v' Vol. XLN, No.~ 11 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Thursday, March 12, 1964 Naval Academy Scores Parliamentary Gymnastics DebateT~~~yVictory Stall HOYA's Withdrawal Last weekend, by a 3-2 decision, the team of First Class­ by Mike Egan man Rudi Milasich and Second Classman Ed Linz of the Last Sunday evening the United States Naval Academy won the Toohey Prize Cup; Georgetown University emblematic of the championship of the Sixteenth Annual HOYA was blocked in its bid Invitational Cherry Blossom Tournament sponsored by the to withdraw its seat on the ~ PhiIodemic Society. This tournament was the largest debate College Student Council by :::J tournament ever run in the the narow margin of one vote. Committee to Nominate history of the Philodemic. The dramatic session was one of .L I IL4 " Under the chairmanship of the best attended in recent Council M history due to the efforts of a emUers 0 u' "'11$$ Bob Mannion, the tournament newly-organized committee, "The 1For SproRck Memorial attracted 96 teams from all Hoyas for Good Government." 4 Nominations will be made over the United States in HOYA Editor - in - Chief Ken J what proved to be a preview of the Atchity addressed the Council re­ shortly by a committee of the National Debate Tournament to be garding a resolution introduced last week concerning The HOYA I,., Student Council for the Lam- held at West Point during the first bert H. Spronck Memorial week of April. Editorial Board's decision to move 1• 0 The Navy team defeated a for withdrawal from the College ! Award for utstanding Citi- strong team from Illinois State PARLIAMENTARIAN .•. John Hempelmann reluctantly approves legislative body. Atchity stressed zenship. The award, instituted University composed of Linda Kru- an amendment to the amendment. the position of the paper in regard to student government. He pointed ' by the Council last fall in memory ger and Helen Copeland. Both of the late Lambert Spronck, will teams entered the octo-finals with out the fact -that objective report­ be presented to the senior that 5-1 records. To reach the finals, the Students Propose Mag; ing is difficult when The HOYA possesses the qualities that Lam- Navy team defeated St. Joseph's, itself is deeply involved in the ,:>j bert Spronck demonstrated in his George Washington and the U ni­ governmental processes. Further­ j service to Georgetown. versity of Richmond. On the other Await Policy Approval more, he reported, the duties re­ - Lambert H. Spronck was a mem- hand, Illinois State defeated teams quired of The HOYA in govern· (Continued on Page 14) from Princeton, Northern Illinois, by Bill Kelly mental procedure are more time· 1 consuming than the new policy of i and Brandeis, the defending cham- March 20 is the date tentatively set for the appearance l pion. The HOYA permits. According to Octo-finals of the first issue of Stimulus, a new Campus publication for Atchity, it, is the place of a news­ Other teams which qualified for the expression of opinion on subjects relevant to -the George­ paper to make cogent observations, the octo-final round were St. An­ town student. It has been organized by a group of George­ not to implement legislation. The I selm, Ohio University, Kings Col­ Editor-in-Chief went on to point lege, Holy Cross, Marietta, and town College students under the editorial direction of College out that any supposed personal Wayne State, who had two teams senior Ed Fallon. At the present time, the formal proposal conflict about the decision to with­ in the finals. Georgetown entered for the formation of Stimulus draw The HOYA's Council seat three teams into the tournament college discipline, the fate of phi­ was solely out of concern for the and two of these teams, one com­ still needs the approval of losophy after graduation, princi­ welfare of the publication and did posed of junior Steve Varley and the Student Personnel Policy ples of curriculum change, birth not stem from a vindicative atti­ freshman Mike Naylor and another Committee which met Mon­ control, civil rights, etc. tude on the part of either the past of sophomores Jerry Mitchell and Regarding questions in which or present Editors. In regard to John Crosby, qualified for the octo­ day night. there would be the possibility of a any alleged animosity between The final round with 6-0 and 5-1 rec­ The new journal is designed clash between the Administration HOYA and the Yard Office, Atch­ } " and the journal the formulated pol­ ity stated that, "We feel that it ords respectively. Due to tourna­ to serve as a forum for the expres­ ment rules, these Georgetown icy of Stimulus stipulates, "In was caused by objective, and true, sion of opinion on questions rele­ neither editorials nor articles shall criticism of Yard activities." teams were inelligible