WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 9 ,194T ‘TIm W oatkffr A T o n g o DoUf d m d a t lo a I^AGE TWENTT Paraeaat at D. ■>. Waathar BaraOa jHanrtr«0trr lEttenitt^ Jf^roUi I t e tta Maath at Oatohao, 1*41 in local federal project atatue la Fair sad eoatlaaad eold toalght Miss Esther Steger is chairman Members of Rockville Lodga of 9^11 fcuptttng iUpraUi New Yorker FindM Honest Uiia area now. ■ad Friday. i of the committee of arrange- Elks who dealre to attend DUtrict Orford Village Miller further inUaiated that FENDER AND BODY Alice Cofran Blamhar nf tha AnOn ^ o u t Town menU for the - baaaar of the Deputy Arthur Roy’s ’’homecom­ Man ThrouRh The Herald pending tale* might be called oS ing” at Wllllmantlc lodge on i Banoa at Obaalatloaa Friendly Orcle this evenlna: at the untn the housing problem In this WORK R^adingatM ly M anchester^A City of Village Charm Community V. Mrs. Robert Kittle, Wednasday, December 3, should ] C. J . Dunn, of Tuckahoe, N. Aid Is Offered section bad been fully ^veatigak- rWlck I^ncheff, of M Chestnut Mra William Gesa, Mrs. Edmund contact Edward Carrlgan, 98 1 Y., la impressed by the adver­ Solintnc and Flainr. Inc. 169 Chardi St Hartford PRICE FOUR CENTS - Benton street, immediately in , ed. (TWENTY PAGES) 'Street, onerotor of the City T«xl, Brown and Mrs. Evelya Olllmore tising powers of The Herald On motion of Director Carl Hul- «M Otalav attml Tateplioat 6-2024 AdtorUalog aa Pago IS) MANCHESTER. CONN.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20. 1947 hz.1 *pplie<i to the Public Utilities I are assisUng. The fair is for the order to obtain tIckeU. There is | and the honesty of Thomas Bill to Be Introduced in no charge for tickets but It is tlne, the Board voted to send rcmmlssion to add five taxicabs benefit of the Newington Home Burgess of Wapping. Mr. copies of Miller’a letter, together to hla present fleet making a total for Crippled Children. necessary to obtain them in cirdor Dunn, while driving through CongreBs to Limit Sale I V that Wllllmantlc lodge may know I with duplicates of those received of 10 cabs in his service. A hear­ Manchester on Monday of last from Governor McConaughy and ing will he held on Wednesday, how many visitors to expert. j week, lost a brief case from Of Residenceti Mirror Creates Traffic Jam D « . 10, at 11 a.m., In Room 585, Three local students in Hlllyer Senator Baldwin, tA tbs Greater his automobile which containeil Hartford committee now in charge State Office building, Hartford, on College’s Evening division have Important papers. Not being If the hard-presae<l resklents of Meyers Says Only Elizabeth and Prince ’The Emblem f?lub will hoM its At list! Yonr btloval noecasii ii liiiai the application. This is an amended ' been elected to the Student Council of the federal project tenants’ de­ annual card party for charity this; sure exactly where he lost it. federal housing projects such as fense. All state and national of­ application, ilr Pencheffs original i at the Hartford Institution. They he inserted an advertisement Orford Village can hold out, : are Miss Doris McGugan, Gordon evTmlng at eight o'clock at thcj ficials have promised apport to the request being for three additional Elks Home. Maxwell Court, Rock-1 In The Herald on Tuesday of­ through use ^ injunction or other Rad V elvafelt! taxicab-i. ‘ A. Scott, and Herbert Seymour. tenanta In their efforts to avert vine. fering a reward for tta return. delaying action until Congress any ownership changes during Cash He Received The day after the advertise­ again convenes, they might get the present rental shortage period. All the casual confioft an3 duim oon Mr. and Mrs. William B. Blau- ment appeared First Selectman help in the form of a Oongression- A daughter was bom on Mon­ j Members of all Mothers Circles of your fsvotke mtttstm, translated day, Nov. 17, to Mr. and Mrs. I fuss and children have returned to Burgess brought the brief case sl bill limiting sale of any federal I ------------------ ------------------- are Invited to hear Dr. Howard to The Herald, office and Mr. housing in critical rent areas. into a handsome hmUtr slipper of James C. Bayllss, of 9 Plano place, ! their home, 54 f Johum road, after B<r>yd apeak at the K. of C. home Loan Repayments at St. Francis hospital, Hartford. spending nearly three months at Dunn was notified that it had This was Indicated last niRht HOM pure wool Vahmfah^ n d s this evening at eight o'clock on been found. He returned to The baby girl Is their Second. I Miami Beach. "Preventive Medicine for Chil­ when the Board of Directors re­ rive with Danid Green! Manchester yesterday, picked ceived a letter from Cpngressman Wedding Rites dren." Come in and sec k! I,’''- ^ \ After up his brief case