http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/c8bk1j1x Online items available Guide to the Stanford University, KZSU, records SC1252 Jenny Johnson and Daniel Hartwig Department of Special Collections and University Archives February 2019 Green Library 557 Escondido Mall Stanford 94305-6064 [email protected] URL: http://library.stanford.edu/spc Guide to the Stanford University, SC1252 1 KZSU, records SC1252 Language of Material: English Contributing Institution: Department of Special Collections and University Archives Title: Stanford University, KZSU, records creator: KZSU (Radio station : Stanford) creator: Goldman, Larry creator: Windes, Mike Identifier/Call Number: SC1252 Physical Description: 46 Linear Feet Date (inclusive): 1959-2019 Language of Material: English Language of Material: English Access to Collection The materials are open for research use. Audio-visual materials are not available in original format, and must be reformatted to a digital use copy. Publication Rights All requests to reproduce, publish, quote from, or otherwise use collection materials must be submitted in writing to the Head of Special Collections and University Archives, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, California 94305-6064. Consent is given on behalf of Special Collections as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission from the copyright owner. Such permission must be obtained from the copyright owner, heir(s) or assigns. See: http://library.stanford.edu/spc/using-collections/permission-publish. Restrictions also apply to digital representations of the original materials. Use of digital files is restricted to research and educational purposes. Preferred Citation [identification of item], Stanford University, KZSU, records (SC1252). Dept. of Special Collections and University Archives, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, Calif. Biographical/Historical note KZSU is Stanford University's FM radio station, broadcasting across the Bay Area on 90.1 FM and across the world at kzsulive.stanford.edu. The station is owned by the Board of Trustees of Stanford University and is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the President. KZSU obtained an FM license in 1964, and upgraded from 10 to 500 watts in 1978. Before 1964, KZSU broadcast as an AM carrier current station (through the University's power supply) on 880 kHz, starting in 1947 as a part of the Department of Communication. KZSU is a non-commercial station funded mainly by Stanford student fees, in addition to underwriting and listener donations. KZSU's staff is all volunteer, made up of Stanford students, staff, alumni, and community affiliates. Excerpted from http://kzsu.stanford.edu/about/ Scope and Contents KZSU staff application, manual and website. Subjects and Indexing Terms Handbook/reference Materials KZSU (Radio station : Stanford) Goldman, Larry Windes, Mike KZSU (Radio station : Stanford) Goldman, Larry Windes, Mike KZSU (Radio station : Stanford) Goldman, Larry Windes, Mike Audio recordings Accession ARCH-2019-006 Guide to the Stanford University, SC1252 2 KZSU, records SC1252 Audio recordings Accession ARCH-2019-006 Audiotapes Audiotapes Box 1 Son House Concert Master, Cubberley Auditorium Accession ARCH-2019-180 1969 Nov 20 Physical