Page 4 Thursday, June 10, 2004 The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Publisher’s Note by Horace Corbin ABCDICTIONOPQRSTDECEPTIONUVWXYZ Scotch Plains – Fanwood The Westfield Leader TIMES It’s Time For The Strife In — Established 1890 — — Established 1959— DD The Official Newspaper of the Town of Westfield Official Newspaper of the Borough of Fanwood DDTM and the Township of Scotch Plains Westfield to End Diction Deception Member of: Member of: Last night, I had hoped that the sions with three councilmen Tuesday New Jersey Press Association New Jersey Press Association • National Newspaper Association Below are four arcane words, each National Newspaper Association Scotch Plains Business & Professional Association agenda meeting of the Westfield Town night last week after the meeting (Mr. Westfield Area Chamber of Commerce Council would mark the beginning of a James Foerst, Mr. Andy Skibitsky and with four definitions – only one is cor- Fanwood Business & Professional Association rect. The others are made up. Are you Periodicals – Postage Paid at Westfield, New Jersey Periodicals – Postage Paid at Scotch Plains, New Jersey reconciliation process between the Mr. Mark Ciarrocca); from our reporter’s town government and many of its citi- presence at the meeting, her phone inter- sharp enough to discern this deception of P.O. Box 250 • 251 North Avenue, West P. O. Box 368 diction? Westfield, N.J. 07091 zens – something most of us have view with the mayor and her phone Scotch Plains, N.J. 07076 longed for, for some time. At mini- conversation with Lt. Parizeau of the If you can guess one correctly – good Tele: (908) 232-4407 • E-mail: [email protected] • Web: www.goleader.com • Fax: (908) 232-0473 mum, I had hoped that the town gov- police department the next morning about guess. If you get two – well-read indi- vidual. If you get three – word expert. If POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the offices of the newspapers at ernment would acknowledge fumbling the police report of the event; from my the ball regarding the timing of the phone interview with Mr. Abate that you get all four – You must have a lot of P. O. Box 250, Westfield, New Jersey 07091 arrest of Mr. Jim Abate (Mr. Abate Wednesday morning and from discus- free time! PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. was arrested after he spoke at last sions with about a dozen others who All words and correct definitions week’s public meeting). attended the meeting. There were many come from the board game Diction Michelle Le Poidevin Horace R. Corbin Fred K. Lecomte Unfortunately, there was no overture e-mails too. Deception. A&E and EDUCATION PUBLISHER MARKETING DIRECTOR of reconciliation. Instead, what appears From what I had learned, it would Answers to last week’s arcane words. Suzette F. Stalker David B. Corbin Michael L. Bartiromo to be a legal defense was initiated – one have been irresponsible of me as pub- 1. Malaise – Physical discomfort be- COMMUNITY ASSISTANT PUBLISHER & SPORTS MARKETING & PRODUCTION of counterattack and denial. Town Ad- lisher to not have said what I did. fore an illness Lauren S. Pass Karen M. Hinds Robert P. Connelly ministrator Jim Gildea got the assign- As an optimist, I believe all this strife 2. Pundonor – A point of honor ASSIGNMENT EDITOR OFFICE MANAGER MANAGER, BUSINESS SYSTEMS ment supported by Police Chief Bernard in the town will be over sometime – but 3. Buntons – Horizontal timbers in a Ben Corbin Tracy. All this, while the mayor and will it be sometime soon? I believe the mine shaft used for support council remained silent. Perhaps this town is plagued by the redevelopment 4. Clem – To starve or die of hunger SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SERVICES was necessary, as Mr. Abate had been pestilence that infects us all – that causes One-year – $28 • Two-year – $52 • Three-year – $76 • One-year college (September to May) – $20 threatening legal action against the town. good men to act in uncharacteristic ways. THEWS Perhaps this was necessary as Council- It must end. 1. Muscular power man Lawrence Goldman is calling for an Councilman Sal Caruana calls for all 2. Lightheartedness; cheerfulness independent investigation of the matter the cards of the redevelopment proposal 3. Horror; terror If Nothing Else, NJ Primary Is as you can read from his letter on page 5. to be put on the table and then to have a 4. Envy; resentment As part of this counterattack, I as referendum (see page 5). I support this. SCLAFF publisher was called irresponsible and It’s way past time for this to end. It’s 1. Brushwood and thorns for making uninformed for having written the criti- time for us to become Westfielders again. and reparing hedges