AMERICAN Annual $8.00 Single Copy $1. SQUARE DRNCE SEPTEM49EFI 1.6140 This was (Page 13) Memphis.., 30th National Seattle in 1981? PRE-CONVENTION ALASKA SQUARE DANCE CRUISE -.r -13-94;;:i... • ......... Iowa Featuring Marlin Hull. Mesa. Ar. Before the National, join us on a delightful 7 day Alaska Cruise. via the Inland Passage. aboard the sleek luxury liner Cunard Princess Marvel at one of the world's most exciting waterways, and ports that include Ketchikan, Juneau. Sitka plus one of the wonders of the world. Glac;er Bay Depart from Vancouver. B C June 16, 1981, return just in time for the National, June 23, 1981 While in the beautiful Northwest, why not make it a trip to cherish a lifetime/ Marion Hull, National Caller. for your dancing pleasure Personally escorted and arranged by Dolores & Jerry Uhri. active dancers. We're projecting one full deck of dancers - truly an experience to remember. Fares include complete accomodations, gourmet meals, entertainment and more, from S1.080 per person, dbl. Inquire. too. about our Luxurious Square Dance Panama Canal Cruise, January 10. 1981 and our South Pacific Escape. November, 1981 Discounted Group Fares ALWAYS SPACE LIMITED - INQUIRE NOW' TO KOP TRAVEL. Dolores Uhri 1706 Main St. Ph. (206) 693-2502 Vancouver, Washington 98660 Plea^,e rush information on ALASKA 4 PANAMA CANAL SOUTH PACIFIC Name. Address City. State Zip_ Ph °lie: ____ 2 American Squaredance, September 1980 AMERICAN CO VOLUME 35, No. 9 September, 1980 SQURRE ORNCE THE NATIONAL MAGAZINE 35 tipij- WITH THE SWINGING LINES Anniversar7, 4 Co-Editorial 6 Grand Zip 7 Meanderings 11 The Brighter Side Publishers and Editors 13 29th National Convention Stan & Cathie Burdick 15 S/D Angels Are for Real 16 Survey Results Workshop Editors 17 Fun For Intermission Ed Fraidenburg 18 Square Line Bob Howell 19 S/D Wedding 20 Grand Square Record Reviewers 21 How Do You Rate Your Caller? 25 30th National Convention John Swindle 26 Hemline Frank & Phyl Lehnert 29 Encore 31 Best Club Trick Feature Writers 32 State Line Harold & Lill Bausch 33 Rhyme Time Jim Kassel 35 Feedback 36 Events Mary Jenkins 36 Speaking of Singles Dave & Shirley Fleck 37 Roundalab Gene & Thelma Trimmer 38 Puzzle Page 39 Calling Tips 40 Easy Level Page Editorial Assistants 42 Allemande Hall 44 Challenge Chatter Mona Bird 46 Creative Choreography Mary Fabik 52 S/D Pulse Poll • • • • Ruth Garris 53 R/D Pulse Poll 54 People Pat Gillam 56 International News Bob Mellen 61 Product Line Mef Merrell 65 Flip Side— Rounds 66 Flip Side— Squares 70 Steal A Peek 71 Dandy Idea AMERICAN SQUAREDANCE Maga- 72 Underlining zine (ISSN 0091-3383) is published by 81 Book Nook Burdick Enterprises. Second class pos- 82 Finish Line tage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy 84 Laugh Line deadline first of month preceding date of issue. Subscription: $8.00 per year. Single copies: $1 each. Mailing address: Box 488, Huron OH 44839. Copyright Member of NASRDS 1980 by Burdick Enterprises. All rights National Assoc. of S&R / D Suppliers reserved. 3 American Squaredance. September 1980 We're graving No one who attended the Memphis Have you noticed how the years of our Convention could doubt that square lives are filled with milestones: anniver- dancing is going strong. We talked to saries, birthdays, special days, special hundreds of folks enjoying every minute awards or recognition? Seems like a of the activity; we talked to leaders who good thing to us— we have so many op- are planning and sharing ideas for mak- portunities to recall good memories or ing square dancing better. New direc- move to new beginnings. tions are being suggested. We might One milestone we just can't resist venture a guess that in the next five sharing with all our readers: This month years we will see the establishment of American Squaredance is thirty-five open square dances, sponsored by years old. Charlie Thomas published the clubs, for fun as well as for money mak- first issue, a mimeo bulletin, in ing. Traditional dance groups, now September 1945. As old-timers will rather hidden, will "come out of the recall, ASD has passed through the closet" and be as well-known and as hands of many editors— Ricky Holden, widespread as advanced groups are. Frank Kaltman, Arvid Olson— before (During the last ten years, we've seen ad- settling in the Burdick's Ohio backyard vancea and challenge dancing move into in 1968. We're ending our twelfth year the light and become readily available to with this issue— a gross of magazines those dancers desiring to move into has been published. Count 'em— 144! more complicated choreography.) Modestly, we want to point out that Ten years from now, we'll still be