.. -.we .--- - ,. ."-. -r -.:- - _ '--Park Demtment Report to August 1934 (presently located at ktOmmission, bound volwne with t ippd in photographs) Notes : Memorarldum signed by Rokrt MOSEES, on 1935 Budget Reauest for the Dew-tment of Parks (10 pages) : p.1 relief funds (1/2million) appropriat,ed for personnel to operate new fdcilitie~. p.4 Park Department budget for 1934 was 1- than in 1927, though during this periocl 3300 acres were added. p.4 parks budget slashed out of pr~~rtio~~to normal budget vagaries p.5 A complete program of rehabilitating 284 statues has heen undertaken. p.7 motorization of maintenan- equipment (horses from Fire Departmnt--to--Sanitation--to--Parks) p.7 playgrounds equipped with floodlights to run at night. p.9 Attachments indicate physical conditions when Moses took over January 19, 1934. p.10 Increased concession revenue to pay for expanded perLsmnel (thotgh still not up to levels from 1929-33. Memo on New Constructic~nBy The Department of Parks kin?, 1935 Which Can Not Be G~riedOut With Work Relief Funds (6 pages, signed by Robert Moses) Five projects necessary which would not be funded by work relief labor: funds to be raised by the sale of cor-prate stock. a) Marine Park, Brooklyn: scaled down, less detailed and 1- formalized than previous plan; hydraulic fill in marshlands b) Jacob Riis Park, Queens: also redwigned (pition of bathhouse, pa-king fields etc.). Modeled after Jones Beach design. c) Fort Tryon Park, Manhattan: Most paid by the donor, John D. Rockefeller, or by work relief. Fark ca11 not open until balance paid for- by the City. d) Pelham Bay Park, the Bronx: largact park, mt diverse terrain. Naval camps during WWI left "great gashes" in Rahm's NecWOr(:hard kach sect ion. W-moli t ion of bungalow comm~mity("colony") by Moses. e) Marine Park, Staten Island: acquired in 1930 at a cmt of $681,500;fill necessary; subsequent simpler construction plan developed. before harbor is dr&ed city is obligated to build a dock. Summary: $3,600,000from stzk sale would "open up for next yea one great park in each" brc~gh,and double waterfront bathing facilities. p.16 Park attendant uniform introduced... p.23 Savings from motorizing equijment formerly horsedram: $89,820.34 p.31 Five bird sanc'.tuaries city-wide in parks, three of which are in Central Park (Harlem Mere-sic-72nd St. Lake, 59th St. Lake (Fbnd). Maintained jointly by Park Department iind Aiidobon W.iety. p.33 Monument cleaning & restoration over-wn by Karl Gruppe and 22 assistant sculptors. Notes on various projects, including plaque at 114th and Manhattan Ave. p.37-38 Photos showing effects of vibration and resetting after subway constructiori. p.39 &the bust found to be of bronze plate; recast in brorlze. p.40 Photo of Ft. Greene eagle (and pillar) in situ, showing lantern and glass stolen. p.43 Monuments summary ... p.44 Columbus statue (by Stebbi~s?) accepted in 1869 and "recently discovered in a Park Department storeroom." Moses recamends guidelines and pre-site selec.tion for monuments. p.49 Bench statistics... p.66 "Tin city" colony on Riverside Drive removed. p.81 Dancing on the mall photograph... p.95 Historic buildings on park properties. p .I58 Pictures of Tavern on the Green designs . p.183 Parkway developments. Note: photography =tion in hack of re~rt,which includes Gertrude Kelly Playground opening day pictures. Index: includes photographer's darkram put in Arsenal July 9, 1934. CITY Obi DEB,WMENT OF PARKS PARPS In subnittine; ?opnrt2o&nl ost inltco for thc 1935, it is zssur~edthat roliof nonics will bc ~.vr.ilr.blc cluring th coning yoar to sono oxtcnt* Mort than hnlf tc nillion dollaro of roli6f funds hnvo bocn oxpondod during 1934 to opcrctto tbaporcrily tho now facilities th-ct hsvo bocn added to tho park nyeton of thc city by tho riel-r nd,i.lini.drrk ion. Thio porsonnol has bocn dram fron tho Dop'rtr?cnt of Public tho on2loyeos do not euro up to tho qmlificcticns of roguL.r on- ployooe supplfod through the ch~nnolsof budgct nypropri~fions,thoy havo boon nocessvy in ordor to koop opon the ddiitionnl faoilitios. Tho bude;et authorities nust f~conor: tho problor: as tcl nliothor tho pcrsonncl necessary to nm the cxpzndcd faci1itie.s Lrc to cor.10 through Work Roliof funds, crro to be provided in tho buegot or dro to be n proniso botvroon tho t170 schonos. In prepari~igtho dopartm1lt;al 0ef%M~t0 for noxt ycnr thc Dcplrtncnt has nadc its r~qu3ston thj basia of a Thorc ail1 bc rcquiroi: $458,600.00 to pay tho vmgos ct ors, autoucbilo onginonon, and labor or-gardonors not included in tho budg~trequo&* It is clssunod tht thoso scrvicss nil1 continuo to bc eu-pliod fron roliaf funde thlt vill bo r.vailnblc no.