Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. No. 1,922. LONDO , FRIDAY, MAY 7, THE BATTLE FOR ·HILL 60: EXCLUSIVE PICTU A bomb bursting in a dyke. Digitised by the Library Services, University of Pretoria, 2015. STO YOF IN GALLIPOLI. owded Boats K ed By · d At Po.tnt Blank Mr. Hilaire Belloc Discuss The Trene hes Carr1e • . · ·To A d 1 »ff t And Maxim Fire. Range On Opea Bea:b. Surprise Offeu~ n _ts » ec • COLONIALS DASHING ATTACK. FAMOUS STRATEGIST'S VIE~5. THE Gl\LLANT AUSTRALIANS. M 'th . the following acc~unt in the Flags are Hying throughout Germany m cele- 4 8 tiO:~e • 0/~;om:.:ns yesterday of the storming oj bration of successes claimed on bot~ ~ronts . The the Dardanelles:- enemy are app1 ymg . the wo M "deCISIVe " to the Midsbipmite Of 16 One Of The · · t' th Eastern front and they are It. was decided to land at tl1ree mam pomts- opera IOns. on e . '. ca Belles a.nd Sedtlul Bahr.-t-orthern making cla1ms nearly as b1g r«>gardmg the fightmg First Wounded. ~ . Bel ' entrance to the Gtrait. m France and gmm. Gaba Tepe.-About 13 miles north of the I Briti..,h people whose anxiety i arou~se_d by these BATTLE IN DENSE SCRUB. !!ntr_:mce, but. on the outer ,;hore of the reports want a sound and reliable op1~on on t~e From a cable message f more than S,ooo Penmsula. meanina of the sudden Gf'rman offenSive, and rts Kum to the effect : the duration of the war. They could -; ·ords received late last 11ight aud early K~le.-Southern :n~r:m~e st.rai~ 0 . The landm? on tl1e A 8lde e not do bett-el' than consult :Mr. Hilaire Belloc, this momi1zg from I1fr. Ellis Ashmead 1at1~ .~as. ;sen~lal m order to s1lence the ho:tilc battene '\\'htch 1 h · d such a great reputation by his Ba.rtlett, the ::,pecial Corres pmzderzt in the waded asl1 or~. and, f, rming rome smt of a rough interfered with the landing on the Gallipoli WilO as game ._. knowledge of strategy. Dardatzelles, 7.Ve are able to git'c the fol- line, rushed straight on the flashes of be e.IM!my' P eninsula. lo·wiug graphic accoutlt of the Tanding of rifiThes.. b __, th At dawn on April :..J-la t Su~ulay week--:-a NEWEST WAR PHASES. t"U, Belloc is that he . ~ . e1r magazmes ere not even c Cl.I' 0 so ey landing took plal' of troop , makmg nsc of SIX Mr. such a busy man cannot tile BrtttSlz Army mzd tis tzrst pgl1t 'Wlfh 1 just went in witll t.he cold st.eei. ajye inter.ie ·s to people who want points eluci­ landing place . the Turks. ' It was o,·er in a minule. The Turks in this first dated. But he can discuss the matter with you The 29th Divi ion dis mbarked nt •. eddul Bahr, trench were bayoneted or ran a ay, and a maxim on Sunday through the medium of the Illustrated was the ew Zealand and Au tralian Corps at Gaba H. L . I~ ndon, in th Dardanelle-, April 26. gun captured. Sunday Herald. He will deal with the new phases 'fcpe, and the Fr nch fore at Kum Kale. Throuuh the niuht oi April 24 our squadron Then the Australian· found themsel ·es facing of the war in an article written for next Sunday's '\\hich wa.~ to land the covering force of the an almost perpendicular eliff of loose sandstone Herald. It wi 1 be called "War's Alarms: Ex­ THE FIR ST D AY'S WORK. aggerated hopes and fea;rs," and it will be a con- Austrnli:lli ·ontingent just north of Gaha. 'ft•pe co ·erecl with thick :;hTUbbery, a.nd somewhere half­ way up the enemy had a second trench, strongly By the enming 2U,OOO n.en in all were diseru­ tribution of very great nnportance. t>t.ca m'd tO\nlrtL its destination. Mr. Belloo foretold the new German offenSive; by ~uccessive .At 1 a.m. the ships arrived off their appointed held, from which they poured a terrible fire on barked. T11ese forces were opposed he told us where it would be ~na.de, and h~ was n ndez,·on:o, fi,·e miles from the landing place, and the troops below, and the boats pulling back to the lines of infantry and artillery l•ehind strong rioht. Mr. Belloc is thus the best man to d1scusso f'tl()pped. Ilw ol<licrs 'rerc· aroused from their uestroyers for the ~econd landing party. barbed wire en anglement . the meaning of thes~ movement~. and you should lmnb r and were ;:,en-ed with a last hot meal. Here was a tough proposition to tackle in the The landing of tl1e