United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,359,599 B2 Liu Et Al

United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,359,599 B2 Liu Et Al

US00935.9599B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,359,599 B2 Liu et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 7, 2016 (54) ENGINEERED TRANSCRIPTION 8,759,104 B2 6/2014 Unciti-Broceta et al. ACTIVATOR-LIKE EFFECTOR (TALE) 76. R: 2.38 Eas st al DOMAINS AND USES THEREOF 8,846,578- W B2 9/2014 McCraya ca. et al. 2006, OO88864 A1 4/2006 Smoke et al. (71) Applicant: President and Fellows of Harvard 2008. O1822.54 A1 T/2008 R al College, Cambridge, MA (US) 2009,0130718 A1 5, 2009 Short 2009, 0234109 A1 9, 2009 Han et al. (72) Inventors: David R. Liu, Lexington, MA (US); 2010/0076057 A1 3/2010 Sontheimer et al. John Paul Guili Rid CO 2011 0104787 A1 5, 2011 Church et al. onn raui Gunger, Kigway, , 2011/O189776 A1 8/2011 Terns et al. (US); Vikram Pattanayak, Cambridge, 2012/0141523 A1 6, 2012 Castado et al. MA (US) 2012/0270273 Al 10/2012 Zhang et al. 2013/01 17869 A1* 5, 2013 Duchateau ............... 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