00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIV, NO 141 U S ARMY KWAJALElN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1987 Palau U.S.-Flagged Oil Interior Department Rapped Ih Hearings Tanker Hits Mine By Phylhs Messmger the compact would have won ap­ Baler SaId the department's staff IS By John Rice ASSOCiated Press Wnter proval much earher, bnngmg addI­ workmg on another PaCIfIc Island, ASSOCiated Press Writer tIonal U S money to the Islands But Salpan WASHINGTON - The chamnan WIthout the approval and WIthout the De Lugo also cntIclzed the depart­ KUWAIT - A KuwaItI tanker of a House Intenor panel on Thurs­ extra money, Salll saId Thursday, he ment for not seekmg addItIonal fund­ flymg the Amencan flag under U S day cntIcIzed the Intenor Department had no chOIce but to layoff 900 of the mg for Palau The tern tory has re­ Navy escort hIt a mme m the PersIan for faIlmg to act aggressIvely to stem government's 1,300 workers, cut ceIved about $10 mIllion a year for Gulf today but managed to reach ItS the troubles that have forced the lay­ back power and water servIces to 18 each year smce 1981, even though destmatIon, KuwaIt, under ItS own off of nearly two-thuds of the gov­ hours a day and reduce the number of government employees receIved a power ernrt1ent employees m the PaCIfic trust meals served to hospItal patIents substantIal pay raIse m 1984 and an No InJunes were reported among terrltory of Palau The government now plans to mcrease m energy pnces has dnven the 26 people on board the gIant The panel's chaIrman, Rep Ron conduct a referendum on Aug 4 on a up food and other costs tanker Bndgeton, but the vessel took de Lugo, a non-votIng delegate from constItutIOnal amendment that ehmI­ Baler replIed that the department on water and at one pomt was report­ the Vlrgm Islands, also cnttclzed the nates the reqUIrement for the 75 would send addItIonal money to Palau ed hstIng shghtly to the left speaker of the Palau House of Dele­ percent maJonty vote on the compact If the SItuatIOn becomes an At mldafternoon, US Navy war­ gates for faIhng to work more closely If that referendum succeeds, the emergency shIps turned over the Bndgeton and WIth the presIdent of Palau m resolv­ compact would go before the voters "Are you gomg to waIt for another reflagged KUWaIti tanker, the mg the Islands' pohucal troubles for a SIxth time on Aug 21 WIdespread VIOlence before actmg?" Gas Pnnce, to a paIr of KuwaIti De Lugo's cntIClsms came dunng a KIttle BaIer, actmg assIstant secre­ de Lugo asked patrol boats heanng by. the House Intenor sub­ tary for temtonal and mternatIOnal "We mIght mcIte addltlonal VIO­ In Tehran, Iraman Pnme Mimster commIttee on Insular and InternatIon­ affaIrS at the Intenor Department, lence If we did act now," Baler re­ Hussem MusavI called the Bndgeton al AffaIrs mto the troubles that have mamtamed that Palau should not be sponded "We don't see that It'S at a stnkmg a mme an "Irreparable blow hIt Palau smce ItS reSIdents faIled for gIven addItIOnal money to help It cnSlS pomt now It's the responsIbil­ to Amenca's pohtlcal and mIlItary the fifth tIme on June 30 to approve a through the current financIal cnSIS Ity of the U S government to pro­ prestIge" He saId the mme was compact of free aSSOCIatIOn WIth the "We belIeve It's therr responslblhty mote self-government 10 Palau" planted by "mvIslble hands" Umted States to lIve wIthm theIr means" she told Earher, the speaker of Palau'L Iran's IslamIC Repubhc News The compact, which marks a step the panel House of Delegates, Santos Ohkong, Agency, momtored m NICOSIa, quot­ toward grantmg mdependence to the "You have a cnSIS there," de Lugo urged the panel to rem state all the ed MusavI as saymg he hoped "the Islands, relaxes the ban on nuclear responded "We called thIS ,neetmg furloughed government employees wise men m the Umted States have deVices m Palau's constitutIon The today because we thought the SItua­ and to reopen diSCUSSIOns of the learned a lesson and (wIll now) put an constItutIon reqUIres a 75 percent tIon m Palau IS urgent enough " compact end to theIr tensIOn-creaung adven­ maJonty vote to overturn the ban, but De Lugo mamtamed that the Inten­ De Lugo, JOIned by other sub­ tures m the PerSIan Gulf" so far the compact has attracted no or Department, whIch IS responsIble committee members, saId the Umted WorshIppers at Tehran UmversIty more than a 72 percent maJonty for overseemg Palau, should have States deCIded months ago not to responded to news of the mlne blast Palau PreSIdent Lazarus Salll told staff workmg on the Island to mom tor contmue negotiatIons on the compact by chantmg, "Death to the USA ," the subcommlttee he antICipated that the pohtIcal and finanCIal sItuatIon And de Lugo added that he could not and "PersIan Gulf of Iran, the grave­ see how the government