E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2002 No. 44 Senate The Senate met at 9:45 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE immediately vote on cloture on the called to order by the Honorable HIL- The Honorable HILLARY RODHAM Murkowski ANWR amendment. I ask that Senator NELSON of Florida LARY RODHAM CLINTON, a Senator from CLINTON led the Pledge of Allegiance, the State of New York. as follows: be recognized to give remarks regard- ing our guest Chaplain. The PRESIDING OFFICER. This I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- United States of America, and to the Repub- morning our guest Chaplain, Reverend pore. The Senator from Florida. Samuel L. Green, St. Mark African lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f Methodist Episcopal Church, in Or- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. lando, FL, will lead the Senate in f WELCOMING THE GUEST CHAPLAIN prayer: APPOINTMENT OF ACTING PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Mr. NELSON of Florida. Madam President, the minister who is our PRAYER The PRESIDING OFFICER. The guest Chaplain is a personal friend of clerk will please read a communication The guest Chaplain offered the fol- mine from Orlando. It is noteworthy to the Senate from the President pro lowing prayer: that I make a couple of remarks con- tempore (Mr. BYRD). cerning him. Let us pray. The legislative clerk read the fol- Reverend Sam Green of St. Mark Oh God, our God. How excellent is lowing letter: AME Church in Orlando is a rather ex- Your name. You are wonderful. You are U.S. SENATE, traordinary minister of the gospel. He glorious. You are sovereign and majes- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, comes from a family that has four tic. You alone are God. We offer to You Washington, DC, April 18, 2002. brothers who are all ministers, in Or- To the Senate: lando, Tallahassee, Gainesville, and today thanksgiving. Thank You for the Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, many blessings You have so graciously of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby Miami. Reverend Green’s pastorate and bestowed upon us. Thank You for bless- appoint the Honorable HILLARY RODHAM his ministry are an outreach to the ing America. We pause as a nation CLINTON, a Senator from the State of New community of Orlando, for he has cre- today to bless You. Give us strength York, to perform the duties of the Chair. ated businesses to fill the needs of the and courage to work together as a na- ROBERT C. BYRD, Orlando community that are all occu- tion to create environments of liberty President pro tempore. pied by parishioners of his church. And and justice throughout our land. Mrs. CLINTON thereupon assumed so it is with a great deal of pleasure the chair as Acting President pro tem- that we welcome Reverend Sam Green Dear Lord, grant unto this Senate an pore. of Orlando to be our guest Chaplain agenda that will speak to the issues f this morning. that affect every citizen of our Nation. Thank you, Madam President. As these women and men convene, RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING f cause them to remember that our MAJORITY LEADER Founders established this Nation under RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- God. Then as they deliberate, their pore. The Senator from Nevada is rec- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- thoughts and actions will be led by ognized. pore. Under the previous order, the You. leadership time is reserved. f God of grace, God of glory, on these f Senators pour Your power. Grant them SCHEDULE NATIONAL LABORATORIES PART- wisdom; grant them courage for the Mr. REID. Madam President, this NERSHIP IMPROVEMENT ACT OF facing of this hour in America. Give morning the Senate will resume con- 2001 them a strong resolution against the sideration of the energy reform bill. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- evils that we as a nation deplore. The ANWR amendments are pending. pore. Under the previous order, the Search their souls, be their glory so The time until 11:45 is divided equally Senate will now resume consideration that these women and men who have between the two leaders or their des- of S. 517, which the clerk will report. been elected to serve as Senators will ignees. At 11:45 the Senate will vote on The assistant legislative clerk read not fail those they represent or Thee. cloture on the Stevens ANWR amend- as follows: In the name of Jesus, the Christ, we ment. If cloture is not invoked on the A bill (S. 517) to authorize funding the De- pray. Amen. Stevens amendment, the Senate will partment of Energy to enhance its mission ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2871 . S2872 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 18, 2002 areas through technology transfer and part- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Mr. REID. I am sure it is OK. I’m not nerships for fiscal years 2002 through 2006, pore. The Senator from Pennsylvania sure I understand. and for other purposes. is recognized. Mr. DOMENICI. Madam President, Pending: Mr. SANTORUM. Madam President, I today we are debating an amendment Daschle/Bingaman further modified want to speak for a couple of minutes that, simply put, has a profound im- amendment No. 2917, in the nature of a sub- on this amendment on steel. We had an pact on our future. This legislation is stitute. opportunity to do something to pro- American jobs and national security. Kerry/McCain amendment No. 2999 (to foundly help the steel industry this And I will say, what could be more amendment No. 2917), to provide for in- creased average fuel economy standards for year. The President has done the right compelling than these two very simple, passenger automobiles and light trucks. thing. He did something tremendously but profound and obviously important Dayton/Grassley amendment No. 3008 (to important to help steel jobs by cre- considerations: American jobs and na- amendment No. 2917), to require that Federal ating the tariff decision a few weeks tional security. agencies use ethanol-blended gasoline and ago. But the second piece of this puzzle Our Nation, whether we like it or biodiesel-blended diesel fuel in areas in was to do something about the legacy not, whether we should have done which ethanol-blended gasoline and bio- cost, so the steel industry can consoli- something about it sooner or not, diesel-blended diesel fuel are available. moves on oil. We can wish for a future Lott amendment No. 3028 (to amendment date and be much more efficient. No. 2917), to provide for the fair treatment of We had an opportunity in this bill, in which there are other options, but it Presidential judicial nominees. because we had a pot of money, to be is not here now. Absolutely nothing Landrieu/Kyl amendment No. 3050 (to able to fund this program. I don’t see changes the stark fact that now, and amendment No. 2917), to increase the trans- any other pot of money out there that for the foreseeable future, we need ex- fer capability of electric energy transmission is substantial enough to meet the panded supplies of oil, and we are dan- systems through participant-funded invest- needs of people who are basically with- gerously dependent on foreign sources. ment. out health insurance now because of Our economy grinds to a halt with- Graham amendment No. 3070 (to amend- out oil. Our tremendous military capa- ment No. 2917), to clarify the provisions re- the failure of so many companies in the lating to the Renewable Portfolio Standard. steel industry. We had the money. All bilities require oil. Today, for example, Schumer/Clinton amendment No. 3093 (to we needed was the will. Fortunately, it takes 8 times more oil to meet the amendment No. 2917), to prohibit oil and gas you had the steel companies saying needs of each American soldier than drilling activity in Finger Lakes National let’s do it and make this our chance be- during World War II. Forest, New York. cause the money is here, the will is Senator after Senator has noted that Dayton amendment No. 3097 (to amend- here. The steelworkers passed. Many we are now importing almost 60 per- ment No. 2917), to require additional findings people here who are advocates for cent of our oil. We all know that the for FERC approval of an electric utility past crises occurred when we were half merger. steelworkers are taking a pass. The Schumer amendment No. 3030 (to amend- reason is because they cannot get a as much dependent. Those crises oc- ment No. 2917), to strike the section estab- commitment from the President to curred when other nations followed lishing a renewable fuel content requirement sign this exact piece of legislation. their own best interests. That will al- for motor vehicle fuel. I am going to vote for this legisla- ways be the case. Our interests will not Feinstein/Boxer amendment No. 3115 (to tion, but if that now is the standard, I always drive the actions of our neigh- amendment No. 2917), to modify the provi- am going to adopt that standard. I will bors and countries that call themselves sion relating to the renewable content of not vote for another piece of steel leg- our friends. motor vehicle fuel to eliminate the required We know that oil is going to become volume of renewable fuel for calendar year acy legislation on the floor of the Sen- 2004.
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