Developments at Papa Westray Help shape the future of inter-isles ser- Papa Westray receives a limited RO-RO service vices at present, with two boats calling per week. The During the course of summer 2007 a consul- proposal will provide a RO-RO service with the tation exercise on the programme is being mv Eynhallow between Papa Westray and We- undertaken. Information on the consultation stray (Pierowall). Onward RO-RO connections will then be available via the Westray terminal at and on the programme itself can be found at Rapness. The Papa Westray link service will the ferry terminals, on board the vessels and provide more opportunities and flexibility for at the airport. travel between Papa Westray and Westray and We want to hear your views on the pro- the Orkney Mainland. gramme that is being put forward: New hardramp terminals will be constructed in 1. Do you support the proposal for a RO- the existing port areas at Pierowall and on Papa RO service between Papa Westray and Westray. The proposal removes the need for all goods and vehicles to be lifted onto and off the Westray with the mv Eynhallow? vessel at Papa Westray. The connection will 2. If the ferry service is enhanced and STAG Study— support local employment, and also removes the there is the ability for a full day in town requirement for one of the main Outer North or on the Isle most days of the week, Isles vessels to travel to Papa Westray, which would you support a reduction in the air Papa Westray provides more flexibility in the timetabling for all service to Papa Westray? the Outer North Isles. 3. What benefits / problems do you envis- The proposed new Outer North Isles vessels take account of regulatory requirements for do- age with these developments? This leaflet provides an overview of mestic passenger vessels, existing and forecast You may also be asked to take part in a sur- the recommendations for Papa capacity demands, and a desire to improve the vey either on board the ferry, at Kirkwall Air- Westray emerging from the Council’s environmental footprint of the network. New port or over the telephone. Your contribution vessels for the longest element of the journey to to the survey will be appreciated, and this will STAG study. the mainland will deliver significant improve- assist in assessing the value of the network The Council is seeking the views of ments to passenger comfort and the physical and development plans both in terms of eco- accessibility of the vessels. the Papa Westray community and nomic and social value. Terminals that are currently used for overnight other stakeholders to inform the stays of vessels will continue to have this facility, Further information finalisation of the study. ensuring that full benefit is achieved from having Further information on the STAG study and If you would like to provide comments certified crew accommodation on-board. accompanying Strategic Environmental As- on the recommendations or any other Before committing to any element of the pro- sessment (SEA) can be found at gramme, the terminal and vessel designs will be www.orkney.gov.uk. Copies of a docu- aspect of the study please provide subject to extensive and detailed development. ment detailing the STAG study and copies of them in writing to the Transportation In the case of the terminals this will include com- the SEA Report can also be viewed at Cus- Service, Orkney Islands Council or prehensive site investigations, hydrographic sur- tomer Services, School Place, Kirkwall, email [email protected] by 22nd veys and environmental assessments. In the KW15 1NY (opening hours are Monday- case of vessels this will include hull design test- August 2007. ing and approvals prior to construction. Friday 9AM to 5PM). Why are we doing this study? The strategic options which were tested for their What is being proposed? A variety of problems exist on all the services, ability to achieve the key strategic outcomes Through an enhancement programme we which in some instances are becoming particu- were: want to see a daily connection to / from the larly acute. The three Outer North Isles vessels ••Do minimum – no improvements in the net- Orkney Mainland, including providing a mini- operate in open seas over significant distances, work. mum of eight hours on the mainland and five which in Scotland is unique to Orkney for a Lo- ••Enhance inter-isles ferry services – which hours on the Island on at least three days per cal Authority operation. After 1 July 2010 the week. We also want to see link availability three vessels will not meet regulatory require- could comprise a wide range of variants. to / from the Orkney Mainland in order that ments and will not be able to operate the Outer ••Enhance and/or rationalise air services as the journey can be made on at least 96% of North Isles network on a permanent basis. part of the transport mix to the isles. available connections by anyone wanting to What is STAG? ••Reduce the need to travel between the travel. STAG stands for Scottish Transport Appraisal mainland and the Isles – providing additional Guidance. It is a requirement of the Scottish services on the Isles, enhancing broadband In order to deliver this and the objectives for Executive that all projects for which it provides and teleworking opportunities and/or introduc- the entire Outer North Isles, the study is rec- support or approval should be appraised in ac- ing car clubs so people can travel without their ommending a programme that comprises: cordance with the guidance. This study has the own car for example. ••New RO-RO terminals at North Ronald- aim of establishing what option or options will ••Fixed links – connecting some of the isles by say, Stronsay, Papa Westray and be best placed to overcome the problems, con- fixed links, which could be tunnels, causeways Pierowall. straints and opportunities that present them- or bridges. selves in the inter-isles network. ••Terminal modifications at Eday, Sanday Following consideration of all the available infor- and Westray. What are we trying to achieve? mation, it was recommended that the enhancing ••Three new Outer North Isles vessels, and The key strategic outcomes resulting from this inter-isles ferry services option should be a cascaded mv Eynhallow for the Papa study are to: taken forward in the study, together with an as- Westray to Westray RO-RO link. ••Facilitate more frequent and faster connec- sessment of the enhance and/or rationalise air tions for work and non-work purposes. services option, to assess how the two could Also within the programme is the recommen- ••Facilitate more tourist travel to the Isles. best be developed to deliver the study outcomes dation for a rationalisation of the air service and to complement one another. to the Outer North Isles. The rationalisation ••Reduce business costs and improve business is yet to be defined, but consideration will in- efficiency. A number of inputs have then helped shape ex- clude reducing the service to meet only es- ••Increase connectivity to the Orkney Mainland. actly what we should be aiming for each of the sential links that cannot be accommodated We need to achieve these things and develop isles. We have drawn from meetings of the by an enhanced ferry network. and deliver the network in a financially sustain- Transport Representatives of each of the isles Strategic Environmental Assessment able way for the Council. Community Councils, and from the work under- What options have been considered? taken by Voluntary Action Orkney as part of de- A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has been undertaken in parallel with A number of strategic options were generated veloping the updated Orkney Community Plan the STAG study, and has enabled the predic- by drawing upon consultation with key stake- 2020. Community Engagement sessions facili- tion and assessment of significant environ- holders, a review of existing transport proposals tated by VAO identified the top three priorities for mental effects of individual elements emerg- and the work of previous studies, and an option each of the isles, which in Papa Westray were development exercise. ing from the study. In this way it has contrib- (1) Environment (awareness), (2) Employment, uted to the sifting of options, and the devel- (3) Environment (planning to protect). opment and refinement of option variants. .
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