1382. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD:::::: SENATE February 25 Miami, Fla., requesting passage of H. R. 2446 in Statuary Hall, in which it requested House Memorial 2 and H. R. 2447, Federal social security for the concurrence of the Senate. Memorial relating to offshore or tideland oil all; to the Committee on Ways and Means. deposits To the Congress of the United States: •• .... •• LEAVES OF ABSENCE Your memorialist respectfully represents: Mr. CHAVEZ. Mr. President, it is nec­ The United States Supreme Court has SENATE essary for me to be absent from the city ruled that offshore oil deposits, also known for the next 3 or 4 days. I ask that I be as tideland oil deposits, belong to all the WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1953 people of the United States. The Congress excused from attendance on sessions of of the United States has in study legislation The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown the Senate until Monday next. to define the mileage limits of the coastal Harris, D. D., offered the following The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ States. prayer: jection, it is· so ordered. In recent years the cost of building, main­ On request of Mr. CLEMENTS, and by taining, and operating schools has increased Our Father God, as in reverence we unanimous consent, Mr. KILGORE was ex­ to an extent rendering it extremely difficult hallow Thy name, so may we hallow our cused from attendance upon the session for State and local taxing units to provide adequate facilities for the growing number of own as we k~ep our . honor bright, of the Senate today. children of school age. It is estimated that our hearts pure, our ideals untarnished, Arizona alone needs a hundred and twenty and our devotion to the Nation's weal million dollars to take care of urgent school high and true. In these fateful days for COMMITTEE MEETING DURING needs. whose decisions the future will judge us, SENATE SESSION Wherefore your memorialist, the House of by Thine enabling might may we main­ On request of Mr. TAFT, and by unani­ Representatives of the State of Arizona, tain our integrity unsullied by animosi­ mous consent, a subcommittee of the urgently requests: ties, prejudices, or personal ambitions. Committee on the Judiciary was au­ , 1. That legislation be enacted providing Save us from the disguises and pretenses that revenue accruing to the United States thorized to meet this afternoon during Government from the production of offshore of our own hearts which make us un­ the session of the Senate. or tidelands oil be apportioned to the sev­ worthy to wear the vesture of the gallant eral States for aid to schools on a per capita · knighthood gf Thine eternal purpose for basis. human brotherhood. As our frail hands EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. Passed the house February 9, 1953. have a part in the shaping of the world The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Filed in the office of the secretary of that is to be, give to us the vision, the Senate the following letters, which were state February 9, 1953. wisdom, and the courage that will make referred as indicated: for both justice and lasting peace in all PROPOSED SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION To the earth. We ask it in the Redeemer's, PAY CLAIMS FOR 'DAMAGES, AUDITED CLAIMS, PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS name. Amen. AND JUDGMENTS (S. Doc. No. 19) Petitions, etc., were laid before the A communication from the President of Senate, or presented, and referred as the United States, transmitting a proposed indicated: THE JOURNAL supplemental appropriation to pay claims for By the VICE PRESIDENT: On request of Mr. TAFT, and by unani­ damages, audited claims, and judgments rendered against the United States, in the A resolution of the Legislature of the State mous consent, the reading of the Jour­ of Nebraska; to the Committee on Rules and amount of $13,230,037.30 ~with accompanying nal of the proceedings of Monday~ Feb­ papers); to the Committee on Appropria­ Administration: ruary 23, ·1953, was dispensed with. tions and ordered to be printed. ''Legislative Resolution 6 REPORT ON BACKLOG OF PENDING APPLICATIONS "Whereas the various States have enacted AND HEARING CASES, FEDERAL COMMUNICA• primary election laws that vary in the MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT TIONS COMMISSIO!O method of obtaining an advisory vote on presidential candidates; and Messages in writing from the President A letter from the Chairman, Federal Com­ of the United States submittring nomina­ munications Commission, transmitting, pur­ "Whereas it would be more representative suant to law, a report on backlog of pending of the people if the advisory vote obtained tions were communicated to the Senate before the national conventions was uni­ by Mr. Miller, one of his secretaries. applications and hearing cases in that Com­ mission, as of January 31, 1953 (with an form: Now, therefore, be it accompanying report); to the Committee on "Resolved by the members of the