O THECOPTBIGBT, 1880, BT THE SPOaTINQ LlT* PUBLISHING) CO. SPORTING LIFEAT PHILA. POST OWICB AS SECOND CLASS HATTB&. VOLUME 13, NO. U. PHILADELPHIA, PA., JULY 10, 1889. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. which any batsman ought to kill, and Just sail a them my confidence and my friendship to-day, aa be will up faay, relying on the fielders to connect. It la a always hare It, and my trust ID his judgment of play­ wonder he is not batted out of the box every game. ers is greater than ever." My only criticism ot" the crazy ALL SETTLED. LATE NEWS. ent is laid up by a strata and Jauttou was run attack will be to suggest that there are some into aud shaken up at St. Joe. things in New York which 'ought to be carried tn the Flood shut ua out at St. Joe. Tom fa tbe best pitcher centre of the Brooklyn bridge and pitched off. They he Missouriana have, but Charley Lord apparently smell. HAEBY PALMER. The Foreign Trip of the don't know it. Louisville's Tribulations at Oinaha needa another reliable pitcher. If anything ST. JOSEPH JOTTINGS. should go wrong with either Clark or Nichols they College Players. would be in bad abare, as Willis is always hit hard and Porter and McVey Released—Pete Hotal- an End. ia Tery wild. But then yru can bet if worst comes to ing Signed—Other Changes Impending, worst Frank Seloo will be on top. Ktc. Milwaukee aUo needa twirlers. I wonder Uncle E» Another Base Ball Suit A Sig­ don't look after Charley Parsons. He would be a ST. JOSEPH, July 1. Editor SPORTIHI LIFE: I flnd The Sale Ratified The Griev­ pleudid man for Milwaukee and he is not employed U Incumbent npoo me this week to record the melan­ now, either. His address is Cherry Flats, 1'a. Charley choly fact that Henry Porter, who waa signed to pitch nificant Deliverance News by large odds a better pitcher than any now on the for St. Joseph recently, has came and gone. He failed ances of the Players Satis­ Brewers' pay roll. to prove the howling success he was expected to be bj From All Points Harry Quin, of Milwaukee, fa making hia annual bis admirers. It la true, he pitched but two games, factorily Adjusted. howl against Sam Morton. Soar grapes, Qnin. Of wiiinlufc one and losing the other. It waa not eoinnch all the silly statements that one that it ia next to im- by reason of his good work in the box, however, that be succeeded in win nine his ^ame, as it waa because p< isibte to win a game hero ia the moat foolish. And Special to SPORTIMQ LIFE. HORRIIX GONE. then, of course, a team haa to bat oat a victory. his support WRS phenomenally good. On the other Games won without any tatting are few and farbe- hand, lu the game he lost hts support was poor, the LOUISVILLE, July Ky., 6. The sale of the the Noted Player Released by the Wash­ tween. Wben your dub club was bcre they made 10 opposing team winning on costly errors. So that ou Louisville Club was t'oriaalJy ratified at ington Club* hi tain three games to our 36. Did we hit out our the whole his work iu the two games was a stand-oil. a called meeting of the American Asso­ 8r>«clnl to SPORTING Lire. victories? Oh, no. Now take the games p'ayed here But he was hit very hard iu each of them and bid fair to be aa unsuccessful here as he was at K.in sag City. ciation in this city yesterday. Six clubs WASHINGTON, D. C., July 6. John Morrill so far; we won 12 and lost 8. We made 189 hits to our opponents' 1-15. Oh, no, the team up here don't hit, The fact is that the hittine in the Western Associa­ were represented by the presence of offi­ received his unconditional release from the and they never !o*e a came. Let's see; Harry Qnln tion ia about as strong aa it ia In tho American, and if cials and proxies. Those present from abroad Washington Club to-day. He hag been tried in WHB once aecrttmy of this League. Yes, and a rankor a pitcher be too weak for the latter he has no business were: President to go against the sluggers ot the Western. Von dor Afte, of St. Louis; the balance and found wanting. His retirement one never existed. You eont us umpires far worse President C. II. JJyrne, of Brooklyn; VV. H. ban McPermott, Force, Hurley or Cusick. A. W. G. The knife has been set in motion now and George from the Senatorial team is not much of a sar- McYey'a besd is