EELAAIINNE ZACHARIASA | LiL cenced REALTOR® EElaiainene waass extxtrreemmelyly exxcited to join The Greg Michie Team in 2018 after a 30 year career in ththe ccoommmmererciciala insnsurrannce industry.y Elaine’s confident attitude and excellent communication sskkiilllsls havave ennaba leled heh r too build lasting business relationships with her clients. Her aatttetenntioion ttoo dettaail and good judgement as well as an innate ability to identify her cuuststomomere s’’ needs and match their requirements ensure that Elaine’s clients are wew lll lookek d afftet r. THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2018 VOLUME 9 EDITION 10 SERVING SELKIRK, LOCKPORT, ST. ANDREWS, ST. CLEMENTS, WEST ST. PAUL, CLANDEBOYE, PETERSFIELD, LIBAU, GARSON, DUNNOTTAR & TYNDALL Voyageur day smiles RECORD PHOTO BY JUSTIN LUSCHINSKI Grade 2 Happy Thought School Students Bryson Monkman, pictured left, and Tanner Pruden, right, learn how to jig along with their classmates during voyageur day activities at their school last Thursday afternoon. For more photos, see Page 4. news > sports > opinion > community > people > entertainment > events > classifi eds > careers > everything you need to know Chad Krut Financial Advisor Krut Agencies Ltd The right mortgage insurance protects 326 Main St | Selkirk more than your greatest investment 204-482-8558 Secure your mortgage with life insurance plus www.cooperators.ca/Krut-Agencies optional critical illness and disability benefits Home Autopac Life Investments Group Business Farm Travel all in one flexible, convenient plan. Ask us about Mortgage Guard® today. 2 The Selkirk Record Thursday, March 8, 2018 Kasper to cancel Selkirk to Winnipeg bus route in May By Lindsey Enns tation president and CEO Kasper imposed, fare increases and discount- crease their rates, said he wasn’t sur- Yet another bus service is packing Wabinski said since they took over the ed fare terminations with the 20 pack prised by Kasper’s plans to axe the up and leaving Selkirk in its rear view daily service on Sept. 6, 2017, the com- cards and monthly passes, and ride route. mirror. pany has been losing money. sharing, ridership has continued to “Without a doubt, I think this is a Ontario-based Kasper Transporta- “However, as a company, we took the dwindle to the point of where we are blow to those who rely on bus trans- tion Service announced last week that ‘leap of faith’ with the hopes of being now at as a company.” portation for medical and other ap- it will be cancelling its Selkirk to Win- able to modify schedules and utilizing He added they also introduced pointments and I feel for them,” nipeg bus route effective May 27. This smaller vehicle types to how the busi- freight services within the Selkirk Borowski told the Record via email last makes Kasper the third bus company ness has been operating within the region to help offset costs, but that week. “Thinking positively, it opens to cancel the same route in less than NW Ontario marketplace,” Wabinski didn’t help. the door for another provider to come two years. said. “With inconsistency of changes David Borowski of Selkirk, who used on board. In a notice posted to their website in service providers over the past few the service to get to his job in Win- “So there’s hope.” last Wednesday, Kasper Transpor- years, schedule change requirements nipeg before they were forced to in- Continued on page 4 Shovelling in a winter wonderland Ever dream of becoming a ninja? What about a banking ninja? We’ve got two awesome opportunities for you to join our highly skilled team of banking masters as an associate or a member service representative! 7KLVLVQRW\RXUW\SLFDOQLQHWRÀYHJLJ:RUNLQJIRU6XQRYD means having fun, working with your friends, going above and beyond for members, and supporting your co-workers. Interested? Check out our website for more details. sunovacu.ca RECORD PHOTO BY BRETT MITCHELL Liz Still clears a path in Selkirk after a storm blanketed much of where relationships matter most. Manitoba in thick and wet snow on Monday morning. An estimated 10 to 30 centimetres of snow fell overnight on Sunday and another fi ve to 10 centimetres was expected to fall on Monday. The Selkirk Record Thursday, March 8, 2018 3 Donations pour in after Petersfi eld man survives head-on crash By Justin Luschinski “It was devastating. I was already pretty port from friends and family, it kinda because he’d do the same for me.” A Petersfi eld man was severely in- upset before I got there, I rushed to the spiraled from there,” she said. “The Gibson said in the meantime, Water- jured in a car crash, and now his family hospital as soon as I could … We were support has been overwhelming, you man is trying to stay positive and