College Bowl Finalists Select SHKILA CONNEEN After two months of,aimost dally | testing, four students have been Carol Suley Crowned selected to represent Duquesne i Bluff Building Blaze university in its Sunday, Doc. 22 appearance,on the nationally tele­ vised "General Electric College Festivaf^Week Queen Bowl" program. Causes Heavy Damage Members of the first team are; Thomas L. Cooler, biology junior, Mary Lou Carlson, psychology ju­ nior, Ronald L. Quinn, School of Music senior, Richard A. Slgnore, history,sophomore, and Sheila L- Conneen, English literature Jun­ ior, alternate to) the first team. Dr. Emmanuel I. Sillmal, as­ sociate professor of biology, and Miss Carol Kyle, Instructor in En­ glish, are the team coaches. " The Rod and Blue'Varsity Scho­ lars" were selected on the basis of. a tasting program which began in October. Deans, department heada, fraternities and sororities nominated a total of 72 students for the Initial competition. The "G.E. College Bowl* la telecast by NBC (channel 11) at 5;30 eaeh Sunday afternoon. The A GAPING HOLE la the floor, charred wn Is, and falUm lumbar show FESTIVAL SWEETHEART Carol Suley A'M thanks all Duquesne students school of the winning team la some of the estimated $10,000 fire damag In the Guidance building. for voting for Her. Mr. Chuck Hlnkle, KDKA broadcaster, 1., presents awarded a $1,500 General Electric Carol with her trophy. Pete Brunette and Mike Aranson watch ad- scholarship grant. The school of A fire of undetermined ^origin swept tar ugh the I'nlveralty's Gui­ mlrtsjdy. \ \ i -/ the runner-up team a $500 scho­ dance Building early Wednesday morning, w tb damage to the structure ~\1 >>/*» • , • / _ .'. : . larship grant. totaling an estimated J10,000 This total does not Include the many Festival Week actirttles will conclude tonight, Friday, Dec. 6 books and records 'that were also destroy! I In tbe bias*. According-1 tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 7 with the annual Steal Bowl Tournament Duquesne'a opponent will pro­ to university offlclala, tn}s loss at. the PUt Fleldhouse. In the first game of the Friday doufoleheader, bably be either] Bowdpin college could also result In another sev­ of Brunswick, Maine, or Butler eral thousand dollars. ' Tbe isuranca company was due which b#gins at 7:15 p.m., the wodnet lay afternoon In order to Dukes play Westminster college university of Indianapolis, Indiana. Tbe bias* apparently started Midnight Riders. around 12:30 a.m. Wednesday on final estimate. and then Pitt will take on George Although the resident students The College Bowl team is using At tbne of publication, the ea­ Washington university. Following various training techniques. the second floor of tbe building expressed a great deal of Interest, located on Vlckroy st. 1 I ts* of] damage to tbe student dla- tonight's fame, Alpha Delta Gam­ penaarf, • located on tbe second no fence displays were erected Actual competition will be held Walter G randy s, a campus ma faternity is sponsoring "The floor { ' tbe Guidance botldlnf, waa Party" at the Hilton hotel. for Fe/stlval week because of in Mills auditorium on Tuesday, patrolman, and Ed WiUUuus. a President Kennedy's assasination Tomorrow night, Saturday, the Thursday, Friday, and Tuesday University maintenance employee, the consequent bus trlna to Wash­ Dec. 10. 11, 13, and 17. All Un­ ware walking along Bluff S3, when CLASSES RESET tournament will end with playoffs Due to tba. fire in tba Guidance between the four participating ington, D.C., and Thanksgiving iversity personnel are encouraged they imelled smoke, but they bulldlli | tba following classes are teams. After these games, Beta vacation. to form teams to challenge the weren't Immediately able 10 deter­ Yesterday afternoon a pap rally mine Its location. for tba remainder of taw Alpha Phi is sponsor law, a caf DU College Bowl team.. er aa follows; dance in the Resident's Dining was held in Mills auditorium. The After a brief anarch, the two men A training table has been set Eng lab Lit. 101 US, He.; Latin hall Cheerleaders, ROTC band, Pep up la a closed corner of the Li­ discovered the fire coming from Festival Week began last Toes- club, the Athletic coaches, team tbe Guidance building. The alarm Lit 1 01, Classics Dwot ; Lll- brary by the courtesy of Miss erary Crlllciam Fiction 30* Dl, day night when Duquesne defeated and staff, and students all parti­ McCann and Miss Barbara Max­ was sounded at 13,46 a.ej.1 -* its traditional rival st. Francis cipated. Students had an oppor­ well, reference librarian. Assisting the two traveraHy St* Picture,! Pag* 7 Colleen, 83-79. At halftime, Fes­ tunity to meet the team and learn workers was city patrolman Thom­ tival Queen, Carol Jean suley, and cheers which will lend the Dukes Refer ante works have been pla­ as J.Scbereg. A former fireman, 4t u. <.; <*rmen Lit 401 D, 41 her court, Brtgette Petrosal, sheila to victory tonight. ced at the disposal of team mem­ bo proved vary helpful during tbe u.a Renalaasnce History 411, Burke, Wanda Zstaany, and Carol Highlighting yesterday's activi­ bers to aid them la preparing for early stages of the fir*. 