., : . I 1 1 Jmintiw Quotation Supplement (Monthly) Street Railway Supplement (^mam^^ Inveator^ Supplement (Quarterly) Stale and Cihj Supplement (^Amu^n^ [Entered aooordlng to Act of OonfrresB, In the year 1900, by the William B. Dasa OOKPAlfT, In the offlM of the Llbrarlui of OongreBa.] VOL. 72. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1901. NO. 18«0. Wttt eruting February 9 OUaringt at— 1901. 1900. 1901. 1899 1898. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. New York ,63O,»07,9eO 1.106,832.0701 133.486.098 78S 199,648 Philadelphia 84,8^,5!^9 B'*,7''6,iei 9*J,0I3 613 55,742.850 Termg of Subscription—Payable in Advance Pittsbar^ 8H,894.693 29,485 5x7 38,966.5(M 17,60 [.7b8 Baltimore 19,796 993 1^,910,581 lX,2Se.li51 16 862.191 For One Year $10 00 Buffalo 5.231,l(-3 4,b68,076i 4.918.135 4016.765 For Six Months 6 00 Washington. 8,l33,Cai 2.»)6O,310 2,3 19. .301 1 099,181 Eoropean Subscription (Inolnding postage) 13 00 Albany 8,112.612 2,961, H4 8.360,rX)0 European Subscription Six Months (Including postage) 7 50 Rochester 2,306.789 2,162,7881 8.4:-0 101 1.400.723 Syracuse l,Si88,767 1,25 i, 031 963.965 942.961 Annual Subscription In London (Inolndlng postage) <2 14b Scranton. 1,018,924 &9t.786l 7tJ6,ttl9 690.688 BlxMos. do. do. do. Al lis. WllmlnKton 1,025,137 889.0S0 808.241 785.808 Blntcbamton 8«8,H00 429.600 82rf.700| 894.000 Above subscription Includes— Chester 245,081 253.*!- 300.0001 Thb Quotation supplement 8TKEET Railway Supplement Total Middle 1.801.852,197 1,261,341,876 l,299,»i7,i«j! THB INVE8TOE8' SUPPLBMBNT State and City Supplement &25.680,441 Boston 128,189.251 137,20S.331 130 100,416 110 331,883 Terms ot Adyertlsing—(Per Inch Space.) Providence , 6,460900 6,378,900 6,159,600 5.3U,6C0 Hartford 2.392,516 2.557.226 2.603,763 1,'-0Q,109 Transient matter $4 20 Three Months (13 times) .$29 00 New Haven 1,657.776 1.3«1,436 1,887.303 " 1,408,151 8TANDINO BUSINESS OAKDS. Six Months (26 ). 50 00 Sprlnftfleld , 1891.813 1.493,845 1,565,02H 1,493.640 1.443,370 1,890. l^iO Two Months (8 times).. 22 00 Twelve Months (52 " ) . 87 00 Worcester 1,507,681 1,353,820 Portland , 1,054,831 976.744 1,700,784 1880.648 London Agents: Fall River 816.288 1,028,476 1,118,3^ 1.003459 Lowell 552.094 498,517 768.084 780,878 Messrs. Edwabds <6 Smith, 1 Drapers' Qardens, E. O., will take sub- New Bedford 4S8.796 469.867 727,283 878,867 sorlptionB and advertisements, and supply single copies of the paper Holyoke 3t».79a 826.457 800,000 at Is. each. Total NewBng.., U4.687.ai6 I43.393.5ZI 148,463,921 "188,093,353 WILI.IAITI B. DANA COmPANY, Pnbllsbers, Cblcafto , 125.792,260 130,817 812 118,430.023 94.021.800 Cincinnati 19,487,600 16,031,i:00 13.169.850 18 488,500 Pine Street, Corner of Pearl Street, Detroit 8.782,229 7.851,402 7,6Jo,67c 6.318.818 Post office Box 958. nevf tork. Cleveland 12,944,695 10,0u5 533 9,268.801 6,763.574 Milwaukee 6,960,62i 6,709.708 5.888,909 6 568.619 Colnmbns 6,200,000 4,765,600 4.537,100 4.676.8D0 Indianapolis 8,747.001 3.160,472 2.243.1>» 2.250,290 Peoria 2,500,000 2.278.6191 2,004,849 2.612 4;9 CLEARING H0U8E RETURNS. To.edo 2,116.626 8.088.445 1.636.223 1.695 864 Grand Rapids 1,500,001 l,16<,922l 875.858 837,784 The following table, made up by telegraph, etc., indicates Dayton 1,172,895 1.002,561 997.023 695.568 Bvansvllle 763,093 1.014.810 574.626 that the total bank clearings of all the clearing houses of the Youngstown 433.689 304.751 488 182 Si's 143 SprlneUeld, 111 641,898 886.4«8; 462.345 800.000 United States for the week ending to-day, Feb. 16, have LeziUKton 558,500 440,8301 3:16 435 807,109 Akron 656.700 436.0001 337.000 885 400 been $1,937,143,947, against $2,315,082,363 last week and Kalamazoo 313.874 405.400 831,617 828.899 Rockford 861,571 267.762 207.287 199.367 $1,551,507,493 the corresponding week of last year. SprinKlleld, Ohio... 806.160 310.167 278,455 808.918 Canton 293,960 233.988' 192,609 205.908 J ackson vllle. 