Acadian Orogeny 45–46 Accretion 112 Grampian Terrane 62–64

Acadian Orogeny 45–46 Accretion 112 Grampian Terrane 62–64

Index Page numbers in italics denote figures. Page numbers in bold denote tables. Acadian Orogeny 45–46 arc volcanism, Ordovician 67 accretion 112 arc–continent collision Grampian Terrane 62–64 timing 73–76 seismic reflection 76 Archaean Domain Southern Uplands 71–73, 74 age and geology 158–159 accretionary event, Late Ordovician 80 Arctic Alaska terrane 108, 108, 110 Agdenes detachment 246, 253, 257, 258, 261–263 Arctic Caledonides 93–119 Agder phase 216 phengite eclogites 386–399 Agder Terrane 196 remnants 109–112 correlation 213 Arctida 161, 166–167 albite porphyroblast schist 472, 474 A˚ re area 340, 343 Allochthonous Basement 405 geophysical data 303, 305 allochthonous fold and thrust belt 13–16, 20 proposed drill site 316 oceanic affinity 17–18, 21–22 sample location 323, 323 allochthonous terranes 438 A˚ reskutan Nappe, amphibolite–granulite allochthonous unit 225 355–362 allochthons, Caledonian 3, 160–161, 321 basal thrust 342 Alps (western), cross-section 502 metamorphism, timing 356–357 Altevann, detrital zircon 162–164, 167, 168 metamorphism, ultra high temperature Alum Shale 160, 246, 255, 258, 294, 301, 311, 340 321–334 Amazonia 29 schematic section 348 Amerasian basin 94, 111 SIMS U–Pb zircon geochronology A˚ motsdal Quartzite 246, 255, 256, 261, 265 343–344 amphibole 388 Argyll Group electron microprobe analyses 379, 391, volcanism 77, 78 456, 459 ash beds, geochemistry 177–190 amphibolite 358 Atlantic Ocean titanite/zircon analysis 209 Caledonian orogens 94, 635 amphibolite facies 343 opening 243 geochronology 249–251 augen gneiss 225–227, 230, 231, 235, 252, regression 460–461 253, 255 anatexis 195, 198, 237, 627 concordia diagram 234 Andean-type subduction 46, 502, 504 Autochthon 133–136, 140, 148, 272, 438 andesitic source magma 184, 188, 189 age 437 Annagh Gneiss Complex 54–56 Finnmark Caledonides 296 annite 449, 450, 451, 461 autochthonous basement 13–15, 20, 24, 316 anorthosite 198, 200, 215, 226, 229, 230, 231, 236 Avalonia geochemistry 590 collision 11, 29, 30 anorthosite, mangerite, charnockite, granite suite collision, Laurentia 46, 75–76 445, 448 palaeogeography 12 apatite 429 apatite fission track age 683, 688–691 baddeleyite 404, 407–418 data 684–685 balanced cross-section Ar/Ar age 4, 106, 107, 244, 356, 358, 387 restoration 285–287 Grampian 54, 60 Ballantrae Igneous Complex 64–66, 70, 71 Lofoten islands 446, 447–448, 459–463 Ballantrae Ophiolite 496–497 Tjeliken eclogite 371 Ballybofey Nappe 475 Ar/Ar analyses 451, 455 Baltica method 339–340 accretion 166–167 Ar/Ar data 193 geochemistry, bentonites 177–190 Ar/Ar step-heating spectra 452–454, 457, 460 passive margin 161 arc accretion, Greenland 112 plate boundaries 158 Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 704 INDEX Baltica (Continued) geology 634–639 rotation 150 provenance 646–648 underthrust 157 tectonic setting 645–646, 649 Baltica–Laurentia 59, 64, 66, 74 Bratten–Landegode granite 640–641 Baltica, collision 46, 75–76, 243, 382 breccia 229–230 Avalonia 11, 29, 30 brittle deformation, dating 697 Bamble-Kongsberg