is is trying to raise money to help him get all in shock, I think we’re all still in don’t ever think that something like this working hard to fully recover. back on his feet. shock. would succeed. I know everyone talks For more information, or to donate, Chris Waterman, 40, needed a few “We’re trying to stay strong and posi- about how amazing people are, but he’s visit gofundme.com/love-for-the-wa- things in the city, so he drove up to Sel- tive.” the most kind hearted, big hearted, car- terman-family. kirk on Feb. 11. On his way there, Water- According to Gibson, Waterman has ing person I know. man was heading southbound in a pick- two broken feet, two broken legs, a bro- “I want to do everything I can for him up truck on Highway 9 near Clandeboye ken sternum, T12 vertebrae fracture, when he was hit by a northbound SUV and severe spinal cord damage. He can- that had come into his lane while trying not sit up on his own, and he cannot feel to pass another vehicle. The driver of the anything below the waist, but he is con- SUV, a 57-year-old man from Winnipeg, scious and able to work on physiother- was killed in the crash, which closed the apy. Gibson said that once Waterman’s highway for several hours. physical condition is more stable, they Waterman was so badly injured he plan to move him to the HSC’s neurol- had to be air lifted to Health Sciences ogy ward. Centre (HSC) in Winnipeg, where he is As of Monday, the GoFundMe had currently recovering. raised $10,055 out of their $25,000 goal. Days after the collision, Mandy Gib- A social will also be held on Saturday, son, Waterman’s sister, started a Go- April 7 at the Petersfi eld Community FundMe page to help raise money for Club to help with medical bills as well. his medical fees, and to help make the Gibson said that her family is over- family’s home wheelchair accessible. whelmed by the outpouring of support Gibson said the accident was devastat- they’ve received so far. ing to her brother and his family. “I wasn’t really sure what to put as a “We didn’t know the extent of his in- goal, I thought it was maybe unattain- juries until we got there,” Gibson said. able. But we’ve received so much sup- 18032gm0 SUBMITTED PHOTO Chris Waterman of Petersfield, pictured second from right, along with his family, is on a long road to recovery after surviving a head-on collision last SOCIAL month. IRISH EYES Smilingare atat HOURS 439 MAIN ST., SELKIRK MONDAY - WEDNESDAY 9-6 THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9-9 North of Manitoba Ave. SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY 9-5 BiG DOLLAR 4 The Selkirk Record Thursday, March 8, 2018 Learning how to be a voyageur FURNITURE . MATTRESSES . APPLIANCES . HOME ACCENTS OPEN TO MIDNIGHT FRIDAY! MIDNIGHT MADNESS THURSDAY, MARCH 8 – FRIDAY, MARCH 9 RECORD PHOTOS BY JUSTIN LUSCHINSKI Happy Thought School students rotated through stations of jigging, bannock making, games, playing spoons and Métis artifacts during their voyageur day celebration last Thursday. They could also sign up for snow shoeing, roasting marshmellows around a fi re pit, and listening to a local fi ddler. ON ALL REGULAR PRICED DOUBLE FURNITURE & SAVE THE TAX HOME ACCENTS UP + BUY MORE SAVE MORE TO $500 ON FURNITURE, HOME ACCENTS & MATTRESSES (EXCLUDES APPLIANCES AND ELECTRONICS) MODEL CLOSEOUT PLUS UP SAVE THE TO % * 55 OFF $300 OFF TAX SAVE THE WHEN KITCHEN BUY 3 * TAX YOU APPLIANCES > ‘A BUS SERVICE CAN SURVIVE HERE,’ FROM PG. 2 Kasper Transportation Service took open to working with other surround- over the Selkirk to Winnipeg bus ing communities and the province on route shortly after Exclusive Bus Lines developing a transportation master- announced they would be cancelling plan for the region. their commuter service. Exclusive Bus “There has to be an alternative to not Lines stepped up after Beaver Bus only cars and trucks on the road ... not Lines said they would be cancelling everybody can just jump in a vehicle NO PAYMENTS FOR 12 MONTHS the same service in July 2016. and go,” Johannson said. ** “I believe a bus service can survive Wabinski said he would like to thank WITH NO ADMIN FEE here, but it can’t be on the mode of all of the riders that have used their See store for details. just going back and forth to Winni- service over the past fi ve months. A Better Experience™ | SHOP DUFRESNE.CA peg,” Selkirk Mayor Larry Johannson For an up to date Selkirk to Winni- SELKIRK | 374 EVELINE STREET | 204.785.8191 said last week. “There has to be a peg route schedule and ticket prices, *Not to be combined with any other offers. Does not apply to previous orders, Clearance, Power Buys, Special Buys and Sale items.
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