VOL. 38 MARCH, 1964 No. 3 Thirty-sixth National Convention at Alpha Mu Chapter Alpha Mu Chapter at the University coming committee will be at the Tiger smooth terrain makes walking easy and of Missouri, Columbia, will be the host on Thursday to assist the delegates delightful. to our Thirty-sixth National Conven­ when they arrive. They will direct The annual subscription banquet tion on Friday and Saturday, April 10 those who arrive on Thursday after­ will be held on Friday night in the and 11, 1964. Professor Anna S. Ben­ noon to the informal reception in the new Memorial Student Union. Follow­ jamin, Adviser of Alpha Mu Chapter, Archaeological Cast Room on the ing the banquet the convention visi­ and Scott M. Vorbeck and Ronald B. campus. tors will enjoy an informal social hour. Hehn, co-chairmen of the Local Com­ The business session on Friday morn­ The meeting on Saturday morning will mittee, are counting the days until they ing will be held in the Convention be held in the new Arts and Science will have an opportunity to welcome Room of the Tiger Hotel and delegates Building. the delegates. They are so anxious to should be prepared to give a chapter extend proverbial Missouri hospitality Please make your reservations with report at this session. Each chapter is to their visitors that they have planned the Tiger Hotel and return the reser­ entitled to two voting delegates but a tea on Thursday afternoon for those vation slip for the banquet as soon as visitors are most welcome and each who arrive early. possible. April 10 is not very far in chapter is urged to send as many mem­ the future. The Tiger Hotel, named in honor bers to the meeting as possible. Chap­ of Missouri's football team, will be the ter advisers are especially welcome and PETITIONS official headquarters for the conven­ we hope that as many as are able will tion. Since it is located only a short be present. Petitions for charters to found chap­ block from the main entrance to the ters of Eta Sigma Phi have been re­ campus of the University, it will be On Friday afternoon there will be ceived from the following institutions, convenient. Reservations should be a tour of the campus and the new listed in the order in which they were made by delegates directly with the Medical Center. This will be made on received. Local chapters should inform hotel and cards have been mailed to foot, since this is the easiest way to their delegates to the National Con­ each chapter to use for this. A wel- enjoy the beauty of the campus. The vention of their approval or disap- r j tfMk*\ Francis Quadrangle, University of Missouri Arts and Science Building, University of Missouri 18 NUNTIUS rjfentafiiie ^P/iog/tam proval of these petitions in order that the delegates may be able to vote in Thirty-sixth National Convention accord with the wishes of the chapter. Classics Club, Seton Hill College, To Be Held at Columbia, Missouri, April 10 and 11, 1964, Greensburg, Pennsylvania. This peti­ Upon the Invitation of Alpha Mu Chapter, tion is presented by a well-organized University of Missouri Club in a fully accredited college for young women. The offerings of the Friday, April 10, 1964 Department of Classics are excellent 8:00- 9:00 A.M. Registration, Tiger Hotel and give the student a wide choice of courses. 9:00 A.M. First General Session, Ballroom, Tiger Hotel Business Meeting The Classical Club, College of Saint Minutes of the Thirty-fifth National Convention Teresa, Winona, Minnesota. This Club was organized in 1925 and adopted its Roll Call of Chapters and Chapter Reports present constitution in 1926. It has Report of Megas Chrysophylax enjoyed interesting and useful pro­ Repont of Chairman of the Board of Trustees grams during the years. The College, Report of the Executive Secretary founded in 1907, has an enrollment of Reports of Standing Committees Report of Committee on Expansion and Reactivation 12:00 Noon Lunch IMPORTANT NOTICE 2:00 P.M. Tour of Campus of the Unversity of Missouri Orders for membership certifi­ cates which are desired before the 6:00 P.M. Subscription Banquet, Memorial Student Union end of the present academic year Address of Welcome: Ronald B. Hehn, Alpha Mu Chapter, should reach the National Office Master of Ceremonies by April 24. Because of the heavy Response: Megas Prytanis Michael W. Brinkman load of work at the end of the Following the banquet there will be a social hour at the Memorial school year Balfour is unable to Student Union (Committees will meet following this) give the usual service. Orders which reach the National Office Saturday, April 11, 1964 after April 24 will be mailed dur­ 8:30 A.M. Second General Session, Auditorium, Arts and Science Building, ing the summer or at the begin­ University of Missouri Campus ning of the new academic year. Business