Crews control: Foul shots sink Wayne Memorial, CI - i Honielbwn .i:ilM>IUMl:ATIflNH HU[TtVMHq* Putting you In touch Thursday with your world September 10,1998 Serving the Westland Community for 34years ^:-^¾ VOLUME 34 NUMBER 28 WESTLANO. MICHIGAN • 64 PAGES • http://observereccentric.com SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS O1M8 [IpmeT«wn Communication* Network, Ine: IN THE PAPER TODAY Republican state House candidate Steve Con- day morning, initially denied ever ley issued a statement claiming endorsements meeting or endorsing Conley, but said ELECTION 1998 later in the morning that Conley jarred ; from foiir area elected officials, But Wayne* his memory with a phone call. " Westland school trustee Ed Turner denies wShame on me for not remembering^" tion issues. ' COUNTY NEWS endbrsingrConley; Yacksaid. Turner conceded that he and Conley met about four months ago to talk, but BY DARRELL CLEM land City Councilman Charles Picker­ Conley, in his first bid for public StudentsTwin; School­ STAFFWRITER office, hot only touted four endorse­ Turner denied agreeing to endorse ing, Canton To\vnshjp Supervisor Tom .• Conley. Turner said he isn't endorsing Yack and Wayne-Westland school ments in a statement; issued Tuesday* craft-s Culinary Extrava­ Republican state House candidate but he also quoted Bennett, Pickering, in the 18th District, which includes Steve Conley on Tuesday touted trustee Ed Turner. most of Westland and a small portion ganza on Sunday, Sept. Bennett and Pickering immediately Yack and Turner. He said the quotes endorsements from four incumbent came from notes he took while meeting of Canton Township. 20, will[spotlight some of politicians, but one of them denied sup­ confirmed their support when contact­ But Conley said Turner told him that ed Tuesday, but Turner denied endors-; separately with them". the finest eateries in the porting him. vl have nothing against the gentle­ "he would be more than happy to Conley issued a statement claiming ing Conley's campaign against 18th endorse me:rt Conley said he personally metro Detroit area. /A7 District state Rep. Eileen DeHdirt, p- man, but I did hot make that state­ endorsements from state Sen. I^oren ment/" Turner said, referring to a quote jotted down Turner's remarks during Bennett, R-Caritbn Township; We a t^ Westland. •-• Yack, reached, at his office Wedhes: he supposedly gave Conley on educa- ••. ..'.;. Please see ENDORSE, A3 COMMUNITY LIFE Banding together Loving *Lucyfi When the "50th Annual Primeiime Warming up: Emmy Awards" airs on Bundled up to fight the Sunday evening, 11 -year- evening old Carly Bradford will chilli West- he watching, not to see land John George Clooney or Jimmy Glenn senior Smits. She'll be looking Kristin for herself among a video Quint tribute to television histo- rehearses "The Star- ry./Bl Spangled Banner" with the AT HOME marching bqndTues* On the wild side: Livonia day. The residents made their back band will yard into a wildlife habi­ perform at Glenn's foot­ tat, a place of beauty and ball home tranquility that attracts a opener this variety of small Friday creatures. /D6 •'- against Ply­ mouth Can^ ton; ENTERTAINMENT Theater: Meadow Brook Theatre's 1998-99 season opens Sept. 16 with "The Merry Wives of Windsor" by William Shake- STAFF PHOTO BY TOM HAWIEY speare./El Comedy: On a dare from " " : *' friends, former journalist BY DARRELL CLEM peutic program director Margaret Mar­ Kathleen Madigan went STAFFWRITER • 'We have 100 spaces. Right now we have a little over tin said. up to the mike at a come­ Listen up, b&rgain-hunters. half of them rented, so we still have a lot of spaces (eft.' The programs get their money from dy club. It was the start of A Westland community garage sale space rentals at the garage sale. Cost is featuring 100 booths will be open 9 RohaeleBowman $20.per space or $25 for "premium" anew career,/Bl a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday* Sept. 26, in a -Westland Youth Assistance director locations around the garage sale public parking lot next to Westland periphery. City Hall, 36601 Ford. Money from the. • Westland Youth Assistance, which cally impaired people who might other­ Anyone who rents a space gets to garage sale will go for programs that provides mentors and a wide array of wise lack oppbrtunities to mingle and keep the money they earn from selling REAL ESTATE help troubled youths and disabled peo­ services to help steer troubled youths share experiences. items. ':;''/' ple of all ages, organizers said Tues­ toward better behavior. The autumn garage sale will be simi­ "We have 100 spaces. Right now we Huh? Hon; do you tell a day. • '.