of Palau yard of Reagan" and "We wIll fight, could reInstate the laId off workers we Will dIe, but we won't compro­ Shiite Hijacker Overpowered WIthout additIonal money mIse" The chants were camed by In addItIOn, de Lugo u r g e d Tehran RadIo, momtored 10 NICOSIa Ohkong and Sal11 to meet to resolve In Washington, WhIte House After Killing Passenger their dIfferences spokeswoman Leslye Arsht saId By Tony Czuczka Secunty polIce had nnged the "Our concern IS that the SItuatIOn PreSIdent Reagan was awakened at 2 Associated Press Wnter Jumbo Jet and were planmng to storm In Palau not degenerate untIl It'S a m EDT by national secunty adViser It, Zwelgert saId The hijacker later ImpossIble to resolve satlsfactonly," Frank CarlUCCI and notifIed of the ex­ GENEVA - A gunman Identified was seen beIng dragged down a de Lugo said plOSIOn as a member of the pro-IranIan Hez­ starrway from the green-stnped plane bollah group hIjacked an AIr Afnque The dead passenger, who was shot Shultz Jethner today but was overpowered m the head, was Identified as XaVIer by the crew after he kIlled a passenger Beauheu, a French CItizen, accordmg Contra-Versy Makes Him Want whIle the plane refueled m Geneva, to offICials m Pans ArtIzzI saId a authontIes said • PLO representatIve at the alTport The hIjacker had demanded West talked the hIjacker out of kIlling a To 'Wring Somebody's Neck' - - Germany free the two Hamadl broth­ second passenger By DaVid Espo Vawaa pnsoners for the hostages," he ers, one of whom IS JaIled m connec­ The hijacker selected BeaulIeu after Associated Press Wnter saId, refemng to terronsts Impnsoned tIon wIth the 1985 hlJackmg of a demandmg the passports of the pas­ m KUWaIt TW A JetlIner to BeIrut Geneva polIce sengers, took hIm to the first-class WASHINGTON - Secretary of "FantastIc Lord dehver us from saId two Amencans were on board, section that had been cleared of WIt­ State George Shultz today brushed such bnght Ideas as that" but there was no word on whether nesses, and shot him, ArtlzzI said aSIde gentle questI.0ns about whether Shultz also saId he was glad that any were hurt Three crewmen were ordered to take he should resign from PreSident Rea­ $10 mIllion solIcited from the sultan A steward who subdued the hI­ Beaulieu to an ambulance, where he gan's CabInet, and testified that of BruneI and mtended to assist the Jacker was shot and senously died emergIng detaIls of the Iran-Contra NIcaraguan Contra rebels never wounded by the gunman The stew­ He dIed In an ambulance that the affarr sometimes make him "feel like reached a bank account mamtamed by ard acted when about five passengers hijacker had allowed to pick him up, I'd like to wnng somebody's neck" mIddlemen Richard Secord and Albert deCIded to engmeer therr own escape, SaId Robert Ducret, head of the SWISS Shultz' vOIce dnpped With sarcasm HakIm openmg four doors of the DC-1O and Cnsls Umt at the Geneva aIrport as he dIsputed former NatIonal Secu­ "I was glad the numbers or some­ JumpIng out or shdmg down an The steward, whose IdentIty was nty AdVIser John POIndexter's testi­ thmg had been transposed (on the ac­ emergency chute wIthheld, underwent three hours of mony that only hIS NatIOnal Secunty count) and they didn't get theIr hands The pilot, Capt Edouard ArtIzzI, surgery for a gunshot wound to the CounCIl staff had any Ideas for gaIn- on It after all," he saId saId the hIJackmg ended when "the stomach At least 30 other people 109 the release of Amencan hostages " Sometimes I feel like I'd hke steward Jumped on the guy and pohce aboard the plane suffered mJunes m Lebanon to wnng somebody's neck" amved at the same Ume " whIle slIdmg down the chute "A temfic Idea Let's trade the TestIfymg for the second day at the Mozambique natIonally teleVised heanngs, Shultz asserted that the damage done to U S ATTACKERS KILLED BEDRIDDEN HOSPITAL PATIENTS credlbIhty abroad by the Iran-Contra affaIr "has been remedIed " By Laurmda Keys ment blamed rebels of the MozambI­ heads, eyes or arms bandaged, were Shultz added there was nothmg Associated Press Writer can NatIOnal ReSistance for the bemg treated at the Inhambane more he could have done 10 January klllmgs m Homome, a small agncul­ hospital 1986 to persuade Reagan to abandon INHAMBANE, MozambIque - tural town 300 mIles north of the Celeste Sevenan, 30, sat up m bed secret arms sales to Iran He and Attackers kIlled bedndden hospItal capItal, Maputo, and 18 mIles mland to talk, wmcIng m pam from a leg Secretary of Defense Caspar Wem­ patients and chanted political slogans from thIs coastal town wound She said her 6-month-old berger made their case "forcefully," whIle kIlhng chIldren 10 what the The guernlla movement, which has daughter was killed Shultz saId government SaId was a rebel massacre -been
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