con- we have held the post of cerned about new calls and drop-outs. publisher/editor longer than any of our The fact that those problems are always predecessors. (Might we also suggest with us does not mean we should ignore that the dual editorship has helped us them. Only constant vigilance and care survive? Takes four hands to handle this and judgment keep them from whopper!) mushrooming into monstrous club- We want to say thank you to all the eating behemoths. We project the con- loyal readers and talented con- tinuance because the same cries echo tributors— old and new— who have from the founding days of ASD, 1945. made ASD what it is today— a vital, And when ASD is a venerable 50 years viable, vector of the square dancing ac- old, in September 1995, what then? tivity. Before we're accused of breaking Perhaps costumes will have changed, our arms patting our backs, let's just say calls certainly will, but dancers will still we're mighty proud of our mighty mag be "promenading to home" with happy and plan to be around for years to come. smiles on their faces. We'll bet on it! 4 American Squareclance. September 1980 -‘--".4E Seven feature writers have submissions in this season-opening issue. Ann Lauder- dale, editor of the Oregon Federation News and a self-described optimist, has writ- ten our "opener" on Page 11. Her feature is the appetizer for another super- smorgasbord of assorted scribings. Vic and Peg Wills, members of the National Ex- ecutive Committee, serve up suggestions for the "care and feeding" of square dance angels. Betsy Duncan Randolph, publicist for LeHigh Acres in Florida, sent stories and pictures of a very special wedding. Don Malcolm recommends rating callers "Plus-10." Don is a first sergeant at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, and calls himself the "Missouri Maverick." Helen Pate sent us the story about a very special young dancer who is an inspira- tion to handicapped persons everywhere. Another old friend, Peg Tiffs'', describes the struggle to make square dancing the New Jersey state dance. Erma Reynolds, whose name is familiar to ASD puzzle fans, has contributed ideas for fun at intermis- sion time (also good for after-parties, too). Two poems this month were submitted by friends of the authors. Dave and Nita Smith sent a round dance "song" written by Dot Lawson; Donald Vincent sent one written by Vickie Durbin for Bill George, caller/teacher and active horseman. Enjoy the feast! Square 'Em Up with Hi-Hat & Blue Ribbon Square Dance Records BRAND NEW ON HI-HAT HH-5021 LADY IN THE BLUE MERCEDES by Tom Perry TRY THESE OLDIES ON HI-HAT titi-445 I'VE BEEN EVERYWHERE by Ernie HH-473 ROW, ROW, ROW by Ernie Kinney RECENT RELEASES ON HI.HAT HH-5020 FREE AND EASY by Joe Johnston HH-5019 MY OWN KIND OF HAT by Ernie Kinney r-i-soni SEND ME DOWN TO TUCSON by Ernie Kinney HH-5017 COCONUTS by Tommy Cavanagh HH-5018 BURGERS AND FRIES by Bob Wickens Distributors: Corsair-Continental & Twelgren Inc. Produced by Ernie Kinney Enterprises. 3925 N. Tollhouse Rd. Fresno CA 93726 QUALITY SERVICE DEPENDABLE V W C 0 American Squaredance, Septernhei 1980 5 club, 10,000 miles away from the home of square dancing, this is a worthy achievement. With all professional traveling callers requiring a couple of years notice, the Cathedral Squares have been in cor- respondence with a number of callers for a year or more. Final contracts have been drawn up and the club is pleased to announce that Bob Van Antwerp of Stateline, Nevada, will be the featured caller at the first "International" to be held in Hagley High School Gym Oc- tober 23-25, 1981. The second "International" on Oc- tober 22-24, 1982, will feature Dick Houlton of Stockton, Calif. Negotiations are proceeding smoothly with both a professional caller and a professional round dance leader to come to How very encouraging it is to our hard- Christchurch in 1983. May we suggest working staff, when your great publica- dancers planning a "southern" trip in tion thinks that something we've printed the future keep these dates in mind and is worth a place in your pages (July, come join us. 1980). You enforce our pride in our work Art & Blanche Shepherd and we truly thank you. Christchurch, New Zealand One slight detail needs some ad- justing and that is the spelling of our I have just received some recent name. We are Fed-Fax, a definite at- issues of American Squaredance by way tempt to be separate and distinct from of a couple from my club who have been the Fed Facts of the Missouri area. visiting relatives in Florida, and I find We love seeing ourselves in your print. them very interesting reading.
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