Terrane 195 Buchan zones 58, 59, 472, 474, 477 Barents Sea succession 28, 274 buoyancy 243, 361, 362, 427, 443 Barents Shelf 94, 111 burial 18, 243 Barentsia block 167 Barrovian zones 58, 75, 79, 472, 474, 477, 563 basement 214 calc-alkaline composition 189, 361 allochthonous 16, 17–18 Timanian 161 autochthonous 13–16, 20 Tjeliken eclogite 371 Baltica 246 calc-alkaline granites 188 basement culminations 23 calc-alkaline magmatism 112, 186 basement imbrication 259, 261 calc-silicate psammite, zircon signature basement, Precambrian 195–203 144, 147 bastnesite 428 Caledonian deformation front 111 batholith 603, 604 Caledonian nappes 197–203, 437 bead zircon 414–416, 421 provenance 212–213 zirconium sources 418–419 Caledonian orogenic cycle 45, 46 bedding, stereoplot 283 Caledonian orogeny bentonite 136, 187–189 Devonian–Carboniferous metamorphism geochemistry 177–179, 180, 182–183, 184 117–118 Bergsdalen nappes 199 duration and timing 360 Betusordda Antiformal Stack 279 Ordovician metamorphism 115, 116 Bindal Batholith 603, 604 Ordovician–Silurian arc magmatism 115–117 biotite 343, 344, 358 carbonate 114, 636 A˚ reskutan Nappe 333 carbonatite magma/volcanism 186, 190 biotite composition 179, 184, 187, 188, 189 cathodoluminescence 211 microprobe analysis 326, 327, 329, 330 zircon images 345, 433 whole-rock data 182–183 Central Caledonian Transect 301 Biscayarhalvøya chalcopyrite 230 eclogites 399 channel flow 263 geology 385, 387 charnockite 225–226, 228, 230, 231, 236, 461 Bjørnøya 108 chevron folds 284 tectonic history 109 chitinozoan 475 unconformity 114 chlorite pseudomorph 486, 487 black phyllite 244, 258 Cl in fluids 459, 460 black schist 246, 255, 264 cleavage 72, 76, 471, 478, 479, 489 Helgeland 594, 595, 597 crenulation 75 black shale 16, 17, 21, 160, 245, 305 stereoplot 283 A˚ reskutan Nappe 334, 340, 360, 363 Clew Bay Complex 63, 67, 74 Scandes 133, 135, 136, 139 clinopyroxene 388, 392–397, 429 Scotland/Ireland 60, 62–64 microprobe analyses 377, 390, 391 Southern Uplands 72 clinozoisite 390 blueschist 107, 109, 398, 497, 505 cobbles, meta-igneous 588–589, 590, Scotland–Ireland 59, 64, 66, 74 593–595, 597 Boknfjorden Nappe 202 coesite 249, 264, 332–333, 369, 380, 429 Bolvær Complex 585–599 relict 326 Børsely Duplex 279 collision boudin 446, 449, 451, 455 age 30, 118 eclogite 247, 248, 249 Avalonia, Baltica, Laurentia 75–76 Bouguer gravity anomaly 307–309, 312, 314 Baltica 372 Boundary Slide 472, 499 Baltica–Laurentia 259, 404 Bratten–Landegode gneiss complex 633–650 age 372, 421, 428, 462, 579 geochronology 639–645 A˚ reskutan 337–338, 361–363 Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 INDEX 705 Arctic area 115 dacitic, source magma 184, 187–189 eclogite facies 398–399 Dala sandstone, zircon signature 140 continental 214 Dalradian Supergroup 54, 57–59, 468–469, Gothian/Telemarkian 237 488–489 Himalayan 1, 29 geochronology 77, 475–478 Scandian 243, 334, 603–604 volcanic activity 78–79 collision, hard 67, 76 Dalsfjord Nappe 198, 213 collision, soft 46, 76 de´collement 259, 309 Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian COSC drilling target 303, 305 Caledonides see COSC Deer Park Complex 66 