NASA TECHNICAL NOTE, M 00 N O? n z c 4 w 4 z LANDING PRACTICES OF GENERAL AVIATION PILOTS IN SINGLE-ENGINE LIGHT AIRPLANES Maxwell W. Goode, Xhomus C. O’Bryun, Kenneth R. Yenni, Robert L. Cannaduy, and Marna El. Mayo Langley Research Center Hanipton, Vu. 23665 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON, 0. C. OCTOBER 1976 TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NM 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. NASA TN D-8283 ~~~~~~ I Illllll11#1111111111111111111111111111ll~11 4. Title and Subtitle 013405b LANDING PRACTICES OF GENERAL AVIATION PILOTS IN October 1976 SINGLE-ENGINE LIGHT AIRPLANES 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No. Maxwell W. Goode, Thomas C. O'Bryan, Kenneth R. Yenni, L-10878 Robert L. Cannaday, and Marna H. Mayo 10. Work Unit No. 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 505-10-11-01 NASA Langley Research Center 11. Contract or Grant No. Hampton, VA 23665 13. Type of Report'and Period Covered 2. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address Technical Note National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14. Sponsoring Agency Code Washington, DC 20546 5. Supplementary Notes Technical Film Supplement L-1208 available on request. 6. Abstract The methods and techniques used by a group of general aviation pilots during the landing phase of light airplane operations have been documented. This report contains the results of 616 landings made by 22 pilots in 2 modern, four-place, single-engine, light airplanes (one having a low wing and the other, a high wing). The landings were made on both a long runway (1524 m (5000 ft)) and a short runway (762 m (2500 ft)); both runways were considered typical of those used in general aviation. The results generally show that most of the approaches were fast with considerable floating during the flares and with touchdowns that were relatively flat or nose-low. 7. Key-Words (Suggested by Authoris) ) 18. Distribution Statement Light aircraft landing Unclassified - Unlimited Light aircraft pilot performance 9. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price' Unclassified Unc lass i f i ed 48 $3 75 - LANDING PRACTICES OF GENERAL AVIATION PILOTS IN SINGLE-ENGINE LIGHT AIRPLANES Maxwell W. Goode, Thomas C. O'Bryan, Kenneth R. Yenni, Robert L. Cannaday, and Marna H. Mayo Langley Research Center SUMMARY The methods and techniques used by a group of general aviation pilots during the landing phase of light airplane operations have been documented. This report contains the results of 616 landings made by 22 pilots in 2 modern, four-place, single-engine, light airplanes (one having a low wing and the other, a high wing). The land'ings were made on both a long runway (1524 m (5000 ft>>and a short runway (762 m (2500 ft)); both runways were considered typi- cal of those used in general aviation. The results generally show that most of the approaches were fast with considerable floating during the flares and with touchdowns that were relatively flat or nose-low. INTRODUCTION The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has undertaken a research program to document methods and techniques used by general aviation pilots to land airplanes. This effort was prompted by the general aviation safety records included in refer- ence 1. These reports indicate that most accidents under visual flight rules (VFR) occur during the landing phase of single-engine, light airplanes flown for pleasure. In the vast majority of these accidents, the pilot is the cause or at least a contributing factor. Many factors influence pilot performance to varying degrees; some of these factors are defined in reference 2 with the degree of influence for each factor. For this study, two modern, four-place, single-engine, light airplanes (one having a low wing and the other, a high wing) were leased from a fixed-base operator (FBO). A cadre of general avi- ation pilots with various backgrounds and experiences was provided by the FBO to perform a series of landings both on a long runway (1524 m (5000 ft)) and a short runway (762 m (2500 ft)). Approach and landing data were collected for approximately 150 landings on each runway for each airplane with ground-tracking and airborne data systems. A summary of the results of this landing progPam is presented to characterize typical private pilot performance during the landing phase of flight in daylight VFR conditions. Prelimi- nary results for the low-wing airplane phase of this program are presented in reference 3. A motion-picture film supplement has been prepared and is available on loan. A request card form and a description of the film will be founb at the back of this report. TEST EQUIPMENT The airplanes used in this study (fig. 1) were chosen as being representative of the most widely used airplanes in general aviation private flying. Both airplanes were leased from FBO and were