Bird List Column A: Number of Tours on Which the Species Has Been Recorded

Bird List Column A: Number of Tours on Which the Species Has Been Recorded

Myanmar Cumulative Bird List Column A: number of tours on which the species has been recorded. Column B: number of days recorded Column C: greatest daily count Column D: H = heard only; (H) = predominantly heard though some individuals were seen. A B C D 2 Chinese Francolin Francolinus pintadeanus 4 Rain Quail 1 5 (H) Coturnix coromandelica 2 Hill Partridge Arborophila torqueola 6 Red Junglefowl 1 4 H Gallus gallus 6 Lesser Whistling Duck 1 110 Dendrocygna javanica 6 Ruddy Shelduck 3 80 Tadorna ferruginea 3 Gadwall 1 4 Mareca strepera 1 Falcated Duck 1 9 Mareca falcata 2 Eurasian Wigeon 2 27 Anas penelope 1 Mallard Anas platyrhynchos 5 " " " " 6 90 Anas p. harringtoni 3 Eastern Spot-billed Duck 1 4 Anas zonorhyncha 1 Indian or Eastern Spot-billed Duck A. poecilorhyncha or A. zonorhyncha 1 Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata 5 Northern Pintail 3 3 Anas acuta 5 Garganey 2 100 Anas querquedula 3 Eurasian Teal 1 4 Anas crecca 1 Baer's Pochard 2 3 Aythya baeri 5 Ferruginous Duck (NT) 2 46 Aythya nyroca 1 Tufted Duck 1 1 Aythya fuligula 6 Little Grebe 1 1 Tachybaptus ruficollis 5 Asian Openbill 4 200 Anastomus oscitans 1 Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus 2 Black-headed Ibis 2 11 Threskiornis melanocephalus 5 Glossy Ibis 3 60 Plegadis falcinellus 3 Yellow Bittern 1 3 Ixobrychus sinensis 3 Cinnamon Bittern 1 2 Ixobrychus cinnamomeus 1 Black Bittern Dupetor flavicollis 4 Black-crowned Night Heron 2 8 Nycticorax nycticorax 2 Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus 6 Pond heron sp. - either Indian or Chinese 8 40 Ardeola sp. 6 Eastern Cattle Egret 9 40 Bubulcus coromandus 6 Grey Heron 4 5 Ardea cinerea ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Myanmar Cumulative Bird List… 2 6 Purple Heron 2 5 Ardea purpurea 6 Great Egret 5 50 Ardea alba 6 Intermediate Egret 3 50 Egretta intermedia 6 Little Egret 7 50 Egretta garzetta 6 Little Cormorant 6 500 Microcarbo niger 5 Great Cormorant 2 3 Phalacrocorax carbo 4 Oriental Darter (NT) Anhinga melanogaster 1 Western Osprey Pandion haliaetus 6 Crested Honey Buzzard 7 6 Pernis ptilorhynchus 1 Black Baza Aviceda leuphotes 2 Himalayan Vulture 1 1 Gyps himalayensis 6 Black-winged Kite 2 6 Elanus caeruleus 6 Black Kite 3 7 Milvus migrans 2 'Black-eared Kite' 1 1 Milvus migrans lineatus 1 Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus 5 Crested Serpent Eagle 4 3 Spilornis cheela 2 Western Marsh Harrier 1 1 Circus aeruginosus 6 Eastern Marsh Harrier 1 1 Circus spilonotus 4 Western or Eastern Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus or C. spilonotus 5 Pied Harrier (NT) 1 1 Circus melanoleucos 3 Crested Goshawk 2 1 Accipiter trivirgatus 6 Shikra 4 2 Accipiter badius 3 Eurasian Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus 1 Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis 2 Accipiter sp. 1 1 Accipiter sp. 4 White-eyed Buzzard 1 1 Butastur teesa 6 Himalayan Buzzard 5 1 Buteo burmanicus 6 Black Eagle 2 2 Ictinaetus malayensis 3 Booted Eagle 1 1 Hieraaetus pennatus 