••'• ::: •. •, Westland Therapeutic Recreation lar to a spring event in May that raised have a little over half of them rented% The garage sale will benefit two Club, which sponsors field trips and $2,000 for the two organizations. house with "Lots of Char­ organizations: other programs for mentally and physi­ "It helps to defray pur costs,'* thera­ Please see SALE, A2 acter" from "A Charmerl/*% INDEX BY DARRELL CLEM assume it was careless smoking, but deserves some credit because they real­ dows and into the roof when firefight­ STAJFWRITtR we have been unable to determine that ly helped these families until they can ers arrived on the scene,.Harder said. find housing or get help through other One apartment was severely dam-, I Places ai^ Faces M Tenants of 12 Westland apartments as an exact cause," he said. are looking for new residences after a Fire officials have ended/their inves­ agencies," . '. aged, while threo^ others suffered "fair­ I Classified Index F5 tigation at the apartment complex on A single woman who lives in the ly heavy" damage and the remaining fire forced them out, a fire official said. eight had mostly water and smoke Real Estate F5 The fire left $150,000 in damages but Christine, northwest of Ford and Wild- apartment where' the fire started told Wood. officials she had stepped out for 20 damage, Harder said; Crossword ^ F6 injured no one when it erupted at 3:45 p.m. Sept. 2 inside Hampton Court "The Red Cross came to the sceno minutes and returned to find the resi­ 'They'll have to put a whole hew roof jlobs Apartments, Westland Assistant Fire and found shelter for the 12 displaced dence in flames. on the entire building and repair the Fire spread through the building and individual units," he said. Home & Service _ Jl_ Chief Patrick Harder said.' families and provided them with food and clothing," ho said. "The Red Cross flames were shooting through two win­ Automotive _ "The fire started on a bed, and we - / ... ' . Please seeTIRE, A2 I Opinion _ •!'•_ Aip-ir IjCalendar . :";•_; •?*; •T I Sports •„:1-c.t. t ELECTION ROUNPTABLE GUEST FORM I Real Estate Fl Let the campaigns begin! i Narnej_ ^ _ .__:; ; , i While candidates Roundtables will be held 7-9 p.m. ! Ao^ress: _ :._„..: /1S'^';flrt pounding the Wednesday and Thursday, Sept.'23-. 1 0 1 Business Phone; HOW TO REACH US • 6' /i A' . pavement, dominat- 24, in our corporate headquarters" at bopj -':?!)?. ?.^. -^. --..-. M?> ji•'%. ''•' ing the airwaves and 36251 Schoolcraft Road, Livonia. i Education: I -•-••--•--•••--v- .,-: •• ••• • •-.••-• . NeWstoom: 734-953-2104 the print media, wc We're looking for a good cross-sec­ believe voters have a lot to say. We'd tion of voters.So if you've got an opin­ f Employment:; ._•./^ /_'_..,. Newsroom Fax: 734-591-7279 ion and are available both evenings, like to hear from yon - the average ! Professional Affiliations: E-mail: bJftchmaneM.hofrwcofrini.net Voter - on what you believe arc please fill out the guest form which Nightline/Sports: 734-953-2104 important issues in the November accompanies this article. Community/Involvement:......,'...".....: .. :... Reader Comment Line: 734-953-2042 election for governor. We'll notify you'if you are scire ted. The Observer will host a Citizens' The sessions will be photographed What Issues are Important to you in the November election? Classified Advertising: 734-591-0900 i Election Roundtable later this month and serve as the basis for storieR to t . Display Advertising: 734-591-2300 and we're looking for a few.residents appear on the Westland Observer op­ i i Home Delivery: 734-591-0500 to join others throughout your home­ ed pages before the Nov. 3 election. i town circulation area for a lively dis­ Our readers are well-informed and i i Prop this form off or mull It to: cussion of what's important to you -- have lots to say - 'wo know localise ( i Westland Editor Beth Su'ndrla Jachmon the ayerago voter. yoU write us, e-mail if* and fax vis on i- i The roundtablcs will include discUs- a daily basis. We're counting on a ) 36251 Scnoqlcwfl,-tlvonla, Mich. 48150 » "srons on the gubernatorialrace and ^_ :10^^1^16^1^.00^^6^3311^. You i Or you can fox thl* form to: i statewide ballot issues (physician- provide the.opinions, we'll provide the i -^--{IMymX.JZJS}---^.- ). assisted suicide and Clean tyichigan). snacks and the moderator. v. ¢831/4 10011 6 •t 4«W) The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER XO, 1998 90-year-old woman dies Kids' creations of car accident injuries A 90-year-old woman died Sat­ was a passenger in a car driven urday morning from injuries she by her 75-year-old sister, Nellie suffered in an Aug. 31 accident Szewchuk, also of Dearborn in, We»tland, Sgt. Peter Brokas Heights, police said. said. Police said Szewchuk was Mary Zapliny's death came five days after the car she was turning from westbound Warren riding in was hit by a pickup onto southbound Central City truck in the intersection of War­ Parkway when she apparently ren Road and Central City Park­ pulled in front of a Ford F-160 way.
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