THURSDAY, OCTOBER ft, 19Bt r Averege Dally Nat Prtaa Ron The WaatiMr fWBMTr»iTKm Paraanal af 0 . •. WeattW iBattflrpatff g ttgtifttfl Ifiralb For the Weak Ended O et 17. 1859 ht <IM iMftoetedi elaas, possibly arMeh ahraya raaultg la a aort taMgkL Law In Bwe> Rogftr H. B arratt M of Correction haeauM''lt is la aomewhat Hgtiter of anU-eUmax; after all, tha vary 13,031 and Mra. C. J. Barratt. M M t Good Program vein than others hy this titan of title demand! them. A touring Sntnvday shasusa. taOMr wh About Town Nebo PI., haa bean elaetad aecra- CIVITAN CLUl Mnalwr af the Andtt Tbt Htrald incorractly Iden- eomposers. Us very Hghtneaa, ■ymphony finds tha extra per­ wnwndr. High If-TIt ■ tary of tha Turf Management Club however, mads It an txcellent sonnel flnanelally insupportable, Bnnian ef Otreolatlon at the Stockbrldge School of tifted a Brownta in a ' picture Mdncheater^A City of ViUoge Charm TIm BIBmt CJub will hold ft publlahed yeaterday in connec­ By Symphony eholoa for an opening program, however, and so It happened that BMfttuUrftdft dftabft Bftturdsy n M t Agriculture of the Unlveralty of whait people have not ym eetUed previous performances of this Maasachueetta, where he la a een- tion with the Olrl Scout cookie FRUIT CAKE A huSftt lunch win be Mrved dur- aale. S r aOBN GBUBBR down to a eertoua winter of nni- work In Hartford had been Incom­ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2.1, 1B59 <Clnaalfled AdvertMng an Png# 18) PRICE FIVE CEHW |w intftrmlaUon. Mwnberft ftnd tor. The girl at the extreme right Tha Hgrtford Synmhony Or- sic. plete. VOL. LXXIJ^, NO. 20 (TWKNTY PAGES) miBdft ftift Invttftd. wea Nancy Perry of Brownie ehastra optned lU fifteenth sea­ I waa curious to aee what tempo The ladles sang well and gave Kefhler Circle, South MethodHt Troop 102. son last night, before a very large Mr. Mahler would select for the- evidence of careful training ana SALE Thft rm oh caub of lUnobecter Church WBC8, will aponeor e The cookie eale begins tomor­ audience at the Biiahnell Memorial third roovement, since there are rehearsal. Balance between the iM tR t H M tdly RttordMl ChMdrM will boM ft mftsquerftde danpe rummage sale next Wedneedey at row and will continue through auditorium. two traditions In regard to it. He the voices and orchestra was ex­ Strongest Blast at U.S. Cost of Living Bftturdfty ftt • p m ftt the Orftnjre B;30 am at Cooper hall, South Nov. R. Presiding on the pojiium was avoided the laepe. The main por­ cellent, and there vims genuine India Bares Hall. TlclWtft mftj’ bft puw»i»*eid Methodiat Church, Membera will Frits Mahler, wno nad chosen a tion of the minuet was played at feeling for the musical content on ftt thft door. report for a work night to aort Membera .of the Zion Laitheran well balanced and Interesting pro­ the cornmoniy heard tempo ftdvo- the parts of stl concerned. Up to Another Itema for the aale Ttieaday at 7 gram. It Is his avowed Intention eated by Mendelaaohn, while the Tschalkowsky’s "Italian Cs- New Attack p.m. at Cooper hell. For pick up Laymen'! League will ahtend a .00 Van Doren Corrects A llhn, "VlDftfft of thft Poor," to provide something dor every trio waa slower, at about the prlce” was the final offering of Fsr Pound from IndlA will bft fthown ftt'the of articlea, contact Mra. Philip fall dinner meeting of the Central serious musical taste on every pro­ the evening. Well performed, this Record Peak Connecticut League at Trinity speed recommended by Wagner. Castro Orders Leee, .53 Creatwood Dr., Mra. Mopad la ft aertu «f Autumn Lutheran Church in Rockville to­ gram, and he succeeded admirably Following intermission qame selection wax in good contrast to Oborch Nlghta tonight at 8 at Chrlatian Henrikaen, 25 Orlawold last avenlng. the Three Nocturnes of Dehiissy. the impressionism of the preced­ By Chinese Um Buckingham Oongregatlonal St.; Mra. Polly ComoUl, ,30 Hart- morrow at 7 p.m. Washington, Oct. 23, (/P)— It opened with a concerto for This waa billed as tha drat com- ing work,' and served to send the To 90t your eoko eoN Motthow Moofoio, chaimMni Church. I Glftftlonburj’. The Rev. land Rd.; Mra. Normand Andrewa. ■mall orchestra by Karl P. B. plets performance in Hartford, audience home in a light hearted Living costs, as measured Wayne Bandau, miniBter of the 47 WIIHard Rd. Mra. Andrewa and The VFW auxiliary will hold a probably because previous rendi­ mood, and with a feeling of hav­ by the government, climbed New Delhi, Oct. 23 (/P)— In­ card party tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Bach, noted for having developed at Ml 3-4387 or any