2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog Updated 6-18-19 Contents University Studies Degree 152 Administration 4 Gender and Women’s Studies (GNDR) 153 Catalog Changes 6 Undergraduate Faculty 155 New Mexico Highlands University 6 Undergraduate Academic Programs and Courses 7 College of Arts and Sciences 8 Associate Degree Options 8 Bachelors and Minor Degree Options 8 School of Business, Media and Technology 9 School of Education 9 Facundo Valdez School of Social Work 9 Campus Links 10 About this Catalog 11 Code of Conduct 11 Students with Disabilities/ Academic Accommodations 11 Deadlines 12 Conduct Notice 12 Athletics 12 Undergraduate Admissions 13 Academic Calendar 13 Application for Admission 13 Admissions Requirements 14 Academic Policies and Procedures 18 University Core Curriculum, Flex, Extended, and Proficiency Requirements 31 General Graduation Policies 33 Financial Aid and Scholarships 34 The Financial Aid Package 34 Study Abroad 37 Tuition, Fees and Financial Policies 37 Housing Services 38 Meal Plans 38 College of Arts and Sciences 39 Department of Biology 39 Department of Chemistry 44 Department of Computer and Mathematical Sciences 48 Department of English 60 Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences 66 Department of History and Political Science 75 Department of Languages and Culture 79 Department of Natural Resources Management 85 Department of Nursing 93 Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice 95 Department of Psychology 103 Department of Visual and Performing Arts 106 School of Business, Media and Technology 117 Department of Media Arts and Technology 124 School of Education 131 Facundo Valdez School of Social Work 146 Interdepartmental Programs 151 General Science Degrees for Secondary School Teachers: 151 Administration The Board of Regents Michelle Lujan-Grisham, Governor of New Mexico, Ex Officio, Santa Fe Leveo V. Sanchez, Chairman, Santa Fe Frank Marchi, Secretary/Treasurer, Albuquerque LouElla Marr-Montoya, Member, Las Vegas William E. “Bill” Garcia, Member, Santa Fe Rebekah Peoble, Student Regent President Sam Minner, Ph.D. Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Roxanne M. Gonzales, Ed.D. Vice Presidents Max Baca, M.B.A., Finance and Administration Theresa Law, J.D., Advancement Edward A. Martinez, Ph.D., Strategic Enrollment Management, Interim Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Grants, and Contracts Ian Williamson, Ph.D. Academic Deans Cristina Durán, Ph.D., M.S.W., Facundo Valdez School of Social Work Warren K. Lail, J.D. Ph.D., College of Art and Sciences and Graduate Studies, Interim Virginia Padilla-Vigil, Ph.D., School of Education Interim Mary Romero, MBA, Interim Dean, School of Business, Media and Technology Student Affairs Kimberly J. Blea, Ed.D., Dean of Students University Registrar Thomasinia Ortiz-Gallegos, MBA Director of Online and Extended Learning Patrick Wilson, Ph.D. Campus Managers Robert A. Anaya, M.A., Santa Fe Joseph Moreno, MA, Albuquerque/Rio Rancho Gilbert “Buddy” Rivera, M.S. Farmington 4 New Mexico Highlands University New Mexico Highlands University Box 9000, Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701 505-425-7511 www.nmhu.edu New Mexico Highlands University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, Illinois 60604-1411, Phone: 800.621.7440 / 312.263.0456 | Fax: 312.263.7462 | [email protected]. Highlands University is fully accredited and in good standing with the HLC; please see the accreditation section in this document for more information. To review or receive a copy of the Highlands University’s HLC Affiliation Status Report, please see the NMHU website or contact the Provost’s office. New Mexico Highlands University reserves the right to change its instructional programs at any time. The provisions of this catalog are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between the student and New Mexico Highlands University. Course descriptions in this catalog are correct at the time of publication. See the Summary Class Schedule on Self Service Banner (My NMHU) (make hyperlink to www. nmhu.edu) for updates to courses. New Mexico Highlands University does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, or sexual orientation in employment, admission, programs or services. Any student who feels he or she has been discriminated against is encouraged to file an incident report form with the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. For more information, please refer to the Highlands University Student Handbook or the NMHU website at www.nmhu. edu/handbook. All Highlands University educational programs and activities will be made accessible to students with disabilities upon request in accor- dance with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). If you believe that you have a physical, learning, or psychological disability that re- quires an academic accommodation, contact the Coordinator of Accessibility Services by phone at (505) 454-3188 or 454-3252, via email at [email protected], or visit the Felix Martinez Building, Suite 130, Room 134 on the Las Vegas campus. If you need this catalog upon in an alternative format, you may also contact the Coordinator of Accessibility Service at [email protected]. Retention and graduation rate information can be obtained from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research at www.nmhu.edu/institutional-research/enrollment-and-retention/ Undergraduate Catalog Fall 2019—Summer 2020 Published by New Mexico Highlands University, Box 9000, Las Vegas, New Mexico 87701 © 2019 New Mexico Highlands University. All rights reserved. 2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 5 Catalog Changes its research activities, student and faculty achievement, and oppor- Undergraduate students may graduate under the catalog requirements tunities for students to combine study with real-world experience. for the year in which they were enrolled for the first time in a de- Highlands University students’ and faculty consistently receive gree-seeking program. Students are responsible for knowing the rules national and international recognition for many of their achieve- and regulations concerning graduation requirements and for regis- ments and have opportunities to network with other researchers tering in the courses necessary to meet them. However, this catalog and professionals in their areas of interest. is neither a contract nor an offer to contract between New Mexico The Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020 is a description of New Highlands University, and any person or party. Highlands University Mexico Highlands University’s academic programs and courses of reserves the right to make additions, deletions and modifications to instruction. Although much effort has been made to ensure accura- curricula, course descriptions, degree requirements, academic policies, cy, error or omissions may be present. All official corrections to this schedules, academic calendars, financial aid policies, and tuition/fees catalog are on file with the Office of the Registrar. without notice. All changes take precedence over catalog statements. The administration and faculty of New Mexico Highlands Univer- While reasonable effort will be made to publicize changes, students sity believe that the educational programs of the University are ef- are advised to seek current information from appropriate offices. fective and valuable. However, the ultimate results of the programs It is the student’s responsibility to know and observe all applicable offered, in terms of such matters as achievement, employment, regulations and procedures. No regulation will be waived or excep- and professional licensing, are also dependent on factors beyond tion granted because students plead ignorance of, or contend they the control of the University, such as individual student initiative, were not informed of, the regulations or procedures. Questions on governmental or institutional regulations, and market conditions. regulations and their interpretation should be addressed to the office Therefore, New Mexico Highlands University makes no represen- or college/school in which the student’s major department is located. tation or guarantee that following a particular course or curriculum Highlands University reserves the right to effect changes without will result in specific achievement, employment admission to other notice or obligation including the right to discontinue or modify a programs, or professional licensing. course or group of courses or a degree program. Although High- Mission lands University attempts to accommodate the course requests of New Mexico Highlands University is a public comprehensive Uni- students, course offerings may be limited by financial, space and versity serving our local and global communities. Our mission is staffing considerations, or might be otherwise unavailable. Like- to provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students wise, there may be changes to a student’s original course of study. to attain an exceptional education by fostering creativity, critical Every effort is made by Highlands University to inform students thinking and research in the liberal arts, sciences, and professions of changes to their matriculated degree and to provide appropriate within a diverse community. courses to fulfill degree requirements. Students should regularly consult with their department adviser to register for courses neces- Vision Statement sary to meet graduation requirements. Our vision is to be a premier University transforming lives and
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