* yoar. Thoso positions roquirod in addition to thoso roquastcd in tb.o dcpc-rtrlental estil:lLbto;aro notod by b an zstcrisk (*) in thc rcmrk colurln oppositi ~iT?..i;c"rrositions that nro (a) Pdrson;!l Lcrvick The dcprirtmr nk.1 Person?-1 Sorvico sc!1edul3 for 1935 amounts to $5,18'1,608.90, .A inci.oio~of $530,898.83, or 11%ovcr the 1934 b!ldg~t scn~dultsof $4,656,710.0'7, In ordvr to !;cop t!lc irlcr~asoin Porsonal Sorvico doim to 11%it ..-~enocossary to cffcct savings in tho 1934 budgot during this yoar of ovor a quarter of a million dolLrs. Thoss s-virigs rrcrc off octod by thc elimination of 22 uilnoccsvary political jobs in thc admini&r.-.tivo staff of tho fivo P:rk Copc-rtmcnts, vhon tho now bop.trtmont vrzs orgznizod, by abolishing vzcant 01- u:inocossnry posit ions of mtint oninc o cmployco~ mllorci dut ioe ovorllppod in the sivcrc.1 boroughs9 by ~bolishingths full timo jobs of morc th:n 100 cmploycros whoso aorviccs vyorc ro- quirod only in tho rwnricr moiltho ::id roplncing thoir scrvicos -.rith port tin10 positions, and by tho dropping fron t!ic City Scrvico om- ployoee olfgiblo for rctircmont ~ndphyeia~lly unablo to perform thcir dutioe +:nd by thc dischz-rgo of inco~tpotc.itand und.llin$ ~orkor~. It should .-rlso bo borno in mind th2t $198,205.72 of tho cpprjagg!&t&m for &934 YGS do ,r~.:b3+~b&oin th~form of Cor- poritc Stock or T-~xNoto allo-.t~nccs~I:CC,I 7:~cr~ not -.ppropri-.tod for tho full year. Thosc ...llov~nccs i!orc rs.d~to provide for thc om- ploymcnt of approximtoly 100 t,:chnic:~l 3mployc?os xnd moncy h~sonly hcon appropri.:tod to pr.y th~mto 0ctob:r 1st of this yo.:r. In tho 1935 requast, provision h.is been m?do from T-.x Lcvy ~llol-mnccs ;.mountiag to $69,6'71.12 to p y 5ho s21 rios of 25 tcchnic -1 ctmploycos. Thc technic-1 om~loyocsto bo cil?rgcd to T--x Lcvy i-.llovr.ncco cro p.zt of' thc 3t.f i of th; D 313 .-*tn;,!*~t.xi?. r:lo~.ld no-l bc ch.:rgcd to c o;let ;.v.c.L ?.oil :p;:rosri .tions. Thz :i,~nun% o ? $124,270.00 roquircd to p-:y ths a:.lc?rioc of tho rom.~ininqtocknic :l csi~ployctosir: still roquostod from Corporato Stock or Tax ;doto fundo. Thdp arc noodod only Tor condructj.on or ~lo~lcRs1j.c: proj octs cnG t:lcir E xvicca An incro .uo of $527,934.00 it m-\do nocoss,?ry by tho t:lc PL:rk Doy':rtmorrt. T?IGBO~0~iti.038 fir0 dct~ilodon ntt tchod S~OO~E.RC(~UOS~S \ICTC mhbcioupon tli2 rdorg-liizzt~.on of tho Dcp~rt- mont in Junc of this yoc~for fiowo of tlicoc gositio~~s.Tho Dop~~rt- mont w3.s _:dvisc!d to submit thm ~'~it\.1tclu 1935 budgot. $176,323.36 incr0.&0 is duc to tho cro,,tion uf so-.son,.3. jobs; this incrc 18C 1-12s compansntod by t!~docro-.so of $252,414.65 nobd on thc prccuding pago. $9,385.00 is duc to incrc bsos i.1 t'.~c:linm *tithin th3 codcs. VVhi.10 thcso shm in tho budgo.'; ..s bcru-80s of oxisting positioas thoy aro all in ro.xlity ncm positione. Tlzay :ro oxl:ln.inod fully in tho roquosts for modific::tion of tho bi~dgstill Ju~cincidont.1 to thc rcorg-l-niz~tioiiof tho 30putr~ont.md khc; Dop mtnont -.:.IS roqizosf - od to s 1s mi;morandum on tho modificztion of -tho budgot, dntod Juno 9tZ1 is cttacl~od. Tllc dopartmoi~t*:.l cctir~z.tcfor 1935 ~c110~thzn Pcrsom.1 Scrvico provi6.os for $528,476.00 for thc 2urch.s~of ut--.tcrials, supplios :nd cquipmont. This is In incrc,~sc,of $214,790.00 or 68$ ovcr tho 1934 appropri~tion. mio is $250,000.0i) 130s th,.n rill bc actuclly roquirod. It is - ssumod th::t th4.s qux.tc- of :. million doll !iss ~lcoricrl:.nd .lot asked for in thc! budgot .rill bc sx-plicd ti~:.ou;;h "Tork R~liofappropri- ations. Tho items in t3o dcpz-rtnqi~t~i~:stiuct~c .x?: only thosc items th~tc-nnot bo sup2liod through \?;or k Rclicf funds. I A ckwt is nttcci9cd cntit1;d -Gr:.ph Sho~iilgTotal Park 3udgct ?.nd Gjor Sub-divisio.lsW, It :.rill b? notod fron the ch;.rt th-:t thorc 1-12s : s'toady inci*o:so in thc approprfi=tion for parks from 1927 to 1931.
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