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Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: http://www.elsevier.com/copyright Author's personal copy Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 298 (2010) 175–188 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/palaeo Upper Cretaceous feldspars in the Cenozoic Limagne Basin: A key argument in reconstructing the palaeocover of the Massif Central (France) A. Wattinne a, F. Quesnel b,⁎, F. Mélières c, H. Guillou d, C. Bourdillon e, J. Barbarand f, J.-M. Baele g, J. Yans h a Areva N.C. — 1 place Jean Millier, F 92084 Paris la Défense, France b BRGM, (French Geological Survey), GEO/G2R, BP 36009, F 45060 Orléans Cedex 02, France c 26, rue Sibuet, F 75012 Paris, France d LSCE/IPSL, Laboratory CEA–CNRS–UVSQ, Avenue de la Terrasse, F 91198 Gif sur Yvette, France e ERADATA, 5 allée des Magnolias F 72100 Le Mans, France f University of Paris Sud, UMR 8148 IDES CNRS–UPS Bât 504, F 91405 Orsay Cedex, France g Mons University, Polytech, rue de Houdain, 9, B 7000 Mons, Belgium h University of Namur — FUNDP, Department of Geology, 61 rue de Bruxelles, 5000 Namur, Belgium article info abstract Article history: The northern part of the N–S-trending basin of the Limagne graben, located in the northern part of the Received 20 April 2009 Massif Central (France), contains Oligocene and Miocene calcareous lacustrine deposits. The area is known Received in revised form 27 July 2010 for its stromatolite reefs surrounded by marl, clay and uncemented carbonate sand with oncolites. Because Accepted 30 August 2010 the origin of the carbonate accumulated by cyanobacteria has long been debated, the clayey deposits Available online 9 September 2010 associated with the stromatolites were analysed using XRD, SEM and K–Ar dating methods. The results show a monotonous assemblage of carbonates, dioctahedral smectite, illite–smectite (Reichweite) R=0, Keywords: Orthoclase glauconitic illite and abundant orthoclase. Detrital minerals such as quartz and detrital illite are found near Upper Cretaceous cover the basin's borders but are very scarce in its central part, indicating a lack of detrital input from the regional Massif Central basement. Hence, the abundant orthoclase found in all the clayey deposits of the Limagne Basin cannot be ‘Limagne bourbonnaise’ linked to erosion of the surrounding Hercynian basement. The SEM analysis showed the orthoclase crystals to have a tabular morphology with sharp boundaries and to be embedded within a clay matrix, whilst the K–Ar dating of the orthoclase and glauconitic illite yielded ages ranging from 90 to 66±2 Ma, i.e. Turonian to Maastrichtian. These two results clearly indicate that the fill of the Limagne Basin, composed mainly of carbonate, clay and orthoclase, must have been partly due to the erosion of an Upper Cretaceous sedimentary blanket once covering the Massif Central basement. This cover was probably constituted of chalk, dioctahedral smectite, I/S and glauconitic illite, associated with authigenic orthoclase and flint. Flints are found reworked in the alluvial formations of the Late Pliocene Lower Bourbonnais sands and clays (‘Sables et argiles du Bourbonnais’) and in the Pleistocene terraces. Moreover, relicts of the Upper Cretaceous cover were preserved during the sedimentary filling of the Cenozoic Limagne Basin. Authigenic orthoclase of similar shape has been described in the Chalk Group of the Paris Basin and from localities in northern France and Belgium. The mineral is rare in the Turonian chalk but increases rapidly at the base of the Coniacian to Campanian chalk; it has also been noted that the number of orthoclase crystals increases as the quantity of clastic components decreases. Similar orthoclase crystals were found associated with dioctahedral smectite in the decarbonated residues of the Coniacian to Santonian chalk from Fécamp and Etretat (northern France). Moreover, our results are consistent with other data from within and around the ParisBasin,suchasthepalaeogeographyandfaciesdistribution of the Chalk formations, the residual flints in the clay-with-flints of the southern Paris Basin and around the Morvan, and apatite fission-track thermochronology data from the Hercynian basement of the Massif Central and the Morvan. All these data indicate a major connection between the Paris Basin and the Tethys, and an extensive palaeocover on the Massif Central and Morvan basement. