board of education 13Atr 37 E a DOMljUCii, CL££K Member Monmouth County Press Club 68th YEAR — 33rd WEEK Founded In 1869 MAT A WAN, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1937 8 PAGES Five Cents Single Copy Legion Offers To Lairds Of Englishtown MARRIED 46 YEARS “LAZY SUSIE,” KEYPORT INVENTION, COMPLETES 2ND YEAR Tax Jump From $4 Feted Gen. Washington To $23 In Offing Aid Morals Drive According to family data, the BAFFLING TO RADIO CONTESTANTS great, great, grandparents of J. Laird Hulse, of Englishtown, Mr. People In National Program Are Unable To Correctly For Union Beach In Keyport Cleanup and Mrs. Moses Laird, entertained General George Washington the Identify Device Constructed By Progenitor Of Well Lindemann Congratulates week of the Battle of Monmouth. Known Bayshore Family; Need For Obtaining Newark Mayor Points Out Sagurton On Stand For When the Laird ancestors depart­ Domestic Peace Proved To Be Real Father Situation In Speech At ed from this earth, they were Asbury Pk.; New Bill Action Against Lewd buried in Old Tennent Cemetery Do you know what a "Lazy Susie" i men folk, then unlike now, persons Performances Here at Tennent in a grave located I Is? If you fail to answer correctly to be respected and their desires and On Budget Scored near the front door of the famous ! don’t feel too badly about it all be- comforts not to be Ignored. old Presbyterian church. j cause contestants in a national radio The heads of neighboring large VIGILANTESTO RIDE? A weather beaten brownstone ; question and answer contest were households, seeing for themselves the QUOTE STATE AUDITOR tablet, which was supplanted with ! allowed to escape without giving better results achieved at the Bedle Head Of Raritan Post To a new headstone, is in possession | technically correct replies to a similar homestead, prevailed upon Mr. Bed- Darby Advises Boro To Go of Francis O. Squire at his monu­ ! query. lq, a cabinetmaker, to construct for Offer Revival Of Body mental works in Freehold. It A "Lazy Susie” is the invention of them similar equipment and 6 in all Before Court To Secure Similar To Groups In reads: j one of the Keyport progenitors of a were built with a considerable im­ Relief Under State Famous ‘Bad’ Towns In Memory of | family which bears a surname still provement reported in the dinner Finance Commission CATHERINE ! prominent in the bayshore district. hour peace and serenity of all wife of WUliam Saugurton’s demand for The inventor was William Bedle, j cerneci The tax rate Jump faced by Union action against those responsible for MOSES LAIRD head of the family five generations: After the tables were built Mr. who departed this life Beach under the new state budget a “vile and indecent show” in Key- ago who faced with the problem of j Bedle secured a patent on the pivot • act setup came under the scrutiny November 12th, 1829 port Friday nite brot an almost im­ efficiently feeding his large and appliance. He is reported to have! of the regional meeting of .the New mediate offer of assistance in any Aged 93 yr$„ 10 months and hungry brood, set his wood working | sold the patent for the price of the ‘ 12 days. Jersey State League of Municipali­ morals campaign from the local head THOMAS WOOTON talents to work to devise a way in i wood which went into the making ties last Thursday nite in Convention of the American Legion in behalf of which all could be served with a of the six tables. Since then dishes Hall, Asbury Park. I minimum of fuss and clamor. The his organization. Raymond W. Lin­ and receptables for salt, pepper and The experience of Union Beach, “Lazy Susie”, which would have done demann, commander of Raritan j other condiments have been devised Lakewood and other towns where the BUDGET REVISION IS MADISON CLERK AND 20th Century efficiency expert Post, being interviewed on the week’s 1 a similar plan and bearing the new budget act has boosted the a- .me name. BENNETTS HONORED activities of the war veterans said, ORDERED BY OFFICIAL WIFE ARE HONORED mount to be raised by taxation nearly “We have a number of civic mat­ The devise worked out by Mr. AH this revived interest arose when UPON ANNIVERSARY twice the amount budgeted last year ters under consideration but one of was cited by Mayor Meyer C. Ellen- the first things I want to do is stein of Newark, in addressing the congratulate Bill Sagurton on his Changes For Keyport’s In Party Marking 46th session, recently heard the pro­ In New York; Letter Is Celebrates 55th Wedding meeting attended by municipal offi­ endeavor to clean up the boro. If Boro Fiscal Policy Wedding Anniversary pounder of the radio questions permit Factor In Solution Date; Once Resided In cers of Matawan, Asbury