DIRECTORY. OLEOBURY MORTIMER. SHROPSHIRE. FARMERS-continued. Gate Hangs \Yell, Charles Stokes, Davies Edmund, Boraston, Burford Farlow [Dnrford Dorrell James, Cleobury Mm·timer Rose .Tames, Burford Golc1en Lion, Edwt1. WiU...inson,'l'llsop, 1\Ieredith John, Dudlick, Stottesuen Budd William, Kinlet Horse & Jockey, John Summers, Oleo- Price Gcorge H. Farlow Rudd Willia.m, jun. Kinlct bury l\Iortimer [:\Iortimer Reynolds William, Neon Savage Sayee Ann, Stottcsdcn King's Arms, \Villiam Pratt, Cleobury 'l'edstall John, Cl eo bury Mortimer Scott William, Stottesuon Miners' Arms,Richard Haines,Cleobury Smallman Emma, Boraston, Burford Mortimer [Mortimer MILLERS. Sm3Ilman Henry, Burford Old Bell, Henry Gould, Cleobury Smith l\Iary, Burford Old Lion, John L. Downes, Oleobury Ward John, Whatmore, BuriorJ. Southall Richard, Keen· Savage 11ortimer [Mortimer \Vheeler James, Burford Sparrow James \V. Aston Bottcrell Plough, William Thatcher, Cleobury Wheeler William, Stottesden Stinton George, Hopton Wafre Plough, Edwin Duce, Farlow ~- ------- Summers John, Clcolmry Mortimcr Poplars, Edward Small, Coreley Teague Thomas, Hopton \Vafre Rose & Crown, \Villiam Jones,Burford MILLINERS & DRESSMAKEHS. Thomas John, \Vlutton, Durfcrd Hoyal l''ountain, John Hu,mmond, Coatcs Ellen, Cleobury Mortimer Wainwright Joseph, Neon Savage Uleobury l\Im·timer Cortield Ellen, Cleobury Mortimer Wakefield D. W. Stottcsdcn Ship, George Edwards, Highley [mer Green Lucy, Uleobury Mortimcr Wakeman T. ~ash, Burforcl Swan, Mary Butcher, Cleolmry Morti­ Lloyd Emily, Cleobury Mortimer Walker Charles P. Bnrford Swan Hotel, Chas. P. Walker, Burford Wall Thomas, Stottesden Talbot, Richard J. Horton, Cleobury Weaver Thomas L. Stottesdon :;\Iortimer PAINTERS, PLUMBERS AND Wethercll Henry E. Loughton Three Horse Shoes, EdwarJ Bythe­ GLAZIEHS. Wetherell John, As ton Bottcrell way, Wheathill Hume Benjamin (& gasfitter), Cleobury Whatmore William, N£,en Savage Victoria, Richard Hatton, Coreley Whiteford Samuel C. Whitton, Burfol'd Mortimer Vlhitehead Harriet, Oleo bury l\1ortimer Mcrrick Thomas, Coroley Whitehead 'rhomas, N een Savage RETAILERS OF BEER. Whiteman Henry, Cleobury Mortimor Bishop John, Noon Sollars SHOPKEEPERS. Whitoman John, Silvington Brick Samuel, Highley "\\>'hiteman Thomas, Wheathill Cook \Villiam, Stottesden Bytheway Edward, Wheathill Whitworth John, Nash, Burford E vans George E. Highley DJlphin Elizabeth, Hopton Wafre Wilkes J ames, N een Sollars Jones 'I'homas, Farlow Hatton Richard, Coreley Williams John, Stottcsden Key Mary, Coreley Hatton William, Coreley WinterS. J. ~een Sollars Pound Edwin, :Nash, Burford J ones J ames, Stottesden Wood Robert, Cleobury Mortimer Price Jamefl, Cleobury l\Iortimer Lane Thomas, Burwarton Woodhouse James, Kinlet Wagstaff Allen, Necn Savage Miles John, Aston Bottercll Woodhouse James, Stottesdon Williams James, Burford Milward Sarah, Cleobury ),fortimer Worrall Elizabeth, Neen Savage Wyer John, Cleobury