at 'Fhe Herald William J. Miller In which Miller Atlantic H m Reus-Wow General Asserts Earlier office and then started out for said he proposes to' Introdce legla- —f asd, M0f0lBku, T^je Young People's Society of Wapping to pay the reward to lation which would hsr sny change Federal Taxing the <V)ncordla Lutheran chunh is Mr. Burgess. Mr. Burgess Range and Fuel BUukmdlmMmWnJ. Testimony of Lamarre Clieered on Way by having a baked f<K>d sale in Hale's would not ae<-ept the reward And Readnower Entire­ ' i More Than Million store, tomorrow evening at seven and said that he was pleased Policy Rapped Royal Wedding Show o'cloi'k. ly False Except for \yERBNER’g that the brief case had found Rolx'rt Johnston OIL Britons Lining Street* its way back to the owner. Repayment of Loans By Governors Of London; Reach Members of the Manchester Fire \ < For British Women department will meet at 8:15 to- Genernl Inutirancfi Made to Corporation Winchester Station Chapman Court, Order of Ama­ L. T. WOOD CO. WE TAKE EXTRA CARE IN i night to go to the Holmes Funeral They’re ■ Home to pay respests to Mrs. ranth, will hold a rummage sale v a Main St. Manchester Dale and McConaughy T Six Hours After Mai^ 51 BIsscll 8 t. TeL 4496 beeutifuNy DsmMGftmam Washington, Nov. 20.—(/P) Cry Out With Close to Duke Turns Table* Oiirdon Keeney, mother of Director tomorrow from nine o’clock on in R9I7 6858 Call for Correcting Howard Keeney. the Masonic Temple. cemfertable,i Skimm’iftmmi — Maj. Gen. Bennett E . Mey­ On I’hotographers riage; Go by Aul0 FITTING CHILDREN'^ SHOES My$M sstim 4tmd Tearful Appreciation tk*Amtriamf*b ers swore to Senate investi­ Injustice of State Com* To Broadlands Estate gators today that he never Tho 9M9A99. tSfMach minor, mined serreUy from Callfonda lasHtnte of Technology In Pnoadenn, At Sight of Guards- London, Nov. 20—(87-U euL C tm fm ’ifm munity Property Laws Phlim Mountbatten, the Duke wmftm received any money from of­ CUif., moves on Highway 101 with traffic piled up behind It. The minor was being Uken to the ob- servntoiy an top of Mount Palomnr, nenr San Diego, where it will he Installed In the world’a largest men on Sleek Horses of Edinburgh, turned the ta­ London, Nov. 20.— bles on preaa photographers ficials of Aviation Electric Boston, Nov. 20.-r(4P)—Th* Fed­ teknoopa. fAP wirephoto). ____________________________ Princess Elizabeth and her company except in repayment last night. eral government was critlcUsed for By Mary Coyle Osmun Philip, attending a oUg par­ prince were married today in of loans. In an emotional an "InequlUblC tax poUcy” today Seattle Timea Staff Writer ty with some clooe friends and Westminster-Abbey and ar­ voice, Meyers said: as the governors of New Ekigland London, Nov. 20.—(/P)— hla uncle, Ehu'l Mountbatten, rived tonight at their honey* " I want to aay without equivo­ France Recalls SHOE STORE Senate Banking Group governor-general of India, per­ moon estate, cheered on their cation that earlier testimony of gave individual accotmtings of The royal wedding was a mitted the press to photograph 825 MAIN STREET Mr. Lamarre and } i r . Readnower their executive management women’s show, from the bride tho party drinking beer after a way by more than a million la entirely false regarding any Gov. Charles M. Dale of- New Men to Colors -in her glittering tiara of dia­ pheasant supper. Britons who lined the streets paymenta to me except the repay­ HampAlre called for correcting the "InJuaUce” of Federal recog­ Backs Anti-Inflation monds, to the old, old Cock­ When they finished Uking of London. I ment of loans I made to the cor- their shoU Philip then Insisted Motor to Eatoto polation." * nition of ataU community proper­ Part of 1 9 4 7 Military ney woman, who b«lecke<l ty laws In income tax at the New on snapping the photogra­ The future queen and hor bride­ B. H. Lamarre and T. E. Read­ her bedraggled self with red, phers. groom reached tho Wlncbeator C.EH ISE&S N nower have testified they were Ehtgland conference whero busi­ Gass Orderefl Back; Delays Action on Tni* rax • i r • 01 0 white and blue rosettes. It atatlon In oouUiera England Just I ' M ................ only “dilmmy” officers fgr Avia­ ness leaders heard other state t«- ports ranging from new budget Blum to Get Task main Request for Stand- 'IMeWS i l d b i t S was the women who cried out olx hours after their marrloffg, HALE'S SELF SERVE WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS tion Electric, that Meyers waa the and moUired to tho Broadlands eg- The Original In New England real owner, and that the general ideas to Maine’s recovery from by Price-Wage and Ra- j Called From (/P) Wires with close to tearful appreciation i ^ forest fires.
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