1 Eastern Imperial Eagle Aquila heliaca 1 Bonelli's Eagle Aquila fasciata 3 Changeable Hawk-Eagle 1 1 Spizaetus cirrhatus 3 Mountain Hawk-Eagle 1 1 Nisaetus nipalensis 3 White-rumped Falcon (NT) Polihierax insignis 2 Collared Falconet Microhierax caerulescens 6 Common Kestrel 4 4 Falco tinnunculus 5 Laggar Falcon (NT) 1 1 Falco jugger 3 Peregrine Falcon 1 2 Falco peregrinus 4 Brown-cheeked Rail 1 1 H Rallus indicus 3 White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus 6 Black-tailed Crake 1 1 Porzana bicolor 5 Ruddy-breasted Crake 1 1 Porzana fusca 6 Grey-headed Swamphen 2 2 Porphyrio p. poliocephalus 6 Common Moorhen 4 10 Gallinula chloropus ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Myanmar Cumulative Bird List… 3 6 Eurasian Coot 2 400 Fulica atra 1 Sarus Crane Grus antigone 4 Barred Buttonquail Turnix suscitator 5 Black-winged Stilt 1 1 Himantopus himantopus 5 River Lapwing 2 4 Vanellus duvaucelii 4 Grey-headed Lapwing 1 10 Vanellus cinereus 5 Red-wattled Lapwing 2 10 Vanellus indicus 4 Pacific Golden Plover 1 20 Pluvialis fulva 6 Little Ringed Plover 2 9 Charadrius dubius 5 Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus 1 Greater Painted Snipe Rosratula benghalensis 6 Pheasant-tailed Jacana 2 15 Hydrophasianus chirurgus 1 Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola 5 Common Snipe 2 10 Gallinago gallinago 4 Pin-tailed Snipe or Swinhoe's Snipe Gallinago stenura or G. megala 1 Common Redshank Tringa totanus 6 Common Greenshank 2 4 Tringa nebularia 5 Green Sandpiper 5 5 Tringa ochropus 5 Wood Sandpiper 1 4 Tringa glareola 6 Common Sandpiper 3 8 Actitis hypoleucos 5 Temminck's Stint 1 1 Calidris temminckii 4 Small Pratincole 1 55 Glareola lactea 6 Brown-headed Gull 3 820 Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus 6 Black-headed Gull 2 80 Chroicocephalus ridibundus 1 Pallas's Gull Larus ichthyaetus 2 Whiskered Tern 1 1 Chlidonias hybrida 6 Feral Rock Pigeon 10 800 Columba livia 6 Ashy Wood Pigeon 2 6 Columba pulchricollis 5 Oriental Turtle Dove 3 4 Streptopelia orientalis 6 Eurasian Collared Dove 5 15 Streptopelia decaocto xanthocyclus 4 Red Turtle Dove Streptopelia tranquebarica 6 Spotted Dove 10 30 Spilopelia chinensis 2 Barred Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia unchall 1 Common Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica 1 Ashy-headed Green Pigeon Treron phayrei 1 Thick-billed Green Pigeon Treron curvirostra 2 Yellow-footed Green Pigeon Treron phoenicopterus 2 Pin-tailed Green Pigeon Treron apicauda 1 Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon Treron sphenurus 1 Green Imperial Pigeon Ducula aenea 5 Alexandrine Parakeet 2 3 Psittacula eupatria 4 Rose-ringed Parakeet 4 4 Psittacula krameri 6 Grey-headed Parakeet 2 10 Psittacula finschii 6 Blossom-headed Parakeet 1 1 Psittacula roseata ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Myanmar Cumulative Bird List… 4 6 Red-breasted Parakeet 2 10 Psittacula alexandri 6 Greater Coucal 2 5 Centropus sinensis 2 Lesser Coucal Centropus bengalensis 6 Green-billed Malkoha 1 1 H Phaenicophaeus tristis 1 Jacobin Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus 4 Asian Koel 6 9 (H) Eudynamys