Over and Real Campaigns Begin cal editorial last week in the “official For you, I, Mayor McDermott, Jim 2. Scatter; disperse newspaper of the town.” I can’t let that Gildea, Chief Tracy and all others to be 3. In golf, to scrape a club along the Many may not have noticed, but there was a Sometimes the primaries can be exciting; how- charge stand. able to converse, enjoy one’s company ground before hitting it I was highly informed from discus- and pursue the dreams of the town. 4. Turmoil statewide election Tuesday. Primary elections in ever, both party cores shun those who challenge SCRIMER New Jersey frequently have little meaning for most candidates within their own party. In 2000, 1. A fencing master and this may contribute to the decade-long down- Maryanne Connelly ran in the primary against 2. A penguin Letters to the Editor 3. A maggot ward spiral in voter turnout, even in the most hotly party choice Michael Lapolla and won. She did not 4. Starvation contested elections such as may occur in general receive the full party support for the general elec- GROBIAN elections? tion. Mike Ferguson defeated her. Another example Support for ALS Fund Appreciated 1. A jewler’s gouging tool for work- ing in a depression, as in engraving Many people do not know why they should vote occurred when Bret Schundler ran against Bob metal in the primary election and don’t bother. Unless the Franks in the primary for Governor in 2001. The By Local Scotch Plains Family 2. A monster fetus with the legs fused primary has a contested race or a presidential surprised core Republicans had to rush up from The measure of a man is the legacy their friends. and having one foot he has left to his family, friends and I would like to acknowledge our nomination still undecided, voting is somewhat Frank’s camp in Princeton to congratulate Schundler associates, giving us all strength and neighbors, friends from the commu- superfluous. Also, if you’re not a party member, in East Brunswick. The crowd booed them. instilling us with virtue. Jim Airey nity, recent friends and loyal long- Letters to the Editor you can’t vote unless you sign up to be in the party. Schundler receive little party support in the general passed away on March 27, 2004 from time friends who have been with us More letters Page 5 complications due to ALS. The com- during this journey of illness with Jim, Independents and unaffiliated registered voters find election and lost against McGreevey. mittee of family and friends held a and who supported our fundraising ef- Relative of Vietnam this unacceptable. New Jersey has a way of making politics and very successful softball tournament on forts lovingly and tirelessly. Considered by some a “beauty contest” for party elections exciting. The state is famous for its “bait May 22, 2004. Jim loved to play softball, and in War Soldier Praises Jamie Heywood, Director of the ALC 1997 was on three championship teams, nominations, many of the votes cast in the primary and switch” candidates, regardless of what the Therapy Development Foundation, Comcast, St. Bart’s, and Sour Grapes. U.S. for Spirituality are for uncontested races and have little to no effect primary results were. When Bob Torricelli ap- Cambridge, Massachusetts, a biotech His competitive nature helped him to I’m very grateful for the two pictures on the presidential race. President George Bush is peared to be a sure loser for Senate in 2002 and he company working hard to find a cure cope with the changes, losses and chal- The Westfield Leader sent to me (from for this disease, was in attendance. lenges ALS presented. the dedication of Egan Court in a Republican shoe-in, running unopposed. John withdrew, Democrats dusted off Frank Lautenberg Heywood expressed gratitude for all The championship game this year Mountainside honoring MIA Vietnam Kerry (D-MA) has all but won his party’s nomina- as his replacement past the statutory deadline. It we have done for his foundation. We was won by Comcast, Union County’s War soldier John Egan). tion and won’t require much help defeating Dennis was similar in 2001 when Donald DiFrancesco have raised over $100,000 to date, Over 50 league, managed by Dom Deo I judge it was a poignant, but uplifting with more proceeds expected. of Scotch Plains. This year the team occasion. It reinforces my opinion Kucinich, George Ballard and Lyndon La Rouche, bowed out of the primary for governor and a bill On behalf of Jim’s family and com- placed Jim’s initials and his #10 on the formed during my 1953-54 studies for a the three remaining nominees. was passed to delay the primary a week. Just last mittee members, we would like to thank left sleeve of their shirts.
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