKR, CONN., FRIDAY, MAT 1,J964 m T u f t t i PRICES] m Throws Shadow on May Day Festi¥ities By THE ASSOCIATED PRESStfora Prasident Tito and other4>bratlons. Police said 1.4 mllUoa -The Communist world top leaders. persona turned out at 800 ralliea The 40-minute military pai^de throughout the country. held its annual May Day Included antitank and antiair­ Indonesia's President Sukarno rites today with massive craft rockets presumably bought continued his sa^r-rattkng outpourings of people in from the Soviet Union. against neighboring M alay^ at Moscow and Peking and the A television announcer said a May Day rally In Jakarta at­ Yugoslav air force supersonic tended by more thad iS.flM usual tough talk about the jets of most modem production workers. "Onward, never re­ invincibility of communism. flashed over the parade. The treat," he exclaimed. "Indica­ But the great schism between noise was beard but the planes tions of victory are sighted.” the Soviet Union and Red China could not be seen. Western mili­ A' fleet of vehicles ^u ght a cast Its' shadow over the gala tary attaches said they probably , huge turnout of workers Into celebrations. The Soviets refused were Soviet-built■ ............ MIG jet Havana for a celebration at to attend the Peking rally and fighters. ' ', which Cuban Prim e Minister withdrew an invitation to a Chi­ Some 900 snake-dancing leftist j Fidel Castro < was to be foa nese labor delegation to view students clashed briefly with po-1 main speaker. He was axpoct- .the annual parade In Moscow's lice in front of the Japanese I od to repeat his wartings Red Square. Parliam ent in Tokyo. But they against cemtinuatton of -U.S. rs- Ea.st Oermany,'Bulgaria, Hun­ were dispersed with water connaissance fllghtii over CSnba, gary and Czechoslovakia- joined hoses. ___ . — warnings which the u A goW the Soviets In their boycott of But rainy 'skies put a damper | -------- the Peking festivities. on Japan's 3Mh May Day cele-1 (Bee Page TUrtaaM) Many non-CommunIst coun­ tries also held May Daycelebra- tions to honor their labor force._ But there were few such activi­ ties In the United States, when labor’s big holiday occurs Murders Probed ,September. The Soviet Union unveiled a new antiaircraft twin rocket dur­ ing a parade through Red For Race Motive Square in which tens of thou­ sands of soldiers and workers marched. Western observers said the 2V-foot rocket appeared NEW YORK (AB)—PoUce as-fWatts on March » and to be for field use against planes signed to the fatal stabbing of last O ct 21. at medium or low altitudes. two white women Investigated Police earlier Standing by Prem ier Khru­ Ui'C" possibility today that some -the slayings shchev atop Lenin’s tomb, Soviet militant young Negroes are as robbery was involved. Defense Minister Marshal Rodir faulting ' whites from a racial An unidentified detective was on ,Y . Malinovsky warned that motive. ^ quoted by the New/Yofk Times the Soviets are strong enough to They arrested two youUu in today as saying, poilca wars in­ emash any attacking imperialist the stabUng''Wednesday of a vestigating a number ef recent btate^ Algeria’s President Ah­ white woman, proprietress of a Harlem killinga and assaults med Ben Bella and an array of Harlem .doting store and said that "seemed to Im the arotk e ( government officials and .visitors one had admitted slaying a ■racists.” ' were, on the reviewing stand. White woman social worker In The two youths arraeted e a „ Red China’s Prem ier Chou Bln- Harlem bn April 11. homicide charges brought to lai told a reception for.. 1,300 The proprietress was Maglt five the number picked ap ia foreign visitors on the,#ve of Sugar, 40, a Hungarian refugee,, the clothing store kflltaca. AH the big rally In Peking’s main and the social worker was are Negroes. square that his country would Eileen A'. Johnston, 28, former­ The detective said a pottos in­ A- Renewal Model on Display Tomorrow win its quarrel with the Soviet ly Of Elgin, ni; formant had definitely ideott- Union and other Communist Police sidd the two youths fled the first three youths an- M wwd Rybesyk, the axecu-fa landsoapad tb o p g ta g centerPl^BOO. The ooatof tha^onstrue-Mustry, apaca for new profee-,a 1120,000 to cover the town’s critics,* alao would be queationed to the rested as membere of the bb^ tlva dlractop of ttM Xanobastar don of the model la part