FORT SAM HOUSTON OCTOBER 19, 2012 VOL. 54, NO. 42 OPERATION RISING STAR AUDITIONS A PUBLICATION OF THE 502nd AIR BASE WING – JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO – FORT SAM HOUSTON OCT. 26, 7 p.m. Sam Houston Community Center New U.S. Army South commanding general works on strengthening partnerships in Honduras By Robert. R. Ramon Lisa Kubiske. strategy of engagement and ARSOUTH Public Affairs “I absolutely needed to security in the region. visit the ambassador so I could JTF-Bravo is a task force On his first trip to the understand and have a better under SOUTHCOM that oper- Central American region since appreciation for the support we ates a forward air base in Hon- taking command, Maj. Gen. provide to her country team duras and organizes multilat- Frederick S. Rudesheim, U.S. and to our partners in Hondu- eral exercises and operations, Army South commanding gen- ras,” Rudesheim said. in cooperation with the host eral, traveled to Tegucigalpa, Rudesheim also met with nation and regional partner Honduras, from Oct. 3 to 5. Army South’s 1st Battalion, nations in counter narcoterror- While there, he visited with 228th Aviation Regiment ism, humanitarian assistance the U.S. ambassador, met with Soldiers and other leaders and disaster relief and build- Army South Soldiers and had assigned to Soto Cano Air Base ing and sustaining partner discussions with key leaders in in Honduras that support Joint capacities to promote regional the Honduran military. Task Force-Bravo. cooperation and security in the The visit coincided with U.S. “I got a chance to meet Caribbean, Central America, Defense Secretary Leon E. those Soldiers that wear the and South America. Panetta’s visit to South America Army South patch,” Rudesheim In the last two years, the and is in line with what Pa- said. 1-228th, working with JTF- netta stated is the U.S. goal for The 1-228th not only sup- Bravo, supported 18 medical the Western Hemisphere – to ports JTF-Bravo, but as the readiness exercises that treated help nations in the region de- only forward-deployed U.S. more than 47,000 patients velop military capabilities and aviation unit in the region, throughout Central America. Photo by Robert R. Ramon provide for their security. it has the mission to execute In addition, the battalion Maj. Gen. Frederick S. Rudesheim (right), U.S. Army South commanding general, Rudesheim first met with aviation operations to facili- visits with Brig. Gen. Freddy Santiago Diaz Zelaya, the Honduran army commander, U.S. Ambassador to Honduras tate U.S. Southern Command’s See ARSOUTH, P10 at the Honduran army headquarters in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Oct. 4. Brooke Army Medical Center accredited by The Joint Commission Brooke Army Joint Commission’s with standards of care specific tion and Certification Services, to the care of patients and the Medical Center, national standards for to the needs of patients, includ- The Joint Commission. management of hospitals. The which includes San health care quality ing infection prevention and “Accreditation is a volun- standards are developed in Antonio Military and safety in hospitals. control, leadership and medica- tary process and I commend consultation with health care Medical Center and BAMC facilities tion management. SAMMC for successfully under- experts, providers, measure- its outlying clinics, underwent a rigorous “In achieving Joint Commis- taking this challenge to elevate ment experts and patients. has earned The Joint unannounced on-site sion accreditation, SAMMC has its standard of care and instill Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission’s Gold survey in July 2012. demonstrated its commitment confidence in the community it Commission seeks to continu- Seal of Approval® for A team of Joint to the highest level of care serves.” ously improve health care for accreditation. Commission expert surveyors for its patients,” said Mark The Joint Commission’s the public, in collaboration with They achieved this by dem- evaluated SAMMC and the Pelletier, executive director, hospital standards address onstrating compliance with The outlying clinics for compliance Hospital Programs, Accredita- important functions relating See SAMMC, P10 VISIT NEWS LEADER ONLINE: HTTP://WWW.JBSA.AF.MIL OR HTTP://WWW.SAMHOUSTON.ARMY.MIL/PAO PAGE 2 NEWS LEADER OCTOBER 19, 2012 FORT SAM HOUSTON forget those who have A tribute to Delta Raiders: valorous warriors fallen or served. A PUBLICATION OF THE 502nd AIR BASE WING – JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO – FORT SAM HOUSTON Please send notes Editorial Staff and emails to almount@ from Vietnam War will never be forgotten deltaraiders.com thank- 502nd Air Base Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Theresa C. Carter ing this forgotten unit By Brig. Gen. Kirk Vollmecke generations of Soldiers and others for their deeds 502nd ABW Public Affairs Director Commanding general, Mission and connected from love of and kindled spirit. It is Todd G. White Installation Contracting Command soldiering and common through this gesture that JBSA-FSH Public Affairs Officer pain of war. we renew our nation’s Karla L. Gonzalez I paid tribute to the We listened to their strength and love as fallen Soldiers of Com- individual stories and Americans. Editor Steve Elliott pany D, 2nd Battalion, discovered the connec- For us, this memorial 501st Infantry of the tion that so few would service is etched in our Associate Editor 101st Airborne Division understand. From these hearts and minds. L. A. Shively in a twilight memorial stories comes a calling We are deeply honored Writer/Editor service Oct. 5 in the quiet and commitment to never to have met the men Lori Newman heartlands of Lockhart, forget. and spouses of the Delta Layout Artist Texas. This year marks the Raiders. We few gained Joe Funtanilla Known as the Delta 50th anniversary since so much in one night of Raiders, the service hon- the beginning of the Viet- kinship, admiration and News Leader office: ored their 54 fallen Sol- nam War. respect that will endure 2330 Stanley Road diers; all American heroes Photo by Ben Gonzales It is now our call to the test of time. Building 122, Suite C from a forgotten war. Brig. Gen. Kirk Vollmecke talks to members of the 101st Airborne action to honor these Their stories must be Fort Sam Houston Delta Raiders who served during the Vietnam War at an Oct. 5 memo- told now as this nation Texas 78234-5004 I was accompanied men and all those who 210-221-1031 by Command Sgt. Maj. rial service in Lockhart, Texas, honoring the 54 Soldiers who made the fought, served and died and our military struggle DSN 471-1031 Rodney Rhoades, and five ultimate sacrifice. Vollmecke is commanding general of the Mission during the Vietnam War. with the challenges of Joint Base San Antonio- and Installation Contracting Command. We must embrace each of more than a decade of News Leader Advertisements: Fort Sam Houston Sol- them and welcome them war. Prime Time diers, including Staff Sgt. 412th Contracting Support The seven of us stood home in a way to heal With common purpose Military Newspapers and understanding, we Ave E at Third Street Luke Jefferson from the Brigade, along with Sgts. among the ranks of those their pain and quiet their San Antonio, Texas 78205 323rd Army Band who 1st Class Lamine Fall and still living with many suffering over the many learn and stand together (210) 250-2519 played “Taps” during the Marcos Madrazo of the of their spouses, and decades. with the Delta Raiders, (fax) 250-2570 ceremony, Staff Sgt. Bran- 410th Contracting Support we walked away with I ask all Americans to fallen and still alive, with don Carroll and Sgt. 1st Brigade, who presented a renewed spirit and pause, reflect and honor the sacred pledge to News Leader email: Class Oswald Pascal of the the colors. newly discovered friends; units like this, and never never forget. usaf.jbsa.502-abw.mbx. [email protected] News Leader online: systematically cycled www.samhouston.army.mil/PAO Engineers to save bigger bucks on AC, lighting air-conditioning system components on and off to This Air Force newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the Department of By Tech. Sgt. Kelly White JBSA’s electricity pro- reduce the total demand Defense. Contents of the News Leader are not Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph vider, CPS Energy, offers during cooling seasons. necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government or Department of Defense. Public Affairs its Demand Response “Since 2010, these It is published weekly by the 502nd Air Base Program. ‘events’ have occurred at Wing and Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston Public Affairs Office, 2330 Stanley In today’s culture of “Under this program, if Randolph up to 25 times, Road, Building 122, Suite C, Fort Sam Houston, cost-consciousness, the JBSA can reduce the rate providing CPS with 200- Texas 78234-5004; 210-221-0615, DSN 471- 0615. Printed circulation is 10,000. 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