Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 55(l):l-423 1 ( 995) 31 December 1995 https://doi.org/10.24199/j.mmv.1995.55.01 REVISION OF THE AUSTRALIAN NATIVE BEE SUBGENUS LASIOGLOSSUM (CHILALICTUS) (HYMENOPTERA: HALICTIDAE) KENNETH WALKER Department of Entomology. Museum of Victoria. 71 Victoria Crescent, Abbotsford, Victoria 3067, Australia Abstract Walker. K... 1995 Revision of the Australian native bee genus Lasioglassum (ChiUtlietus) (Hymenoptera: Halictidae). Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria 55: 1-423. The endemic Australian halictid bee subgenus Lasiogbssum (Chilalictus) is revised and redefined. One hundred and thirty four valid species are recognised. Sixty two new syn- onymies arc proposed: /.. excusum (Cockerel!) = L. asperithorax (Cockerell); Lfestivum = (Rayment). /.. haematopum (Cockerell), I. sanguinipes (Cockerell) and /.. leai (Cockerell) L. bkingufatum (Smith): /.. km (Cockerell) - L. blighi (Cockerell); /.. subetheridgei (Ray- ment) and /.. eborairme (Cockerell) - I,, brazieh (Cockerell); /.. granulithorax (Cockerell) I = and . itlowum (Cockerell) L. detandi (Cockerell); /.. subindinans (Cockerell), /.. hue- malsoinu (Cockerell) and L. inditurns (Smith) = L cognaium (Smith); /.. alhoguttatum (Friese) = /.. conspicuitm (Smith); L. euryuntm (Cockerell), L. bursariae (Cockerell) and /.. griseovinaturn (Cockerell) = /.. convexum (Smith); /.. boweni (Cockerell) = /.. disduswn (Cockerell); I., suberylhrurum, L. maiwsculwn (Rayment), /.. basifucens (Cockerell), /.. atro- cyaneum (Cockerell), /,. fyrticome (Cockerell), /.. rufotinctum (Cockerell) and /.. cyclogna- thurrr (Cockerel!) = /.. erythrurum (Cockerell); L. vividum (Smith) = L.Jlorale (Smith); /.. milleri (Rayment), /.. evasum (Cockerell) and /.. circumdatum (Cockerell) = L.gilesi (Cock- erell): /.. eonfuseUutn (Cockerell), /.. isthmale (Cockerell) and /.. repertum (Cockerell) = /.. imitam (Cockerell); I,, mitt'helti (Cockerell) and Italians lanuginosus Smith = /.. lanarium - (Smith): /.. infrahirlum (Cockerell) /,. littleri (Cockerell); /.. spenceri (Cockerell) = /.. meianopterum (Cockerell); L. anexoneuroides (Rayment), /.. nigropurpeum (Rayment), L. luetifieum (Cockerell). /.. dorskynaeum (Cockerell) = /.. mundulum (Cockerell); I. fur- neauxi (Cockerell) - /.. opadcolle (Cockerell); /.. viridarii (Cockerell) = /.. orbatum (Smith): L. lanaricllum (Cockerell) and /.. dolichocerum (Cockerell) - /.. pachycephalia)! (Cockerell); /.. mesemhrvanihemiellum (Rayment). /.. micridoneion (Cockerell) and /.. /.. /.. intermedius (Rayment) = / . platycephalum (Rayment); gippsii (Rayment) and upturn (Rayment) - /.. repraesentam (Smith); /.. omnivagum (Cockerell) = /.. sculpturaium (Cockerell): /.. nudum (Rayment) = /.. seduction (Cockerell): /.. exception (Cockerell) = L. suhplehcium (Cockerell); /.. goraeense (Rayment) - I- tainhurinei (Friese); /.. emeraldense (Rayment) - /.. vidoricllum (Cockerell); /.. ir/i/7<7cW (Rayment), L. purpurcion (Rayment), /.. daweri (Rayment), L. ornatum (Rayment). /.. glauerti (Rayment) and /.. purnongense (Cockerell) = '/.. vitripenne (Smith); /.. wahlenhergiae Michener - /.. U//A7 (Cockerell). One - new combination is proposed: /.. tasmaniue (Cockerell) llomalictus tasmaniae. Seventy three new species are erected: /.. abrophilum, I., adustum, I., alacartnaiion. I,, albopilosum, I., alptnum. I,, amboqitestrum, L. amplexum, /.. anfbrticornum, L. aquilonium, I., argopi- latuiu. /.. aspratulum, I., uihrix. /.. aurt'opifatum, L. bibroehum, I., bleeps, /.. bicolor, /.. bidens, L. brochum, L. hrunncsetum. I,, bubrachium, L bucculum, I., Initiation, I., caesium. I., cardaleae. L. carpohnuum, I. castor. /.. elypeutiim, /.. copleyense, I., denueapillum, L. I,, lalcation, I,, ebeneum. /,. edeniulaium. I,, eremaean. I,, eremophilum. L eiiryeepha/um, iasctaium. I'.. tninkcma. I., froggatti, L grwniculum, I., hamatum, L, hapsidum, L. immacu- I., liiovil/um, L. laium. I., inflation, I lam'ellosum, L. latiehilum. 1.. Imcatum, megacepha- I mu, /.. rwfrens, L. nitens, I., oceidens, I.. lum. I . mesQSienoideum, L metallicum, I., I,, pollux, L. piyon, /.. quadra- ochmehilum. I,, ochromu. I., pappodum. paraspheeodum, I., L. I., speculation, I., turn. I., roddi, L. sexseium. L. smaragdirtum, somr. spatulatum. I, /.. xerophilum. striatum, I., lelttri. I., trianguktum, L. tndens, uiicinutum and Keys to both sexes of species and a detailed analysis of the character suite are provided. All species are fully described and illustrated and a map of the known distribution for each is given. Where appropriate, scanning electron micrographs of the female head, labrum and dorsal surface of the mesosoma are provided as well as line drawings of the dorsal, ventral and lateral views of the male genitalia and associated sterna. 