101 R H-l Los, were presented. ties was Talent Night, held In the competition. BREAK THROl CH ROOF Hli ory Senior seminar 4*1, M f While the ROTC band played Mills auditorium. I - When taw ?lr*amea arrived, Spanish Culture and History Duquesne* s Alms Mater, Tom Her- Among those-who helped make around 1 'BU, It was dectted that SOI c , 90S R.H.; fwaklU 4-1, 3* ward, A'66, Ronald Heck, A'64, Festival Week a success were: General Assembly tba boat plan wouldbetogtjjtiirougti C ; Psychology S31, 404 Ad.; Psy- Phil D*Domenicus, A'66, Jim the brother's of.Alpha Delta Gamma NOTICE: Student Congress Gen­ tba roof of Hat boJtdtng. 1 ' cholo y 514, 44c.; Psychology S47, Homer, B'65, and pete Brunette, fraternity, the members of Student eral. Assembly will meet today, Tba blare waa eat ' 44 C. A'65, brothersof AlphaDeltaGam- Congress' Administrative council, Friday, Dec. 6, at StlS p.m.. around 1 a.ra I abut aianau fre ear ry Psncbolocy 517, 44c ; Psycbol- ma fraternity, escorted the Queen Terry McGovwrn, president of ID the seifert room of Rock­ damage estimate was made. Tba OCT I, 41 C.; Psychology J74, and her court around the basket­ Student Congress, Michael Aran­ well ball, to discuss renaming majority of destruction toe* place Ss C Psychology MS, I* C; ball floor. son, chairman of the Congress' the Student Union, Urn Jobs F on' tbe Bacons) and third floors of la C rltlclsm 4*4,104 Adas. Featured at the bootenanny held Social committee andeo-ordinstor Kenaedy Memorial union. AU tbe building, i The roof All a* the above classes srv to Wednesday night in Mills audi- of Festival wwak, and Dennis Pol- members are urged to attend. wtasLttb a fir. • the regularly i torium was Liz Seneff and the asky, publicity chairman. through Ex Counter-Spy Philbrick Dr. Miller DPQUESNE MTKE. FRIDAY. DEC. 6, 1963 PAGE TWO CCUN Program Is Highlight Will Speak Here Jan. 14 To Discuss Herb Philbrick, former FBI counter-spj and author of "1 Led Three Education Of UN Human Rights Week Livee* (later m»d* into a television serial staring Richard CarlnoaV Kappa Phi Kappa, education fra- Sunday, Dec. 8 to Sunday, Dec. 15 has been declared Human Rights «Ui aRMir on csmpus Tuesday night, Jan. 14 for an address In Pater tertty, will hold an open meet­ Mill* auditorium. Tha spaaeh U being eponktored by tho University Week by the member states of the United Nations. The Collegiate ing at 8 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 8, Council for the United Nations of Duquesne university has set aside one chapters of sicma DeRa CM and 101 Rockwell hall. Thata Sigma Phi, national eocle- day, Wednesday, Dec. 11, to celebrate this weok and bring to light the tie* for man and woman tuiour- Dr. Helen Miller, professor of contributions of the UN In the field biology, will deliver the main ad­ of human rights, > In the past he has served the hallem. Aa an FBI counter-spy nation as deputy director of the fthot* identity via completely dress, "A Plan For American Artifacts, representative of the runcealed from Ma Communist Education.' various cultures of the world, will Marshall plan In Greece and as associates, Philbrick waa the first Dr. Miliar wUl discuss the faul­ be displayed in Mills auditorium U.S. representative to the Geneva raoo-Commuaiat to paaatrata tho ty ayatem of education questioning from 10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. conference. top Communiat seer* "pro-4* whether the present ayatem is ac­ Contributions will be made by In addition, he has been regional gTOen, complishing the optimum of-the members of the Cosmopolitan club, director of the foreign aldxprogram students* the German department, Afro- in the* far east, and a member of Ntne yaara after ho began hta Asian students, and the CCUN. the bureau of the budget In the counter-apy activities, Ma aur- Discussion will Include whether Americans are falling by not teach­ Dr. Alvin Rosemon, associate president's office. prla* testimony u a government Before coming to the University witness in a trail of tha ll top ing the appropriate courses in ele­ dean of.the graduate school of mentary and primary grades. public and international affairs of Pittsburgh, he served in the UN Communiat a in tMa country mad* as deputy director-general of banner haadlinas. Hla bock, "I Led Measures have been taken to ad­ at the Unlversityof Pittsburgh, will vance studies In grade school by speak at 3:15 p.m.
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