WASIllNGTON STATE DAILY UNIVERSITY Volume LXX Pullman, WashingtonEVERGREEN99163, Tuesday, November 5, 1963 Number 21 u.s. convoy again• stopped by Soviets BERLIN CAP)-Another U.S. "According to Allied proced- Army convoy was stopped by So- ures, communicated to Soviet viet authorities Monday on the military authorities on Oct. 29," road linking isolated West Berlin the spokesman said, "this convoy and West Germany. does not contain sufficient pas- U.S. Army officials said the con- sengers to dismount for purposes voy was halted at Marienborn. of verifica tion. " the checkpoint at the western end Allied officers permit passen- of the highway. gers in large convoys to dismount Several hours later, a ·U.S. and be counted but refuse to do Army spokesman, announced that this with small convoys. a maneuver by the American gar- The Army said the Soviet officer rison in Berlin scheduled for today in charge of the checkpoints, a Lt. had been postponed for 24 hours. .Col. Spiridonov, demanded that 15 This was taken to mean that the passengers of the vehicles dis- garrison had moved into a share mount. of preparedness because of the "Furthermore," the spokesman right are: Lawrence Kunz, Gerald Danquist, Del NEW MEMBERS TAPPED-Crimson Circle, men's Soviet action. continued, "he has stated that it Jones, AI Beard, Dean Kalahar, Melvin Hansen, senior honorary, tapped eight new members dur- The Russians once more de- is the Soviet and not the Allied Robert bids and Tom Kimble.-WSU Photo. ing Watchnight, Oct. 31. Pictured from left to manded that the American get authorities who determine convoy out of their vehicles and be count- processing procedures." . Faculty Forum: • The spokesman said Maj. Gen . Brief conference held James H. Polk, the U.S. comrnan- WASHINGTON (AP)-Secretary 'dant in Berlin, ordered the Ameri- of State Dean Rusk summoned can liason officer at Marienborn Breadth, depth are targets Georgi M. Kornienko, the Soviet to tell the Soviet officer that it is charge d'affaires, to the State De- the Allies who determine under partment Monday to express U.S. what circumstances the troop pas- concern over the latest delay of sengers will dismount to be count- for university, says Bushaw an American convoy on the high- ed. way to Berlin. The Soviet officer was told that Breadth and depth are both "It is usually accompanied by, this idea, but feels it is overstat- the Allied criteria for dismount- targets to be aimed at by a un- and ideally is, the result of an ed. The Soviet diplomat heads the Russian Embassy in the absence ing had been given to Soviet au- iversity and its students, accord- appetite for the new and di- He made an analogy between of Ambasador Anatoly F. Dob- thorities. ing to Donald Bushaw, professor verse," he said. Some degree of such a compromise and a knot- rynin. Sources in Washington said re- of mathematics. breadth is essential to every hu- weed. "The knotweed has a long Kornienko spent only 10 min- cently that the Soviets have been Bushaw, a WSU graduate who man being for successful parti- narrow reot in one spot but far- utes in Rusk's office. told that dismounting was in or- received his PhD at Princeton, cipation in life. reaching foliage along the "1 have positively. nothing to der if the convoys carry more spoke about "Breadth and Depth However, the tall, dark-haired ground," described Bushaw. say," he said when he left. than 30 passengers. in a University" at Faculty For- professor warned, it is possible "The root anchors and sustains Monday's Soviet action was um in Koinonia House Monday. to overdo breadth. One can be- Asked whether his visit was in the foliage and the foliage pro- connection with the Soviet Ber- viewed here as the answer to Students raise the ques t ion come "Faust-like" with the idea tects and sustains the root. The U.S., British and French letters "How much breadth and depth that "no human knowledge is for- lin move, Kornienko snapped: knotweed is a very hardy plant, "Nothing is nothing." last week to Gen. Ivan Yako- should I strive for?" Bushaw eign to me." Bushaw said this but not without its weaknesses." bovsky, commander of Soviet stated that if a definite answer attitude always results in frustra- • forces in East Germany. could be found, "the academic tion as such a state is impossi- Bushaw commented that the ed, and the Americans refused. "PhD plant" frequently has one The same dispute resulted in de- These letters spelled out in millenium would be at hand," ble to achieve. The opposite of detail the conditions under which long root of twenty-six semester lays of American convoys Oct. 10- meaning there would be a long breadth is specialization, accord- the Western Allies would dismount hours and another short root of 12 and a British convoy