of tho four captains ot fhoso Masses Protest dia tonight charg^ Red lHH"g*«» Congregational. Church, Mra. Robert Bartoo will ha co- tions had ,,omitted the female ing enjoyed every moment of the the post home. the sonata form. According to the liontft three tenths of one per cent will be Bible atudy leader for a chairmen, and Mrs. Jamea Ray and program, this work had been voices in tha final abctuthe. evening. in September to another rec- China with a fierce new attack ‘Fix’ Testim6ny dlftCuaMon of "The Acta of the Mra. Melvin Jochtmaen will he "edited" by Maximilian Stein­ . Mr. Mahler playg Debussy with The next concert In the series Havamt; Cuba, Oct. 28 (/P)—-fdldn’t think Salas planned to at- on an Indian patrol in the Apoatlee" at 8:10 p.m. caahlera. Gleaners' Circle, W8CS, of South Alfrod Flagg Ml 9-2553 berg. I have a suspicion that the sensitivity and with restraint. In will be Nov. 11, 1959. Manclnster's Fldel Castro announced early tack him. ^’^ThJ Bureau of Labor Statistics Ladakh Sector 6f Kashmir. It Methodiat Church, uill hold a the first nocturne, titled "Clouds." school children will hear the or­ Nothon Agoitintlii—Ml 3-8483 Charging that the two mysUry Itanbera of St. Chriatopher'a rummage sale tomorrow at 9 a.m. editing was something lit the na­ today that he will raise an reported today that Its Index rose Said 17 Indians were killed, 3 The women'! auxiliary of the ture of a revision. he elicited some lovely pastel tone- chestra at the high school audi­ planes dropped bombs as well as Mother!’ Circle wlU meet tomor­ Hartford Cotmty Medical . Aaan. In Cooper hall at the church. Do­ colors from the orchek^ra.-I would torium next week, under the aus­ Cloroneo Moron—TR 5-2458 armed militia of laborers and leaflets. Castro raised a veiled to 12^.2 per cent of the 1947-49 wounded in the fight Wednes- nors may call Mra. Lucy Thomp­ K.P.B. Ba0h was an Innovator In row at 8:15 pjn. ftt the. home of will hold Ita semi-annual meeting his day, but H la news to me that not go so far aa to say the clouds pices of Miss Martha White, mu- Riehoid Jdinsoo "Ml 3-5171 peasants if bombings by his threat agalhxt the future of the average. dgy »nd that others are miss- Answers son for collection. Mra. John T. Zodda. 85 Summer St. Tueeday, Ocvt. 37. at the Hunt his Innovatlone Included scoring seudded along under a high wind, alr supervisor for the elementary opponents continue, big U.S,' Naval and Air Base at Every major Item In the budget j The co-hoeteae will be Mra. Wal­ Memorial Building. 250 Scar­ for Rngliah' horh, yet this instru­ but the tempo was a little faster gradea ' The black-bearded prime min­ GuantaMmo, on the southeast of the average city family went Pelplng claims the.Ladakh sector ter D. Tevlln. borough St.. Hartford, with reg­ Donald P. Odermann. Lot An- than ordinary and some of the I shall feature Mr. Madiler as coast of Chiba. transportation. among about 40,000 square miles ot gelee. Cgllf., U vlMting at the ment waa thoroughly In evidence ister threatened his bpposition istration beginning at 10 a.m. A In the performance last night. In­ languorous feeling, usually as­ guest next Sunday on my radio with a militia In a 5-hour tele­ "The country was bombed in The highest previous In ^ tx territory under the Indian Now Held aoclal hour will precede luncheon home of hla parents, Mr. and Mra. sociated with the movement, waa program, when we shall play and peacetime without being at war reading was 124.9 for July. In Oilnese detachmentf occupied Charles Odermann, 504 Parker cidentally, It was very well played. vision speech which included the at 12:45 p.m. Julian Bryan, Mr. Mahler’s rea^ng of the lost) discuss the orchestra’s latest re­ strongest attack he has ever de­ by planes based in the United August there haa been a drop to, pxrta of it months ago and have traveler, ^ 1 present a lecture St. work waa excellent. His feeling Tha (second nocturne, "Festi­ cording. livered against the United States. States,” he shouted. "What kind 124.8. * built a road across it to link Tibet and film on Ruaaia. Members may for the extended phrases in the vals,’' was magnificently played. Me. also called for a demonstra­ of reciprocity Is it when, in return The rise of 0.4 from August to and extreme western China. Truthful GOOD call Mrs. F. Wellington Brecker Airman and Mra. Roger Stalger, slow movement w u long-reaching The brass and percussion were WORKER KnXED for our permitting them a base September in the index acale, A government statement said the for reeervationa.
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