Meeting (Concluded) All initiates not yet reported to the National Office should be re­ Election and Installation of new officers ported at once. 1:00 P.M. Adjournment of Thirty-sixth National Convention •""ISffirlK Li* Photography courtesy of the University of Missouri Photography courtesy of the University of Missouri Memorial Student Union, University of Missouri Fine Arts Building, University of Missouri NUNTIUS 19 over one thousand students, of which of the United States and cut from stone dents who gave their lives in World about one hundred are enrolled in quarries on his estate at Monticello. War II. Among the new dormitories Classics. The chapter would be able Today this stands near the north en­ on the campus is Johnston Hall, a res- to have some joint meetings with trance of Jesse Hall. dence for women, named in honor of Gamma Lambda Chapter at St. Mary's Visitors to the convention will enter Professor Eva Johnston, a Professor of College in the same city. the campus through the main gates of Latin and one of the great women of the University in the past. Also on the Classics Club, Carroll College, Wau­ the West or "Red" Campus on which campus is the Missouri School of Re­ kesha, Wisconsin. This Club was or­ is inscribed the great seal of the Uni­ ligion, which provides religious in­ ganized November 13, 1962, and has a versity which contains the words Salus struction for the students. membership of eight people. The Col­ Populi from the motto of the State of lege, founded in 1846, has an enroll­ Missouri Salus Populi Suprema Lex In the late 1950's a new Medical ment of 950. There are twenty-five Esto. Through these gates lies Francis Center was constructed in Columbia at enrolled in the Department of Classics. Quadrangle and the red brick buildings a cost of $14 million. The University The Department offers a full range of tell the visitor the origin of the desig­ also includes the School of Mines and courses in both Greek and Latin. nation "Red" Campus. The six stately Metallurgy at Rolla, a branch in a Ionic columns in the center of the Students Classics Club, College of suburb of St. Louis, and the recently Quadrangle, all that remain of the acquired University of Kansas City. The Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachu­ University's first building, Academic setts. The Club, named Ereuna, was Hall, after a disastrous fire in 1892, COLUMBIA recently founded and its eleven mem­ have stood through the years as a sym­ Columbia is situated in approxi­ bers have signed the petition. The bol of the University and have been College, founded in 1843, has an en­ mately the center of the State of Mis­ the source of many traditions and much souri, half-way between St. Louis and rollment of 1800 students. The De­ folklore and they always recall many partment of Classics has a faculty of Kansas City, on the gently rolling fond memories to alumni of the Uni­ plains. The town was incorporated in fourteen who teach the 660 students versity, among whom your editor is enrolled in the Department. About 1826, four years after the building of very proud to be numbered. Beyond the first brick house in the area, and 500 of these study Latin and 220 are the columns is Jesse Hall, the admin­ in courses in Greek. became the county seat of the recently istration building, where members of organized Boone County, named in Classics Club, Dickinson College, the Department of Classics have al­ honor of the pioneer Daniel Boone. Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The Club, ways had their offices including Dean This new town was considered a suit­ Walter Miller, who was a symbol of formed in 1961, has a membership of able location for the new university classical culture on the campus for so twenty-seven. The College, founded in since it was away from the enticements many years. To the left of the gateway 1773, is coeducational and has an en­ of the large cities and the young stu­ is the School of Journalism, the world's rollment Of about 1150. There are sixty dents would find it easier to live a first school of journalism, founded by students enrolled in the Department, good life here. No railroad ever passed Walter Williams in 1908. which offers a very large program in through the town but branch lines Latin and some courses in Greek. Mr. The East Campus originally con­ Peter Frese, President of the Classics tained the buildings of the College of Club, was a visitor at the National Agriculture, a Land-Grand college, Convention in Baltimore and was in­ ETA SIGMA PHI MEDALS which has always been located on the strumental in forming the petition, same campus with the rest of the Uni­ All chapters are encouraged to which has been under consideration for versity.
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