Colonsay Group 57 ophiolites 73 conglomerate 681, 682 deformation deformed 228, 256, 264, 679, 696–697 Espedalen Complex 230 contact, intrusive 611 Finnmark Caledonides 277–285 continental affinity 22–23 Grampian 72–75, 478–480 continental drift 29 Vega complex 605, 608 cooling age 64, 66, 438, 578 deformation and magmatism Arctic areas 100, 107, 387 Greenland 113–114 Lofoten 462–463 deformation and metamorphism 72–75 Seve Nappe 340 geochronology 77 cooling curve, eclogite 448 deformation, polyphase 11, 52, 57–58, 100 cooling history 683–699 Grampian 467, 469, 472, 489, 505 cooling rate 361, 362 dehydration 438 copper mineralization 229–230 CO2 425 cordierite stability 612–613, 615 slab 459 Cordilleran terranes 94, 108, 110–111 dehydration melting 333, 356 corona 436, 438 delamination 213 garnet 382, 388 density 311, 314, 316 metagabbro 410, 412 data 306 rutile 392 depleted mantle 597, 599 texture 429 depositional age, Dividal Group 164 titanomagnetite 411 depositional environment 636 zircon 434 Helgeland Nappe 585, 597–599 correlation, nappes (S Norway) 193 detrital zircon age 3, 596, 599 COSC-1 drill hole 301–317 Uppermost Allochthon 634, 636, 646–648 (Collisional Orogeny in the Scandinavian detrital zircon study, central Scandes 131–151 Caledonides) allochthon 136–139, 140, 144–147, 149 Cretaceous peneplanation 698 analytical methods 139 cross-section autochthon 133–136, 140, 148–149 Leirpollen Butressing Zone 280 concordia plot 142, 143, 146, 147, 163 Morar Group 53 discussion 149–151 Scandinavian Caledonides 25 detrital zircon study, Dividal Group 157–170 crust formation 436 analytical methods 162 crust, thickness 309 geological setting 158–161 crustal anatexis 189, 603–628 results 162–165 crustal evolution 150, 437 samples 158 Sveconorwegian terranes 196 Devonian (Early), thrust and extension crustal imbrication 246, 257 241–265 crustal thickening 193, 213, 214, 438, 627 exhumation 257–263 Arctic areas 117, 119 extensional detachment 251–253, 257 Grampian 504 fabric evolution 246–249 crustal thinning, Permo-Triassic 697 geochronology 249–251 crystalline basement 258, 301, 404, 634 imbrication 257–263 density 307 out-of-sequence thrust 253–257 seismic data 309 time sequence, problems 263–264 crystalline nappe 196, 197, 198 Devonian basins 244 crystalline rocks 223, 227, 244 Devonian detachment 18–19 Cu–Zn deposits 22 Devonian, post-orogenic 679, 696–697 Downloaded from by guest on 02 October 2021 706 INDEX Devonian, timescale 250 interpretation 235–238 diamictite 103, 107, 110, 281–282 major elements 229 Connemara 473 sedimentary cover 230 Neoproterozoic 97 structure 230–231 diamond 17, 18, 249, 369, 428 tectonostratigraphy 225–231 diatexite 609–613 U–Pb geochronology 231–235 digital elevation model Espedalen Nappe 198, 214, 216 COSC drill site 312 Eurasian Basin, closure 111 diorite, Landegode 645 evaporites, meta- 339 Dividal Group, detrital zircon study 157–170 exhumation 18, 31, 193, 215 dolerite, seismic reflection 309 A˚ reskutan Nappe 332, 334, 356, 361, 362 dolomite 24, 109, 395 fission track study 680 dolostone 273, 275, 295 Lofoten islands 443, 447–448, 462

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