olume 81Nu m er 1' 2 Editorial July 21, 1986 learned of the love of Jesus in the Williams' home. Amanda's sister had no children. She an( her husband decided to support Amanda: child evangelism project in Korea. Vacatior Bible Schools were held. From year to yea they grew until literally thousands of Ko rean children attended Vacation Bible School and marched in the thrilling Bible School parades under the banner of Christ Everyone had fun and learned of Jesus uncle] Amanda's lively direction During the last months of her life The Korean Rainbow Choir at the 1985 General Conference Session in New Orleans. Amanda grieved that she had not been able to continue this project longer. An outgrowth of the Vacation Bible Schools was the Korean children's Rainbow Sower of Rainbows Choir. As they sang, the children wore their traditional Korean national costume in colors of the rainbow. By Deloris Woemer She and Pastor Williams met at a skating How proud Amanda would have been to party at Canadian Union College. They see the choir she founded sing at the last My husband and I attended a series of "fell" for each other there on the ice. General Conference session. But that was meetings in Weston, Ore., in October 1984. After their marriage they were called to not to be. She went to sleep for the last time The first night Pastor C. A. Williams gave Korea as missionaries. The Korean war soon in March 1985. us a card to fill out with special prayer re- broke out. Amanda and their daughter, Amanda sowed the seed. Others tended quests. I filled the card out for Wendell Fry, Myla, were sent to Japan while Pastor the young garden. The plants still flourish. son of Harris Pine President Charlie Fry. Williams continued the work in Korea. May she have many jewels in her crown. Wendell had just learned that he had can- How grateful the family was for their brief cer and had been given three months to times together each three months in Japan. Deloris Woemer writers from Adams, Ore. live. Amanda was not idle during her hus- As we waited in the lobby at the next band's absence. She learned the language meeting, Pastor Williams' wife Amanda and customs. Soon she had many friends questioned me about the prayer request for among the retiring Japanese ladies. Wendell. She asked me what treatment he was seeking for the cancer. I told her what At the close of the war the Williams were I knew and then she said, "This week I united in Korea. During these years sons learned that I have cancer in my arm and Rendel and Larry were added to the family. have been given three months to live, too." One day Myla came home from a visit I was stunned by her words. "We will pray to a nearby orphanage. "Mommie, there is for your healing, too:' I said. I was touched a little girl down there that just crawls North Pacific Union Conference that she had confided in me. The simplicity around. She can't walk. Can we bring her (USPS 394-560) of her life had attracted me to her, but we home and teach her to walk?" were not well acquainted. They all went to see the crippled child. Member Associated Church Press Address all correspondence to: Mrs. Williams was anointed by our Blue With reluctance the orphanage director let GLEANER Mountain Valley Church elders and many the girl go home with them. "It's just for North Pacific Union Conference prayers were uttered for her healing, but her one week:' he said. P.O. Box 16677, Portland, OR 97216 slender form soon became fragile as the can- Only one week! The Williams family (503) 255-7300 Editor, Morten Juberg cer spread. Only her flame of will and spirit asked Jesus for His special healing for the Assistant Editor, Ed Schwisow burned still. girl. A week of prayers, massage and water Published by the North Pacific Union Con- On our last visit to see her, her tears fell, treatments followed. At the end of the week ference of Seventh-day Adventists "My friends:' she said. We loved her. the joyful children supported the girl as she Please Note — Every reasonable effort is made A few weeks after her death, Pastor returned on her feet to the orphanage. The to screen both editorial and advertising materials Williams and his family held a memorial director was so astonished with her progress and to avoid error in this publication. But the North Pacific Union Conference GLEANER service. In a slide program we saw Amanda's that he announced, "Keep her in your home does not accept responsibility for categorical or home in Canada and learned the story of until she learns to walk." typographical errors, nor for advertiser's claims. her life. The girl recovered completely as she Second-class postage paid at College Place, Washington. Published semimonthly at Color Press, except one issue in December. Subscrip- tion, $7.00 per year. Litho U.S.A. CP38139 POSTMASTERS: Send form 3579 to North ABOUT THE COVER Pacific Union GLEANER, P.O. Box 397, Col- lege Place, Washington 99324. The subject of the cover is Jason, the son of Mr. and Mts. Theodore Vanderlaan of Joseph, Ore. Vanderlaan writes that Jason was exploring an old homestead in Wallowa County when he took the picture of him Don't send correspondence, GLEANER copy or looking out of the window. He notes that his wife is the former Trudy Shiroma, who, he says, is better advertisements to the above address. All such known than he. This is also a surprise for the proud grandfather, Herbert Shiroma. Vanderlaan used materials should be sent to GLEANER, Box a Canon F-I camera with a 35-105 zoom lens. His film is either Kodachrome 25 or 64. 16677, Portland, OR 97216. NPUC Gleaner Editorial 3 tionally exposed to public view in this article its all about each individual in a way we never can. growing spirit of intolerance toward those whose I personally know a number of the committee confidence and trust in leadership has been members (I was one of them) who spent much LETTE eroded away by wrong doing on the corporate time in prayer asking for God's leading as we level to the point of independent action. The sensed our limitations. Letters are we coined for publication. The cause has produced the effect. We knew we dared not make choices without editor reserves the right to reject letters and While the ideal is surely for all to work together seeking Him first, and earnestly prayed for His where necessary, to edit for continuity and space in perfect harmony, that harmony will never guidance. Knowing He was willing to help made requirements. Letters must be signed and should become reality while leadership stands immovable all the difference in the world to me . not be over 200 words in length except, where, on its platform of "structure and policy" denounc- Luella Van Tassel in the editor's discretion, more space is available. ing those who fail to measure up to its standard Redmond, Ore. Address letters to Editor, Box 16677, Portland, as "not working for the Lord:' or "unaccepting OR 97216. of the belief that the church will go through!' Either side could present a valid "criteria for judging" and prove it from the Spirit of Prophecy, resulting only in greater division in the church. ROM THE Independent Ministries While there will always be those from whose ministry the Spirit of Christ is conspicuously ab- Re: Criteria for Judging Independent sent or lacking, there are many, who, from hon- EDITOR Ministries. esty of heart interpret the counsels of the Lord's The question is not whether or not they call servant differently from some in positions of We appreciate the opinion pieces we re- for reform. The question is whether or not the leadership, and who before God, must place con- ceive for the GLEANER from our readers. Spirit is leading in the call. This is not something viction and conscience ahead of structure and that any of us should be quick to judge. policy . We are sorry it isn't possible to print them Remember, John the Baptist called for reform Ken Wilbur as soon as they are received. among the church leadership. It is when the Tensed, Idaho Because of the large number of such ar- reformers make reform their gospel that they have lost the true gospel. Likewise, it is when organizers ticles that we receive, we have been follow- make organization and the support of their pro- ing a policy of scheduling them ahead in grams their gospel that they have lost the true Scrapbook of Miracles the order in which they are received. gospel. At the present time opinion pieces are It was encouraging to hear our conference presi- While reading the GLEANER last night dent in effect say, if the Lord is leading, go and ... scheduled through January, 1987. I got a new idea. Often we feel, Why doesn't the preach. In the same spirit at the last camp Letters to the editor are used within an Lord work? He used to do miracles. He has the meeting a General Conference officer said that issue or two of the time they are received. power. Why doesn't he do more wonders and the church needs more preachers. miracles for His people today? It should be noted that letters are limited We all need to study Vol.
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