7 E \ TH AMERICAN Established 1882 Established 1B82. Entered, as second-class matter June 26, 1885, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under Act of March 3rd One Dollar Per Annum PUBLISHED BY A MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO THE ELEVATOR AND GRAIN INTERESTS. j. \ ^SINGLE COPIES. 15 CENTS Mitchell Brothers Publishing Co. VOL. XXXVII 431 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., January 15, 1919 NO. 7 YOUR CONSIGNMENTS GRAIN, PROVISIONS, RECEIVE A WELCOME STOCKS, Buyers WHICH PROTECTS BONDS. OF YOUR VERY OBJECT We solicit consignments and offers of cash grain, also future delivery orders on all exchanges. Clover AND 322 Postal Telegraph Bldg. CHICAGO Direct Private Wires to New York and Illinois and Iowa Points IPKENNA & RODGERS Timothy GRAIN 60 BOARD OF TRADE Established 1877 Seed CHICAGO LANGENBERG BROS. GRAIN CO. Mail Samples for Top Market Bids GRAIN and HAY Milwaukee OUR EARNEST APPEAL Seed Company We Solicit Your Consignments A DEAL MILWAUKEE, WIS. ASSURES GOOD ST. LOUIS MISSOURI THE ILLINOIS SEED CO. Carlisle Commission Co. (Established 1889) GRASS FIELD SEEDS Hay and Alfalfa Meal Products 736-738-746 Live Stock Exchange Building BUYERS CHICAGO SELLERS KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI TT (The ' rld's Greatest Hay Market) Ask for Samples Mail Samples for Bids t If you have Ha if. ; it— if you want Hay we have it. We have un- TIMOTHY, CLOVERS, ALSIKE, ALFALFA, MILLETS, RED- equalled facilities, ine largest established trade and outlet. Liberal advances on consignment. Kansas City handling TOP, BLUEGRASS, SEED GRAIN, GRAIN BAGS, Etc. charges the lowest, service the best. Write Us Your Needs in Alfalfa M ' C *W Delivered Price Courteen Seed Co BSner] MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN Consignments, *'To j:illllllllltllllllllllllllll|IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIin Arrive" Offers and — Covers all markets. Ask for the weekly or — Shipping Orders — dally Issue. Has the largest circulation of any 5 Solicited — grain literature. S CLOVER and TIMOTHY Ship Your Grain and Seeds to 1 SSf E- W. Wagner & Co. SSSi 1 C. H. Thayer & Co., « Members New York Stock Exchange ~ Established 1892 ™ Members New York Cotton Exchange — ™ Members Chicago Board of Trade 2 Rookery Bldg., Chicago Z Continental 6c Commercial Bank Bldg. 2 Send us your hedging orders in {siiiiiiiiiiiiiitiMiiiiiiuiiiiiiiniumiiiiiimBin and future grai n, seeds and pro- visions. Orders exe- cuted in all markets. " Service SEEDS Satisfaction SPECIAL PRICES ON GRAIN BAGS tiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiBla Write Us When Interested Established 32 Years CHICAGO — IHEy^MERiCAN ELEVATOR AND Year January 15, 1919 GRAIN TRADE Thirty-Seventh nets GreaterEfficiency Has Come to Stay UT from the stress of war-time pro- Oduction emerges a Greater Diamond— A Diamond super-efficient—with tremen- dously increased capacity — its quality standards yet higher than ever before. Just as the aeroplane industry, under the whip and spur of stern necessity advanced twenty years in two, so has Diamond leaped ahead along the path of progress. Production precedents in every industry have been shattered —new standards have been established. The brilliant achievements of Diamond Experts are permanently incorporated with Diamond products. Diamond Grain Belts, so good before that they ranked second to none, have been still further improved. Our belt for ele- vating the grain has been given greater strength. The life of our horizontal belt has been materially lengthened. Don't be satisfied with pre-war stand- ards investigate Diamond. the .Diamond Rubber Co. (Incorporated) Factories: AKRON, OHIO BELTS —HOSE — PACKING THEAMERIC\N ELEVATOR AND January 15, 1919 GRAIN TRADE 475 THE OWNER OF A WESTERN "Western" Rolling- Com Screen Cleaner EQUIPPED ELEVATOR % WEARS A SMILE FROM EAR TO EAR A prosperous year is assured the plant that is built around Western Machinery. They are wonders for work and the Nation-wide urge for economy and service ||^ is nowhere answered more sincerely than in their efficiency of operation. By perfection i of design and careful construction all Western Machines have been given a low operating <^ cost; and constant reliability that brings an unusually high return on the owner's investment 'Western" Gyrating Cleaner No Disappointments Are Built Into ilk WESTERN MACHINES % They Reflect; in full measure the supreme accomplishment in the development of modern elevator equipment, and offer a dependable long term of service that is the final element in determining true value and 'Western" Fitless Warehouse Sheller economy. Up-to-date equipment is the entering wedge for larger business. We have built a great reputation upon the reliability of the Western line and it will pay you to investigate before you build or remodel your plant. We will be very glad to send you our illustrated catalog of complete elevator equipment. UNION IRON WORKS DECATUR, - - - ILLINOIS Complete Line of Shellers and Cleaners Kept at 1400-1402 West 12th Street Kansas City, Mo. "Western" Warehouse Combined Sheller XHE^MERICAN ELEVATOR AND 476 GRAIN TRADE Thirty-Seventh Year TheNew Earn Big Money Process Expand Your