s UiLP* —Try C. P. WWW Me Tobacco. —TM gray* era^ la this ho Umi b aa FMttT abundant om litis x«MMi. —A Mod mw for ial«. Kuquirw of Iavuu Iiu A LiMif. —Try (h« Wirttlug Cryaul for sale it Dm nur Urwvry. —Th# Kriakllu IIchiac , IkHrolt, U centrally loiviksl, ami Slate Fdlrftlal-j DRESS - MAKi tur« will ft ml tills a fuotl place to stop. —All thu prwlt) and alyl tab aliape* Independent In ioilltV hat* maj bo found al Mbs The Clinton H. L. Hkka'. ESTABLISHMENT —Look at that usn styles In fall MU* Hurry uow ou eabibluoti at Mrs, F. W. Lm’s. —Thfl coal stores are bin* got into yUtSMsdaixte U» throw-out their cheery ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY, SEPT. 11, 1879. WHOLE NO. (173. Ta be spend la IT. an«l comforting Halit a$d beat. VOL. XIII.—NO. 4H. — Beautiful new styles in lodla* ’ fall‘ an 1 winter C luaks, Just received at A.i order uf rt ct SS- esuuM, raoatauoi ants mabjm Eight served lo rh it ALTAR. L. Holler A Co.'s, —(*. I*. Wlckes sell* the hest Tea for LINT OF rUMIlNO. Itaut U bushel OeU pea* ________ TS SS U ui ramary . aleu right to —A handsome line of later just •eld Iteana carmtly nauei ?l ¥ M < ..Msuslikee- w tu HrunsoN li HewUl. Wm of weather HOLTON MHIFI.D* la Detrott. Hetdembev Id on «r sktui alio lol off •*( the money. tlaaa 1»— riurrsiiu i imMafl Ka trance tee ten pmc cent, of purse, should Ac- IS7S, at the residence of the bride a aunt, Mr opened at the lulllinery store of Mrs. —Ho to \. L. IHitler A Co.'s for s Tw bu iwsrSrS al III# TaiNlr* CoasasUlev —MerrlU Lyoa, Tboaaaa llatnilloa Beat double carriage ............ ... $X «> |1 00 tom pa ay entry. Cbartea I Holton and Mias Kituc Hbirlda, both Mrs. J. I. WRIT, Y» H . Ia*e. new and stylish suit of Clothing, s* they Ilf lb Aaaaal kibltuiss of lbs I* is. Lowasl* alugle rarrlogs ,... x oo i m* Hay at raw and aUtdibg Iran to nil boraas entered of Ukla village —The ls»e lea al lh« Star tiro* gpg nou olhrlng but gains t liaisa « wMMiar Africaliarsl is- H«vt all stalk* of celery In edible oon- double buggy < u... rletf, is be bs(4 la bl. Jsksi, mm n fhsl and veil grova f K S3 atnvte bumpy (epea i Vbe trotting rare* will be governed by the Hu lee On lheir arrival si bum# in the evening they eery. ThmSsi, UtSarsSay, Tbarsfav Itaat 1 bead* multiuser ........... Su SS Skeleton buggy .....| nod Itegulatioaa at the MaUuoal Trutting Aaaorla- were greeted and ware and eg by ten lit cornet band, Aiilrra »* Mlork, — L. K. Patterson, grocer, has made Card si Tlaaafcae sad ftrldav, ertsbrr Tib, Nlb.tMh S heads brucsusll ...... Ad S3 sulky.. ........... ■ s-T-r-r- llM a* amend-i exeeyd aa etbervlae apmlAed ; and of which organisation Mr. H<dtoa la ft tevorite Mrs. J. N. Do 1 • ltd lOlb, lOW. (anu wag->n ............... running races by rales of American Jut key Hub. an assignment to Sheriff MiJhmald for Prof. F. L. White and the singers of • bead s ral single wagon ______ member, and which was concluded by hearty eon- Jg nQW receiving h©r StOCk Ot the benellt of his creditors. A Aral* rwl No Ume will be declared from the Judge ’s stand St. Johns tender their thanks to K. C. I beads early «ab bwt> sleighs ....... mm.. on any res but tba free-fur- all. gratulatloas to blmaalf and estimable bride. —Our enterprbing young friend White and wtfofor the kind reception HOMSM. • hunches early lelture cutter. ................ Fairies Lu be made with H Dulbde. Hecretarr, SL Each Ash has moved ii|mhi his new (old) ri iw I— r»»a s li von I l^iuc bea late V'ttssre M SS double term harness .. John*, Mk h . and will Hues Tunaday, Ucuteer 7th, • given them after the concert at Ovid double carriage barns I* M ill open tain rsaaretk*r«.Btiertten with her MfN farm iu Duplaln tow nship. Monday evening, September lsl. (WaalllM—Was. Hynra, 1 K. J o. u. t^dssa Sal table turnip* Mima. M S3 sen, Irst south of th* First KiUmmI NmA white so ret turnip* ,HM. » 23 single harnras —A. L. Butler A Co. hare now a full w M. vbtte gulden cerrota ..... 73 An X-1 All arth lea In this Ham I tel* 1.4 I A I. PHKlIl ia. BAfb (K E -Al obe reaid anew of b la daughter. Mrs aoworltuwnl of the celebrated Duplex Fom Salk . —A house and four acres Hast tealllow four year* oUl or «*•#-... •ft sa yellow swede turnip* 7S Ass S3 the county by tb* exhibitor F W kke* offers 32 on beat Vgallon crock A. <Jranger, In the township of Oliva, (listen and Warner's health Dorset*. of laud in the village of St. Johns, or I •tailloo ibear years *■* ------.... « « t m ubite rutabaga ...... 