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Estimating basement palaeocovers that have since been eroded is ⁎ Corresponding author. one of the challenges when reconstructing detailed onshore paleo- E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Quesnel). geographies at different periods. Traces of sedimentary blankets that 0031-0182/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.08.031 Author's personal copy 176 A. Wattinne et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 298 (2010) 175–188 once covered basements are difficult to decipher due to the lack of 2. Geological setting direct observations. It has already been suggested that the Massif Central was once locally or extensively covered by Jurassic and Early The Limagne graben basin, located in the northern part of the Cretaceous sedimentary deposits (Enay et al., 1980; Rat, 1968; Massif Central (Fig. 1) belongs to the European Cenozoic Rift System Alcaydé et al., 1980), but the question is still debated concerning (Maury and Varet, 1980; Ziegler, 1990; Merle et al., 1998; Michon, Late Cretaceous deposits. The weathering and erosion of these 2000; Dèzes et al., 2004). The northern area of the basin, which is Mesozoic formations during the Early Cenozoic supplied sediments open towards the Paris Basin, is known as the ‘Limagne bourbon- and alterite products, classically termed “siderolithic” (Janet, 1903; naise’, the central part as the ‘Limagne centrale’ or ‘Grande Limagne’ Milon, 1932; Durand, 1960; Estéoule-Choux, 1967; Simon-Coïnçon, or ‘Limagne de Clermont’, and the southern part as the ‘Limagne du 1989; Thiry and Simon-Coïnçon, 1996; Simon-Coïnçon et al., 1997, Sud’ or ‘méridionale’, sometimes also known as the ‘Limagne 2000), which are widespread over a few areas of the Armorican d'Issoire’ and ‘Limagne de Brioude’. Drilling and geophysical studies Massif and Massif Central and their adjacent regions (i.e. the Paris, have revealed the basin's structural complexity (Genter et al., 2003). Aquitaine and Bresse basins). Nevertheless no direct evidence of Its structural heritage, associated with rapid Oligocene subsidence, such a palaeocover has ever been found on either the Armorican influenced the basin's sedimentary filling, which is as much as Massif or the Massif Central. Our present contribution aims to 2000 m thick in the ‘Limagne centrale’ (Grolier and Tchimichkian, characterize a specific monotonous mineral assemblage discovered 1963; Morange et al., 1971; Gorin, 1975; Donsimoni and Giot, 1977). in clayey deposits of the Cenozoic Limagne Basin of the Massif The oldest sedimentary deposits of the basin are dated as Late Central (France). In order to understand the origin of this Lutetian in the eastern part and as Bartonian in the western part assemblage, a detailed study was made of the clay content using (Riveline et al., 1988). The Rupelian (Oligocene) lacustrine sedi- X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), ments of the ‘Limagne centrale’ and ‘Limagne d'Issoire’ reflect a Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and K/Ar dating. brackish environment characterized by the presence of the N Perche ORLEANS The Loire BURGUNDY Gâtinais Sologne Touraine Auxois MORVAN Sancerrois PARIS BASINBerry Nivernais Loire graben Brenne B Cher Châlonnais Aigurande Plateau ROANNE POITOU isMâconnais rola ha Tournusis Marche L C LIMAGNE BRESSE I COMBRAILLES V RA LIMOUSIN C DOIS LYON LES FOREZ Millevaches PUYS COMTE Monts du MONTS Lyonnais QUATERNARY DEPOSITS DORE S T CEZALLIER C VOLCANISM I O CANTAL PILA Z DEVES VELA O N Châtaigneraie Y E QUERCY CENOZOIC C S MARGERIDE D T I AUBRAC N N A AQUITAINE e U n C I ô Y CRETACEOUS h O R R BASIN Z A e O T h S N T E E CAUSSES TRIASSIC AND JURASSIC M ROUERGUE M CEVENNES I D E T S N PALEOZOIC E LANGUEDOC M E ALBIGEOIS S SOUTHBASIN EAST A GRANITE B TOULOUSE N A MONTAGNE NOIRE I N Y Mediterranean C 0 100 km METAMORPHIC R E H Fig. 1. Location of the Limagne graben (B: ‘Limagne bourbonnaise’,C:‘Limagne centrale’,S:‘Limagne du Sud’ or ‘méridionale’) and main geological units and structures in the Massif Central and surrounding areas (see also the modified extract of the 1:1,000,000-scale Geological Map of France, 6th edition; Chantraine et al., 2003 in the online version of this paper). Author's personal copy A. Wattinne et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 298 (2010) 175–188 177 in the palaeolake (e.g. from palustrine to lacustrine). A detailed study of the clay content of the sedimentary alternations was made in order to decipher the origins of the terrigenous components. The results have enabled us to define a particular mineralogical assemblage for this part of the basin, with large quantities of a specific K-feldspar in the clayey deposits. 3. Samples and methods The studied clayey deposits were sampled from sections in different quarries and outcrops within the basin. The samples were divided into two parts.
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