![UD Will Comply with Filesharing Subpoenas](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner THE • • --- 'Cabin Fever' director Hens take on the Spiders talks to The Review, Saturday night. Bl B8 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Thesday & Friday • • FREE Volume I JO, Issue 3 - - ll'll'll'. n'l'icll:udel.edu · · Septcmher 12, 2003 UD will comply with filesharing subpoenas BY .\LI CHEESD IA~ uni,·ersny became aware of the RIAA steppmg up said. tton of responstble computing policy and or S ·•I Rep < its efTorts o,·er the summer. - 1\.athnn Goldman. dtrcctor of the uni\ersitv's deferred suspenswn Do'' nloaders beware; the Recording lndu try The RIAA launched a multi-faceted assnult on Office ot judtClal .\tlatrs. satd it IS essential for stu­ ·' \\ c '' o•1ld hate to suspend a ~tudent,'' Association of Amcnca is taking legal acuon public copyright Infringements and began ISsuing dents to understand ho\\ unportant ll is to honor Goldman sat d. ·'but. if the) ''ant to enjoy thetr pri,·­ against any person caught sharing files of copy­ subpeonas requesting the identities of users\\ ho arc copyrighted material. "hcthcr it 1s music or class­ ileges \\C e.\pect them to abide by the polictes.'' righted material 0\ er the Internet. abusing the Internet to access illegal files. he satd. room matcnal. ophomore ara Fontanella said she ha~ not In a Sept. 8 e-mail messnge and a re\ iscd e­ Tl~e uni,ersit} is not acti\ely, ':.carching for p..:o­ The uniYer~it; 1s rakmg this \Cry serious!;. ~he do'' nloaded am thing in the residence hall smcc -.he mail message Sept. 9. the uni\ersity stated it \\ill ple ro turn in. Hassler satd. llo\\e\er. tfsubpocnacd. said. flo" eYer. I! is abo an educational proccs" to rccel\ ed a '' arning e--mail from IT ~el"\ tees comply "nh subpoena request> for information it\\ ill ha' e to hand O\er informanon on ~tudents. teach students rcspon~Ible computing and that "] like to dO\~·n]oad music:· she satd. "I don't about its students and'' Ill supply this information to "\\·c are interested tn comply mg '' ith the Ia\\ ... do\\ nloading cop) righted matcnal i.., plagiamm. ''ant to bu) e\·crything. but I gucs~ 1 I' unfair to the indu~tr)- C.\ecutin~s. Furthermore. the uni' ersi t) he said. "lfConl!rcss dcctdes to change the Ia\\. then Initiall). if a stud..:nt is caught \\ ith copyrighted arttst." may or may not inform students that they ha,·e been we" ill change~' ith It... ~ mformation on thcir computer, IT sen tccs \\111 "ipc If she \\ere not current]~ e.\pcnencing comput­ reponed. Congres~ ''Ill be holding heanngs on '' hether th computer clean. Goldman said. Judictal Affairs er problems, scm or An me \\ risten said she '' ould The e-mails aho stated penalties for students the Ia\\ s-should chnnge regarding file sharing. he \\til then educate the student and e.\ plain the future contmuc to dO\\ nload from tilc-~harl!ll! ~ott\\.tre. found guilty could range from S75Q to S 150.000 per satd. - - - - consequences 1f the student continues dO\\ nloading. he said she thinb othct student-.; \\ llUid abo downloaded fik. Although the unin~rsit.> doe~ not routinely If a student does di-;rcgard this initial warning, r"k gcttmg caught to do'' nload files free \lf cost. Karl Hassler. associate director of lnfonnallon monitor or re\Je\\ the content of traffic on the nct­ she said that person could t:1ce loss of computer "The odds :1re prctt; '>mall to be picked out of Technolog:; "\ctwork anli Systems Sen ices. said the \\ork. they do monitor bandwidth abuse. Hassler privileges. charge' of failure to comply and 'iola- thnu-..ands of studenh." \\ nstcn satd. Lieberman's to fill 'Three strikes' Main Street GAP alcohol offense BY U'\DSAY HICKS Lieberman said hi main focus is on takmg full St.,tl~~tf n-1t1 ad,·antagc of the ne''· larger location. policy changed An expanded \Cr~ion of Lieberman's The store "ill offer awide ,·arietv of mer­ Lni,·crsity Bookstore \\ill open in the :\1ain chandise to sntdents. he said. as wei i as more Street Galleria m October. contingent \\ ith the room to walk around. closing of the Gap and Donna's Delights. Along \\·ith the same selection of ne\\ and B\ ERI\ BILES the fir-.,t 'iolation. Goldman Dan Lieberman. 0\mcr of Lieberman\. used te.\tbooks. Liebennan 'iatd he hopes that THE Rl:.