73 So 23 CLAM SS— hOMKOTK MAaCVACTl OKA butler, f 1 sound beat, and tl on led roll butter. county, August 20th, of cancer la the stomach, ■tallvoa l«« yean uU t Ou 2 u. rsrrota lung orange ,..... 73 So S3 ('iwultlf* Mrs C L Wlhou. Mrs. ((range 1’r M I. Ongg offbr* a |*ir of Kht gloves valued I William Hnucoi k, agud 74 years and thru months. —The St. Johns Manufacturing Oh’s will exchange It Tor land, or turn it yrUlibg U>\, i yean uU ui or or ...... 4 «*> t wu rarn>tatabort born ...... 78 M S at El ter Ik* brwt apierlmcn of ladle*' driving, re­ The d arena ad vae an only brother of Marvin . s su VrblUuck, Mrs M f. t utter. gard lews of afieed Fall saw mill in this village started up ou SS part payment for a farm I will rMla| tbrae yean <»M............... t o» hluud beets fur cal see.... So X6 mom a mail liabrork, of te John* He vu ltlvral. kind and Tnestlay last after a real of uearly three cMiuf I v« yean 44 ......... ... S OS s so turnip. beeU f.»r ral. uar SO Sft tteueg* H Hteiteamn offers on# dress and lining, DA1SS-MIIINS Mil take a good team, harness and wagon om lour yean old or orer ............ « to t UU maagel vurtael ....... 78 34 S3 rag nnet (not leas than 10 yds.) — It uu f 73 value of fft. for tne l>eat lady equeatrUin, distance ^ ' good . and although not a < hrl-tiaa. he aimed to be months, as part pay meiit. Grcenlutcks w ill not asir llim yean <>kd_ .......... .... S an t OU Fvea. b sugar tseeia - 73 AO S3 hearthtb rug 73 !» mile, nut tee* than tv* Lo enter, spec*! not to be con ­ just to all. lie was a bold and coeuraeuxu oj«po- .30 sidered —For a desirable slock of millinery be refused. Enquire of i>. ('. Kurd. loan tvo yean old...... ...... ... S so * SO pmr-otre ........ 30 X3 teakhHcarpet ruOMOM 73 J nent of the myths and *uprr*tltlous dogma* of the Which vill be <ouducted by good* to make your fall selections from lone cull owe year eld X to I as rad t*!>< », in idlbl* coad'a 30 S3 vbtte worked or quilted bed aprrol 73 .30 F. H Lyon offers |1 ter tbe beet stallion and six mare evil oae j _J w> t as I perk red entoee ............. 73 30 S3 knit Id *|.rra>l ... .............. 73 30 of bis eofu, tbr all Mirjmam Nkbolae Eing ufferv churrh, and uu. hanged In hi* rcllgiwu* up*luioiu, he Millinery call on Mbs II. 1M Hicks, over .\lcPar­ Notice .—The *uh«crit»cr wishes to I if»a ceMuiclues brI. yean or o»#r 4 uu S te* yellow .«ol«*oe .............. 73 So ‘/ft oat. hwork ipulll (m>t silk). ....... 78 30 3* a» a second premium to Arst. j retain ad full paaoiou of hia menial faculties to ian's hardware. #ay to the public that whetherhis work •fan mamm luur yean oM or over .. 4 SS S tw vbtte onions....... ........ 75 Ao SS lug eaten quilt .............. 7S 30 K H l*e> k, of tbe Ferrtn Uuuae, offers •2 fur tbe •fao rrHli»r and man, 4ya or orer 4 Ou 1 00 pnUties or other Multi­ alia quilt j*t< h work ....... .......... 73 30 siklug horse, one mile, and II for second i (be very last, lie tu nut only vlUlng, hut even — A handsome line of fall Millinery lx* flr>t-« l.o- or otherwise, he wishes | a|wn 1 yean oM aaarra or frkltnfa 4 SU « tw pliers. with ybM........ 75 So Sft Heat puUr wualea aucks................... .30 Xft II anxious to die- The orthodox bell bad no terrors now ready for lns|>ectinit at Mrs. I. the |»ooiile to be Judge —not some little broad mare atlh bal.................... 4 W 1 SI. Heat | dua. Tr-«pby lotiuto* .......... 30 ZS wueten kull atockings ............ .30 /ft ' • sllovey rattle and Aaacrl- jof ^1|0 |B(| „hcn the Ume arrived he muk late s W. Lue't, llrat north of the corner to ­ Insignificant amateur tintypist. He roll umirr oae y«ar...~~.-........ X su I tw Victor toMabasa.. ......... Id Xft worsted knit abektuga w ... Ad 23 an Merino >hv|>. <4brs fi f..r the beet baa blv* fur 1 rfn Summerville, aay other rarW*y.......... Su js linen knit stockings ftO Xft wintering lev ; veld blew to contain a colony of tranqoel *wret sleep, and ailkuul a struggle, pvsaed bacco store.
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