scolopaceus 4 Violet Cuckoo 1 1 Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus Banded Bay Cuckoo Cacomantis sonneratii 4 Plaintive Cuckoo 2 2 Cacomantis merulinus 4 Large Hawk-Cuckoo 4 3 H Hierococcyx sparverioides 1 Cuckoo sp. Cuculus sp. 1 Western Barn Owl Tyto alba 3 Collared Scops Owl 3 2 (H) Otus lettia 2 Mountain Scops Owl Otus spilocephalus 1 Brown Wood Owl Strix leptogrammica 6 Collared Owlet 1 1 H Glaucidium brodiei 5 Asian Barred Owlet 3 1 (H) Glaucidium cuculoides 5 Spotted Owlet 1 2 Athene brama 5 Hodgson's Frogmouth 1 6 (H) Batrachostomus hodgsoni 3 Grey Nightjar 2 2 Caprimulgus jotaka 2 Large-tailed Nightjar 1 1 Caprimulgus macrurus 1 Indian Nightjar Caprimulgus asiaticus 6 Crested Treeswift 2 5 Hemiprocne coronata 6 Himalayan Swiftlet 4 100 Aerodramus brevirostris 1 Brown-backed Needletail Hirundapus giganteus 6 Asian Palm Swift 8 120 Cypsiurus balasiensis 1 Blyth's Swift Apus leuconyx 4 Cook's Swift 1 8 Apus cooki 6 House Swift 3 8 Apus nipalensis 3 Red-headed Trogon Harpactes erythrocephalus 6 Indochinese Roller 3 8 Coracias affinis 1 Oriental Dollarbird 1 1 Eurystomus orientalis 6 White-throated Kingfisher 6 3 Halcyon smyrnensis 6 Common Kingfisher 3 7 Alcedo atthis 5 Pied Kingfisher 1 3 Ceryle rudis 3 Blue-bearded Bee-eater Nyctyornis athertoni 6 Green Bee-eater 7 100 Merops orientalis 4 Blue-tailed Bee-eater 1 3 Merops philippinus 6 Chestnut-headed Bee-eater 1 8 Merops leschenaulti 6 Eurasian Hoopoe 2 1 Upupa epops 1 Rufous-necked Hornbill 1 2 H Aceros nipalensis 6 Great Barbet 6 9 (H) Megalaima virens 5 Lineated Barbet 2 10 (H) Megalaima lineata 6 Golden-throated Barbet 4 6 (H) Megalaima franklinii ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WINGS ● 1643 N. Alvernon Way Ste. 109 ● Tucson ● AZ ● 85712 ● (866) 547 9868 Toll free US + Canada ● Tel (520) 320-9868 ● Fax (520) 320 9373 Myanmar Cumulative Bird List… 5 5 Blue-throated Barbet 1 5 H Megalaima asiatica 2 Blue-eared Barbet 1 5 (H) Megalaima australis 6 Coppersmith Barbet 6 13 (H) Megalaima haemacephala 6 Eurasian Wryneck 1 1 Jynx torquilla 4 Speckled Piculet Picumnus innominatus 6 Rufous-bellied Woodpecker 3 5 Dendrocopos hyperythrus 6 Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker 2 2 Dendrocopos canicapillus 6 Stripe-breasted Woodpecker 2 2 (H) Dendrocopos atratus 3 Yellow-crowned Woodpecker Dendrocopos mahrattensis 3 Crimson-breasted Woodpecker Dendrocopos cathpharius 1 Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker Dendracopos macei 3 Darjeeling Woodpecker Dendrocopos darjellensis 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major 3 White-bellied Woodpecker Dryocopus javensis 2 Greater Yellownape Chrysophlegma flavinucha 1 Lesser Yellownape Picus chlorolophus 1 Streak-throated Woodpecker 3 2 Picus xanthopygaeus 5 Grey-headed Woodpecker 1 2 Picus canus 5 Himalayan Flameback 1 1 H Dinopium shorii 4 Greater Flameback Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus 2 Pale-headed Woodpecker Gecinulus grantia 4 Bay Woodpecker 1 2 Blythipicus pyrrhotis 1 Rufous Woodpecker 1 1 Micropternus brachyurus 2 Silver-breasted Broadbill 1 11 Serilophus lunatus 5

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