in the basket along with Fry's aud Whitaker, secretary and treasurer of the Ath­ pri-f, for those who have watched bis work dur­ APOSTOLIC APHORISMS. Porter's. BIcVfy waa released because of a sud'len letic Club, and Wheeler AVikoff, president and ing the present season could not help realizing weakness he displayed with the stick, and for no other secretary of the American Association. Mr. that his days of active service on the ball field Work of the Pitchers—Changes In the Team reason that I cau learn of. His conduct both on the Byrnc also lield proxies for Knnsaa City and are about over. His friends thought that he had fluid and off waa exemplary., and no one regrets mire —Wagenlmrst'8 Bad Lack—Team Aver­ than the management that it was deemed advisable to Cincinnati. The Louisville Club WHS repre­ an off season last year and that a change ages, Ktc. let him go. He has already gotten an engagement sented by Messrs. Botto. Reiger, Hall, G;itto of I cation might induce him to brace up and regain ST. Pin, Mlnn., Jnly 2. Editor SPORTING Iiri: with theEvausYillo Club. and rottiiipt-r, tbe nt-w owu.-rs, ami by Mr. Pavjj-ion, his (.Id position among the leaders of rie Leagu*. His While tha trip jnst drawing to a close has not teen The work of strengthening tho team In its two or the ex-jireeiilt-nt. Tl«e Louisville play*-r* iuatie:d- career hna been a long and honorable one, aud he goes quite as euccceaatul as some of the club's admirers three w«ak spots goea on more or less rapidly. Pete anco wern Hnoker, It-i>m<>Qd, Kwiog, Vau^hu, Shau* into retirement with the best wishes for future j>ros- could have wished, still if they win two out of three Hotaling ha* been signed to fill the vacancy in the uou, Wolf, Elmt anvl L'ouk. perity of all sincere friends of the national Ramp. from Minneapolis in the coming serlei they will have outfield, caused by McVey's release. But now that President Hewitt haa tried b»rd to convince himself won just one short of half tbe games played, the record McVey has also been given life conge, Kricg has been THE TRANSFER RATIFIED. that Morrill wviild come np to the expectations of bis standing five victories to seven defeats at present. brought in from ceutre field t> play first base bint The meeting was held at the Lotiiavill* H«te1. It ntiiQotous aitoim.-!'!*, but ho finally concluded that It The Oinaba team has pulled up abreast of the locals Cartwright has been transferred to third. So that was decided ttiat the A-socUtiou »h -nhl flivt meet ia was uat-le&s to hopo agaiubt hoj>e. Mr. Heuttt during this time, anil are putting up a mighty stiff there is another gap in the outfield to be filled. At executive session t) ascertain th- piosf nt at .tiu ot the eta cd to me over three weeks ago, jnat after he signed game, but will shortly start on their second Northern IF present oue of the pitchers is teiug utilized, 1 ut I Lou sville Club and who waa behind it. All tbe reii- Arthur Irwm that MomH would either haTe to im- trip, when it is expcc ed they will drop back a few presume this is oiily a temporary arrangement, and rwentaiivei expressed themselves as )>eing very laV"T prore wonderfully able to the new organization aud deairous of he;piag or te rele-iteJ. He would have points. In most ot the games which tha Apostles hcve v<^vv\V^>^^^^^ that as soon at the right man can te found he will been rcle-st-d last week had not the Philadelphia Club lost tho fault was in the box, the pitchers getting vir­ also be gathered into the fold. The new arrangement th« club. off'-red to exchanco Andrews for him. Mr. Hewltt tually killed. The team as a whole has doue remark­ of tbe men works admiralty so far as the infield is Tbe meeting was called to ord<*r at noon by Pred­ hadju-t authorized Proliant Young to promulgate ably good work with the stick, but the opposing clubs concerned, both Krieg and Cartwright doing great den t \\ ikoff, the t>es*i-ju be;ng nn executive o- . The bis release when tt£ PMUies proposed the An­ have fattened their batting averages in no small de­ CHAB. Work in their new positions. first business was tti« formal transfer of tn» Louisville drews deal. Of course the release was temporarily gree at the exp n°e of St.
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