P H YSICAI. REVI EW VOLI,'ME 79, NUM BER 1 JL'LV i i950 Proceedings of the American Physical Society INUTEs oF THE MEETING AT WAsHINGToN, APRIL 27—29, 1950 HE 299th meeting of the American Physical except for the renumbering of the pages. Preceding Society, being the 1950 Spring Meeting, was these pages are printed the "errata" which the con- held at Washington, D. C., on Thursday, Friday, tributors of abstracts have sent to the American and Saturday, April 27, 28, and 29, 1.950. Most of Institute of Physics since the Bulletin appeared. our recent meetings have been unique in one im- The banquet of the Society was held on the portant feature or another; this one comprised Friday evening in the Grand Ballroom of the May- the greatest number of contributed (ten-minute) flower Hotel, and was adorned by after-dinner papers on record, amounting to 273. Since —more speeches by W. V. Houston and H. D. Smyth. through accident than through design —the number The Council met on the Wednesday preceding of invited papers was unusually small and there the meeting of the Society, and selected to Member- were no symposia, the total number of papers did ship one hundred and five candidates whose names not set a new record, and the available halls were appear hereinafter. It will be of interest to our ample for our meetings. We are grateful to the members to learn that the work of preparing a I ocal Committee, headed as in recent previous thirty-year Author and Subject Index of The years by Claire Marton and Hugh Odishaw, who Physical Revim is well under way. Since the Index did an immense amount of work for our benefit and is to extend through 1950, it can scarcely be did it very well; to the National Bureau of Stand- published before the autumn of 1951. ards for intervening with various Departments of According to reports reaching the office of the t, 'overnment to obtain the privilege of using their Society, we have lost through death D. Coster lecture halls, to these Departments themselves„and (Groningen, Holland). to the Bureau for welcoming us to its excellent The Nominating Committee met on the Thursday East Building Lecture Room; to George Washing- afternoon, and reported that the following Fellows ton University for lending us its Lisner Auditorium, of the Society will be candidates for office in the and to the National Academy of Sciences for the election to be held next January: C. C. Lauritsen repeated favor of its own Auditorium. The only for President, J. H. Van Vleck for Vice-President, drawback to these arrangements is the wide dis- K. K. Darrow for Secretary, G. B. Pegram for persion of the halls. It will be interesting to our Treasurer; R. F. Bacher, J. B. Fisk, E. M. Purcell, members to be told that owing to the initiative of and H. K. Schilling for Councillor (four-year term, Mrs. Marton and Mr. Odishaw, we expect to be two vacancies to be filled); Maurice Goldhaber, able to confine next year's meeting to the halls of Robert Serber, and C. H. Townes for membership a prominent hotel and those of the National Bureau in the Board of Editors (three-year term, three of Standards. The registration this year was about vacancies to be filled). fifteen hundred. It is taken for granted that many Elected to Membership: Carl D. Baurnann, of those in attendance failed to register; but even Raymond E. Benenson, John P. Benkard, Kurt Berman, William M. with all reasonable allowance for this factor it Boggs, Francis G. Boyle, Pierce A. Brennan, Karl W. Brock- appears that our Washington meetings do not man, Jr., Bjorn Bruno, Nestor Cadorette, William F. Cart- match our New York meetings in respect to total wright, Joses Jen Lich Chen, Calvin M. Class, Julius Cohen, attendance. George E. Comstock, III, E. N. Dacus, Alcides R. Da Silva, Raymond L. Dickernan, John E. Dougherty, Dresner, The twelve invited papers were given by Felix Joseph Leonard Norman Eselson, Frederick C. Essig, John J. Floyd, Bloch (T1), J. W. M. DuMond (H1), Maurice Michael J. Forster, Meyer Garber, Robert W. Gelinas, Goldhaber (Y1),J. A. Hippie (A3), R. B. Holt (A1), Desmond A. George, James F. Goff, C. Herbert Grauling, Hans Kopfermann (I1), D. H. Menzel (T3), J. R. Jr., Thomas C. Hall, Jr., John C. Hubbs, Leslie E. John- Pierce (A4), Grote Reber (T2), William Shockley son, Geoffrey Jones, M alvin H. Kalos, Harvey Kaplan, Robert W. Keyes, Charles H. Klane, Jack Kliger, Nobuo H. S. Taylor and Herbert York (F12). (J14), (A2), J. Koda, John