3. Sun Watch Indian Village Archaeological Park A Fort AilclP-nl villag" occupied by several hundred peol,le CINCINNATI ARCHAEOLOGY: hunting galhr;r.'l1] <Jnd fCirming <Jbout A 0 1200 along GreLlI Miami River nl,; vlll;:lge w"s construcLed around season{lI,I'r' AREAS OF INTEREST Sigillflr.{lll( solar-<lligned posts, Fe"tlln=;;S A reconstructed For! Arlc:enl Village 8. stoc~"Je 9':Jrden ;:"CnIC <lrea, and an Illtp.rl',rel,ltivE' center with artlf{lcl exhlb:ts, a gift shop archaeoloqy ':I~~ssl~" l)lI!)IIC programs {lnd tour~ LlY~IIIOil 2301 \Nest River Rond D8ylOri Ohio Phune number: 937 268 8199 ll:p ... '~LJT'.";:llc Il.~.::J8,-FI- 011'11, 1~"lj"l ~,rg 4. Serpent Mound State Memorial Fort Ancient (CERHAS Reconstructions) E{lsy {lr:Cf.'c,s 10 slunrlln'j views of 0118 of the laroest serpentine earthworks In Norlh ArTierica. about (l quarter of a mile long, 1,\'llh Wuodl81ld 18UO B C to A.D, 100) {lnd Fort Ancient (A D lOOO lo AD. 1650, 1110uilds situated <ltop a large meteor IITlp8cI site overlooking Brush Creek Fe"lures Hiking trails picniC areas, 8.nd a rnUS(;IJm With exhibits aboullocal arch{leology, on-site programs For schoul ~Iroups alld a gift shop Location 3850 Slale Roule 7J Peebles Ohio. Phune nurnbEli: 800 752 2757 plll" ..-''''''''''''','''''' '-,I'I'JI,.,·,:ory org,-'[il",·,.-~.', '·,I;r~co', 5. Miamisburg Mound State Memorial Orle uf the largest con"C<ll-sh;~pt'd flwl.lnds In North America origill,llly' more Ihan seventy feet high ;md almost 900 feel In 2. Fort Ancient State Memorial Clrcumlerence. construcLed by VVoodland people some lime Offers spect{lcular views of more IIlan thr88 miles of Hopewell bC!'.·.(;ell 800 BC and A.D, 100 ceremonial earlhworks and mounds built b8lween 100 B,C and F';illures. A hiking lrall from the base of the Illound 1'2<lcls (u lhe A D. 500 and a beautiful vi»l" of Ule LIllie Miami River valley suillrnil and an overlook of lhe thirty-seven ilC":fe park. piCniC Featurf~S Hiking trails picnic areas and a museum With cllCil, and plclygrOLlIld, Interacllve exhlbils about local archaeolo::n'. bus and group tours Location. f',,'lourvJ Avenue, Mlamlsburq Ohio and a gift shop le<ltu1"lng Native Amencan arts and crafts Phone number, 937.8664532 Location 612351 R\ 350, Oregonia OhiO. hltp ..-"·'iil'.'\'" ,·",r'LnI,:,bll'82'±..:,"",r,sl;lI"'·'·j rr~ ~ Phone numtjc[ 800283.8904 1.ill.P.....: '1__ '-'__ '''__ ,,1',,·.,1 .1 sr,"r', ~Jr.;· ",13Ge~,-': Inlle".""'­ 6. Newtown Cemetery Mounds Two well preserved elliptically shaped mounds The largest Fur1her InformaLlon Dr KenneLh B. Tankersley Department of AnLhropology. University of CinCinnati mound is about thir1een feet high and the smaller mound IS Phone Number 513-556-2772 viSible but complelely covered by 8arly nineteenth cenlury Email. lankerkh(wuc edu graves Woodl;:Jnd people likely constructed lhe mounds surnellme bet....veen 1000 B C and A 0 500 {lS part of a larger hLlp:/iwww "r1SCI ucedu.:anlhropoloqyi ceremonial r::omplex on the soulh termce of the Little Miami River Funded by the Court Family Foundation Eeatures: A paved roadway Ie js viSitors thrQugh the cemetery LocaLlon 3541 Round Boliol Road Ne\'itoW'll Oh'u ·~. Phone number. 