used in his flight training and rental programs. The test vehicles were single-engine, four-place airplanes with fixed tricycle landing gear. One of the airplanes had a low wing and the other had a high wing. The details and specifications for each airplane were obtained from the respective airplane owner's manuals and are presented in tables I and 11. Other than wing location, there are several basic differ- ences between the two airplanes: (1) the longitudinal control system for the low-wing airplane used a stabilator, whereas the high-wing airplane used a conventional fixed horizontal stabilizer and eleva- tor; (2) the low-wing airplane was equipped with rudder trim and the 2 high-wing one was not; and (3) the low-wing airplane had manually operated flaps with four discrete settings (Oo, IOo, 25O, and 40°), whereas the high-airplane had electrically operated flaps with infinite settings between Oo and 40'. The airplanes were instrumented to measure and record 21 dif- ferent flight parameters including airspeed, pitch attitude, flap position, and altitude. The instrumentation system cons-isted of sensors located throughout the airplane, a signal conditioning package, and a central tape recorder. In the low-wing airplane, the instrumentation package was located in the baggage compartment; in the high-wing airplane, the package was located in the rear pas- senger compartment. The only modification to the instrument panel was the installation of control switches for the recording system; these switches were centrally located in the panel. The only obvi- ous change in the external appearance of the airplanes was the test boom protruding from the left wing tip. This boom was approximately 75 percent of the wing chord in length and was installed to measure airspeed, angle of attack, and angle of sideslip. A weight was added inside the right wing tip to counterbalance the weight of the test boom. The complete airborne data system increased the basic weight of the test airplane approximately 86.2 kg (190 lb). The flight characteristics of both airplanes were investigated by NASA research pilots before and after the modifications for instrumentation. The qualitative results of these tests indicated that the installation of the instrument systems had negligible effects on the handling characteristics of both airplanes. Air- speed calibrations were conducted to correlate the pilot's indi- cated airspeed with the recorded indicated airspeed as measured by the test boom. The airspeed calibration curves for each air- plane are presented in figure 2. The recorded indicated airspeed was chosen as the common basis for comparison; therefore, unless otherwise stated, all airspeeds referred to in this report are expressed in terms of the recorded indicated airspeed. In addition, the wings-level, power-off, stall speed range of each airplane was documented for various flap settings. These tests were conducted 3 in accordance with the procedures specified in part 23.201 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (ref. 4). The stall speeds used in the figures are the measured stall speeds of the respective air- planes at the nominal test weight, whereas the stall speeds in the tables reflect the manufacturers' specified values. A ground-tracking system was used to obtain the flight-path data during-the final stages of the approaches and the touchdown data. This system, shown in figure 3, consisted of a 16-mm motion-picture camera and a large photographic grid. The grid was located parallel to the runway and between the camera and the runway so that both the airplane and portions of the grid were photographed simultaneously during the final approach and landing. The exact location of the system was surveyed with respect to the landing end of the runway. The grid consisted of a series of vertical and horizontal plastic strips fastened at the intersections to form squeres with sides 0.6 m (2 ft) in length. The total system consisted of ten 6.7-m-long (22-ft- long) sections with rigid aluminum poles between each section. The support poles were adjustable to compensate for uneven terrain and to set the desired elevation of the grid. The overall grid system was 3.05 m (IO ft) high and 67.06 m (220 ft) long. Normal photogrammetric techniques were used to obtain the trajectory data from the film. All measurements were based on the positions of the tip of the airplane nose and the vertical tail with respect to the position of the photographic grid seen in each picture frame. These measurements were converted to the attitude of the airplane and the location of its center of gravity with respect to the runway threshold. For photographic analysis purposes, all landings were assumed to be on the center line of the runway. Errors resulting from this assumption were found to be negligible for the purpose of this study.
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