W. Kunstadter, Wilbur Lakin, Erkki A. The letters and numbers after these names indicate Laurila, Herbert N. Leifer, John L. Levy, C. H. Long, where in the following pages the titles of these Stefan Machlup, Jose M. Malpica, John A. McCarthy, papers will be found; for, as already twice an- T. King McCubbin, , Jr., Robert E. McDonald, Francis D. nounced in the Bul/etin, the pages of the Bulletin McDonough, George F. Mechlin, Clarence R. Mehl, William H. Metten, Richard A. Montgomery, George Moshos, H. which carry the abstracts and the intervening J. Motz, Michael J. Neumann, Kaworu C. Nomura, James material are now and henceforth wi11 be reproduced O'Day, Paride A. Ombrellaro, Wilfred E. Osberg, Jr., William in The Physica/ Revim without the least alteration, Oshinsky, Paul G. Pallmer, Jr., Charles S. Peet, Martin L. 1 i96 AM ERI CAN P H YS I CAL SOC I ETY Perl, Robert H. Phillips, Roy Pietsch, George Edgar Reis, Roger P. Wellinger, Norman M. Wolcott, Roger D. Woods, Howard Reiss, Fred L. Ribe, David C. Rich, Carl J. Rigney, Miss Tosiko Yuasa, and George W. Ziegler, Jr. Alfred C. Robinson, William G. V. Rosser, Kenneth Rubin, With immeasurable regret we announce that John T. Tate, Donald H. Rusling, Stephen F. Samojeden, John E. Setzko, most wise, able, and diligent servitor of the Society for twenty- Henry Shenker, Henry B. Silsbee, Charles H. Skeen, Beatrice four years in the office of Managing Editor, departed this life on Anne Slater, John K. Sloatman, Jr., Curtiss A. Smith, William May 27, 1950. D. Arthur Henry L. Stadler, William E. Stein, Spindel, Spohr, I ARr. K. DARRow, Secretary Richard K. Steinberg, Robert M. Sugarman, Robert G. Sutherland, Nils Svartholm, Robert K. Swank, Chuan Tseng American Physical Society Tai, Theodorus A. M. Van Kleef, Henry Viervoll, Charles F. Columbia University Wahlig, John C. Wahr, Gordon W. Wares, Gabriel Weinreich, New York 27, New York Errata Pertaining to Papers Cl, Dl1, I3, 18, Jl, J8, M6, M7, 04, 07, P2, P3, R8, V2, W10, W13, and Y6 ' Gi, by Leitner and Spence. The word" "approximate" in the 07', by Quitman Williams and Walter Gordy, "678.1)&10 sixth line should read "appropriate. g/crn' and 683.7)&10 " g/em~" should read "672.5&10 " Dli, by Sumner Mayburg. The quantity 8 ln«jap for g/cm' and 689.4)(10-4' gjcm'. KC1 should be —1.05X10 ' bar ' instead of —1.03&(10 ' P2, by J. Brossel, P. Sagalyn, and F. Bitter, Footnotes bar '. should be added at the end of the abstract as follows: (a) I3, by 0. H. Arroe. Beginning should read: "In hyperfine M. H. L. Pryce, Phys. Rev. '7'7, 136 (19SO), and (b) J. Brossel structure studies with separated isotopes++ of Mo" and Mo'7, and A. Kastler, Comptes Rendus 229, 1213, (1949). These —4d~ I'23 4d in certain lines, including 4' Ss S3 " Sp 4 and Ss S2 footnotes were present the manuscript submitted by the —4d' Sp 'Pl: 3, show clearly. authors but were removed by the editor to reduce the ab- I8, by William M. Conn. Line 7: Change "exposition" to stract to the stipulated length. "explosion. " Add at end of abstract: Assisted by the ONR. P3, by T. L. Collins. The value quoted for the magnetic Jl, by W. F. G. Swann. Line 5: The expression e should moment of Sb@I is incorrect. Subsequently to submission of the read e '. Lines 13 and 14: Delete the words: "and that the abstract, the observed signal was identified as due to Cu" in. time constant 1/n is greater than Rc." Line 18: "r2 with a the metallic copper of the detector coil. The resonance due to Sbl" in week" should read "7. with two weeks. " has been observed agreement with Proctor (private 2 communication). J8, by H. Ekstein and T. Gilbert. Line 14: Replace t„ R8, by A. H. Van Tuyl. Line 11:«(1 —0-) in place of «. Line =~d~6p by ~ =4/I'. 12: «(1 —0) in place of «(1 —0). Line 13: «(1 —a.) ~~ in place of M6, bv R. E. Marshak and A. S. 6'ightman. Line 2: "A. S. «(1 —0)'. Line 19: «(1 —0.), «(1 —0.)' in place of «, «(1 —0). Whitman" "A. " and should read S. Wightman. Lines 13 14: Line 20: «(1 —a)61~ in place of «(1 —0.)2. +0.2 . +0.3 g'jkc should be equat d t 0'25 — 'nstead of 0.55 V2, by Joseph A. Bruner and Lawrence M. Langer. The 0 1 first names of both authors were omitted from the abstract. and W10, by James Terrell. In line four, the reaction is +0.02 . +0.04 g'/Ac should be equated to 0.03 0'01 instead of 0.07 Be'(nn, y)C". %'13, by W. W. Buechner and D. M. Van Patter. Q-value, M'7, The next to last sentence should by Stephen Tamor.
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