Park, Deal, what he said at the council meeting contestant to escape by defining Pine Beach^Jackson Township, High­ The work police Tuesday nite is true it certainly Consideration of a supplement to Feb- )9' 1881’ Thomas Wooton, help themselves without necessitate a "Lazy Susie” as a revolving spice onteuksno j Boro And In Madison lands, Woodbridge, South River, At­ ought to be looked into and we of- the police ordinance which would tben of Matawan, took Ada Tice, ing others at the festive board hav» receptable. Communicating with the department in recovering the esti- j lantic Highlands, Monmouth Beach, I mated S500 worth of Jewelry obtained Mr- and Mrs. Peter Bennett, of ffer our co-operation. For anybody to establish a reserve force, and final | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asbury ing their gustatory achievements sponsor of the program she outlined Jewelry obtained \ Hackensack, Neptune Township, , in the burglary of the Harvey Van Tennent. former residents of the besmirch the fair name of Keyport reading of the annual budget, sched- j Tlce of Cedar Grove, as his bride, interrupted by the plea to "pass the the true history of the Bedle invent- Neptune City, Lakewood, Carteret in such a manner is unthinkable and uied for Tuesday nite's meeting of! Friday evening they celebrated their spinach.’’ It is also understood to ton and this week received a com- . Brunt residence. Broad St., on Jan.! Matawan-Madison Township sec- Middlesex Boro and Manchester we are going to see that a vigflante the Keyport Boro Council, were laid !46111 wedding anniversary’, planned have been a great boon to the worn- munlcatton acknowledging the au- . 19. was highly praised Tuesday nite tlon' celebrated their 55th wedding Township. , at the boro council meeting by A l-' anniversary on Monday at their committee is appointed at the next over until the next meeting, Mar. 8. j by their children, as a surprise. About on in the household In that they thenttcity of her information. She Union Beach faces a jump from meeting of the Legion." Boro Attorney Howard W. Roberts 35 relatives were present. were spared the constant necessity (was also given a reward for the i bert B. Smith, chairman of th e; res‘den£e. , $4.91 per $100 to $23 in its 1937 rate, police committee ‘ Mr!>- Bennett, who before her mar- Mr. Sagurton, appearing before announced that Walter R. Darby. Mr. and Mrs. Wooton were Invited ■ 0f leaving the tabic to wait upon the 'terest displayed In the matter Mayor Ellenstein, president of the the mayor and council, secured pass­ state auditor, had objected to the to spend the day with their son, | ------------------------------------ ..........................................................:----------- Robert Anthony. 23. of Orchard ! **«* waf Mlss Mary Gertrude New- league said in citing conditions, Sam­ age of a motion to have the police manner in which some accounts were j Thomas, Jr., and his family, of — . n n r T T II7AAI , r v c n i n t i m i r r n n i n n m S t. Matawan. was taken into custody : comb- of New Hampshire, came to uel S. Kenworthy, executive secre­ committee investigate a smoker handled in this first budget under a Plainfield, that their home in Ok! in a New York apartment Sundav Matawan at an early age to make GARRETT WOOLLEYS INSURANCE, CRAB BILL her home with an uncle. She and Mr. tary of the organization, said State which he said was held in a banquet new law. Bridge could be decorated for the] , l n l i n n r n . nite by New York detectives and Auditor Walter R. Darby had advis­ room on property at the Six Comers, To comply with the order for occasion. At 9 p. in. Mr. and Mrs j HONORED AT PARTY OPPOSED BY FIREMEN I Patrolman James Martin, of Mata- } "ere ™frri?d at the Mata' ed Union Beach “to go as quickly as owned by the Rollo Realty Co., and changes in set-up Attorney Roberts Wooton accompanied by their son.' _____ j ____ i wan. After questioning the prisoner j wan Baptist Church parsonage by possible to the nearest supreme presented a resolution which was Thomas. Jr., and his family, arrived. I and a search of the apartment in t*>e Hev. F. H. Slater, affectionately leased to the B. & J. Corp. which has I j 1 court justice and have yourselves a retail liquor consumption license carried by unanimous vote. It reads and upon opening the door the litas Morganville Couple Given County Association Asks ! which pieces of jewelry reported lost: f ”ow“ as “Dominie" Slater. One of placed under the municipal finance issued by the boro. in part: came on and eveoone calied -sur- Surprise Reception On Measures Be Defeated; i m tl^ r o ^ ^ up, , the attendants, Mrs.
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