Description: 1 audiotape reel(s) Box 1 Mighty Isis xp211qg6726 1991-04-13 Box 1 Gahundza hv297ys7115 1991-04-10 Box 1 Jackson Saints tw134zw0375 1990-08-08 Box 1 Hoi Polloi ph942kf6779 1990-05-09 Box 1 The Story Hour zn405sd3109 1990-05-02 Box 1 Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 fg322dy6969 1990-04-28 Box 1 The Mighty Bushmen hk102mv9115 1990-04-18 Box 1 Rick Vandiver Ensemble nn684gs2995 1990-07-25 Box 1 Bluchunks kf742ss0650 1990-07-11 Box 1 The Sneetches xq895bh1913 1990-06-13 Box 1 The Molecules fz621fs2532 1990-10-24 Box 1B Mute Against Envy mj948ts4617 1990-10-10 Box 1B Spot 1019 pv709gs4205 1989-03-18 Box 1B Donner Party zy993xx3055 1989-02-15 Box 1B Tragic Mulatto fm585vy8012 1989-11-29 Box 1B The Movie Stars vr791sx1234 1990-04-02 Box 1B Frightwig pm936zr9870 1990-03-07 Box 1B Psychefunkapus nf669xc0338 1989-05-15 Box 1B Wanna-Be Texans vr679hf3446 1989-05-10 Box 1B Sister Double Happiness mr452vr8027 1990-09-05 Box 1B J. C. Hopkins wk921yp3877 1990-08-29 Box 2 Smokin’ Rhythm Prawns ks052hc1710 1990-10-27 Box 2 Clockbrains wb660vr9985 1991-08-08 Box 2 The Guttersluts jz791zg6379 1991-08-11 Box 2 The Clockbrains wy693bf8692 1991-08-21 Box 2 Steve Hartsoe pt820ms0011 1991-07-24 Box 2 Colorfinger vs079qv2496 1991-09-23 Box 2 MIRV yv067rf9777 1994-09-21 Box 2 J. Segel 8 Sideways qv584xk4813 1991-09-18 Box 2 Freakshow tb429zb4525 1991-07-10 Box 2 Soma Holiday dh901vz4442 1991-08-28 Box 2 Swirl Happy zh025rx9319 1991-05-01 Box 2 Pat Thomas Sonia Hunter yr453vf7359 1989-08-02 Box 2 Skankin' Pickle qz716nb2852 1991-05-04 Box 2 FUCK kp939rp4183 1995-07-12 Box 2 The Sextants qy803pn7676 1991-04-17 Box 2 Eskimo qd908qd1690 1991-01-23 Box 2 Nomad bn159ks0871 1991-01-16 Box 3 Fungo Mungo zm139fw2570 1990-02-07 Box 3 Mermen td330cn1722 1993-10-13 Box 2 Samiam hk755mj0516 1990-04-25 Box 4B The Birdkillers tk460xt4052 1990-05-19 Box 2 Swell tm462yy4481 1990-10-17 Box 4B Primus gv761mc1570 1990-05-03 Box 2 Oxbow sx344qv2926 1995-09-13 Guide to the Stanford University, SC1252 3 KZSU, records SC1252 Audio recordings Accession ARCH-2019-006 Audiotapes Box 3 Sunhouse (Angst) mj882cg3151 1989-10-28 Box 4B Chuck Prophet yg878qp5282 1990-01-31 Box 3 Harm Farm mq518xt3499 1989-11-15 Box 2 The Mice df221jq6157 1990-01-07 Box 3 The Raging Marys wr300ck4716 1989-08-30 Box 4 Mr. T Experience yj583zy2482 1995-03-01 Box 2 Pounding Birds gw311pn8882 1990-08-22 Box 3 Nanci de Ross vs391qr0519 1989-11-05 Box 4B Corduroy pc491jc2759 1993-10-20 Box 3 The Havering mc113kk8435 1991-05-18 Box 4B Tilt vy098zz0221 1994-09-14 Box 3 Screw 32 qt294gc2490 1995-01-25 Box 4B Bracket hs532kj9000 1994-08-17 Box 4B The Groove Ghoulies sj672nz8169 1995-07-06 Box 4 Green Day hk502bs5523 1990-01-17 Box 3 Trunk tq192cz7859 1991-02-13 Box 3 KZSU Pseudos gh511ym8774 1969-12-31 Box 3 American Sensei nq819cj7631 1995-05-03 Box 4 Fiction dk378yk9495 1989-08-16 Box 3 Pop DeFect jw234fm5209 1989-05-23 Box 3 Flat Tire mk399vc4528 1995-07-19 Box 3 Less is Moore ct613kh1467 1969-12-31 Box 4B Ragged Arse/Donnas rw820gn8170 1995-10-04 Box 3 Ovarian Trolley tz888tp4525 1995-04-19 Box 4B 3-D Jeesus zq508cg8024 1989-08-23 Box 3 Bedlam Rovers jy889mc9982 1989-12-10 Box 4 A Subtle Plague xy216jd8491 1989-10-11 Box 4 X-Tal by441mq1842 1989-10-25 Box 3 The Muskrats pr703kx0226 1989-12-02 Box 3 Vienna Noise