Mortimer Morris Elizabeth, Cleobnry Mortimer Worrall William, Cleobury Mortimer Heynolcls William, Cleobury Mortimet Wyer Richard, Stottesden Roberts Mildred, Cleobury Mortimer Yapp James, Coreley JOINERS. Simmonds John, Hopton Wafre Honeyman \Villiam, Coreley Stokes Charles, Farlow Howells Richard, Hopton Wafre Tafft Thomas, Cleobury l\Iortimer FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Lane J ames, Stottersden Wedge Sarah, Cleobury ::'lfortimer Lane J olm, Cleobury .:\1:ortimer IN CLEOBURY MORTIMER. Lane Josiah {& builder), Neen Savage AcciDENTAL & MARINE Thomas E. P1eece James, Burwarton STONEMASONS. Dalley Price William, Cleobury Mortimer Clee John, N ash, Burford LANCASHIRE-\Villi am Rose ReynoldE John, Oreton, Stottesdon Dovey John (monumental), Cleobucy PHCENrx-Sydney Smith Smallman Edward, Milson Mortimer PRUDENTIAL-William Moorcroft Smith John & Son, Oleo bury 1\Iortimer Salop (flre)-E. &. w. Evans ScoTTISH PRovmENT-Thos. Downes, SURGEONS. JUn.• LAND AGENTS . SHROPSHIHE & NoRTH WALEs-Wm. Boucher James, Cleobury Mortimer Godfrey Joseph J. Oleobury Mortimer Lamb Bourne J ames, Cleobury Mortimer Hodges George, Aston Botterell Ru,wlinson Thomas, Dowles Hogg Henry L. Cleobury Mortimer Jonca Wm. Weaver, Cleobury llortimer GROCERS AND DEALERS I~ SUNDRIES. LIME BURNERS. SURVEYORS-LAND & ROAD. Downes Thos. jun. Cleobury Modimer Hughes William, Oreton, Stottesden Bourn J. W. Cleobury Mortimer Evanl!l E. & W. Cleolmry ~:Iortimer Page Ann, Oreton, Stottesden Rawlinson Thomas, Dowle& Jefferies William, Cleobury Mortimer Wellings Ann, Oreton, Stottesden Wheeler Benjamin, Oleobury Mortimer Yapp Thomas, Cleobury Mortjmer TAn.ons. LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS. Lloyd George, Burford INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Dudlow William, Oleobury Mortimer Mil..lington Henry, Stottesdon Downes Wm. Cleobury Mortimer Pennington George, Cleobury Mortimer Blount Arms, Ja.ne Davis, Cleobury Lamb WUliam (and clothier), Potter George, Cleobury Mortimer Mortimer Cleobury Mortimer Wall John, Coreley Boyne Arms, John Burton, Burwarton Button Oak, Edwd. Beavan, Stottesden Cock, Dorothy Taylor, Stottesden MALTS TERB. WHEELWRIGHTS. Colliers' Armo, Thos. Merrick, Coreley Haines Hichard, Wheathill Crown, Sarah A. Woodyard,Stottesden Tedstall John, Oleobury Mortimer Andrews William, Cleobury Mortimer Crown, Hannah Whitehead, Hopton Breakwell John, Cleobury Morlimer W afre [Kinlet Hoskins John, Whitton, Burford Eagle & Serpent, Edward Bytheway, -MILLERS. Lane John, Cleobury Mortimor Fox, George Bowen, Aston Botterell Bill GeorgA, Highley N ewell Frederick, Coreley Fox, Henry Phillips, Cleobury Mar- Bishop William, Neen Sollars Parton Arthur, Stottesden timer [den Bodenham Williarn, Silvington Powell William, Boraston, Burford l'o1. & liouudli,BarrietThow.a.s,Stotwi· l}rea.kwell brael, Corelay Price Wi1Ua.m, Cleobury Mortimer ln .
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