\ IF-\\ k"i' a Duotn<' stud. and from S l 00 Ill '\250 satd he had been planning to moYc into a differ­ adding additional merchandise like clothing and Lieberman's bookstore plans to The uni\ ersit~ 's Oftice of for the second \ iol.ltton ent building when the Galiena management art supplies\\ ill attract the local community. mo' e into space in The Galleria after .ludtc1al \tTairs made change~ "The~e are Jll't for mini­ approached him \\'ith an offer to occupy up to Though the opportunity to display a ,·ariel) m its student lOde of Londuct mum. routtnc \ iolat1ons, ~uch I 0.000 square ti::cr of space in the building. of goods was a !>ignificant factor in the decision it is ,·acated by the Gap. that are effecll\ e thts semester as \\alking out of a ront'l \\ Ith "\\'c \\ere literal!; l\\"O da)-~ awa)- from to ~nO\ e. L ieben'l1an satd. he was most con­ C) nthia l ummings. asso­ a beer '1 h.md,'' she ~atd . signing the lease on a different building when cerned with the additional space the new build­ said the)- h3\ e a great relauon~htp. ciate \ice pre ident for campus "llO\\"C\ cr. students '' ho man­ ·'We always send ntdents over to the uni­ we were offered the G<m location." Liebem1an ing offered li fc. ·1id the most ... ignifica111 l£C to roll d keg into a re,t­ ,,mi. \'ersuy bOL)kstl1re "hen "·e are sold out ol some­ fk said the 'iite of his current store pre­ .::hangc regards the "three dcncc hall and ha' c ll pa ·ty Donna DuPhtly. O\\ ncr of Donna ·s ' ents >rudcnts fi·om comfm1abl)- shoppmg for thmg o\ ~.-r here." Ltebcnnan said. "fven though technically speakmg we're competitor.. I like ro strikes. you're out" program, ''ill face much more senous Dehghts. said she has been m business for more books without bumping into each other in the \\hich regulates punt!>hmem sanctions. than seven vears and is not monnl! her store b\ aisles. think of it as more complementing.'' choice. - - • "\\e arc bm,ting out of the seams O\ er Da\"c \loffitt. as~istant gcnernl manager of for alcohol 'iolattons in the Other changes to the code restdence halls. of conduct include those "\1anagcmem came in and 111\ lease had there:· he satd. ~ the um\ crsit)- 's bookstore. said he is not con­ come up. and the) didn ·r gin! me a ci1ance to re­ Sophomore .\ltson Brown said she \\ill cemed with competition from otl-campus book­ "Prior to this ) car. there regarding student organiza­ sign tt.'' DuPhily said. "I am not happ).'' appreciate the site of the ne\\' store because. stores. was a distinction bet\\·cen tiOns. dtsruptl\ c conduct. off­ L Iebcrman. \\ ho also owm, a bookstore on although she has always liked the ~en ICc at 'The\ do what the\' do and '' c do \\hat ,,.c freshmen and other ~tudcnb,'' campus con\ ictions. academic the West Chester Lnivcrstt\ and Chene\ Lieberman's. the crowd at the beginning ofeach do." \!ot'fitt satd. "The) ·w been a presence for -.,h..: said. "For fre-.hmen. three dJ;;honcst\ and mi ... u-.e of uni­ UniYersl!y campuses. sa1d he happtly agreed to semester ts frustrating. a fe\\ years but \\"<.! do our JOb to sen·c the uni­ stnkes meant that ) ou "ere 9ut ,·erstty n;atcriaJ.... ~en 1~-:es or take o\·cr the lca-.c from the Gap. "I'' e al\\avs gone there so l still will.'' \Crsll\ ... of the residence halb. but for property. 'he 'md. DuPhilv satd she ts unsure \\ h..:rc her nC\\ Brown said. "Btn \~ith bigger aisles it \\ill be a \lolfit said the unt\·crslt\ bookstore other studcms. it meant that ''The ·academic dl',hon­ lcamcd of Licbcnnan \ mo' c a fc\, \\eeks ago, location \\ill be becau~e current!} no storefronts lot more accessible... ~- you \\ere suspended from the e,t;. poltcy· ''as renamed the after the Gap announced they" ottld be closing. are a'ailable for lease on \lam Street. The ne\\ location ''ill prO\ ide Liebenmm \ Lilli\ ersit\'." · acadcmtc hone-.,t;. policy· Ltebetman satd he might keep the space of with the oppornmit)- to become an e\ en greater "\othing in the UJJJ\Crsity·s store \\Ill change to wmpeihatc ti.)r the new Licb..:m1::tn \. 1he -policy nO\\ state-., fnr bccau'e that 1s ''hat ,,.c \\·ant h1s current bookstore and com en it mw a 'ideo competitor to the Gni' ersit; of Delaware all students Ji, ing on campus. stlllknts to be... Goldman said. or con\'enicnce store. Bookstore in Perkins Student Center. he said. three strikes ''ill result tn sus­ ~he said the rule~ and con­ Though a ne\\ bust ness 'enturc is some­ Liebem1an said. Although the uni,·crsttv's store thing he has been contemplating for a long time, is the btggcst competition for Licbcmian \. he pension from the university. sequences arc nO\\ easier to Cummin~s -..aid . undep,tand. "-\ s~spenston IS a limited "The code of conduct has time out of the uni,erstt).
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