1 K. WALKER Introduction Rodd of Mt Tomah, New South Wales. Furthei specimens were received from overseas collec The Halictidae is one of the largest and most tions, particularly from the University of Kan widely distributed families of bees (Krombeinet sas, the California Academy of Science and the al.. 1979). During the past several decades, Natural History Museum, London; materia members of this family have attracted attention from these institutions included many of the due to high diversity of nesting habits and nest types examined. Field work was conducted architecture (e.g. Sakagami and Michener, throughout Queensland, Victoria, the desert 1962), social structure (e.g. Houston, 1970; areas of central South Australia and the southern) Kncrer, 1980). behaviour (e.g. in Australia: areas of Western Australia. KukukandSchwarz. 1987 and 1988; Kukuk and The recommended method of pinning these- Crozier. 1 990) and floral associations (e.g. Bern- bees is through the right corner of the scutellum hardt, 1983, 1984, 1986. 1989: Bernhardt and rather than the mesoscutum, using micropins or Walker. 1984. 1985; Bernhardt et al. 1984). minutens. This technique enables maximum Unfortunately, the taxonomy of the family is access to sculpture characters which are fre- less studied. quently used for identification. In Australia, the Halictinae is diverse with Specimens were examined using a Wild M7 species richness occurring mainly in the binocular microscope. Examination of slide southern two-thirds of the continent. The sub- preparations of various body parts (e.g. labrum, family is represented by five genera, in descend- palpi, genitalia) and subsequent drawings of ing order of diversity: Lasioglossum Curtis. these parts were done using a Wild M20EB com- Homalictus Cockerell, Sphccodes Latreille, pound microscope and a camera lucida. With Nomioides Schenck and Pachyhalictus Cockerell the aid of a zoom lens on the Wild M20EB. (the last two represented by a single species drawings of the genitalia to a similar size were each). Lasioglossum is known from all conti- made (dimensions are indicated by scale lines). nents and is highly diverse. Michener (1965) The genital capsule is a complex structure, made divided the Australian species into eight subgen- more complicated by ventrally projecting retro- era. Of these, Australians Michener, Callalictus rse lobes (figs 31A-D). To display the relevant Michener. Glossaliclus Michener and Pseudo- characters three views, ventral, dorsal and lat- chilalictus Michener are endemic, Austrcvy/acus eral were drawn as well as the seventh and eighth Michener extends to New Zealand, Parasphe- sterna (fig. 3 IE). The ventral view omits, on the Codes Smith occurs in New Guinea and a single left side the volsella and penis valve, and on the species of Chilalictus Michener occurs in New right side, the retrorse lobe. Only the right side of Caledonia. The eighth subgenus. Ctenonomia the capsule was drawn to show the dorsal Cameron includes extralimital species which view. occur throughout South-east Asia. Temporary mounts ofmale genitalia were pre- This work revises Chilalictus. the largest sub- pared by removing the last three or four meta- genus. Keys and descriptions, scanning electron somal segments after 24 hours of rehydration in micrographs and line drawings, are provided for a humidifier. Best results of tissue maceration all species. Biological and medical comments are were achieved using a 10% KOH solution and made were appropriate. In particular, the status boiling in a water bath for 30 minutes, followed of three species. L. aureopilatum sp. nov., L. with several water washes and dehydration in macrops (Cockerell) and L. victoriae (Cockerell). glacial acetic acid. The metasomal segments is of a concern as no specimens have been col- were placed into a drop of glycerine and the geni- lected in almost 50 years and these species may talia dissected out. examined and drawn. now be extinct. Of medical concern is enveno- Finally, all metasomal tissue was placed in a vial mation from L. lanahum (Smith) which has and attached to the pin beneath the specimen. placed two victims in hospital with one suffering Specimens or sclerites used for SEMs were an anaphylactic reaction. washed in a DECON 90 and hot water solution and sonic vibrated for approximately 10 min- utes to remove pollen and nectar. The specimens Materials and Methods were dried in a Polaron critical point drier, sputter-coated and scanned on a JSM-T20 at Specimens (24.017) were examined from all 5kV. Australian museum collections, as well as from Taxonomic descriptions follow the format the extensive private collection of Mr Norman employed by recent workers (e.g. Michener, AUSTRALIAN LASIOGI.OSSLM {( 'HILALICTl 'S) McGinley, 1980; 1986: Walker, 1986). Charac- were easily
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