Nebraska Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Legislature in 65th session assembled-- MESSAGE FROM .THE HOUSE "1. That the Co-.gress of the United States A message from the House of Repre­ enact a 'law establishing a uniform election OFFSHORE OR TIDELAND OIL DE­ procedure for obtaining an advisory vote for sentatives, by Mr. Chaffee, one of its presidential candidates. reading clerks, announced that the POSITS-LETTER AND MEMORIAL "2. That copies of this resolution, suitably House had passed a bill <H. R. 2230.) to­ The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the engrossed, be transmitted by the clerk of amend the act of June 23, 1949, as Senate a letter from the Governor of the the legislature to the Vice President of the amended, to remove the monthly limita­ State of Arizona, transmitting a copy United States as Presiding Officer of the Sen­ tions on official long-distance telephone of a memorial of the house of repre­ ate of the United States, to the Speaker of calls and official telegrams of Members the House of Representatives of the United sentatives- of that State, which, with the States, and to each Member from Nebraska of the House of Representatives without accompanying paper, was referred to the in the Congress of the United States. affecting the annual limitation on such Committee on Interior and Insular Af­ "CHARLES J. WARNER, telephone calls and telegrams, in which fairs and ordered to be printed in the "President of the Legislature." it requested the concurrence of the Sen­ REcoRD, as follows: A concurrent resolution of the Legislature ate. OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR, of the State of South Dakota; to the Com­ The message also announced that the STATE HOUSE, mittee on Agriculture and Forestry: House had agreed to the concurrent res­ Phoenix, Ariz., February 19, 1953. "Senate Concurrent Resolution 6 olution <S. Con. Res. 4) authorizing the Hon. RICHARD NIXoN, President of the United States Sen­ "Concurrent resolution memorializing the printing of additional copies of prayers Congress of the United States of America offered by the Chaplain, the Reverend ate, Senate Office Building, Wash­ ington, D. C. to provide for the control of noxious weeds Peter Marshall, D. D., at the opening of MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: Enclosed herewith on federally owned or controlled lands the daily sessions of the Senate of the you will find a certified copy of Arizona's "Be it resolved by the Senate of the State United States during the 80th and 81st House Memorial No. 2 relating to offshore or of South Dakota 'the House of Representa­ Congresses. tideland oil deposits. tives concurring) : The message further announced that You will note that this is a memorial of "Whereas federally owned and controlled the House had agreed to a concurrent the house of representatives only. lands are infested with noxious weeds, which resolution <H. Con. Res. 64) authorizing Furthermore, this letter is not meant to infestation is increasing and spreading; and the Washington State Whitman Statue carry any implication of endorsement on.my "Whereas these areas so infested are a part of the sentiments expressed in the me­ menace to other lands, private and public, Committee to place temporarily in the morial. and a handicap to State weed control officers rotunda of the Capitol a statue of the Sincerely, in performing their duties; and late Dr. Marcus Whitman, the holding HOWARD PYLE, "Whereas Federal agencies often fail to of ceremonies, and· permanent location Governor. cooperate with State laws; and 1953 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 1383 "Whereas in the second session of the 82d ''Adopted by the senate January 26, 1953. · the basin that will give full and democratic Congress the Honorable KARL MUNDT and the "Adopted by the house February 13, 1953. powers and responsibilities to local, State, Honorable HAROLD 0. LOVRE introduced bills . "Approved by the governor February 19, and national levels of government, with providing for the control of noxious weeds on 1953. domina ~ ion by no one level; and in which federally owned or ·controlled lands, which "Filed in the office of the secretary of the private citizens of the basin shall be bills are being held in abeyance: Now, there· state February 19, 1953." given an effective voice. fore, be it (The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the 7. We commend this expression to our na· "Resolved, That the Senate of the 33d ses· Senate a joint resolution of the Legislature tiona! organization for consideration and sion of the South Dakota Legislature, the · of the State of Arizona identical with the action, -and to the people of the Missouri Hc;mse of Representatives concurring therein, foregoing, which was referred to the Com· Basin. It is our hope that it will become do memorialize the Congress of the United mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs.) the foundation for a peoples• program for States to provide for the control of noxious By Mr.
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