513.271 2CF :J 'll'f' ,"'r","",' ',III,JUec-I'lb','lcI',r ,::e1'" Ill;;If';!:'Lhlr'l 7. Cincinnati Earthworks and Mounds 7 Present-day Cincinnati \"'<J once coverecl tJy a variety or Circular and elongated earthen er'r;10~ures. a massive geomclrlc <';arth'Nork and m,'uwls r;r'.:,ated by Woodland and Fort Anele.,t • f-1e"ple'S sornellrT18 b~t'h8'2rl 800 B C, arld A 0 1650 F'--;ature'S Paved ro,ld'S anc1 slde\,valks allo'N visilors to relocate the ori(Jlnallo(~CJllons ot the earthworks cll1d mounds and ~ \N<l<;hill~J\un Park prOVides an exposure of the onginal surfi'lCe of aTI elong<lled enclosure LO(~<1tion Ardl3eolo~lY collections from the area dre housed at the Geier ClJllectlons and R2sear'ch Center at 760 West 5th " Slreet Phune number 5134557161 -, ,", c'l' "::','1' U~cllnl c,"'~ 8. Shawnee Lookout A Hamilkln COU,lly Park \."Iith arcilaeologlcal slles that date fl'Orn DOWNTmlN CINCINNATI 13 000 BC In A 01750 Including camps VIII<19C$ mounds. BriG Lhe speCI,',cul~1r f\'llarlll ForL Earthworks an earthen (A) Circular Enclosure (north of East Fifth Street. east enCIOSLJr,:' C'f t'Nelve ~1cres constructed by Woodland people of Broadway), (8) Elongated Enclosure (Ilorth of US sometin1e b""l'.'v'een 500 Be and A D. 500. 42, cutting across Washington Park. between Central Featur~s: fv10re thar1 --100 acres of parkland hiking trails With <,lunning vislas PIC'lie: ,lr2as shelLers and a vlsllor s cenLer With Avenue and Vine Street): (C) Geometric Erotr1hworks. arl~llaeologica\ e)(1 '1:.-'1 I:'; immediate vicinity of Fountain Square from the west Lomrion 2C108 Ldv'I'renCel)urg Road. Norlh Berld OhiO side of Race Street to Walnut Just above Fifth Street Phone r.!~mber ::i1J 941tl129 to the south side of Fourth Street. to just above Third ~"!",!.' (1It",lr",,1 c, "'-'d-". ~'r~~ ~k1',:,"lce hl11 Street, and south tel the Ohio River, and from Sixth 9. Mariemont Embankment and Madisonville and Sycamore east to Broadway, and on to Third and Village Sycamore), Mounds (0) Third Street, between A blufl top earthen wall four feet In height exLendlng more than Sycamore and Main: IE) Walnut and Government: (F) 750 feet from the f\ladison,lllle s',te. a Fori AnclenL Village and Sixth Street between Walnut and Main: (G) Central oeremonial area used belv.'een AD 1000 and A 0,1700 Avenue between Court and Richmond: (H) South end Features: Panoramic sheltered over',ook of lhe Liltle Miami River more than flfly acres or maLure woods hiking Ira lis and a picniC of Mound Street. and (I) on tne corner of Fifth, US 50. arpa and Mound Street. between 1-75 and United States­ Location' Corner of Miami Bluff Drive and Marl8rTloni A',enu'2 find spot of the famous Cincinnati Tablet, an engraved t\,1anemont. OhiO Woodland ground-stone stamp made sometime Phone number 513,272 1166 between 800 B C and AD 100 I,:l;; .....-www rlFir IPrll0'11[1'""sc'rvrll'11" orq-'2.rd"lv[',. hli ",. ',~ ~, I E'''i'i\ ,-'" ,. -<1-' OWNTOWN CINCINNATI (A) Circular Enclosure (north of East Fifth Street, east of Broadway); (8) Elongated Enclosure (north of US 42, cutting across Washington Park, between Central Avenue and Vine Street); (C) Geometric Earthworks, immediate vicinity of Fountain Square, from the west side of Race Street to Walnut, just above Fifth Street to the south side of Fourth Street, to just above Third Street, and south to the Ohio River, and from Sixth and Sycamore east to Broadway, and on to Third and Sycamore); Mounds (D) Third Street, between Sycamore and Main; (E) Walnut and Government; (F) Sixth Street between Walnut and Main; (G) Central Avenue between Court and Richmond; (H) South end of Mound Street; and (I) on the corner of Fifth, US 50, and Mound Street, between 1-75 and United States­ find spot of the famous Cincinnati Tablet, an engraved Woodland ground-stone stamp made sometime between 800 B.C. and A.D. 100. .
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