Choir Tails Out yz367yx8060 1995-02-01 Box 3 Kotoja cz996kw0991 1990-11-04 Box 4 Victim's Family vf496ns3297 1991-07-31 Box 3 Susan James yh060xr8389 1990-11-07 Box 4 SF Seals cc890xh9530 1995-09-27 Box 3 Thaddeus cp396cq8510 1990-02-25 Box 3 Dieselhead vd185fy0342 1994-01-12 Box 4B Ed Haynes yw523dy0280 1991-02-27 Box 4 The Uncalled Four qk800qr7351 1991-03-06 Box 3 Hi-Fives nx531yd2219 1995-06-14 Box 4B The Woodies yb914zz2469 1995-04-26 Box 3 Allison Faith wb682cn7816 1995-05-24 Box 6 Ben Demerath and Steve Owen zs799jj6720 1994-06-08 Box 4 Jerry Shelfer hz894bq2831 1989-05-31 Box 3 What, We Live? qt817br3871 1995-08-23 Box 6 Farm Girl sp374jn1979 1994-07-13 Box 6 Calm nm081fy5474 1995-08-09 Box 6 Charming Hostess hq675tz4093 1995-06-21 Box 3 Dieselhead br286cq8523 1994-01-12 Box 3 Hip Eponymous qw628vj5589 1990-05-23 Box 4 3942 Me mv474wf6277 1974-09-01 Box 6 Foundation for Public Broadcasting pn311fr1154 1995-02-22 Box 4 Unlabeled xj618gn7716 Box 6 Wednesday Night Live 2nd Anniversary Show yt345qg7711 1990-06-06 Guide to the Stanford University, SC1252 4 KZSU, records SC1252 Audio recordings Accession ARCH-2019-006 Audiotapes Box 3 WNL 3rd Anniversary Special vq812wk7448 1991-07-05 Box 3 Hip Eponymous yh980vr6485 1990-05-23 Box 4 Ku Klux Klan Rally sn988fq8794 Box 6 J. Elders nb413kk5313 1993-04-18 Box 6 Honeypot vz927hq5221 1994-07-06 Box 3 Whipped ph547sz0265 1995-04-12 Box 7 3942 Me yg740pc9761 1974-09-01 Box 6 Panda sj300fy5064 1994-10-26 Box 3 Alice Bierhorst mv644jb9670 1995-02-15 Box 6 Sister Moses br718tf5396 1994-10-12 Box 3 Engine 88 wy404wh9745 1995-06-07 Box 6 Watershed 400 kg415kj0440 1994-10-14 Box 3 The Nukes yy091qz2433 1995-02-08 Box 6 MCM and the Monster qx103kz9370 1993-12-01 Box 3 Connie Champagne vm106qj4276 1995-02-08 Box 6 Stephen Yerkey qh775hb4796 1994-11-02 Box 6 Daddy Don't Go hq582mx5573 1993-10-27 Box 6 Icky Boyfriends mb433ft9487 1994-03-02 Box 6 3 Day Stubble wv816kg4773 1994-02-09 Box 7 Beak zb259df1304 Box 6 Harmony Grits gy306dm4071 1993-11-17 Box 6 Bump rw954mm3300 1994-04-27 Box 7 Broun Feelings jp692dt2033 1993-11-03 Box 7 Spitboy jf586ts1896 1994-10-05 Box 6 Allen Smithline, J. D. Nelson, Jim Carter qr968bt9648 1994-03-23 Box 7 Davka zj677rg5242 1994-11-06 Box 7 Ebola Soup vm767nw6022 1994-03-09 Box 7 A Snowball's Chance in Hell yd565vt0871 1994-04-20 Box 7 The Mommyheads vh580wh8439 1994-02-02 Box 7 Dizzybam xk691vh3220 1994-04-06 Box 8 Vulcaneers fj513jx5559 1995-03-12 Box 8 Virgo Snakes ym468yn3325 1995-11-05 Box 7 Box Set tt510gf1735 1994-05-11 Box 8 Virgo Snakes qw239hh8735 1995-11-05 Box 7 Ida rg479cj9171 1994-07-20 Box 8 Masked Men tp655rv0154 1969-12-31 Box 7 Mohinder xm787dc3633 1994-05-04 Box 8 Abscess gk280vj4160 1994-10-22 Box 8 Babe the Blue Ox dn182ww2408 1969-12-31 Box 8 The Siren 6 vz823wg9962 1996-08-24 Box 7 The Violets fk622my9858 1993-11-10 Box 8 Mulligrubs ht192fj5133 1969-12-31 Box 7 Rrope nm487jp3571 1994-04-13 Box 8 Gremmies ch323nv0425 1995-09-08 Box 8 Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, Eastern Wester Matter zt771td8712 1969-12-31 Box 8 Big Town xj188tv4776 1969-12-31 Box 8 Nick Carter qj719zj7718 1969-12-31 Box 7 Wednesday Night Live 3rd Anniversary Special bk767gq0900 Box 8 Ellery Queen cv429yw8316 1969-12-31 Box 8 Mr.
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