Business With a New Line Both Profitable and Patriotic Here is a wonderful opportunity to engage in the nation's most needed business — an un- rivaled chance for great financial success. Make flour of wheat and other grains grown at home, milled at home and sold at home to home people. Rich rewards await men with or without previous milling experience. Re- quires but small investment. Easy terms per- mit you to pay from profits. Please read carefully, then send coupon. ; Be the Proprietor of the Best Paying Business la Town Made of This Mill Will Wheat Get You the Grain Business Grown at of Your Home 9&? Community. Milled at Milled It Will Be Your Greatest Aid in Home Exclusively Solving the Sold at Home on the AMERICAN Problem of Competition. To Home People (Midget) MARVEL MILL Over 1,300 in Successful America's Operation Throughout Community Flour the U. S. i ' The American (Midget) Marvel Mill can be installed in small space, 1,ETUS requires but one man to operate and takes little power. It will produce iPLACF^ more pure white, nutritious flour per bushel of clean wheat than any lYOUi other milling process. .Here! To make success assured, we virtually enter into partnership with you and work with you in the operation of the mill and in building up a profitable business. Owners of this wonderful mill are entitled to market their flour under our nationally advertised brand — FLavo FLour. It gives them membership in the Community Marvel Millers Association. Investigate this opportunity. Men of action are the winners in life. Send the coupon now. No three cent investment ever offered you more. the anglo.american mill go., 445 Trust Bldg., Owensboro, Ky. Send full details of your wonderful flour mill, free trial offer, easy terms and co-operative plan. Name .... The Anglo-American Mill Co. Business 445 Trust Building Owensboro, Kentucky Address (245) THE^MERICAN ELEVATOR AND - January 15, 1919 GRAIN TRADE I A Two-Way Profit for Grain Dealers | Buy the Farmer's Grain—Sell Him Sucrene Feeds Under the stress of high grain prices farmers generally have adopted the policy of selling their grain and buying Sucrene Feeds for their live stock. Many grain dealers are taking advantage of this change in feeding method to find it brings them profits they never had before. Of 1 , 1 00 grain dealers who built elevators last year, over 400 built large feed warehouses in connection with them, carrying large stocks of ready mixed feeds to supply the demand of farmers whose grain they bought. Sucrene Feeds Offer Dealers Strongest Guarantee of Permanent Business Because they are not merely fall and winter sellers, but all year 'round sellers —no left-over stocks. Because they are distinctive among mixed feeds in being a complete line of correctly balanced, highly palatable, guaranteed quality rations for all live stock and poultry. Because dairymen and stock feeders find these feeds more economical to buy and more profitable to feed than ordinary rations. Because the name "Sucrene" has been made familiar to dairy men and stock raisers through continuous large space advertising and through 1 8 years' steadily growing popularity among leaders in the live stock business. ^llllllllllllllllHlllllllinillllHIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIMIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ^ ^iiiiiiiHmiiiiiiiimiiiliHmiiiiiiiMiiiiliiuiiiimiiiminiiiiiii£ We co-operate closely and aggressively I The Sucrene \ | We solicit 1 Line 1 Includes: \ with dealers through our salesmen. consignments | 1 Sucrene Dairy Feed 1 We supply you with attractive literature on all Sucrene Feeds for 1 of grain for 1 Sucrene Calf Meal | | free distribution among your farmer customers. Now is the time I Sucrene Hog Meal 1 | merchandising. | to push Sucrene Feeds. Take advantage of the new conditions to 1 Sucrene Poultry Mash 1 | with Buttermilk establish your permanent leadership in the feed trade. | 1 Have ample | | Sucrene Scratch Feeds | | storing, | I Sucrene Alfalfa Horse I Feed American Milling Company sacking and | | § | Amco Fat Maker (for 1 1 shipping I steers) | Dept. 54 Peoria, Illinois | | Dairy | Amco Feed (25% 1 | facilities. | | Protein) | Branches : Syracuse, N. Y., Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mass., iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiE ~i 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 [ 1 1 1 4 1 1 i 1 1 1 mil Illllllllllllll|]llll(lllllll>3 Cleveland, O. JHE^MERICAN ELEVATOR AND 478 GRAIN TRADE Thirty-Seventh Year Complete Elevator Machinery Outfits The Early Bird Catches the Worm , Shops and Tools expressly designed for the manufacture of Elevator Machinery and Supplies For Quality, Modera te Prices and Prompt Service always deal with a specialist MILL BUILDERS AND • MILL FURNISHERS «, ESTABLISHED I860. MOUNE,HXINOISkUS.A ELEVATOR AND January 15, 1919 GRAIN TRADE 479 HE dry dust which collects in the grain elevator is natu- rally more or less injurious to belt- ing. Only the very highest grade of belting can withstand it. GOOD belting under these con- ditions will retain its pull and pliability. RELIO is one of the brands of belting that we recommend highly for this service.
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