i" . .. All The News Of All The Pointes fos.se\ . .ews . Every Thursday' Morning 1'. , Complete N~ws 'Coverage. of ..AIl the' ,Pointes" I VOLUME 1S-:-NO. 22 .~ROSSE •POIN.TE, . MICH.IGP,N, . JUN.E ,'" 1954. Entered u 8eeond C1.ua Matter .at the Poat 0ffJctI ... I>eirolt, .M1eb. , I ,Kerby SchooIW,i,n.s .Green Safety,'.Penl1'~nt for Fine. Record, HEADLL.~ES . -.,. .. ~. High School. Class Ask Electors 01I.~. For, ApprQval WEEK .. To Hold. Graduation As Compiled by lb. Of Bond Issue Gross. Point. News Thursday, :tune ,17 .Two' Members of Board of Thursday, June 3 259 Students Scheduled to Get Diplomas at Commence- Education Will Also Be SENATOR McCARTHY re- ment Exercises on lawn; Many Honors to. Be Awardad Deci~ed by Balloting fused to divulge the names of 130 Reds to the FBI or to Secretary By Jean Whiteliu'rst The Annual School Election ' of Defense Charles E. Wilson. He S, Journalism Student will be held next Monday, said that the Communists, who G. P. H. IIr~ working in strategic defense . Grosse Pointe High School's Class of June, 1954, will June 14. Polls will be open plan Is, must be investigated by hold its commencement exercises on Thursday, June 17, at from 7. a.m. until 8 p.m. All his committee and expused. 8:15 o'clock on the high school lawn, weather permitting. A persons who are registered for • • • • total of ,259 students are candidates for' graduatio~. local, state or national elee- Frlda;r, June 4 By request of the class, "Pomp ------------ tions will be eligible to vote SENATOR McCARTHY and and Circumstance," by Elgar, will IM b -, U -t in the school election. the Defense Department w'ere at be ~oth the r>rocessional and re~ 0 l e nl Bert.Wicking, president of lhe odds on the question of keeping cesslonal. I ~ Board of Education, stated that aecret the names of the 133 Com- The Reverend James W. Gilleli- C - f persons will vote in the elemen- munists working in strategic de- pie of the Grosse Pointe Memor. omlng or . lary school which serves their fense plants. McCarthy, under iai Church will give both the in- elementary district. If in doubt, prodding from Democrats and vocation and, benediction. Blood Dr;ve information can be obtained by Army counsel, said that he was Musical .Program If calling the Board of Education of- offering the names to the Penta- The music for the evening will lice, TUxedo 5-2000. Persons who I:,on, on condition that they b~ consist of the Girls" Glee Club; Collection: to Be Taken at will be out of town on Monday kept secret for the time being. under the direction of Mr. John may obtain absentp.e ballots by The Pentagon answered that it Finch, singing "Holy Art. Thou," Congregational Church on - contacting E. .G. West at the wan led the names but with no by Handel and "How Lovely Are . Friday, June 18 Board of Education offices up to atrings attacned, Thy Dwellings," by Liddle .. ' 12 noon on Saturday, June 12. It said that it must be free to Accompanying them ~ill be The next Red Cross Blood Two to Be Elected Il~t, (with respect to 'any indi- Carolyn DeBoer, g:,aduating sen. Collection in the Pointe has Two members to serve for three Vidual on the Jist), without con- ior. been scheduled for' Friday, year terms are to be elected to Ilulting McCarthy. The senator The soprano solo will be sung J 18 h G P . the Board o[ Education at this Jitated later, that he will not by Janice Winkler, graduating une ,at t e rosse omte election. Two incumbents, Mrs. hand over the list until a prom- senior. She will sing "The Lord's Congregational Church, 240 Alice Moody Sheaffer and Chet ise has been made that it wiil be Prayer," by Mallott. Her accom- ChalfDnte. at. Lothrop. .Thc Sampson are running 'for re-elec- kept secret, panlst will be Judy Huntington, hours will be from 2 to 8 'p.m; tion. MrS. Isabel B. Jensen and also a June graduate. All churches. in the area will Robert F. Weber are 'also candi. Saturday,- - June- 5 Student. Speakers Picked share the sponsorship as usual. dates for election. 'or speeches will be giv- The committee' named. by 'the In addition to the election or THE UNITED STATES an- The senl chUrch includes: Mrs. Wayne School Board members thre nounced that it had opened di- en by Andrew Rauth, ,Joanne " e Robinson and John Taylor on the Sharpe, canteen; Raymond Ives, other issues will be submitted in rect negotiations with Red China t . "A h' 1 S S' i it church' publicity; Anna Young, Monday's election. In brief these for the .release of 83 American OPIC, c ley ng uccess;" p r - nur;;~ recruiting; Mrs. John Hen- are: . civilians and military personnel ually, ..Soclally and Civilly. , derson doctors' Mrs. Hugh Mehl- '. Three Proposals . detained in China. The talks were The presentation of the class b k d ' held in Geneva. This is believed by Mr. W, ~. 