111 ... 172.204 128,588; llO.COO cliabings. Week Ending February 16. Oulncy 316,071 280.0001 Bloomington. 2flfi.»33 li;8,919 Return* by Teleoravh. 1»01. 1900. P. Oent Tot. Mid. Weat'n. 195.920,775 188.301,229 169.891,736 189.609 itfU San Francisco 18.344,736 16879 750 16,114.808 14 829.746 New York.... «i,o Mes.ies $725,884,163 +43 8 Salt Lake city 3,161.419 1804,2361 1,936,363 1.441 038 Boston 113,76).8J7 103,763,413 +9 6 Portland 1.92l,18H 1.87.S.761 1.671,421 1,951.410 Los Angeles 2,628.034 2,032.664 1,684.062 Philadelphia. 66,849,133 64 273,243 +4-0 1,585,610 Seattle 1,973,698 1.981,142 1,406.872 1,800,000 Baltimore 1«,218,818 15,935,013 +14-3 Spokane 1,001,032 988,180 989.930 641,580 ChloaKO 10«,H80,806 102,059,606 +2 8 Tacoma. 1,413.378 939,082i 670,448 860.867 Helena 826,226 467,659 430.431 375.000 i St. Lonts 37,696,381 27,670.240 +36-4 Fargo 309.107 384,107 3i8.81« 214 635 New Orleans. 9,367,938 10,871,107 -141 Sioux Falls 163.914 165.275 102.868 109 853 Total PaolUo... 31,735,025 87,447,999 26.332,789 83 077,739 Seven cities, 6 days. Il,8e7,l80,518 $1,060,317,149 +82-1 Kansas City 14.0 -9.240 13,100.75: 9.693 489 10338 675 Other oittes, 6 days 819.961,«I8 194,246.189 +18 8 Minneapolis 9.899 631 9,848.374 8,444.124 6.888 607 Omaha 5 629,841 5,803.564 6,698,398 6.901.930 Total all cities, 6 days. tl,607.111.e29 $1,244,563,338 +391 St. Paul 4.548,727 3.980,093 8.896.2^ 8,019.561 8,662 688 411 cities, 1 day 380,002.018 366,944.165 +23-8 Denver «,716.«86 4,238,498 8.642,7^ St. Joseph 8.657,017 3,923,357 3,552,170 1.890.868 Des Moines 1,353 655 1.249.039 1.191.102 968 805 Total all cities for week. tl,887.U3,947 $1,561,507,193 +281 Davenport.. 1.160.000 600.000, 72J.494 768.855 Sloui City 1.120.356 977.719' 800.084 808.128 Topeka 1.085.887 685.701 476.968 613.784 The full details of clearings for the week covered by the Wichita 507,793 495,872 491,407 490,138 Fremont. ie2.:96 175.180: 139,057 114 181 above statement will be given next Saturday. We cannot, HastlnRS 166,000 160.0001 137.674 130 766 of course, furnish them to-day, bank clearings being made Tot. other West.. 47.676,33» 44.703,971 37,901 716 88,087.976 St. Lonis 88 698 232 81,783,093 88.033,387 88.203.699 up by the various clearing houses at noon on Saturday, and New Orleans 12.6i;B,860 13,051.15',) 9 061,869 11000 807 Louisville 9,2'»'«.f31 10,16S,093 7815,681 7.066,461 hence in the above the last twenty-four hours of the week Qalveston 8,938 500 8,>-6a.60O 8,684 300 3.884,290 Houston 4.102.500 8.991,431 8,187.916 S.1S9.478 have to be in all cases estimated,as we go to press Friday night. Savannah 4,963 663 5,64-',340 8,»67 352 8,478.147 Richmond 3.710 sm 8,750,000 3,713.840 8 680,232 We present below our usual detailed figures for the pre- Memphis 8,515.528 3,150,619 l,9S5.8rt5 3,605.343 vious week, Atlanta 8,488,872 2.133,086 1.608 834 1.617.408 covering the returns for the period end- Nashville. 1,608,366 1,665.868 1,187,644 1,874.817 ing with Saturday noon, Norfolk 1,353,225 1.717,696 964.932 011.003 February 9, and the results Antrnsta 1,55'<.589 1,474,883 808.504 801.637 e9l.»i8 610.335 for the corresponding week in 1900, 1899 and 1898 are KnorvlUe 660.204 641,494 Fort Worth 1,200,000 803,188 887.914 713 879 also given. In comparison with the preceding week Birmineham 1,050.COO 603.000 986 480 «7»774 Macon 980.000 816,000 690.000 683.000 there Is an increase In the aggregate exchanges of one Little Rook 565,073 485.210 347.848 876 696 Chattanootra 604,411 417,384 318.537 3JS.2T9 hundred and thirty-six million dollars, the gain at Jacksonville.
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