troop, w _ successful, ann n.ot miss his article m the next 1ssue of the Illus­ trated Su. nday Herald. At 1.20 a.m. the ~ignal '·as given from the fiag- rlarknc .. s, but these Colonials are practical above aJJ they were. able to take up . • t1ong_ J?05iti9n. ~nd l1ip to lo\\ t:r the boats, which ha 1 been left swing­ else, au<l they went about it in a practical way. cover the di embarkation of the remammg dlVISIOn. KE RNAHAN AND THE HANGER -BACK. mg f 01 1 tbe da\ it throughout the night. Our They stopped a few moment to pull tbemsel ·e The leading bnzade and the Au. tralian a.nJ t1Je Mr. Coulson Kernahan, the famou "·riter! who :,;team pinnae:es 'eie aLo lo •ere<l to take the1 in together. and to get rid of their pack:o, cl1arge<l New Zealand orp, in •on1mand of Gen~ral Broad- has rendered valuable service as a recruiting officer, tow. Ilte troov fell in at their as!>igneu pla es their magazine:. and scaled the cliff:,; •ithout wood. ~ere landed at 4.30 un the evcmng of the has written a powerful article for the Illustrated n the rtuarterdel'k. r ~ponuing to the enemy's fire. 25th in ab ·olut~ ·ilence. Sunday Herald on "The Man Who Hangs Back." B. the ::-ide of the soldier· the beach parties of They lost some men, but diu not worry, and in The enP-my opened a hea''Y fire at. point blank :Mr. Jerome K. Jerome continues his remarkable our spl nclid bluejackets and mari es \ ere mar­ le::;s tban a quarter of an hour the Turks ·~re out range, bnt the beach was ruL hed with vigour and of tbeir "econcl position, either bayoneted or in the attack was carried \\ith the utmost push. series of articles in the Herald. His subject for Rha.lled. a1rayed in old white uniforms dyed khaki next Sunday will be " Censuring the Censor : co1om, aJ.ltl "ean)jng the old rifle anfl old equip­ full flight. The French force effe ted their landing at Kum Erigland's Friction and Confusion." mtmt. Kale. and advanced \\ ith great gallantry. SNIPER'S PARADISE. The loss in this opetation was necessarily very A character sketch of Mr. Lloyd George will be 'J;h se 11 ~:.n \\ere to take c·harge oi the boat:', steer THE another very interesting feature ii1 the Herald. It them : hur , and 1'0\' them to the beach when It i::; an ideal country for irregular warfare. as hea'I.' V and indt.uled the death of Brigadier-General will be written by one \\ho has come into close ihey \\ ue finally ea~t of by the towing I,innace~. J ; the Australians and ... "'~ew Ze. landers were soon t4 npie~, commanding the 88th Brigade. touch with the Chancellor, and will be a remark­ 11nd to their cost. , able study. MIDSIIIPl\IITES AND GIANTS. You cannot see a yar<l in front of you, and 0 RAVINES AND BARBED WIRE. The subjects of t.I"le greatest interest to women La h hoat ' ·as in charg-e of n. young midshipman, broken i~ the ground t~at _the .enemy's sniper_s were I During tlle 26th ( 1onday week) the disembarka­ are specially dealt with in the Illust,·ated Sunday Dlall • of whom ha\'e come straight from Dartmt>uth able to lle concealefl Wlthm a fe /ol yards of lmes of tion was continu d in fac of continuous attacks Herald, and the writers next Sunday will include 1ft I 0 f .1 f d t1 1 infa.ntry -itbout it being possible to locate them. by the en my. Rebecca West, Kate Carew, and Panicia P€arson. ' era conp e terms, anu now mm lemse In the early part of the uay very heavy casualties TI e 29tll Did. ion. in command of General call rl npon to play a nw.,t difficult and dangerousve~ ff d · 1 !ole ike men. were su ere m the boats which conveyed the Hunter carried with h'1eat valour the TurkJsh posi- It wa n. t ·ange contra ~ t to see these youthful troops from the de~troyer"', tugs, and transports to tion at' Seddul Bahr, a posHion which mcluded SOLDI ER-DRAMATIS T~ ACTOR. figure', t>larl in eYery kind of garment "ltich could th · beach. rocky ravines, mined hou e.;; and wire e tangle· b scrnp 'tl together for hore work, and carrying A 60011 a~ 1t be ·ame Iight the £o.hemy s ~harp- ments. r \Ol 't•J::; ,-hich appeared as big a.· themselves, sl1o.oters, llidden e\'ery \here, simply concentrated On the e -enin~ of the 27th (Tuesday) the ~th Mr.
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