'Clemlnson, princi~ enMac eGr, °dnorsW" boo., I h i 1. Shall, the Board or Educa- pal 'will be: followed by" the ,rs. rey!»n, or IS, S ca. r- tion be, given the authority to to be the first time direct con~ , d" f d' l' ,b -'D ma~ ..Mrs.'LyndleMartin is chalr- borro}\" $1225000 and,bsue bonds J tact--had been..made'with Com- aw.ar, .mg . 0.. Ip om as : .Y ,.r. ,man ...ot""the. commun!l,y.:.::JP.~#.: • 1..' .., . munist China. , Jame5'W:'Bullhong;".uperfntend~ 'Co(jnCfi.-mS~Don~~groor . db-r ,..._._~_ ••• ~m", .. ent of schools " I h ill building and eqUIpping an ele. The United States had prevl- . 'h Michaels Ep scopal Churc w mentary ,school on the Torrey Mr. Cleminson' will confer t e be in,charge ot,transportation. W d It. (2) b i!d' d ()usly refused to deal with the .' . ' _. '.::lass honors. ", ' '. k 00 S 8 e, ,u 109 an Peiping regime which it does not ..-' .0',.'. '.' d'- R 'd' M'"'d . .1C'" . ., Th' Citi" hI' ., .ti . All.t~ost: wishmg to ma e ap. equipping 1\ fourteen room addi- recognize. Later, a member o[ the goes to the~~~~5 ~er:ee~fgo~l.th~ :,~~~":~n::ll ~Al~;,el_5~~0~~h~~: tion to the ~oupard.School, and American delegation said that the Center nflVe.' utstall lng .ecor s a e : lvilDefense' class, The votes of both "class- desiring' trans ortation to and (3) building and equIpping 1! two meeting with the Red Chinese did not involve recognition of ell By H-gh School G d tOt - S t mates and faculty' members are f th h' Ph k . room addition to the Kerby Tot a1' St l ,I ra ua es pera lon e, consider~d in' determining the r~~~eme~~ ~~, c::;li~g m;Jxe~~ SC hOO IIl •th B d rEd t' Bny sort. , winners ' , , 2• aS h e oar 0 uca Ion - .. - other Awards'Llsted' 4-0870. be given the authority to i~- Sunday, June 6 'Short $3,500 ,At 43 DI-fier'ent Colleges.'. Fo'r June 14 The Bausch and Lomb Award, ' ----- crease.,the tilx levy .8 of a mill THE UNITED STATES chal- ----- a medal, will be presented to the Woods Approves per $1.00 ($.~O ~r $1,000). of ~- lenged Commur.ist proposa13 for Number of Contr',butors Is Statistics Compiled on Records of:' 67 M~mbers of 1953 P • to" H student whose record in the fields sessed valuation for ,a period n"t "free" elections in Korea as .' Classes Show That Students. Reflect om e rganlzatlon to ave of science and mathematics ill ex- Curb on Water to exceed twenty years to repay fraudulent. In addition, the Reds Also About 100 Fewer .Part in Simulated Attack ceptionally high and who gives __ the money' borrowed for the were charged with violating the Than last Year Credit on Alma Mater on Downtown. Detroit the most' promise of future dis. The Woods council approved above s,tated purposes, Korean truce by bringing arms' B D' k MI' I .' . _ tinction'in those fields.' ' appropriations of $200 on Mon. 3, Shall the Board 0[, Educa- and reinforcements into North ContributlDns . which' have y IC • etz er , Grosse Pointe will partici- . The Alumni Athletic, Award day, June 7,. which will be used tion be'tghiven.tlhP. au~hority tOt.in- , Korea. ,. G, P. H.'S. JoumlllismStudent '.. .." Iwillbe.presentedtothe~ost,out- for the building of temporary .crease ,e ml agel Lor opera Ion U. S. Undersecrelary Walter come in for the Grosse Pointe. In 1953, 167 Grosse Pointe High School recommended pate in a natlon-wlde Opera- standing athlete of either the Jan- sanitary faciliti(;11 in Ghesquiere two addItional mills ($2.00 .per Bedell Smith made the charge War Memorial annual Family graduate~ ~ntered college. This number is.only 17 und,er the tion A1ert" Civil Defense (Continued from Page 1) Park~ $1.000) of assessed valuation, after Soviet Foreign Minister V. Participation Drive since' last post-war nigh,.of 184, a total which was explained by, the exerci5e scheduled for June 14 ,----- The council realizing the im- .the~ebr makin.g the total excess 1\1. Molotov presented a five- week's totals were announced large number, of returning veterans. ' 'and 15 along witli toe': terri- Park Rest-de'nts' p.o~t.ance. of having sa':litary fa. ~6t~t~ra\ ::l111ag~1fitveb mlll~ point statement or principles re- have raised the number of These students constitute 45 I' ,I .
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