to compete vant to the Georgetown student as for the Toohey Cup. we deal with specific instances of Hempelmann Beside the Toohey Prize Cup, a a student and as a person prepar­ University policy, but we shall re­ revolving trophy, the Naval Acad­ ing for a career and a place in so­ strict ourselves to the theories and Mter Atchity's address, Philo­ emy received a permanent silver ciety. Falling into this realm would philosophy behind them. ." demic representative John Hempel­ cup. After the final round of de­ be such subjects as the "social By expressly devoting itself to mann proposed an amendment to ~},\ bate, other finalists awards were awareness" of students at George­ intelligent discussion of such sub­ the Council Constitution which LAMBERT SPRONCK (Continued on Page 7) town, the value of theology courses, jects as those listed above, Stim­ would simultaneously permit The 1 ulus is designed to fill a distinct HOYA to withdraw its seat and need. Those who have brought substitute the International Rela­ Stimulus to its present stage of tions Club. Larry Shulman, repre­ .1 gestation feel that existing Campus sentative of WGTB-FM, objected Committee Sets Sheraton Ballroom publications function principally in to the resolution on the grounds the fields of news-reporting, cre­ that it merely introduced another ative literature, and academic or problem to the snowballing contro­ feature writing and therefore are versy, that of the qualifications of IFor 175t~YT~~~iyersary Celebration unable to give sufficient attention (Continued on Page 10) to those problems which will be dis­ ~ The 175th Anniversary Ball which takes place May 16 cussed in Stimulus without dilut­ '1 ing the content for which they are will be one of the social highlights of Georgetown's long responsible. history. The Executive Committee has made a great effort Student Medium to make the Ball an event of special satisfaction for George­ While intended to be primarily a student medium, members of the town students, faculty, alumni and their distinguished guests. faculty and administration, stu­ For over a year the Executive Committee, which in- dents from other Washington cam­ cludes the presidents of all puses, and the interested public other important events in Wash­ may submit relevant articles. The l three undergraduate student ington. The Grand Ballroom easily general criterion for publication f councils, has been working on holds two thousand couples and has will be "that the author presents , every aspect of the Ball. Prep- one of the largest dance floors in in an interesting and stimulating the nation's capital. manner a responsible and balanced arations are now complete Earl C. Hargrove, nationally viewpoint on a topic of concern to and the details ready for re­ known interior designer will dec­ the Christian college student.'T 'lease. orate the Grand Ballroom for the Arrangements have already been Place for the celebration is the dance. Hargrove, known for his made for the printing of 1,000 Sheraton Park's Grand Ballroom, work at the Pageant of Peace cel­ copies of the first issue for which traditional site for Inauguration ebration in Washington and nu­ articles have been written and ed­ Ball, the White House Press Din- merous Cherry Blossom Festivals ited. If final approval is granted, , ner, the Symphony Ball and many (Continued on Page 10) DONALD BUCKNER (Continued on Page 14) KEN ATCHITY Page Two I'H£ HOYA Thursday, March 12, 1964 Editorials: Letters To The Editor • • • Lambert Spronck The HOYA to widespread misunderstanding Spronck." Admittedly, the sentence . of this criticism.] in which this phrase appears is This week, the members of the Lambert H. Spronck To the Editor: so garbled that it looks as if there ROBERT A. LEDOUX was a misprint in which several Memorial Award Committee will begin a drive for student It has come to our attention Class of '66 through a member of your Editorial words were dropped. Nonetheless, subscription for the casting of this Medal, founded to honor HUGH M. RYAN as it stands, I fear that it could Board, that the men who picketed Class of '66 the Student Council Representative of last year's senior the Student Council meeting of convey the impression, to those GEOFFREY RIVERS who are unaware of Mr. Spronck's class, The Medal is unique in two ways. March first were doing so at the Class of '66 request of members of The HOYA attitude on this question, that he It differs from other medals of its type in that it must FRED J. KING favored removal of all activity staff. Even though the demonstra­ Class of '66 be given to a truly outstanding person. There is no regula­ tion by ten-odd students was in­ heads from the College Student T. C. BUSSONE Council. tion for its annual distribution.
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