Oct. 16. period of peace between opposing ing to Bushaw. convoys for Soviet checks along "The specialist at his worst is six semester hours. It bears one The convoy was returning Mon- academic factions. the nO-mile stretch of autobahn. Bushaw expressed pessimism like a one-armed,one-l egg e d, heavy "thesis Hower." day to West Berlin from a train- about an "academic milleniurn" blind outfielder on a ball team," He proposed that a variedated ing evercise in West Germany. because he believes stud e n t s said Bushaw. "Even if he man- "thesis flower" would be better- An Army spoksman said 12 ve- Today's weather come to a university less change- ages a successful catch, he may tel'. Students might write several hicles carrying 44 men were held able than the faculty would like have trouble getting it back in- short theses on various topics, or up at the checkpoint just inside Eastern Washington - Partly to think. Faculty members aren't field for the others to toss perhaps not write a thesis at all, Communist East Germany. The cloudy Tuesday with increasing always very changeable either, around." spending time instead on study- Army said 20 of the 44 men were clouds and rain Tuesday eve- he added. Another problem of the speci- ing the overall picture. He em- passengers. ning. High, 45; low, 36. Discussing breadth first, Bush- alist is that his specialty may phasized freedom and flexibility. aw said' it is primarily qualita- become obsolete. "What is depth?" he asked; tive and measures the scope of . Bushaw pointed out that it may then answered by stating three knowledge an individual possess- be argued specialization is a nec- attributes of it. es. essary risk. He does not reject Ifa subject is to have depth, it must have an element of signi- ficance and university of applica- Agronomy. student· wins tion. It must contain surprise or freshness. This means it "should trip to ·ASA convention go beyond banal, ordinary obser- vation;" said Bushaw. "It should Don Jacklin, a sophomore ag- clubs .throughout the U. S. in the expose previously unexpe c ted ronomy major, has won an' ex- contest. connections between superficially pense-paid trip to the annual Jim Bryan, another member of unrelated things." the Agronomy Club, was selected Third, there ought to be a thor- American Society of Agronomy by the club to attend the confer- oughness in the work. convention in Denver, Colo., ence as a voting delegate. Both Nov. 18-21, where he will enter he and Jacklin will be voting All these can be overdone, the national ASA speech contest. delegates. Youngman explained warned Bushaw. Significance can that each club attending the con- become brutal utilitari ani s m. According to Vern Youngman, vention is given two v 0 t e s. Freshness may demand original assistant professor of agronomy Youngman will accompany the ideas at all costs. Fear of mak- and advisor to the Agronomy men to the convention. ing statements about anything Club, Jacklin was awarded the Jacklin will be among those unless one is positive it is com- trip with his speech, "Health showing slides on "Kodachrome plete m'ay result from being over- Protection From Herbicidal Highlights," scheduled the first thorough. Treatment. " day of the convention. He will "Depth and specialization are The speech, prepared for com- show slides of WSU and the state. independent," said Bushaw. petition within the WSU Agrono- Youngman estimated that ap- "Specialization does not imply my Club, was based on ASA proximately 2,300 would attend depth. Study of a minute subject speech contest rules. The rules showing of slides on "Kodachrome may not give scope." specify that a contestant must Highlights," scheduled the fir.st "On the other hand," he ges- choose a given topic from three day of the convention. He WIll tured, "depth by no means im- phases of agronomy- crops.soils show slides of WSU and the plies specialization." He cit e d and public relations. The contes- state. Darwin as an example of some- tant is given six hours to pre- Youngman estimated that ap- one who brought new depth and pare a five - to - seven - minute proximately 2,300 would attend perception to a subject by tres- ORIN E. (BABE) HOLLINGBERY-Former WSU football coach speech. the event. The theme this year passing into biology, anthropolo- Babe Hollingbery stands for the WSU alma-mater after receiving Jacklin will compete against 16 will be "Pan American Agrono- gy, geography, and other subjects a plaque and the announcement that the WSU Fieldhouse has been other contestants from agronomy my." to make his formulations. renamed in his honor. -Photo by Robert. • State officials wsu-uw tickets Kiwanis members $4;010 scholarships to speak here on sale Nov.
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