E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 110 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 153 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 2007 No. 80 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was budget for 1 week in order to raise consistently have enough food to feed called to order by the Speaker pro tem- awareness of the food stamp program themselves or their families according pore (Mr. COSTA). and the inadequacy of the current ben- to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. f efit. Under the Food Stamp Challenge, There is no excuse for this. we will only be allowed to eat food to- In the wealthiest country on earth, it DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO taling $21 for the week, $3 a day, or $1 is not about finding the resources. It is TEMPORE per meal, which is the national average about mustering the political will. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- food stamp benefit. In other words, no Established in 1939, the food stamp fore the House the following commu- lattes at Starbucks, no organic chicken program helps families in need buy nication from the Speaker: at home and no wine or shrimp at re- food so that they do not have to make WASHINGTON, DC, ceptions this week. difficult choices, such as choosing be- May 15, 2007. Yesterday, Congresswoman EMERSON tween paying a utility bill, addressing I hereby appoint the Honorable JIM COSTA and I went grocery shopping at the health care needs or buying food. It to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. Capitol Hill Safeway for the week. truly is the safety net for America’s NANCY PELOSI, However, she was a more efficient hungry. Speaker of the House of Representatives. shopper than I was. While she made it Despite what some critics like to say, f through the checkout line in 30 min- the food stamp program is not a gov- ernment handout, but it is a true safe- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE utes, it took me almost an hour and a half to find food that fit my budget, ty net program that provides access to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and that was even with the much-ap- food for people who cannot afford to ant to the order of the House of Janu- preciated assistance of Ms. Toinette choose between rent, medicine, child ary 4, 2007, the Chair will now recog- Wilson, a DC food stamp recipient, who care and transportation. Gone are the nize Members from lists submitted by assisted my wife Lisa and me with our days of the inefficient program ravaged the majority and minority leaders for shopping. by fraud, waste and abuse. In fact, Na- morning-hour debate. The Chair will Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski tional Journal recently named the food alternate recognition between the par- successfully took the challenge with stamp program as one of the govern- ties, with each party limited to not to his wife a few weeks ago, and Utah ment’s top successes. And the GAO has exceed 25 minutes, and each Member, Governor John Huntsman, Jr., is cur- repeatedly reported on the successes of except the majority leader, the minor- rently living on a food stamp budget this important program. ity leader, or the minority whip, lim- with his household of eight. In New Mr. Speaker, let me take a moment ited to not to exceed 5 minutes, but in York City, where over 1 million people to share with you who benefits from no event shall debate extend beyond depend on food stamps each month, the food stamp program. According to 9:50 a.m. New York City Councilman Eric Gioia USDA, over 26 million people benefited The Chair recognizes the gentleman is participating in the Food Stamp from the food stamp program last year, from Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) Challenge. including 452,000 individuals from my for 5 minutes. This diverse group of public leaders State of Massachusetts. Over 80 per- f who all feel compelled to take on this cent of food stamp benefits go to fami- challenge demonstrates the importance lies with children. One in five food TAKING THE FOOD STAMP of the food stamp program for all stamp households has an elderly family CHALLENGE Americans: from California to Massa- member, and one in four has a disabled Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, this chusetts, Michigan to Texas, Repub- member. Increasingly, working fami- week, I am joined by three of my es- lican and Democrat, urban and rural, lies must rely on food stamps to sup- teemed colleagues, Congresswoman JO the food stamp program represents the plement their wages in low-paying ANN EMERSON from Missouri, Congress- moral values of America: compassion, jobs. man TIM RYAN from Ohio and Congress- thoughtfulness and community spirit. Some may question the motives of woman JAN SCHAKOWSKY from Illinois, Mr. Speaker, I am taking this Food elected officials taking this 1-week in taking the Food Stamp Challenge. Stamp Challenge as a way of saying challenge. These critics, Mr. Speaker, The Food Stamp Challenge is an ini- that as Americans, we need to do more are missing the point. It’s time for a tiative begun by nonprofit and reli- to eliminate hunger and poverty in this much greater public debate to take gious community groups. Public offi- country. One in nine U.S. households, place around this issue. It is time to cials agree to live on a food stamp nearly 36 million Americans, does not end hunger in America, and we can do b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4969 . VerDate Aug 31 2005 00:37 May 16, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15MY7.000 H15MYPT1 bajohnson on PRODPC74 with HOUSE H4970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 15, 2007 so starting by focusing on the food benefits of wellness and health, ade- name, the Pastor Don Green Youth stamp program. quate shelter, food in abundance, life- Center. These are but a few examples of The food stamp program is our gov- long learning, and security in their Pastor Green’s commitment to his ernment’s first line of defense against communities. community and commitment to service hunger and malnutrition and it should Hear us now, O God, as we pray for above self. be better equipped to accomplish that the preservation of this legislative in- Pastor Green now serves as the Exec- task. Merely 60 percent of those who stitution and the prospering of our Na- utive Director of Christian Associates are eligible to receive food stamps cur- tion, for we trust in You and entrust of Southwestern Pennsylvania. He and rently do, and in Massachusetts that our whole being to Your providential Kathy, his wife of 36 years, are the participation rate is only 49 percent. care. Amen. proud parents of three children and one grandson. The participation rate is particularly f low for immigrants and the elderly. On behalf of my colleagues in the Last week, Congresswoman EMERSON THE JOURNAL House, Pastor Green, welcome and and I introduced H.R. 2129, the Feeding The SPEAKER pro tempore. The thank you for your many years of serv- America’s Families Act, which would Chair has examined the Journal of the ice. greatly improve the food stamp pro- last day’s proceedings and announces f gram as well as other Federal hunger to the House her approval thereof. TIME FOR A NEW COURSE IN IRAQ and nutrition programs scheduled for Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- (Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut asked reauthorization in the farm bill. We en- nal stands approved. and was given permission to address courage each of our colleagues to con- f the House for 1 minute.) sider cosponsoring this important piece Mr. MURPHY of Connecticut. Madam PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE of legislation. Speaker, it seems that President Bush Mr. Speaker, although some judge The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the and many of his allies still don’t under- the health of our Nation by how the gentleman from Florida (Mr. BILI- stand how things have changed on the wealthiest are faring, others, including RAKIS) come forward and lead the ground in Iraq. myself, believe we must measure the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. A few days ago the Republican lead- morality and prosperity of our society Mr. BILIRAKIS led the Pledge of Al- er, when asked about the President’s by the status and mobility of those at legiance as follows: new escalation plan, said that if it the bottom of the economic ladder. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the doesn’t work, the President pretty Through this challenge, I hope my con- United States of America, and to the Repub- soon is going to have to present to Con- stituents, the American people and my lic for which it stands, one nation under God, gress and the American people what colleagues in Washington, DC, will indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. plan B is. learn more about the vital role the f Well, there are very few people that food stamp program plays in the lives don’t realize by now that we are not on of low-income people. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE plan B anymore; we are on plan Z.
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