pf the Harlem slayings of two white with oftwtraet parkj^, a Colo­ sional offices, and the relocation cash share Of the project and to Boasting of China’s new tant Black Muslim mievimste. Rfdavali^maiit Agtncy (ItatA>, men-’^-Davld L. Watts, 29, a nial atyla profdssional or Post overaU p ro jw t coat, now balng of N< Main Bt to case traffic approve a school bond issue of strengui,-an8u also lariied Out He said this toformatkm bs» looka ««a r a a<MRu,«M4«l « t Vw Bible readea who was the only ■okcs BuUAng, p a tha n*«r a g d u ^ lh e United States. blned wltii preylouB toveetifca- n4 urban ranasnU araa paid hy tha Federal govamment. Cow through Itlia ^orjth Knd. It $^,000 1^ the addition to the white member of a Negro -' upsurge has appeared tion of poseibl# ties betaresH ifl appaar aftar raffaVal- wing plannadplanni hjr~'tha Board a t but eventuaU]r,to be shared with will also tachide lmptdWnhlini|R^Hfon'8{h with the church congr.egatlon; and Jules militant groups and a w a a b a t in' the stiruggia of the people of apMiMt n a madal, a loa f wlOi Bdocarabort fot the Rohartaon tha town, ansumlhg the project in the utility networks serving proval of the electorate,-the Bulgach, 71, a fruit peddler. the whole w orld-again st U.8; aiTbltactural drawings, sua'and School, alao in tha renewal araa. li approved. Total project cost the area,area. Thellie project will re­ ject Is scheduled for final hetioh Both were stabbed to death- imperialist policies of aggres­ school plana, wm ba faaturad at existing strueturas around the la expected to top |3.S milUon; quire the clearance o f about 28.6 by town authorities by $^em - an axpoattlon tltlad “ Tomorrow araa art modelad to aealt as the town's Imme te cash share | acres, now devoted to mixed ber.‘ Some J p t the project im - sion add war,” he said. Chou urged the peoples of fai North Manchastar.” It wQl well, to show their relatlonahlp comes to about $120,000, with I residential, commercial and light provementi will be^tarted tb- ba hald tomorrow from 10 a.m. with tha project area. additional credit being allowed Industrial use. w a ^ '^ the end of this year, Asia and Latin America to rally, together and said: "H ie united .ft to 4 p.m. at tha WMton Library Thb entire layout, more than for other money spent by the Present plans for the North protebly on a schedule which front against U.S. imperialism Is Rockville Youth Held Auditorium on N. Main 8t. four feet square, was prepared town in the renewal area. Bind, project hinge gn the out., Will permit the gradual reloca­ steadily expanding .and we shall Tha model shows scale con­ fo r the M R A by NoRnan 8. Beaidea the apartment and come ef a referendum set for tion of the present tenants in unite ever more closely and con-' structions of a proposed apart­ Briskman,. Model Makeri Ino., commercial,.areas, the renewal May 19, when the town’s elec­ Nofth End stores and residences tUiue for the victory of our com­ ment elustar of a b ^ M units, a t New York City, for about pianS can fo r sites fo r light tai- torate will be asked to approve to other areas of town. mon cause." In Sniper Shootings Hie giant Muare was deco­ rated with bu^viienraits of Mao Tze-tung, Marx, Engels, Lento By ED FREEMAN Phottse. Pottw dealtaed Ixidies^ Wiles and Stalin. A Rockville youth who police on the motive for the at Events yaoth UN Toughens in G^rus Ccunmunist dh inese gunners say terrorized a Vernon family When arrested, the halted their on-off artillery bom- Wea carrying the rifle, i of four for two nights by shobt- Hid Thefts at bardhierrtYif the offshore Nation­ Tiled, In a papar bag, p M a a said. In State alist Chthese islands. ing into their Jiome was arrest­ Acoording to polica, tha youth The East German Communists ed last night with a rifle and traveled each time from Roric- After Meek First M ov^ Dress Salon marked May Day with a mas­ ammunition In the vicinity of viUe to the rural houelng devel­ sive military parade in East the house. opment by bus. ' Caiaries H. Avery. 17. of 116% A p p ra isa l Fees Berlin. Police said the sliqte fired UNITED NATIONS, N.T.#Finnlah and Swediah troops,«tha U.N. oommihdar, Indian Lt. NEW YORK (AP) — Maln- Grove St. was charged by Ve^f- bocher Is a dress salon on Fifth About 300,000 West Berliners Monday smashed throuiffa atorm (AP)—The U.N.
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